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  • 00Unit One Britain Passage One The Britain Economy Britain lies off ...

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    New Words and Expressions 1. comprise v. 组成,构成 2. assembly n. 议会,立法机构 3. fertile a. 肥沃的,富饶的 4. temperate climate 温和的气候 5. merchant n. 商人 6. fleet n. 舰队,船队 7. loom n. 织布机 8. seafarer n. 海员,水手 9. rival n. 竞争者,对手 10. colonize v. 将……建成殖民地 11. vie v. 竞争 12. overtake v. 赶超,发展快于 13. decline v.&n. 衰退,下降 14. frontier n. 边疆,边远地区 15. correspondingly ad. 相应地,相当地 16. status n. 地位,身份;状况 17. beneficent a. 行善的,有益的 Notes 1. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。 2. the Industrial Revolution: 指从农业和手工业为主转变到以工业和机器生产为主的经济变化过程。工业革命始于18世纪的英国,后来又传播到比利时和法国。但德国、美国和日本产业革命开始后,取得的成就则超过了英国最初的成就。直到20世纪中叶,工业革命才传到中国和印度。 3. the First World War:1918年爆发的国际冲突,交战双方为同盟国与协约国。最后以协约国的获胜而告终。此次战争中死亡人数约1000万,受伤人数约2100万。 Exercises Ⅰ. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question. 1. Britain has a population of nearly ______.   A. 90 million people B. 80 million people  C. 60 million people D. 40 million people 2. British merchant ships, ______, outnumbered all other shipping on the seas.   A. together with the ships owned by the local people   B. together with the fleets of the Royal Navy   C. together with the ships from other counties   D. together with the fleets of the USA 3. Which important event happened first in Britain?   A. The coal dug from its soil.  B. The giant looms made in Britain.   C. The fleets of Loyal Navy set up.  D. The Industrial Revolution occurred. 4. ______ is the worlds third largest economy.   A. China B. Germany  C. Japan D. Italy 5. Britain ranks ______ overall as a destination for international investment.   A. second B. third  C. fourth D. fifth Ⅱ. Read the following statements and decide whether they are True or False. () 1. Britain lies off the southwest coast of mainland Europe. () 2. It has a temperate climate, rarely exceeding 30℃ or falling below -5℃, and rainfall is fairly well distributed throughout the year.


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