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  • 《南橘还是北枳,八一八俺在国内见到的美国品牌》 作者:小鹿喃喃原文 ...

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         对这个牌子完全没概念,看到就只想,或许独行侠会买吧。。。。。。   之所以列出来,是因为在刚才说的GAP旗舰店隔壁,更在紧锣密鼓地装修着,估计五一能开张了。    发表日期:2011-04-12 17:11:00   Florsheim Shoes   From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   Florsheim Shoes is a shoe brand in the United States. It was founded in 1892 by Milton S. Florsheim and his father Sigmund.   Until the mid-1990s, almost every mall in the United States had a Florsheim store. However, with the rise of such shoe stores as Journeys and Finish Line, and the de-emphasis of shoe stores in American malls, most Florsheim stores closed down by the early 2000s. This followed the fate of other companies such as Kinney Shoes and Thom McAn.   In 2002, the company was repurchased by members of the founding family. Thomas W. Florsheim, Jr. and John W. Florsheim of Weyco Group, based in Glendale, Wisconsin, repurchased the brand for $47 million from rival Florsheim Group, according to the Wall Street Journal.[citation needed]   第一次见到Florsheim的专柜,是在相当具有日式百货气氛的久光百货里。旁边有的没的牌子,掺杂着些似是而非的类意大利语音品牌(倒不至于是Bonjour就是啦:-)。   因为是“进口”货,卖得颇贵,平平常常就要卖到一两千块钱了。就算是皮底的,也还是贵啊。   不过新年的时候,会跟着百货店做促销。今年是送了几天的福袋,福袋里可自行选配两双指定款式的鞋子(一共有五六种款式可选),外加一个皮夹子,一口价750元。活动期间,那真是人头攒动啊。俺压根儿就没能挤到柜台跟前一丈范围内去。。。。。。    发表日期:2011-04-12 17:12:00   那是现在的Logo,网上还可以看到从前的。。。。。。 发表日期:2011-04-13 06:28:00   Ciao,Aloha~ 发表日期:2011-04-13 06:38:00   Hard Rock Cafe   Hard Rock Cafe is a chain of theme restaurants founded in 1971 by Americans Peter Morton & Isaac Tigrett. In 1979, the cafe began covering its walls with rock and roll memorabilia, a tradition which expanded to others in the chain. In 2006, Hard Rock was sold to the Seminole Tribe of Florida, and is headquartered in Orlando, Florida. The largest Hard Rock is in Orlando. Currently, there are 149 Hard Rock locations in 53 countries.   =================================   听到有至今贵妇说上流的主儿,说“今晚去hard rock coffee happy”。这个啥Hard Rock Coffee俺不知道是啥,一定是粉上流灰常低调高贵的店儿了。   俺们平民,只知道Hard Rock Cafe这种一开上百家的普罗连锁店。   话说原来在魔都,在波特曼-上海商场的裙楼独此一家地开着。后来不知道为啥撤了。要去“happy",只能挪到帝都去了(花都不是俺势力范围啊)。


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