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    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-06-27
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      文档预览: l MATLAB7.8(2009a) l MATLAB7.9(2009b) l MATLAB2010a 5 关于64位(64Bit)系统 l 64位CPU + 64位OS + 64位软件:缺一不可 EM64T_FAMILY_6_MODELL_... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2011-09-11
      PDF文档 Required equipment
      文档预览: 3) Download "Matlab2010a_for_Mac.dmg" and "Mac Matlab 2010a Readme FIRST.txt." 4) Follow the instructions in "Mac Matlab 2010a Readme FIRST.txt" to complete the Matlab installation. However, when prompted to choose an architecture, make sure you select "Intel," no matter which version of OS X you have 点击下载
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