• 图形处理实用性 > "安装了受到新技术认证及世界上首次开发的大屏幕图形输...
  • "安装了受到新技术认证及世界上首次开发的大屏幕图形输...

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    文档作者:Windows Xp Professional
    " ","English",,,"Product name",,"English"
    1,"AHA INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION","http://www.ahainc.co.kr","电子黑板,电子教卓,DID,多功能电视 外","Digital Touch board,Digital Power Lectern,DiD,Multivision","安装了受到新技术认证及世界上首次开发的大屏幕图形输入监视器的电子教卓系统,用手指或者用任何道具可在LCD/PDP/DLP影像上面点击或者笔记的教育用(会议用)多媒体显示器,让本公司的e-Learning System摆脱了集中统一教育模式,提供了具有创意革新想法的最先进的多媒体环境.","AHA Information & Technology has opened up a new era of e-learning with its unique lecture system based on state-of-the art Technology. The e-learning system from AHA Information & Technology goes beyond the conventional learning experience and provides a cutting-edge, multimedia educational environment, allowing students to think creatively and innovatovely."
    2,"ESBE","http://www.esbedeco.com","原木工艺品,彩色螺钿产品(特许品)全部","Wooden Craft, Color mother-of-pearl product","最高级的原木融合了韩国传统方法的手制品,本公司保留了在原木和天然螺钿上描绘各种颜色和图案的技术(彩色螺钿特许第10-0720187号)凡是采用这种方法制作出的产品具有差别化的优点受到广大好评.","This product is hand-made by Korean traditional techniques using woods. Our company is holding unique technology of expressing color image on woods & natural mother-of-pearl. (Patennt no. 10-0720187) And highly estimated as differentiated product maker as using this method."
    3,"Bando Industries Co., Ltd","http://www.livingstar.com","吊钩类","Clothes Hangers","本公司拥有150多种模型,有平钩,可移动吊钩,固定式吊钩及 Dressing-Room 颜色和款式都非常多彩多样.特别是固定式吊钩和 Dressing-Room ,顾客可以自己调整宽度和高度,可以用帘子密封起来","We have many Kind of clothe hangers as like pole type, stand type, Moving type, fixed hanger, Dress Room. All of these type have many color & design for choice of end user. Specially in case of fixed hanger & dress room, It is adjustable width and height for user's installation and It can be enclosed with cotton."
    4,"SE JIN CO.,LTD.","http://www.sejins.com","六晶石,tourmaline健康产品","rokusyoseki,tourmaline","六晶石会产生远红外线,微弱电流,光石波动.是一种我们日常生活中必需的波动周波数构成的光石,将肩膀,腰敷板放在微波炉里加热,运用温热疗法有助健康的产品. 又称为空气维他命,山林和海岸的负离子,远红外线,人类的神经传输电流之类的微弱电流将渗透入经穴刺激细胞的神奇的宝石.","Tourmaline is a gem that naturally increases blood circulation throughout the body. It's natural minerals emit weak electron, infra-red rays and negative ions, in effect, increasing circulation."
    5,"SB LEPORTS INC.","http://sobong.net","个人练习用组装式高尔夫球网设备","Practice Foldable Golf Net Set","产品规格:标准 2M(W) X 2M(H) X 1M(D) X 1M(Guard Net). 2M(W) X 2M(H) X 2M(D) X 1M(G/N). 颜色:GREEN/BLACK. 重量:G/W 9.5Kg. N/W 9Kg. 包装:FULL COLORED BOX(表明组装方式). 箱子规格 : 107Cm X 30Cm X 10Cm 使用用途/特性:高尔夫球练习,孩子足球练习,曲棍球,棒球等等,简便的组装,包装,在室内外都可以组装,狭窄的空间也可以存放,矫正姿势,维持私密.","Product Size : 2 M X 2 M X 1M X 1M. Box Size : 110 CM X 30 CM X 10 CM. Weight : G/W 9KG. N/W 8.5KG. Packing : COLOR BOX. Patent Owner : SB LEPORTS INC. (KOREA.10-0616075). Specialty : Foldable, Removable, Custody, Easy Set up & down at Any Place. Used for : Practice Golf, Soccer, Baseball, Hockey, Handball etc. MADE IN KOREA."
    6,"Addhome Co., Ltd.","http://10004.co.kr","清洁器","Micro Fiber Cleaner","改善了以往的pva清洁器1.不易滑打扫困难2.不能很好的打扫灰尘的缺点.缠绕了纳米布料,清洁时易滑,很好的扫除污垢,拉手把恢复原来的位置,这样反复操作洗涤方便,手不用粘到水也可以轻松完成.布料里含有pva,所以吸水力突出是个非常理想的清洁器.","s"
    7,"EQUIPBIZ","http://www.equipbiz.com","半导体装备","Semiconductor equipment ","无"
    8,"TIME INDUSTRY","http://www.timeanta.com","Roaster","Roaster","采用了尖端技术将石铁维持在100℃以下,不会烤焦维持肉的鲜美的味道,还可以使用厨房洗涤用品轻松清洗.它是运用远红外线的放射热将肉加热,所以无需更换,而且油会流向下面的借桶里不会产生烟雾.","Non-sooty remarkable grill 「Time Anta Roaster」made of 100% stainless steel keeps the temperature of grill below 100℃. Non-sooty grill always makes the meat moist and soft, and it is easier to clean the grill with a kitchen detergent. 「Time Anta Roaster」grill needs not to be replaced because far-infrared rays' radiant heat cooks the meat. 「Time Anta Roaster」does not generate smoke"
    9,"bogeum H&F","http://www.bogeum.co.kr","红参皂角苷胶囊,发酵红参皂角苷胶囊","NEW POWER REDGINSENG SAPONIN CAPSUL","红参皂角苷胶囊有助于缓解疲劳,增强免疫细胞的活性化因而有助于维持健康的免疫机能,有助于恢复疲劳,增进免疫力,通过对血小板凝集抑制的血液循环,对改善记忆有显著效果的乳酸菌发酵红参皂角苷胶囊","NEW POWER REDGINSUNG SAPONIN CAPSUL KOREA FERMENTED RED GINSENG POWDER CAPSULE"
    10,"SUANCOSMETIC CO.,Ltd","http://www.solphyton.com","化妆品","cosmetic","本产品是含有天然药材成分的化妆品,详细的说是一种含有黄土的远红外线和松树的负离子的杀菌能力对皮肤具有保护保湿的天然药材成分的化妆品.","This product is a manufactured that contain a composition of herb medicine in detail, it can moisturize as well as protect our skin by far infrared rays of yellow soil and germicidal anion of pine tree"
    11,"namdo bisak hanji","http://","四角架子,六角架子,粮柜,","Hexagonal Stand, Rectangular door-frame shaped stand, Rice bin saving box, Pumpkin Dongguri","拥有多彩多样的款式,不仅是一种具实用性的生活用品,用于装饰也是一种效果很好的产品","namdo bisak hanji's crafts has various colors and patters. it can be used effectively not only for various purposes but for decoration."
    12,"design forte","http://www. .com","现场捣米机","rice-polishing machine","以最高的热诚为顾客提供最优质的产品","Forte "
    13,"KBIT TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.","http://www.kbitech.com","能量绝电开关(RF开关),LED感性照明系统外","energy-saving sensor switch, LED emotional ligntning system","无"
    14,"Medium Business/Gyeonggi Small","http://www.gbmall.net","京畿道生活用品","households made in Gyeonggi-do","无"
    15,"ZEN GOLF","http://www.zengolf.co.kr","垫子,挥动球棒练习机,高尔夫球练习网等","puutting mat, swing set, golf exercise set","无"
    16,"S M C","http://smcshop.co.kr","颈椎枕头,项链,手镯,健康腰带","Pillows for the cervical vertebrae, shoe cushion for pressure-therapyHealtycare Necklace and Bracele","产品特性:采用了对人体比较有亲和力的生物技术陶瓷,可预防颈椎病,打呼噜.而且采用了不含重金属的聚氨酯.设计符合人体工学原理,可消除脖子肌肉紧张和疼痛.还可以大量排放对人体有益的远红外线和负离子.","◎ The characteristic of products By using Bio-Ceramic technology(adding special Gold treatment on Bio-Ceramic), harmful-metal free Urethane raw materials and Human engineering design, we can produce much better human-friendly products, for protective neck-disc disease and snoring. We can make \"C\" shape neck for releasing some tension of neck muscles and pain of neck. As you know well, Bio-Cer"
    17,"ZINOS","http://","全自动 LCD 显示器 LIFTER 桌子, 半自动 LCD 显示器 LIFTER 桌子, WINE BAR","AUTO LCD MONITOR LITER, SEMI-AUTO LCD MONITOR LIFTER, WINE BAR","什么是POP UP SLIDER 将TV和显示器等埋立在家具下端的机能性硬件.桌子的空间活用性突出,不使用电脑的时候可以埋立在家具里以免破损,可以防显示器外观的灰尘容易清洁,不用分别购买电脑桌和书桌.","What is POP UP SLIDER It is the function hardware that moves TV and monitors, etc. to the lower bottom of furniture like a desk or others The strengths of POP UP SLIDER Excellent space efficiency Preventing furniture damage by being embedded in the furniture when not in use Easy to clean by blocking dust Offering fine view and neat surroundings"
    18,"DASAN(KOR) Co.Ltd.","http://www.plawood.com","crystal photo制作装备,介绍连锁零售","Crystalphoto Machinery & Franchise Busibess"," 是将结婚,毕业,旅行等各种具有意义的照片装在 的作品,运用了本公司开发的经济型设备其制作方法已普遍化.该行业投资USD1500就可以创业,除了旅行纪念品,礼物制作行业外个人以较少的资本可以创业的适当的项目.","'Small investment, Big Profit' Photocrystal business will be a new generation in photo industry and a great opportunity for the investor to develop in the Market. 'Fun & Easy' Customer bring their favoured photo and we put the photo image into clear crystal. On average each product takes 15~30 min to do and easy to learn. 'Full Package Service' We supply the full packaging business syste"
    19,"Three J","http://www.showerson.co.kr","淋浴用品","goods for shower","机能性美容浴巾","TUTI thread has newly developed for the use of bath towel. (Patent No.0435181) As the structure of the thread is triangle shaped, it removes dirt in pores more effectively than the texture with round shaped structure. As these threads are weaved trigonally, when you scrub your skin with it, it is a lot easier to remove dirt and horny tissues."
    20,"YESAN-NONGSAN CO.","http://www.freshjamkorea.com","无糖木糖醇水果酱,木糖醇柚子饮品","sugar-free xylitol fruit jam, xylitol citron drink","无"
    21,"A-IL INTERNATIONAL","http://www.ailintl.com","拖鞋,宠物用品,儿童派对服,儿童服装,x-mas 饰品","slipper, dog item, dress for children, children's wear, x-mas accessory","无"
    22,"HAN SUNG","http://dhfood.koreasme.com","泡菜类","kim chi","整棵泡菜,萝卜块,鱼鳃泡菜,韭菜泡菜","a"
    23,"tankpang","http://","自动扳钳,钻石磨刀石,多功能工具","auto multi wrench, diamond whetstone. Multi Purpose Tool","1.自动扳钳的特点是和以往的工具有所不同将各类工具融为一体12-42m之间的尺寸自动符合,无需一一对准,操作更加方便节省时间有显著效果.2.钻石磨刀石的特点是采用了工业用钻石,使用方便无需沾水","1.Automated features of the wrench 09, unlike the existing spanner, monkey wrench, five wrenches, VOX, etc. without the need of a 12-42m up to 09 volts. Nut. Pipes, and the size Automatically every right not need to meet the measure. With VOX feature is Convenient to work and excellent work which has the effect of shortening 2. Diamond Wheel Features easy and convenient way for anyone to use diam"
    24,"nabeecos","http://www.nabeecos.com","化妆品","COSMETICS","1.基础化妆品:恢复皮肤的疲劳,消除皱纹,防止老化,提供人体必需的氨基酸 2.面膜:与以往的面膜有所差别化,使用植物型胶原及植物提取物制作的透明胶原面膜 3. 可代替粉底和隔离霜使用的BB霜-化彩妆的时候无需在另用粉底和隔离霜.","1.VITAVIEW SKIN CARE SERIES - skin balance emulsion,skin balance tonic,skin recovry serum ,repaire control cream - ANTIWRINKLE AND ELASTIN FOR FACE 2.VITAVIEW CRYSTAL COLLAGEN MASK SERIES - VITAVIEW CRYSTAL COLLAGEN MASK SERIES 3.VITAVIEW PROTECTIVE BB CREAM ( SPF45PA+++ ) - TOTAL CARE FOR FACE - Functions as a make-up and skin-care in one. Acts as a foundation that covers blemishes"
    25,"nano loessroom","http://loessroom.com","膳食麦饭石 -半身浴机,足浴机,坐浴机,垫子,床","Elvan Dry - Half Bath, Foot Bath, Sitz Bath, Mat, Bed","代替电使用温水.黄土和麦饭石可以放射出负离子和远红外线对人体非常有益.可促进血液循环,本产品只采用天然物质.","Use warm water instead of electricity. Elvan loess and becoming the human body emits negative ions and far infrared rays can be very advantageously. It promotes blood circulation. The product uses natural materials."
    26,"dmec","http:// .kr","害虫防除机(电灯,太阳光,路灯)","equipment for pest control ","夜间灯火对农作物成长无危害.比以往产品高出5倍的诱引力,移动方便容易保管,可诱引小型害虫,节电设计及噪音和振动的最小化.","Development of whitefly management by using photonics technology conditions pest management, photonics, environmental agriculture"
    27,"TOY MOM CO.,LTD","http://www.motherbe.co.kr","儿童托运 乳母车","stroller baby care car seat etc..","本托运产品不使用人工色素使用天然材料.把成分调整为对儿童皮肤最适当的程度,100% made in Kore100%产品.","All of our products are artificial colors-free. -The process of making a product is made up of artisan's spirit. -Additives that give function to the products, are made up of naturally grated ingredients. -All the products has the least irritation on the skin. -You can see the grated fruits directly from each product. All the care products are produces and managed 100% in korea, for the product"
    28,"Dong-A Trading Co. Ltd","http://www.paircleaner.co.kr","两面玻璃清洁机","The Paircleaner","因为危险居住在高层的居民不想泼水给楼下的居民,又想从里面擦外面的窗户,使用两面玻璃清洁机既可以节省时间又安全,是它的优点.","Wipe window glass Inside and the Outer side will also be cleaned ! for multi thickness, for pair glasses..."
    29,"Central Electronics CO., Ltd.","http://www.jbccled.co.kr","LED照明机","LED lights","绿色产品,节约能源,未来的战略行业","High Efficiency, High Reliability, Optimize Thermal Distribution, Environmental Friendly, Save Energy Consumption"
    30,"Green Chemical Co.,Ltd","http://www.gcspla.co.kr","多彩多样的生物分解原材料和生物分解材料及产品","Eco Friendly Biodegradable PLA Sheet & Resins & Products","1. 使用后利用自然界微生物完全分解的绿色材质 2. 从容易再生产的植物中提取出来的绿色材质 3.相比以往使用石油的塑料材料更具抵减二氧化碳的优秀材质 4.可以使用以往的设备,机械的无形比较优秀.","1. When discarded after usage, our products will be completely disintegrated by micro organisms in nature. 2. Our products are derived from plants and hence readily recyclable. 3. Our products demonstrate dramatic decrease in carbon discharge in comparison to conventional petroleum based products. 4. Possible to use current facilities with high level of productivity"
    31,"dongsuyech 1","http://dongsutech.com","小泉保护墙bloc,鱼类电梯","SPRING RETAINING WALL BLOCKS,ELEVATOR FOR FISH,TUNNEL STRUCTURE FOR PASSAGE OF ANIMALS","小泉保护墙bloc-降雨时将雨水贮存起来慢慢积在下面的小泉bloc,让生态界更佳的活性化,它们有自己栖息的房间.鱼类电梯-可以在水池垂直上下移动.动物移动穴-动物不会被关在河川或水道,可以逃脱.","SPRING RETAINING WALL BLOCKS : When it rains, the water collected in Spring Retaining Wall Blocks gradually by keeping rainwater in store, so it can make eco-active and there is a habitat that they can move up and down. ELEVATOR FOR FISH : It can move up and down vertically in a reservoir for irrigation"
    32,"KUMHANG PAPER","http://www.khpaper.co.kr","绿色食品用纸铝箔 韩纸,墙纸 其他等","eco-friendly paper foil, hanji, wall paper and etc.","无"
    33,"Luxfine Lighting Inc.","http://www.luxfine.com","LED保安灯,LED透光灯,高顶棚产业用灯具","LED security light, LED floodlighting ","无"
    34,"HK CO.,Ltd","http://www.hkmedical.kr","医疗用物质产生机,个人用组合刺激机,医疗用组合刺激机","Nano Hydrogen-activated Water Purifier, Home-use heater","还原碱性水机:利用自然矿物质,水的口感像岩水一样温和,水分子小易吸收,最初使用温度调节装置,安置臭氧杀菌灯.毛细血管的扩张促进血液循环,根据新陈代谢的增加营养成分的攻击随之增加,增加废物排出.利用最尖端纳米技术将世界上稀奇的矿物质进行纳米粉碎,陶瓷化,扩大远红外线放射率,有助于血液循环的改善.","hk"
    35,"GAUSTEK","http://http://www.gaustek.com","氢气传感器,数码氢气切断器,氢气露出警报切断装置","Gas sensor, Digital gas shutter,","● 按钮式阀门开关 ● 数码时间调节及使用后氢气自动切断 ● 利用高温(>70℃)感知传感器预防火灾事故 ● 为主联网的RS 232 or 485功能(option) ● 阀门位置自动确认/复原 ● 自己检测及操动有误表示及警告 ● 利用RS232/485通讯具体体现主联网或者UbiQuitous (Option)","● Open and close the gas valve by pushing the button ● Easy time setting and automatic gas shut after using ● Fire warning by temperature sensor over 70℃ ● Gas valve position self alignment by hole sensor ● Error display and beep alarm by the self diagnosis function ● RS 232 or 485 interface for home-network (option)"
    36,"DOO-IL R.S. Co.,Ltd.","http://www.dooilrs.com","手动/半自动互搭包装机器","Manual / Semi-auto over-wrapping machine","(特点)体现烟盒包装概念的高级装置,使用截取胶带的方法产品开封时提供方便,现存包装方法中外观最美丽的方法.比收缩包装费用便宜,成本低,操作中不会有碎片产生,所以会维持干净的场地.装备费用比自动装备便宜,装置方便,因为只需用电在办公室里也可运用.","(Features) Wrap film on case as cigarettes box packing type Use tear tape for easy open Beautiful and deluxe appearance on your product Low packing cost than shrink film packing No scrap, no waste, clean packing shop Economy much more than typical over wrapping machine Can use in office, no need factory utility"
    37,"Hanabiotech Ltd","http://hanabiotech.co.kr","β葡聚糖","Beta-Glucan Products","1. 松菇是从香菇里育种出的新品种,不像别的蘑菇类容易分枝,枝粗是一个特点,味道不比自然松菇差,广受好评 2. 纳米β-花松菇99.8%,葡萄柚籽提取物0.2%(天然防腐剂)3. 药用蘑菇 花松菇&猴头菌&双叶菌菇","1. Chamsong-I mushroom (Lentinula edodes) are newly bred mushrooms fromm Lentinula edodes. It is characterized as the umbrella like top curves inward more and the stem is thick. Its flesh and tasted are very excellent like wild matsutake. 2. nanobeta-Aqua Cauliflower mushrooms extract 99.8%, Grapefruit seed extracte 0.2% 3. mushroom pill Cauliflower mushroom pill&Lion's mane mushroom pill&Maitake"
    38,"GNINET.co.ltd","http://www.thestage.co.kr","项链 耳饰 配饰","necklace, earrings, jewelry set","无"
    39,"k-won co.,ltd","http://www.kw3605.co.kr","镍去除角质机,镍原材料,指甲锉刀","Nickel Foot & Nail file,Pedicure File,Nickel Sheet","在电子剃须刀,电子波切断装置,净水器,各种乐器的键盘使用了镍,一般使用时不会生锈也不会变质.对皮肤也比较温和耐久性优秀.不管皮肤干燥还是潮湿都可以使用.使用Nickel Casting 新的设计方法,安全性极高,而且取出的皮肤里的污垢不会沉淀在那里使用后用清水清洗也比较卫生. ","K-Won's Nickel Callus remover works best on dry skin, is safe, sanitizable, non-porous, long lasting and gives outstanding results with or without soaking. It'll not take away healthy skin, making calluses grow back slower and softer overtime. K-WON Company long lasting Nickel Casting surface will provide you with beautiful and healthy nails. it's State of the art abrasive surface professionally shapes nails and acrylics, safely removes corns and calluses."
    40,"newgensauna co.,Ltd","http://newgensauna.com","家庭用桑拿机,半身浴桑拿机","Half bath Sauna,Whole Sauna, infrared sauna"," 健康文化开始,远红外线半身浴桑拿具有半身浴的效果,还有被称为生命光线的远红外线,足浴,腰部按摩等功能.省略了以往的水加热,调整水温等繁琐的准备工作,摆脱了一般浴室限定的空间,由于水质污染而感觉非卫生的等问题,是一种非常健康的半身浴桑拿机.","The far-infrared light of NEWGEN half bath sauna give you a relief from pain of feet waist and the back. NEWGEN sauna is total sauna for your health. Don't be annoyed by preparing and heating water for sauna! We only use natural Western Red Cedar so it does have natural beauty of wood's marking and soft brown. It will also help your house looks more gorgeous."
    41,"CANDO GLOBAL CO.,LTD.","http://","各种产业用手套,作业用促销用帽子,各种运动用帽子","industrial gloves, working cap, sports cap","无"
    42,"KMANG MYUNG CHEMICAL CO.","http://www.kmcutter.com","胶带切断机,分离商标机","tape cutter, label separator","无"
    43,"CS World","http://www.cs .com","帽子里的墨镜","cap in sunglasses","本产品是在帽子上安装墨镜,使用了墨镜比较容易服帖的辅料,既可以保管好墨镜,打高尔夫球,钓鱼,登山等运动时也会比较方便,无需帽子和墨镜单独购买,平时携带更显时尚感觉.","The original topic width in order for the attachment which the sunglasses burns in the cap to be possible, the unit which devises attaches in the cap sunshade whole surface and the attachment which the sunglasses burns is free.Also the sunglasses the absence where the attachment which burns is possible attaches on cap top and the custody of the sunglasses is possible."
    44,"Bissal Stone co.,Ltd","http://www.bissal.co.kr","水波纹石质产品","Water blasting pattern stone","石材表面表现出各种各样的条纹和花纹-广场的地板等透水性造景设施的完美体现-防滑,脚底按摩-桑拿,游泳馆,障碍者等防滑地板材料","- Express bissal pattern, wall painting pattern on stone surface - Excellent expression in water permeable landscape facility, such as square floor - Slippery protection and foot massage effect - Non-slippery step stone - Non-slippery flooring material in sauna, swimming pool, ramp for disabilities"
    45,"hanario co.,ltd","http://www.hanario.net","陶瓷容器,陶瓷内热锅","ceramic ware, ceramic pot","为了制作腌制类及发酵食品而研制出的陶瓷容器可以让人类从微生物或者菌类等更快速简便的提取出对人体有用的物质而研制的产品.特别是陶瓷容器的压缩盖子可以提高腌制类食物的味道和新鲜度,内热锅则更加提高了它的蒸煮功能.","This ceramic ware is suitable for making pickle and fermented foods. Lt can make useful materials created by microorganism for human easily. Especially, push board of it increases tastes and freshness of pickle and Ceramic pot has a function of steaming."
    46,"samwonkim","http://www.samwonkim.co.kr","整张紫菜,饭桌紫菜,盒饭紫菜","Seasoned Laver","我们的产品其味道和香味非常丰富成为不少家庭饭桌上必不可少的食物.我们的产品种类有:传统整张1号 整张7枚(30g以上)×10袋,浒苔整张1号 整张7枚(30g以上)×10袋,传统饭桌1号 9节32枚(20g以上)×15袋,浒苔饭桌1号节32枚(20g以上)×15袋 之外还有盒饭及其他很多商品.","Gwangcheon Samwon Seasoned Laver,having its abundant taste and smell,is ideal for a menu of valuable faminy members."
    47,"DAKANFOOD","http://www.myunmaru.co.kr","米线","Rice noodle","不蹦油且不油腻有益于健康,用100%国产大米,50%含油量","It doesn't taste oily but refreshing. So it is good for people'shealth, because we don't fry it. Myun Maru noodles rice content is only 50% of home rice."
    48,"ADD GLASS","http://www.addglass.net","设计型玻璃","Fusing Glass","将玻璃融化设计出的玻璃,应用于强化玻璃门,淋浴展台,区分等各种建筑物的内外装载玻璃.我们采取定制的方法,拥有多彩多样的颜色和设计,颜色不会变,可永久性的使用在多方面的产品,所有的玻璃可按照所需要的设计和大小来订购.","Fusing glass is melting glass pre-designed form in the high temperature. In addition to, designed surface have embossed carvings as well as intaglio. So our product express three-demensional feeling, high-quality images. Also, Our company can make any design works who customers want to. Our company's product is the world best product that hand-made in the world."
    49,"FASTECH Co., Ltd","http://fastech.co.kr","Ezi-SERVO, Ezi-SERVO Plus R, Ezi-SERVO-All","Ezi-SERVO, Ezi-SERVO Plus R, Ezi-SERVO-All","Ezi-SERVO 是闭环setpping 电动机驾驶系统; Ezi-SERVO Plus R是闭环setpping 电动机驾驶系统,也是网络基础控制器 ; Ezi-STEP是开环setpping 电动机驾驶系统 ,是电动机和加湿器一体型及分离型的产品","Ezi-SERVO is closed loop stepping motor control system and main characteristics are No Hunting, No Gain Tuning , Fast Response, Smooth and Accurate, 10000/20000/32000 PPR of High Resolution. Ezi-SERVO Plus R has exactly same function of Ezi-SERVO but additionally we put embedded motion control and position table function. Ezi-STEP is open loop stepping motor control system."
    50,"NDT LAND CO., LTD.","http://www.ndtland.co.kr","99.9%天然化妆品,超音波探伤机","99.9% Natural Amethyst COSMETICS; Raphason; Welding Ultrasonic Flaw Detector","99.9%天然化妆品无论是对我们的健康长寿有好处还有治疗的功效,它是引导第三世代化妆品市场的大趋势.以往的化妆品含有化学成分可导致癌症,所以都要改用此化妆品. 可以利用微弱电流缓解各种痛症.超音波探伤机拥有镕接比划功能可容易解读镕接的缺陷.","*99.9% Natural, Amethyst COSMETICS is a leading trend Cosmetics in the world due to max 63% Amethyst for healing our health and long lifespan. So we have to change from Chemical products to 99.9% Natural avoid causing so many kinds of cancer.*Raphason is a Rapid Massager to reduce so many kinds of pain using microcurrent.*Welding UF Detector is including welding drawing due to perfect evaluation."
    51,"Bongpyong memil F&B Farm Cooperative","http://wwww. .com","荞麦米酒","buckwheat makgeolli(wine)","在海拔700m的情景地带由地下岩水酿制的符合现代人口味的高品质健康米酒.添加了荞麦降低了热量而且容易被人体所吸收.在低温的环境下熟化10天所以有酵母存在.里面有大米(70%),小麦(23%),荞麦(7%),所以喝了之后口味温和不会头痛.因为通过了低温熟化加上非加热的自然杀菌,它的保质期比一般的米酒更加长且非常鲜美.","a"
    52,"STYLEFOOD CO.,LTD.","http://www.stylefood.kr","进口食品,厨房/生活用品,发酵用品","Imported foods, Housewears, Home baking goods","可以使用在各种汤类料理的非常简便的食品","This Dashi pack is convenient food for soup or stew."
    53,"Green World Sports","http://www.gwfish.com","膝盖保护带,腰部保护带,健身用品,手套,皮带","hot,Socks,Knee guard, West guard, health glove.","可以去角质的膝盖保护带,专门用于登山的腰部保护带,缓解腰部疼痛的健身用品,手套,健身专用皮带,手腕保护用品","hotsocks : get rid of collagen knee guard : mountain west guard : health glove : health strap :"
    54,"ye-lim","http://","上漆产品(大方桌,茶几,铜饭碗,小盒子)","lacquerware (large dining table, teacup, brass rice-bowl, box of wedding gifts)","无"
    55,"Art Work","http://","生活陶瓷","Pottery for life","应用了传统白瓷制作的生活陶瓷,可生产销售日常生活中所使用的所有陶瓷,100%纯手工制作.","All pottery is produced and sold for your life using traditional white porcelain All Products is made by hand."
    56,"hosulivingart","http://www.hosuart.co.kr","工艺品","Folkart craft","工艺品","Folkart craft"
    57,"DONG YANG STAIN","http:// ","厨房用品(西餐套装,真空饭勺,智能厨房工具套装,真空勺子筷子套装)","PLAT WARE","手把部分是空心的所以非常轻盈,而且有立体感给人高贵的感觉","HOLLOW HANDLE PLAT WARE"
    58,"geum sung ind.co.ltd","http://www.ks0486.com","安全磙勺,隔离栏杆,隔音墙等","Safety-Barrier, Fence, Guard-rail, Sound Barrier","无"," .."
    59,"Art Morning Co. ltd","http://http://www.artmor.co.kr","全球性的表及厨房工具","Global Clock.","用一个表不管在世界的哪个国家旅行,都不用去调整时间,可直接使用,世界各个国家的时间可一目了然.","We now live in a global era. Trade,economy,travel as well as banking ang commerce all are internationlly time sensitive. Taking these points into consideration,the Global clock is a break through,innovative concept which makes the perfect gift,both in aprofessional and personal setting. The global clock was developed and put into production by Artmorning,apatent holding company with more than 20years of experience."
    60,"CHUMDAN ENVIRONMENT Co., LTD","http://www.cdan.co.kr","各种液体除臭剂,消毒剂,复合微生物洗涤剂","BVD, AniBV, BioBV","1.使用了绿色除臭剂 2.使用绿色消毒剂 3.经过安全性检查结果无毒无刺激 4.产品品质及性能得到了调配听认证(第2006053号)5.认证环境标志(环境商标)-经过对产品的有害性及成分评价为绿色物质(第6111号)6.具有卓越的除臭功能","1. Use of Environment-friendly Deodorant 2. Use of Environment-friendly Disinfectant 3. Safety Test Confirmed BV as Non-toxic, Non-irritant Substance 4. Designated as Distinguished Product by Product Procurement Service 5. Eco-label Certification 6. Excellent Deodorization Capability Verified"
    61,"Company AIRCHANGE","http://www.airchange.co.kr","通风系统,启明星-7","Ventilation system, morning star -7.","可以保管上升到屋顶的温和的空气和氧气,先从往地板沉淀的有害物质开始排除,可以节约50%的能量,因为是从上往下推下来的所以FAN电动机可消耗的电也能节省90%,供应新鲜的氧气节约能量.","Rising warm air and oxygen are kept and harmful substances on the floor are pushed out first which saves over energy 50 %! It pushes from top to bottom so fan motor's consumer electric power can be saved by 90 %. Fresh air breeze provided, Energy is saved by 50%"
    62,"Medi-Food co., LTD","http://www.md-food.com","泡菜,虾酱,海盐,辣椒粉,水果干","Hamcho Kimchi/Hamcho TohaJeod, Sun-dried Salt, Fruit chips","称为矿物质宝库的聚合草在日本被指定为千年纪念物,在中国被称为神仙草,将这植物放入泡菜和虾酱里开发出了功能性食品.海盐和辣椒粉都是100%国产的,都得到HACCP认证的高品质产品.水果干是采用热风干燥方法制作的100%国产水果干,无防腐剂无着色的天然食品","Hamcho TohaJeod The Specially offered to kings. Nutrient supply of ricin which is an essential amino acid that is not generally found in rice. Fruit chips The best well-being snack 100% domestic fruits. Dried under low temperature using heated air, without trying not sugaring. Sun-dried salt Excellent function against oral diseases/ Alkaline nature that is good for health."
    63,"Clay Hong Studio","http://www.clayhong.net","手工艺陶瓷花瓶,演出造型物,其他","Handicraft ceramic pots, statues production, and other","可以提供植物生长的最优越的环境.与自然的颜色相接近的颜色在演示中更体现自然.","Provides a perfect environment for plants to grow.Close to the natural color of the color rendering at the plant, to express more naturally."
    64,"Metapola Inc.","http://metapola.co.kr","化妆品,天然化妆品,BB霜,润肤乳,指甲油,乳液","Natural Cosmetics, BB Cream, Bodycare, Nailcare, Self Tanning Glove, Skincare","无","hh"
    65,"JoeunDeco.co.,Ltd","http://jmcpanel.co.kr","不燃金属隔音天花板材质","metal ceiling products (non_flammable and sound absorption)","运用纳米陶瓷制作的绿色产品,具有不燃特性的高级不燃金属天花板材质","Used my nano-ceramic with the non year when with the environmental product which hits is caused by under the beginning whater repellency actual conditions simultaneously to be taken up, high-class fire anunity inside ceiling does not burn"
    66,"Sunnongwon.co","http://www.suningreen.com","西瓜加工食品类","Water-melon processed foods","打破了传统的用西瓜做不了酱料的观念,制作出了口味甘甜不腻的西瓜酱,用西瓜代替水和糖稀利用传统方法酿制的辣椒酱,西瓜糖稀,利用2001年的酱曲和西海岸的海盐酿制的9年陈酱油."," ........."
    67,"ASIA PACIFIC FOODSTUFF TRADE CORPORATION","http://","冷冻食品","kOREA FROZEN FOODSTUFF","1.不添加任何化学成分的刚做的饭香 2.一只手可以拎着无论何时何地都可以方便食用 3.用最新的冷冻技术能够品尝到刚做的饭香","1. Healthy food: Safe rice meal without any artificial additives. 2. Convenience:Able to hold the container with only one hand 3. Exclusive new technology: A new technology to revive taste, Quality freshness of food before freezing even after thawing."
    68,"KTCC","http://www.medicleanatoz.com","电解水机,现场消毒发电系统","Water Ionizer, ON-Site Disinfectant Generating System","利用水的电分解技术,将一般的水离子化的方式达到健康饮水的净水器,通过利用介质进行化学电解的方式,在医疗,食品卫生等领域可通过小型装备生产电解消毒水的产品","All products ( Devices ) are manufactured based on the Electolysis and Electrochemical process. the Waters from each devices apply to Health Care, Food Safety, Medical, Agriculture, etc. they are All growing UNpresented products."
    69,"SJ Company","http://","高档棉质床具,有机农床具","high quality cotton bedding, organic cotton bedding","1.用埃及进口高档棉加上韩国传统图案设计出的具有高品位的床具 2.与以往的有机农床具差别化,即拥有有机农床具的优点也兼备设计型床具的特点的一款高品质有机农床具","imports high quality Egyptian cotton by South Korea designed to modernize the traditional pattern designed to handle luxury hotels like the embroidery bedding 2. Conventional organic bedding and understated design to differentiate Organic Bedding and design advantages as evenly the benefits of Acupuncture with a high-quality organic bedding"
    70,"CHINJUNGJIP FOOD","http://www.chinjung.co.kr","泡菜类","KIMCHI","添加了苹果和梨使佐料的口味更佳鲜美,使用直接塞干磨碎的辣椒粉,用新鲜的海鲜熬出汤来使用","You can taste more delicious and fresher taste of Kim-chi because we add grated apples and pears, high quality dried red pepper powder, and seafood broth."
    71,"Gang Dong-O Cake Co.,Ltd","http://www.pnbakery.co.kr","制作糕点,饼干","Bakery","用100%国产大米制作的饼干类,不经过油炸,口味比较甘甜可口; 有辣味,原味,咸味3种口味,特别是辣味适合做下酒(特别是啤酒)菜肴来食用","Hwa-Ryeon and Hwa-Ryeon2:HWa-Ryeon has a meaning indicating a pancake made of cereals, and also represents the premium value of high-quality as a Korea-style cookie which has a savory and crisp taste. Haewoodami:Haewoodami indicates the word of laver being used in Southern island area pf Korea, Which means \"the beef or the sea..\", and Haewoodami indicates the laver crecker full of Korean rice."
    72,"HYONJIN CHEMICAL CO., LTD.","http://www.hyonjin.co.kr","两面胶,华润,三元乙丙橡胶,聚乙烯,聚氨酯泡沫,压克力泡棉胶带 及 加工品","Double side adhesive tape, Foam Tape, Rubber products, CR, EPDM, PU, ACRYL FOAM","本产品采用了非织造布,胶片等材料,在整个产业中可根据其用途和特性生产多种多样的产品.经过严格的品质管理流程生产高品质的产品,有较强的粘贴性,突出的维持力,耐热性等特点.而且正在研发电子,产业用特殊粘贴胶带.","Hyonjin chemical is one of the leading manufacturer of pressure sensitive adhesive tape. We have using variety carrier according to the application of tape. Hyonjin chemical has been produce high quality tape by strict quality system and has superior adhesion strength, excellent holding power, wide range of weather resistance, and good heat resistance."
    73,"Jeju Magma Energy Co., Ltd","http://www.jejubio.co.kr","济州岛岩浆功能性配饰","Healthful Magma Jewelry","本公司是一家利用济州岛熔岩石粉精密的制作功能性商品的专业性企业.专门生产从食药厅得到许可的医疗机器,将竭尽全力提高商品的信赖度作为目标","Jeju Magma Bio-energy is a professional enterprise that skillfully manufactures health products using Jeju volcanic rock powder. Our health products have medical patents, and, we do our very best to ensure their reliability."
    74,"NEO-TECH Ind.Co.,Ltd","http://www.neotechco.com","高尔夫球配件,人造草坪","Giant net,golf putting mat","我们的所有产品携带方便,安装简便,无论什么空间都可以练习,还有100%国产材质制作","Neo Tech All products are easy to carry and set up. portable!! esay!! installation strong!! You can practice at any place!!"
    75,"BONGRIM CO.,LTD","http://greenhub.en.ec21.com","洗发露,沐浴乳,润肤乳,牙刷","Soap, Tea, Tooth Paste","我们的产品成分里包含的特定氨基酸对遗传性疾病有直接/间接的治疗效果.牙刷:在刷头开始的根部有3种形态的高度,即使使同样的力气,牙龈受到的压力各自不同,可以维持更加干净的口腔健康,还有按摩功能","* Parde-I Soap More softer and moisturized face Easier removal of corneous tissue from the face. Easier removal of makeup even without using cleansing. * Cham Ssukcha (Mugwort Tea) Prevention of cancer and allergic related diseases, and slowing down of age process. Strong, active breakdown of fat, thus it is great for diet. (e.g. the test results showed that pig who consumes high diet of mugwort has less fat) Effective against arteriosclerosis, uterine hemorrhage, and it is known to nourish the blood. * Pardetoo toothpaste Functional toothpaste that has been made with our patented ingredients. Very effective against dental calculus and plaque."
    76,"HANBOK TRADE CO.,LTD.","http://www.hanboktrade.com","新鲜的农产物,韩国传统咸菜类","Fresh vegetables and fruit types and traditions of Korea Side Dishes","我们所处的位置是高山和江水围绕,有营养的土壤和干净的环境栽培出来的高品质新鲜农产物及将传统食品可以以新鲜的状态得到供给为目标.拥有20多年贸易经验的职员们拥有适合于收集,运输,检疫等全过程的供给系统.","The area we are located, surrounded by high mountains and the river's nutrient-rich soil and a clean environment and fresh produce are grown in the tradition of high quality fresh food supply for the purpose of the company was founded over 20 years trading experience Staff with a fresh product acquisition, transportation and quarantine of the entire process has the appropriate delivery system."
    77,"BIKEZON","http://","自行车保管所","bicycle shed (bicycle rack )","无"
    78,"dongwoo hi-tech","http://www.dongwoo-hi.co.kr","割草机(快速割草安全向导装置)","puldori","所有预草期可以安装,可调整高度-放在地上可以跑来跑去的割草(效率提高10倍以上)-没有损坏土地及手抖动的现象-女性,初学者老弱者也可以轻松进行割草工作-山坡,水田埂,山峰等恶劣条件也可使用-宽敞的面积也可迅速均匀的处理","for more information. You can attach this to every reaper and control the height - You can attach or remove the equipment within 5 seconds - You can cut weeds running after putting down the reaper on the land.( This increases work efficiency 10 times. - It doesn't dig land and tremble - Women, beginners and old persons can cut weeds with this"
    79,"jang won general trading","http://","纯青梅液态茶,五味子液态茶,蜂蜜枣茶,蜂蜜柚子茶,蜂蜜五味子茶,面条儿","Green Plum liqued tea. Schizandru liqued tea. Blueerry liqued tea.","在海外的当地超市已被鉴定的韩国传统食品","Korean traditional food"
    80,"CoNe Jewelry","http://www. conejewelry.com","头巾式项链","handcrafter providing 92.5% pure silver scarf necklaces and earrings.","以前金属工艺品无法用氧或氢焊表现,我们的产品采用特许登录的技术展现了精致的技术,用焊的方法即使不用像打磨钻石似的做它的反光也非常美丽,特别的表面处理利用远红外线陶瓷最终处理降低过敏现象,通过了美国 FDA R.I.P TEST","CoNe Jewelry is an artistic jewelry handcrafter providing 92.5% pure silver accessories including scarf necklaces and earrings.CoNe Jewelry received Korea's Beautiful Handcraft Product Award from UNESCO in 2006, and has proudly been supplied to Majorica, Spain's luxurious accessory brand of 120 years."
    81,"Epsilon corporation","http://","银 镀金 铜粉末","Silver Coated Copper","我们生产的功能性导电物质适用于手机,手提电脑等电子机器最终EMI屏蔽.我们的产品应用在Conductive sheet, Conductive coating, Conductive paints, pastes, inks, Conductive adhesives and tapes, Conductive lubricants and greases等","Epsilon's Functional coated conductive materials are designed to provide the best EMI solution for modern electro-communication equipment, like mobile phones, note PC, net PC , hand-held equipments. Typical applications are Conductive sheet, Conductive coating, Conductive paints, pastes, inks, Conductive adhesives and tapes, Conductive lubricants and greases."
    82,"Chef House","http://.","蔬菜切割器","vegetable cutter","有格子刀片构成,将胡萝卜,土豆,洋葱等蔬菜一次性容易切割","Is composed of the lattice knife blade and the vegetable of the carrot, the potato and onion etc. there is a possibility of cutting easily in once."
    83,"World tools co.ltd","http://www.iworldtool.com","手工具","SPECIAL HAND TOOLS","与以往的产品相比,进一步改善了其操作性,生产性,便利性.也可以根据使用环境的不同另行操作","Improve workability, productivity convenience than previous product and is tools of complex new concept from side that is four capacities to excellent product.With that previous product developed into general action but development goods is excellent series action, productivity.There is compatibility of product and work is possible according to use environment."
    84,"PNC KOREA","http://www.pnckorea.co.kr","印刷设备","High Gloss MDF, Decorative Paper, LED Pole","1.特化的pear印刷产品 2.可制作多样化款式和色彩 3.将丙烯酰胺纤维这新的素材与LED接轨谋求设计,实用性","1. Special Pearl Printing. 2. We develop our own designs and colors. 3. New design and practicaly"
    85,"DBT CORP","http://www.dbtprocess.com","锅具","SAUCE POT","1. 绿色产品-不产生有害物质(检测重金属检查完毕)2.表面光泽-不使用编程,经过水磨表面处理,可体现半永久性的自然光泽 3.耐久性优秀 4.多样的自然色彩-在素材上着色体现精炼的自然色彩 5.易于清洗-食物不易粘锅 6.耐蚀性突出 7.远红外线可杀菌维持新鲜度,将营养破损降到最低","1. Eco-friendly 2. High gloss surface 3. Non scratch 4. Various natural color 5. Easy wash 6. Excellent anti-corrosion 7. Far-infrared radiation"
    86,"sandlaefood","http://www.sandlae.ocm","锅巴","NURUNGJI","我们的锅巴只使用纯国产大米,运用传统方法制作,保持从锅里刚烤出来的原味,比较有嚼劲儿,香","'The Sandlae scorched rice' used domestic production rice only, and was made wholeheartedly by hand one by one in traditional ways. The taste that I have just roasted at cauldrons ~ A chewy and creamy taste is a gem."
    87,"JINASIA CORPORATIO CO., LTD.","http://JINASIA.COM","防震/防毒口罩(产业用及医药用)","Disposable Respirators / Half face Respirators","防震效果突出,可以将被污染的空气完美的过滤,防止由于湿气的变形,减少对呼吸的抵抗,维持轻松的携带.以上述技术为基础,得到了欧美地区认证及食药厅制作认证","Jin-Asia Corporation was established on 3rd Jan, 1991 and is one of the leading manufacturers of Personal Protective Equipment with Safety Equipment in korea. We are the distributor of SCOTT HEALTH & SAFETY LTD of TYCO GROUP in korea and have been participating for all industries etc. the domestic Refined Oil, the petrochemical industry, shipbuilding. With experience and industrial know-how for l"
    88,"JoongAnag Living Sash CO., LTD.","http://www.jasash.com","聚氯乙烯窗框","pvc sash","断热,隔音,机密性优秀-在PVC Resin里添加了特殊材料,即使长期使用也不会变色;自己消火性-不会让火花迸到别处;开关柔软性-有别于AL窗,开关时没有噪音柔软;清洗容易-利用中性洗涤用品清洗;变型最小化-根据气候变化也不会压缩或膨胀"," Sliding windows, panel windows, doors for apartments, pension, high-end villas, and inns. Double sash window-school windows(front and back windows for corridors) Small double window(with dew-proof coating), Small sling type dual window Balcony window-large-size windows"
    89,"SAMMI COMMERCE CO., LTD.","http://sammicms.co.kr","茶类,面类,饮料,紫菜类","TEA, NOODLE, DRINK, LAVER, ETC.","新鲜美天麻茶:含有国产天麻粉末,对于忙碌的职场人或者面临考试的学生作为零食很好的选择.新鲜美杂酱/面食:用土豆淀粉制作容易消化,对有面粉过敏症的人是个不错的选择.含有13%小麦,no msg, fresh rice cake添加,可根据不同嗜好选择食用.","Gastrodia elata tea."
    90,"MH2BIOCHEMICAL CO., LTD.","http://http://www.mh2.co.kr","臭腺,beauty 胡萝卜素,瓜氨酸,谷糠提取物","Anti-Hangover, Edible skin-care product, L-ORNITHINE, L-CITRULLINE, GABA, RICEBRAN EXTRACT","我们的产品纯度非常高,不健康的物品相对来说很少.Bulk density高,流量好,容易取扱.本产品没有做任何放射线调查,没有任何残留农药.本产品应用于健康食品,化妆品,医药品的原料","All products produced by MH2 is highly pure and has less impurities. It has such a high bulk density as to have a good flow characteristics. It has not been undergone irradiation and free from agrochemicals and pesticides. It can be applied to health food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients. Our customers include NBTY, NOWFOOD, SOLGAR and DKSH."
    91,"SangWon LED","http://www.sangwonled.com","频道信号用LED模块,太阳光LED牌子","LED Module for channel letter sign, Solar LED sign.","所有产品安装了断电类线路,所以确保安定的寿命及亮度.采用了DC 24V电源,最多串联200多个模块,明亮度不会减弱.将SMPS容量,对比12V只适用2/3即可,对比12V可使用细的电线,经费及操作性优越,节省总工程费,详细的事项请登录公司网站下载更多的产品介绍www.sangwonled.com","All our products are inserted constant current circuit and minimixing the heat generation so, the life span is long. We are using DC 24V power and the module could be connected maximum 200 pcs in one line, without drop of brightness. The SMPS cost is saving as 2/3, comparing DC 12V products, because our products only needed 0.48W per module, while DC 12V is needed 0.72W."
    92,"Topclear Co.Ltd","http://www.topclear.co.kr","清洁用胶带,水道公尺","cleanertape,watermeter","无","q"
    93,"yedam","http://d153.com","礼物包装材料","Gift subsidiary materials (wrap paer,ribbon,gift box...)","摆脱了过去千篇一律的包装品,以生产高品质礼物包装用产品为目标,通过专业的设计直接生产的产品,受到消费者认可","*Features* Nowadays consumers are looking for luxurious items.We make higher porduct after an in-depth study of the customers' needs. We make a variety of products. We supply to consumers more choice in the types of products they buy."
    94,"venix","http://venix.cokr","灰尘清洁机,银矿,保护胶,条形码产品","cleaner, label, productfilm, barcode,","参照下面附件"," "
    95,"GGM CO","http://www.ggm.co.kr","小型显示器及减速器,BLDC及控制器","GEARED MOTOR","低振动 低噪音 显示器/国际规格","."
    96,"Incasolution Co., Ltd","http://www.incas.co.kr","能源节约check tap","Green control Checktap","可以实时感知电脑的使用与否,将电脑,显示器,打印机,扫描机,音响,风扇,加热器等开启的情况下,那些没有使用,可以将相应的机器运动多种方法切断.是一种节约能源,预防火灾,环境教育用途的新概念 PC/周边机器专用能源节约自动管理系统,也是一种非常节电的系统.","Checktap has truly innovative functions such as powerful energy saving functions for PCs and computer peripheral devices. It provides monitoring function for the result of saved energy, associated money savings, and CO2 reduction carbon footprint."
    97,"DONG - A TECH","http://www. .net","附带口罩的防紫外线太阳帽,爱护头帽子","Suncap and head protecting cap with detachable mask","附带口罩的防紫外线太阳帽可以切断来自紫外线的危害,保护皮肤,通风好,可以感受到自然风,特别是可以排放由于运动而产生的大量的二氧化碳.活动时可以与旁边的人进行愉快的对话而设计的附带的口罩也是比较方便的.爱护头帽子是在骑自行车的时候保护头部,并且可以折叠携带方便的产品,在国内登录特许,日本也在做特许申请中","- User friendly! - Easy to adjust size! - Effective cushioning material to alleviate shocks! - Well-ventilated! Outstanding design! - Lighter than helmet but enhanced features! - Portable! Easy to put in a bag! - Head Love Hat goes well with any outfit such as suit - Very convenient in sports activity"
    98,"donghaeseafood","http://www.donghaesf.com","黄芪含草味鲭鱼,吃药草的花鲫鱼","Jecheon Hwanggihamcho Gangodeungeo,Yakchomeogeun Imyeonsu(Atka mackerel marinated in medicinal herbs","黄芪含草味鲭鱼是添加黄芪粉末和黄土含草盐再加东海海鲜技术特制的产品.它去掉了海鲜特有的腥气使用药草来把鲜味煨出来制作成新的产品.吃药草的Imyeonsu是应用堤川的特产黄芪和其他的药草让他的味纯真肉质细腻","Hwanggihamcho Gangodeungeo (hedysarum-contained mackerel salted with hamcho [a salty green herb that grows near the sea]) is a patented product made of fresh mackerel with an addition of hedysarum powder and loess hamcho. ogeun Imyeonsu (Atka mackerel marinated in medicinal herbs) is also popular thanks to its tender and juicy flesh flavored with Jecheon hedysarum and various medicinal herbs"
    99,"SamJin industrial","http://www.wallface.net","环境速成油漆(液体墙纸)","Liquid wallpaper","希望的花纹可现场施工,可用水或者洗涤剂清洁,不会因结露现象留下斑点,预防发霉以及放出远红外线,因此让人愉快既卫生,清香,防臭.水泥,三合板,铁,石膏瓷砖等所有的材质上使用,一次施工变半永久","Direct application of the required design pattern on the sot. Washable with the cleanser or water. No stain by dew forming. With fungus resistance and far-infrared radiation emission provides clean and hygienic environment. Releases the sweet fragrance after construction. Excellent smell resistance. Cement,panel,steel,plaster,tile,all kinds are applicable.Semi-permanent with one time construction"
    100,"Sumart Co., Ltd","http://www.tamnagi.co.kr","橘子纺织物帽子","THE FEATURES OF THE CITRUS TEXTILE.","橘子纺织物是混合楮或者是abk制造的纸按照她的容度再制造成面料的.含有橘子液的橘子纺织物有特有的橘香以及光滑的质感和更显高档,并且有香气.用这个材质生产出的产品都比其它的材质物品轻又透气穿着感特好","After manufacturing the paper by mixing up with the paper mulberry and the abaca and then, as manufacturing the raw thread with make slitting this papers to be fitted for using suitably, the Citrus Textile products have been woven finally. The Citrus Textile which contained the liquid extracted from the Citrus Peels have the luxurious features itself due to showing the peculiar color tones and the aroma perfumes as well as sleeking feel of a material along with the gloss. And also, it has a superior refreshment and the anti-bi-osis. The products produced by these materials are more light than the other materials and the porous is excellent as well as the feelings to wear is good."
    101,"NANOPOLY CO.,Ltd.","http://www.nanopoly.net","纳米材质(纳米白金,金,银,铜,铝等)以及使用产品","Nano-materials(Pt, Au, Ag, Cu, Zn, etc.) and Application Products","NANOMIX 是纳米聚(株)的纳米物质以及已被注册的商标.NANOMIX 是可以按照客户的技术要求定制的产品.NANOMIX 是一个很好的抗菌力/颗粒均匀/具有高分散性,对微生物没有耐性.她的应用范围广泛,它是无色透明体,它对UV安全,在产品化过程中对耐热和耐化学性高,因此不会有染色污染的可能性","NANOMIX is the product of customized Colloid or Powder of nano-particle Silver (Ag) with 1nm-10nm. NANOMIX is customized to have superior antimicrobial effects against most microscopic organisms and the Nano-particles are dispersed with high stability. NANOMIX is superior in its chemical stability, which doesn't change its color nor convert the particles into aggregation."
    102,"GOGUNG FOOD","http://www.gogung.gsjanter.com","大酱,豆瓣酱,辣椒酱,酱油","doenjang, gochujang, cheonggukjang,ganjang","利用100%国产大豆和国产材料制作的无添加无防腐剂的传统韩式大酱","doenjang, gochujang, which is made by 100% domestic soya and ingredients. All ot these are The product contains no preservatives."
    103,"Younseong TRADE","http://","出生纪念用品","The Birth Article Commemoration Box","该产品的优越性——内部婴儿的出生和与出生有关联的纪念品的验收和对婴儿的出生有关的存储的数据光盘可安制在顶部,上端内部显示出幼儿的出生年月日表让人很容易辨别出.与此同时也可以保管与幼儿的出生有关的衣服,脐带,胎毛,帽子以及鞋子等物品的"出生用品纪念盒"","This product is a box of birth memorials which can keep memorials related to the birth of a baby including baby's clothes, umbilical cord, hair, hat and shoes. The upper part of this product is opened and the birth memorials can be kept inside. Also, the CD recording the baby's birth can be kept in the upper part of the box, and inside of it is an indicator showing the birth time."
    104,"CBNBiotech Inc.","http://www.cbnbiotech.com","山参培养根关联健康食品","Cultured roots of Korean mountain ginseng health product","经过严格筛选的国产山参,不经过遗传基因的变形,没有经过一切农药或重金属加工,扩大了自然养育的山参的效能.在很多医学大学或医院经过试验得到了他的验证","Korean wild ginseng has been commercially harvested in a clean environment without the use of agricultural chemicals or gene mutation to maximize the efficacy of mountain ginseng. The medicinal effects have been demonstrated through clinical trials in the School of Medicine at Wonkwang University and East-West Neo Medical Center at Kyung Hee University."
    105,"NEOGARD Korea Co.,Ltd.","http://www.floors.co.kr","黄土石粉砂浆,黄土石粉S/L砂浆","Yellow Soil Stone Powder Mortar, Yellow Soil Stone Powder S/L Mortar","o黄土石粉砂浆是黄土石粉和水泥的混合物——铺水门汀的时候洒黄土石粉泥浆后用泥刀或者Hwinisyeo的最终处理——虽说是水泥构造体但也是能维持表面强度的黄土石粉健康地板材料o黄土石粉S/L砂浆制造-利用黄土石粉和水泥的混合物制造黄土石粉s/L砂浆制作-在水泥地表面倒入黄土石粉S/L砂浆自动形成平面","o Yellow Soil Stone Powder Mortar - Manufacturing Yellow Soil Stone Powder Mortar by mixing Yellow Soil Stone Powder and Cement - Steel Troweling or Finisher after spreading Yellow Soil Stone Powder Mortar on the poured concrete - The Healthful Flooring with concrete strength o Yellow Soil Stone Powder S/L Mortar - Manufacturing Yellow Soil Stone Powder S/L Mortar by mixing Yellow Doil Stone Pow"
    106,"IMP","http://impidea.com","能挤出牙膏的便捷式牙刷,高尔夫配件,新思路产品,高尔夫用品","Portable Toothbrush, a novelty , golf things","handyman是可以补充牙膏的便携式牙刷.该产品弥补之前分别带牙膏牙刷的不便,不论何时何地可以容易刷牙的新概念产品.本产品是思路和技能上有独创性和专业性的超越时代的制品.他采纳了新的思路和技能,旅行以外随时携带也不会带来不便","The Handyman is a portable toothbrush, which can also charge toothpaste inside the brush.It solves the uncomfortableness of carrying both toothbrush and toothpaste.The Handyman is advanced at time in design and function, also has its own originality and speciality and can be carried around not just for the travel but also for everyday use."
    108,"Seoul International Trade","http://www.shinesalt.com","光和盐 天然盐灯","SHINESALT LAMP","以喜马拉雅山天然岩盐为素材用特殊的功法在岩盐上刻字制作成台灯,特别是刻入圣子在很多基督教百货店火热销售中","SALT LAMP"
    109,"HOH en-tech co.","http://www.h2ogas.com","idea生活用品","Idea goods","idea生活用品","Idea goods"
    110,"Daeyoung Engineering","http://www.dyparking.com","保安用品",".Security Products(Tire Killer and Road Blocker)","无","."
    111,"JINHANFOOD","http://www.jhf.co.kr","鸡汤,狗肉汤,排骨汤","Samgyetang,Yukaejang,Ugeojigalbitang","震撼食品是用热诚的心和经验积累的技术,提供随时随地可以使用的便当.不管在何地只要三分钟就可以简单吃一顿.真诚去做的震撼传统韩食里装着故乡情和人情.更是留着妈妈手艺的传统韩式味道!","Jinhan Food supplies convenient food with sincerity and accumulated technology. You can eat in 3 minutes anywhere at anytime. Traditional Korean food sincerely cooked contains pleasant benevolentness of hometown with its original taste and smell. The taste of Jinhan's traditional Korean food saturated with mother's taste!"
    112,"PyungKang industry","http://www.yestone.co.kr","一体型梯,环保水桨,环保板,环保瓷砖","YESTONE (Terrazzo), Well-Power, Well-Power Drain Trench, Art Well-Power Tile","一体型l梯一般不同于 字型分成2个来施工的梯,它是把梯子的问题最大限度来发挥的产品. 环保水桨制品是阴离子和外红外线的夺取等有利于人体的优点和施工方便的长处. 环保板适用于中高等学校的食堂里,它是个100%补充的不锈钢板的缺点的新的开发产品. 艺术瓷砖的要点是结合了条纹和点点的新产品.","- One-piece construction into two steps that are common in the form of stairs by \" \" Unlike the issue of the stairs is a full complement products. - Green mortar products, such as the anion and far infrared rays on the human body a good takeover environment, and thus This has the advantage of easy construction. - Green trench drain 04 in the elementary school meals department, as appropriate mat"
    113,"DongYang Classic Furniture","http://www.dyclassic.com","沙发,饭桌,洋酒台,梳妆台,全部经典antic家具","Sofa, Dinning Table, Wine Chest, Console, Classic & Antique Furniture","全部产品都是手工艺艺术性突出的家具,高品质家具,韩国生产,可以订购","Characteristics of DongYang Classic Funiture All Products are hand made Furniture with artistic style Furniture with high standard All products are made in S.Korea Production of Custom furniture is possible"
    114,"Hanhwa Changho","http://fmo.co.kr","太阳光自然通风窗,双开式turning门","Solar-PhotoVoltaic NaturalVentilation Window System","1.太阳光自然通风系统-在窗户上安装太阳光模块,自然通风排风调节 2.双开式turning门-比以往的单开门扩大了使用空间","Solar-PhotoVoltaic Natural Ventilation Window System"
    115,"KITECH","http://www.kitech.re.kr","IDEA商业化志愿事业产品","Prducts of Supporting Commercialization of Creative Ideas","针对准备新的思路创业的预备创业者以及经历3年未满的创业初期企业志愿对象.新产品介绍,消费者反映调查,样品制作等产品化过程中所需的资金控制在全部资金的70%范围内分成检讨思路和事业化志愿阶段,总志愿金额在5000万止","-"
    116,"jrsystem","http://jrsystem.kr","运动用品","Sporting goods","本产品是新概念手掌指压及肩膀关节运动机器,其原理是当绳子旋转时产生的动力将手把的指压针上下反复动作进而对手掌的指压及肩膀关节比较有益的运动机器.特别是手臂运动频繁的运动选手(高尔夫球,棒球,网球,乒乓球)等必备的运动","The product which sees with the palm rock pressure and the shoulder joint exercise device of new concept function and principle will decrease when rotating, the low appearing and disappearing operation at this of the geostatic pin (120) of the handle repeats by power with rock pressure of the palm together the shoulder joint, smoothly, is a exercise device to make. Couple (2) use at the time of s"
    117,"ACROSOL Co., Ltd.","http://www.acrosol.co.kr","LED照明项目的景观,DSC模块,数码相机温室","LED Lighting item for landscape, DSC Module, DSC Greenhouse","Acro Light Series :利用太阳能自动发电、储藏电,夜间利用LED发光的产品,公园、观光路等地方设置的景观照明产品.ALS-100(小型LED景观照明器), ALS-200(道路标志瓶), ALS-300(景观照明风格) Acro DSC Series : 提供适用DSC的应用产品和关于太阳光发电系统的全部的技术.","Acro Light Series : ALS Light Series is a landscape illumination device that generates electric power from solar energy at daytime and stores it in a storage battery and finally emits light automatically through LED at night without any grid power supply. Acro DSC Series : Acrosol provide a complete technology solution related to all application products of Dye Solar Cell and Photovoltaic system"
    118,"DaeLyu Industry co., Ltd.","http://www.daelyu.com","节水设备和水龙头","water-saving device & faucet","优点1.自动监制水压及吐水量而保持吐出一定量的水2.在加变性的水压也自动处理.3.任何水龙头都可以简便设置.4.设置前后使用感无变化5.是环境部认证的亲环境商品,政府机关优先购买产品.6.韩国水道协会节水性能认证及品质保证认证商.","with WQS we can save the world's most valuable resorce-water. WQS has a water-saving efficiency of 30~40 % Environmental Benefit :Protects our enviroment and preserves our ecosystem."
    119,"korea LED lighting Co.,LTD","http://korealed.kr","LED 路灯,LED 保安灯 ,LED 日光灯 ,LED 工厂灯, LED 投光灯,LED 灯泡","LED Street Light, LED Bulb, LED Fluorescent, LED Factory light, LED Spot light","我们的产品防热效果,产品效率突出.防热及线路构成优秀所以寿命长","Because our product is superior protection gainst heat design, thermogenesis is low Efficiency of product is excellent Life-time lasts being good at protection gainst heat and circuit composition Illumination is excellent excellently than other company"
    120,"Gam Mul De Rin","http://","染料木偶","handkerchief","本产品是象征济州岛的染料产品,不仅只有一种颜色,而是每个布片都是经过了我们精心的制作和信念的.总统像,皇室文化勋章,LA,法国巴黎等世界各地再过作品展示活动","Gammul Drin Products contain deep sincerity for each and every piece of cloth with the conviction that they carry on the legacy of family business, not just dyeing, as clothing representing Jeju-do. Wining the President Award, the Imperial Family Culture Medal, Gammul Drin is working across the world including Los Angeles and Paris."
    121,"Sunguard Optical","http://www.sunguard.co.kr","偏光镜,车辆用偏光镜","polarizing-sunglasses, polarizing sunguard (window tinting)","在各种野外活动,休闲活动,开车时使用偏光镜,可以减少由于衍射而带来的眼部刺激,确保鲜明的视野","The polarizing-sunglasses is weared in outdoor life, leisure sports or driving and the polarizing-sunguard is attached in the sun visor of vehicles. They reduce the effulgence from scattered reflection and make your eyes comfortable by ensuring clear view in various outdoor life, leisure sports or driving."
    122,"samwoncobra","http://www.samwoncobra.com","刺绣金钩,配饰等","faucet,rainshower,accessories","wide series是以非常宏伟的瀑布作为主旋律,给刺绣带来了新的变化,感觉将自然界瀑布直接搬过来,肉眼看上去有一种爽快凉爽的感觉","Wide series of spectacular waterfalls, the motif changes in the pursuit of new paddy was to retain the natural waterfalls coming from lookin like a better feel with just the identity and refreshment is faucets."
    123,"IONFARMS CO., LTD.","http://www.ionfarms.com","电离子净水器","water ionizer","碱性电离子净水器里含有的丰富的活性氢气与引发疾病和老化的活性氧结合变成水排出体外.拥有将细胞的氧化重力减弱,恢复年轻的还原作用","The active hydrogen abundantly contained in the IonFarms water ionizer from the body as water by combining with active oxygen that causes disease and ageing. This relieves stress from cells against oxygen accumulation inside the cell and makes cells healthy again."
    124,"T&S Motors, Inc.","http://www.tnsmotors.com","无动力脚蹬,具带动力传达器的新概念自行车,充电式电子自行车.","TREXIMO","○不是室内固定方式,而是像走路或楼梯和爬山,上下踩一下脚蹬,根据运动量,以时速15km~30km左右的速度行驶的无动力3轮自行车.○由于3个滚轮,男女老少都可以安全、容易利用,去附近市场或超市和在郊外的公园或游源地做运动.",""TREXIMO" REMOVING INDOOR FITNESS TO OUTDOOR EXERCISE TO CREATE AN OPEN MIND AND VIEW. Set-less bike propelled by walking or running on pedals, smooth to drive, speed up to 15 kph. Walking side-to-side as your feet with together or respective push the footing pedals. The all models with two-speed drive-lever. One is high power lever for driving and another one is low power lever for slope way"
    125,"PANG-EE CO.,LTD.","http://www.toppingsauce.com","年糕,年糕酱,咖啡","Topokki Sauce (Sweet & Hot sauce) / Coffee Bin","我公司是食品的生产及加工商,生产加工很多食品.在食品开发也在研究.至今以来,持有3个特许、4个实用实案.韩国人的辣味炒年糕酱是可简便地调理香辣而香甜的炒年糕且即食而生产加工的产品,粘糕或炒炒年糕时添加更好.","Name of product: Topokki Sauce (Sweet & Hot sauce) Country of origin: KOREA Utility: For rice-cake Packing material: polyethylene/polystylene Storing method: Keep in normal temperature Market validity: 1 year from the date of manufacture"
    126,"SAONGWON CO.,LTD","http://www.saongwon.com","年糕,海鲜饼,绿豆饼等韩国传统食品","SEAWEED ROLL, TOPOKKI, SEAFOOD PANCAKE, MUNGBEAN PANCAKE, JAPCHE, ETC","1.紫菜卷油炸:面和干紫菜一起卷的香喷喷的油炸食品2.炒年糕:用米做的炒年糕的糕是具有黏黏的食感和柔软的食感,韩国代表性的菜谱大量化的食品.3.海鲜葱饼:新鲜的野菜和海鲜加上葱而制成的,感受到传统味的食品4.杂菜:面里放野菜和蘑菇而制成的,用电磁锅调理可简便饮食的食品.","1. SEAWEED ROLL: A product with a nutty flavor with sweet potato noodle and Korean seaweed with a mother's touch / 2. TOPOKKI: A sliced rice cake made of 100% Korean rice with vegetables and special sauce / 3. SEAFOOD PANCAKE:,A traditional pajeon (green onion pancake/fritter) with fresh vegetable and seafood / 4. JAPCHE : (sautéed vegetables with sweet potato noodles) a royal f"
    127,"RCNTECH Co.,Ltd","http://","旋转式插座","rotary outlet ","无"
    128,"CommBox Technology","http://www.commtek.co.kr","液晶数码板,智能数字板,智能讲台桌,电子学习解决方案","LCD Digital Board, Smart Digital board, Smart lectern table, e-learning solution","Zzaro是具有高端技术及会议解决方案的代表电脑包的品牌,-LCD电子黑板:55\",65\",70\",82\"数据栏电子黑板-灵巧型电子教桌:23\",19\",17\"监视器及SW -遥控画像/会议解决方案:vMeeting -无限数据交换系统:VLink Express -数码媒体CMS 合并调控系统-数码画像机","Zzarom is the reprentation brand of CommBox Interactive total soluition. -LCD interactive digital board : 55\"~82\" finger touch -Smart Lectern table:19\"23\" e-learning solution. -Multimedia Contenting Making & Digital Book Solution -Video conferencing vMeeting soltuion -W/ L : VLink Express -Digital content's management & control solution for school -Digital visualizer"
    129,"INTER ROAD","http://www.inter-road.co.kr","导航,黑盒,配件","Navigation, BlackBox, Accessory","我司电子产品是自行开发的独有模型(1)行业起初适用1,440MHZ (1.44G ) CPU(2)世界最初Dual SD Card支援(SDHC, Micro SD)(3) 行业最快记账速度(5秒以内) (4) 世界最早 HDMI / CVBS A/V功率(5)支持高画质动画视频(1280 X 720)(6) 连接大型监视系统能欣赏高画质动画视频(办公室,家庭)(7)永久提供免费 YTN TPEG ","(1) Apply the 1.440Mhz(1.44G grade)ARM11 same field. (2) Apply the first Dual SD (SDHC,Micro SD) world's. (3) World's first HDMI/CVBS A/V Out (4) HD grade Video(1280X720) (5) Zero defect A class (Samsung or LG Display ) (6) GPS (32 Channel ) (7) USB2.0 High Speed ,HDD(FAT32) (8) PIP (9) 3D Accelerator"
    130,"HANJINURI","http://cafe.naver.com/hanjinuri.cafe","韩纸家具,韩纸LED电灯,韩纸小品类","Hanji handicraft","同上","***"
    131,"WELLBIOTECH","http://wellbiotech.co.kr","恢复元气山参浓缩液","YONGWANGWON Energy cultivated wild ginseng root juice. Gaebyeok","具有神秘生命力的甲鱼提取物及蜂蜜,生姜和桂皮提取物作为主要成分,还有各种维他命一起高密度的浓缩在75毫升的容器里,是一个恢复元气缓解现代人压力的汉方饮品","yongwangwon is a traditional oriental medicine beverage with main ingredients of soft-shell turtle extracts,honey, ginger and cinnamon extracts. Thusm it has various vitamins in high density in a 75ml bottle helping people with not only recovering their energy but also with handling their stress."
    132,"chungsilhongsil","http://www.t3535.kr","towel ,安全帽用吸水带,时尚手套","Towels, Absorption bands of safety helmets, Fashion gloves","安全帽用吸水带是在作业中流出的汗充分的吸收,不管从设计上还是携带上都比较人性化.时尚手套是以新的形象刚推出的产品","Absorption bands of safety helmets, which can be equipped in side of the helmets, are manufactured to absorb sweat while working. Our product has good quality and also good design and convenience. The item of Fashion gloves is the new product with new image."
    133,"korea biotechnology agency","http://www.kobta.org","*高级蒲公英提取物 - '快乐晨报'和'快乐的期望,","* Premium dandelion extract – 'Happy Morning' and 'Happy Expectation'","使用各种矿物质丰富的矿泉水提取了国产无农药的蒲公英的花和叶子,根部.国产枳椇树和灵芝提取液.经常喝酒抽烟的人服用,会增加免疫力,早晨容易起床,饭后肚子不会感到涨涨的感觉,是个值得推荐的产品","'Happy Morning' and 'Happy Expectation' It is made of chemical-free dandelion flowers, leaves and roots with natural mineral water. It has also had premium ingredients added, such as Hovenia dulcis, Ganoderma Incidum Karst, extract and red tail ginseng. It is good for those who drink and smoke often, senior citizens, and those who experience stomach irritability after a meal"
    134,"gang san nong won","http://gsfarm.net","野生草茶,红梅花,松树花粉,柿子醋,醋仙人掌","Wild Grass Tea, Red plum, pine pollen, persimmon vinegar, opuntia vinegar","\"山野草\"是把我们山和野、海里的天然原料,按季收获,在传统缸里多年发酵的天然饮料.同时,红李子茶、桔梗沙参汁液、松花茶、醋、松花食醋等各种农产物,放在传统容器熟成生产.最好冬天温水,夏天冰块一起喝.","Wild Grass Tea - Various natural ingredients, such as plants, fruits, roots, seaweeds, mushrooms, and seeds gathered from mountains, fields, and seas are matured in a traditional jar for more than six years. The nutritious ingredients from various plants are used to produce a health drink. It is mainly used as supplement to improve physical wellbeing."
    135,"PEARL MAID","http://www.perlmade.com","人造珍珠配饰","Artificial PEARL Accessory","我们生产的人造珍珠配饰品质优越.由于长时间生产经验得来的技术累积,天然珍珠的色彩,不受大小及形态的制约,生产物美价廉的产品","PERMAID You saved as it is a merit and the elegant sense of color that you were not concerned about to materials and shapes and the size that were a characteristic of an artificiality pearl partcular a nature pearl, and youwould help to the world more beautiful.Accessories, besides, it is a button, hairpin, an animal model,a death of an wminent person current of air."
    136,"ENSTECH","http://www.ensolution.co.kr","Earphone Saver","EARPHONE SAVER","将Earphone Saver轻松安装在以往的耳机上,保护耳机连接口和电线部位的微弱部分,保护因为单线容易毁损的耳机","Earphone Saver prevents earphone damage by firmly protecting the connection jack of earphone and the vulnerable part of wire area by simply attaching existing earphone."
    137,"SEO WON CO.,LTD","http://www.seowonco.com/eng","滴灌灌溉系统(滴灌带,layflat,Spraywatering软管,盘式过滤器,自动灌溉施肥系统","Drip irrigation System(Drip tapes, layflat, Spraywatering hose, disc filter, Auto fertigation system","多种多样的磁带类型;抗堵塞,突出的过滤能力;长期持久和强劲的封闭系统设计,易于安装/删除,良好的流动速度.价格竞争力比较强,具有自动手动转换功能,有3个独立的程序设计,1天可灌注14次","Drip tapes. 2 kinds of tape types(Emitter type-GoldenDrip and GreenDrip and Linear type-SilverDrip), High clogging resistance, Superior CV&EU. Disc filter(GoldenTree) Long lasting and strong designed in closure system, Easy to install/remove, Maximum cost effiency, Excellent flow rate. GoldenSpray & Golden Layflat save sprinkler system costs by 90%, Easy moving anywhere, Wide range"
    138,"Excom Internation Co., Ltd.","http://","无"," ","无"," "
    139,"Kwang Duk Sinyak Medical Co. LTD","http://kwangduk.co.kr","桑椹coordi染发剂,汉方洗发露外","ODI CODI HAIRDYE, MEDICINE SHAPOO","桑椹coordi染发剂是使用天然原料的染发剂(从桑树里提取70%),得到了国内的特许,现在正往日本,美国,巴基斯坦出口,乐天,现在哦on-line购物中播放","ODI CODI hair dye acquires a domestic patent to the hair dye which used nature raw materials (mulberry extract 70%) in the hair dye creation water whic included Sangslmja, Sangyeop or Sanbaekpiand) currently Japanese, and American is exporting it to Pakistans etc., and Hyundai, it is lotte homshopping on-air"
    140,"DMT","http://http://www.dmfit.com/","Cleano(对于用水,水过滤器)","Cleano(filter for washe water)","一个在当地市场上独一无二的消毒模型.洗衣物和洗衣槽都可以进行杀菌.韩国化学实验研究院,韩国衣服类研究院,德国皮肤测试厅,韩国生活环境试验研究院,韩国环境水道研究所,使用新案","A unique model in Local market for sterilizing filter on laundry Sterilizing by boiling water Sterilization of water and tank on the laundry No need to boil for kid's clothes and shirts 99% sterilization against Mildewed laundry tank Inspection Report by Korea Testing & Research Institute(KTR),Korea Apparel Testing& Research Institute (KATRI) and Germany skin trouble test."
    141,"SONG WON Co.LTD.,","http://blog.daum.net/jolicook","电动个人电饭煲jolicook","electric personal rice cooker jolicook","1-2份电饭煲,一个小规模,可爱的设计,保管及移动自由,成员少的家庭也可以轻松没有负担的制作1~2人份米饭.能源节约与低耗能,盖子是独立的易于清洗,一个人的时候可以轻松煮饭,促进大米的消费","1-2 servings Electric Rice Cooker by only a small size, cute design Eating mostly archive and move freely to consumers The products can be more delicious and easy meal. Energy savings with low power consumption and ease of cleaning and the lid is completely disconnected Feel free to have a single person can be induced by cooking rice and rice consumption promotes induction"
    142,"KUNGANG PLUS SIKPOOM","http://www.dang7582.com","健康辅助食品","wild ampalaya juice","在海外广为人知的对糖尿效果很好的植物,我们在韩国把它做成产品打算出口到海外","We want to export our product to the world which is very good for diabetes mellitus."
    143,"Clinecode.co.ltd","http://www.clinecode.com","便携式皮肤冷却器 - Icywhite","Portable Skin cooler - Icywhite","新概念冷却按摩冰盒.做皮肤冷却时,具有别的企业产品无法比较的温度,持续性,便利性,设计感.获得2009特许产品,对皮肤健康比较关心的女性朋友和热量比较多的朋友们比较有益的健康生活必需品","New-concept cooling massager with ice cartridge. Specially designed for minimizing the coldness loss Comparing to other companies' products, Icywhite is superior in low temperature in long lasting duration in convenience in design"
    144,"segatrends","http://segatrends.com","LED应用产品(发光二极管台灯,众议院植物栽培系统)","LED application products (LED Table Light, House Plant Cultivation System)","家庭用植物栽培系统,蔬菜和花草不再土壤里栽培,利用安全的设施即特别的土壤和LED素材的人工光源,无需担心害虫的侵害,无农药栽培,安全品质的小规模家庭用蔬菜也可栽培.才刚刚开始的"家庭用植物栽培系统目前是韩国主导的,在世界任何国家都可以使用","'House Plant Cultivation System'is a facility or product that produces vegetables and flowers more safely than on exposed soil, which uses artificial light directly from Light Emitting Diodes (LED), therefore, there should be no damages done by noxious insects. Therefore, growing plants without agrichemicals is possible and producing vegetables in stable quality for family use is also possible."
    145,"Shin Sung KD","http://www.deskpad.co.kr","deskpad,手袋","deskpad,handbag","提升办公效率的高级的办公桌垫,可用于所有offce办公桌,会议室,学校等.也可以用在玻璃产品上面,这是它的优点.沃恩追求高品质,我们的产品还应用于国内知名的家具行业,美国,日本等海外国家也正在出口中的优秀的产品","The steel inside the desk pad covered by premium leather can be used all desk in offce, meeting room, school and so on. It can be suitable for the place has various desk and has good view for interior. It has no reflecting light and doesn't slide on the desk and is very convenient and helpful to concentrate on work and study."
    146,"THOWOO ceramic art studio","http://","生活陶艺品","living ware","针对现代人的嗜好,陶瓷的款式和颜色比较多样","There are various form and color of Living Ware."
    147,"SDS Industry Co.,Ltd","http://sds-ind.co.kr","化妆品冷藏库","Cosmetic Cooler","无","."
    148,"J&P Co.,Ltd","http://jnpled.com","旌宇理事会,看台板","SPARKLE BOARD, STAND BOARD","使用LED灯的广告辅助板,即使下雨或下雪一样引人耳目.谁都可以轻松使用删除,还具有防水性.所以下雨天或者下雪天都可以使用.以很少的费用得到最大效果的半永久性绿色产品","This LED neon board will surely capture customer's eyes even if it rains or snows. You can write and erase with Sparkle Board by yourself and it never gets washed in the rain. A neon sign effects of 13 patterns and it verified as a safe and effective product. Reasonable price and low maintenance with reference to the function of neon sign. Semi-permanently life, Environment-friendly products."
    149,"Weappear.Co.Ltd","http://weappear.c0.kr","电子清洁/ Weappear","e-Clean / Weappear","分珍,水分等原因,设备内电气、电子、通讯设备部品等发生误动作是使系统全部障碍的原因. e-Clean是无需断电,通电中可以使用,隔离分珍、水分而事前防止障碍原因的隔离产品.而且从韩国电气研究院得到绝缘破坏电压到64,000V通电中可使用、亲环境研究院得到亲环境认证的产品.","Dust and moisture causes malfunctioning of electric, electronics and communication parts in the equipments, which bring forth hindrance in whole systems. e-Clean is a cleaning product to cleanse dust and moisture to prevent equipment from hindrance in advance of causing trouble by using e-Clean while applying electric current without power intercept. e-Clean is a harmless natural solvent, as a ch"
    150,"KOREA DAERYUN ENG CO.,","http://www.daeryunn.com","阀门","valves","无"
    151,"jaun trade","http://jaunshop.co.kr","水晶奖牌","Crystal Medal","该晶体是时尚和耐用性的基础上,在晶体之间填入颜色图案,保留了宝石光彩,通过晶体之间的协调使产品更佳秀丽精炼,与现有的产品具有差别化的晶体","The crystal products that are based on stylish and durability with the film compression method of Jaun Trading, are patented photo crystal products born as the premium luxury crystal different from existing crystal products through putting the color image between the crystals and harmonizing unique brilliance of crystal and image."
    152,"Kang Food Co., Ltd.","http://kangfood.co.kr","手工拉面","Hand-extended Noodle","利用自然绿色的最新设施自然熟化的安全产品,与机械素面不同经过了8次发酵,入口滑有弹性.还有将特殊交办的面粉用手弹开,蛋白质含量高,因为经过了充分的熟化时间,容易消化,男女老少都可以放心食用","With 28 hours of maturation after being extended by hand, the product is a vermicelli hand made noodle (So myun) that is fine, elastic and smooth without sticking to the mouth.Its exquisite taste and delicate feel satisfy even the most demanding taste of theJapanese. Kang Food Co., Ltd. has exported hand-extendedhand made noodle (So myun) for several decades."
    153,"CHUNGWOO FOOD CO.,","http://www.chungwoofood.co.kr","辣味调料,原汁鳀鱼肉汤","Capsaicin Hot Sauce","芥末调料,炸猪肉排调料,dressing调料外调料类-牛里脊猪排,奶酪猪排-桂花树,parsley flakes 外天然香料","-Sauce: Capsaicin Hot Sauce, Honey Mustard Sauce, Pork Cutlet Sauce, Dressing Sauce -Processed Food: Pork Cutlet, Pork Steak, Pork Belly & Squid Bulgogi -Natural Spices: Bay Leaves, Parsley Flake"
    154,"lee boo youlmealartist","http://cafe.daum.net/mealartist","金属工艺代工","mealartist","金属代工专门企业-健康生活有名研究所运营-首尔产业大学传统工艺研究会文化商品开发研究会长-为了后辈的培养为大学生及研究生做作品指导","mealartist"
    155,"Eugene General Food Co.,Ltd","http://www.feliz.co.kr","费利斯水果鸡尾酒糖浆,费利斯新鲜冰沙,锅蘑菇vinejar","Feliz fruit cocktail syrup, Feliz fresh smoothie,Pot mushroom vinejar","韩国什锦水果系的代表有柠檬、葡萄、石榴、草莓、桃、芒果、猕猴桃,覆盆子,哈密瓜,菠萝等各种品目都生产","Lemon,grape,pomegranate,yogurt,apple,strawberry,pineapple,peach,mango,melon,Japanese apricot,kiwi,bokbunja and more. A household-name in fruit cocktails,Feliz cocktail syrup-the fresh-squeezed taste of Feliz cocktail and enjoyable exotic fruit flavors.Enjoy the fresh taste and flavor of fruit smootheie."
    156,"TAE CHANG MOOL SAN","http://www.tcc21.co.kr","韩国传统泡菜酱料,柚子茶,拌饭","HOME MADE KIMCHI RECIPE, CITRON TEA, BI-BIM BAB","韩国传统泡菜酱料:只要将白菜或萝卜用盐腌制一下,再将酱料一起拌匀,简单的菜肴就会完成;柚子茶:为了能够简便的制作柚子茶的产品;拌饭:可以轻松品尝到韩国代表性的拌饭而开发的产品","Fresh taste is enjoyable even after several days, which is strength on this product. You can make KOREAN-TRADITIONAL KIMCHI (D.I.Y)"
    157,"DOWOOSYS.,LTD","http://www.dowoosys.com","净水器","Water purifier, Water Ionizer","1.KR-1000净水器可以根据安装环境选择UNDERSINK类型和COUNTERTOP类型.2.外观设计Silver Circle 象征供应珍贵干净水源的绿洲,而且是本公司的TradeMark.3.是个无电源,没有噪音的绿色产品","1. KR-1000 Counter top water purifier can be used in two different types according to installation environment; under sink and counter top. 2. Silver circle over the exterior design is a symbolic expression of Oasis that supplies valuable and clean water, which is also a Trade mark of DOWOOSYS. 4. Eco-friendly system, noiseless and no electric power required. Long life of filter, alarm and light"
    158,"CARION Co.,Ltd","http://www.carion.kr","食物搅拌机,电子西式餐厅,空气加湿器,奶瓶消毒器,牙刷杀菌剂","Food Mixer,Electric Grill,Humidifier,etc","食物搅拌机-多功能机(搅拌,榨汁等) 奶瓶消毒器-可一次性消毒1~7个奶瓶. 电子西式餐厅——完全彻底的设计 空气加湿器—利用蒸汽的瓶型加湿器","Food Mixer-Multi Function(Crusher,Mixer,Juicer,Etc) Nursing Bottle Sterillzer-Able to sterilize 1~7,Nursing bottleles Electric Grill-Compact Disign Humidifire-Steam Humidifire(Pet Bottle)"
    159,"Multi Drain Trap","http://www.multitrap.kr","切断下水道异味的设备","Multi Drain Trap","安装本品时每个排水口很容易装,多时能安装到9个.他按照不同的规格和尺寸装在不同的地方.主要功能是切断建筑物排水口处的异味和虫子","Multi-usable drainage function which can connect conveniently to 9 sizes of drainage hoses! Multi-usable pipes function which can install without any components to 4 sizes of a waterway! Block off 100% of sewer odor or insects to come indoors!"
    160,"Eurohousing Corporation","http://www.eurohc.com","野外用温水垫","Heat camping mat","Black Can不同于 野营加热垫是登山钓鱼野营等野外活动时的一般的为保温的移动式锅炉,它只采用了一次性丁烷气原料打孔起来发热的野外用保温产品.其特征为:可以调节温度,携带方便,符合世界丁烷的标准,三段燃烧控制装置.","Our heat camping mat can be used when you sleep outdoors for climbing, fishing, camping and other leisure activities. The boiler of our heat camping mat is operated by a portable and disposable butane gas cartridge to heat the inflatable mat, which is differentiated from all other portable heating boilers."
    161,"Eunsung Engineering.Co,.Ltd","http://www.healthroyal.net","远红外线dome桑拿","Far Infrared Dome Sauna","远红外线平均放射电子波切断,高安全性,没有热量损失节能.半永久性寿命的远红外线对血液循环/新陈代谢/维持体温/促进生长/维持人体适当水分/维持营养均衡等效果,有助于预防癌症/肌肉痛/关节炎/胃炎/更年期障碍/生理痛/过敏等各种疾病","Far Infrared Ray is good for - weight loss/beauty/relieve pain/injury and so on. Our Dome Type Sauna benefits are - very simple to operate / foldable and easily carried or stored - very small space to use or store - separate heating on your upper or lower body /safe EMF levels - lower prices compared to other saunas/nano silver treated fabrics - CE certificate"
    162,"YJ MODEL","http://yjmodel@chol.com","功能性坐垫","FUNCTIONAL CUSHION","形成突出部位,防滑有助于引导到座席位置;形成臀部殿,防止会阴部压迫,有助于血液循环;形成空气循环路,使维持好心情.以人体工学的设计分散体重,每次坐都起到 作用,使维持好心情,并防止因长时间座席导致的压力感,引导正确的姿势,又能塑造漂亮的臀部 ","prevent you to shlip and let you follow correct position, as not giving pressure in your periner region, prostate and coccyx, it is good for your blood circulation. and also it forms a route for air flow,so you can feel fresh air.it makes your hip good in shape, material&size:silicon,size:for adylt:400*360*height(45-15) for child(350*320*height(35-15)"
    163,"Enfren Co.,Ltd.","http://www.enfren.com","LED 台灯, LED放大镜","LED Desk Lamps, LED Magnifier"," 1.亲环境/低电力/长寿命/视力保护2.韩国产uper Brightness LED 3.以用户为中心的新感觉的设计4. Spring Tube可以自由的调整角度5.自由变形Head/装置防止刺眼的盖6. 按钮/可3阶段调亮度/ 7.包装超微型Compact","[LTK-1600 Wide LED Desk Lamp] 1. Environment-friendly / Eyesight Protection Product 2. Minimized Electricity Consumption / Increased Product Life Span 3. Equipped with High Brightness LED of KOREA 4. 2 Pieces of Flexible Spring Tube 5. Freestyle Head/ A Head Filter for Dazzling Prevention 6. Easy Transformation/bound for LED Module 7. Dimming Function/Touch Sensor 8. Compact Sized Gift Box"
    164,"ISV Co.,Ltd","http://www.penandmouse.com","数码有无线pen鼠标","Digital Wireless Penmouse","无限pen鼠标拥有多样专利,并不断的提高品质,推出第一代无限pen鼠标i-pen Pro,2006年推的第2代i-pen Pro II更新了功能感度有所提升.2008年以领先的无限技术和丰富的光学技术推出了拥有真正pen风格的pen式输入装置的第三代pen鼠标.","Wireless pen mouse obtained multiple patents and the company continues to develop and produce truly pen-typed input device through ceaseless quality improvement, incorporation with abundant optic technology International Certification : ISO90001, FCC, CE, TELEC, VCCI"
    165,"Wookyung Tech Co., Ltd.","http://www.wookyungtech.com","Eisen","EIGEN","容易粘贴,防滑效果突出","are trying to provide quality-assured products at reasonable prices in order to reward our global customers and doing our effort to satisfy customer's satisfactio"
    166,"junwontech","http://www.j-t.co.kr","自动复原漏电切断器","automatic recovery earth leakage circuit breaker","无",1
    167,"powervoice Co., Ltd.","http://www.kpvoice.com","语音识别电灯开关,语音识别导航仪","Speech recognition lighting switch and navigator, embedded speech recognition system","语音识别技术特点 1.遥控类型 2.大容量语音识别(10000个以上单词)3.远距离语音识别率高 4.对于杂音的语音识别强 5.高体现性及适用性","Technological Features 1. Command & Control 2. Variable Speech Recognition (Up to 10,000 words) 3. Standalone Application (No Server needed) 4. Speaker indepent speech recognition 5. world best rate of far-talking speech recognition 6. Robust against noise environment 7. good posibility to apply (embedded DSP / SW)"
    168,"ROYAL METAL IND. CO., LTD","http://www.royalmetal.co.kr","nail care(指甲刀,镊子等)","MANICURE IMPLEMENT","本公司主打产品指甲刀将高技术和安定的供应能力作为基础,相对品质具有竞争性的价格政策.公司品牌ROYAL\" 及OEM在过去40年出口到世界各国,受到好评 ","Oor nail clipper clips nails neatly and safely every time. We are one of big exporters of manicure implements and our goods enjoy high reputation in all of the world. We are experiencd manufacturer of nail clipper and can export good product at resonable price."
    169,"SAMKWANG","http://samkie.co.kr","北极星Teacker座LED模组","Polaris Teacker, Block LED module"," 以新再生能源有关的太阳光发电设备,独立型太阳光发电系统,MEMS方式的polaris太阳光tractor节能用BLOCK型LED模块和高效率转换器,DAMC控制器,亲环境LiFePo-4电池及充电器为主生产品,又生产独立型防灾用相机及防灾用audio ","This is a product related to regenerated energy. Solar generating device, independent solar generating system, MEMS system Polaris sunlight tracker and other energy reducing Block type LED module, high efficiency converter, DAMS controller, eco-friend LIFEPO-2 Battery and charger are the main products and we also produce independent preventing camera, preventing audio devices."
    170,"damjangee","http://ekawoddl2009@naver.com","花器,装饰品,生活瓷器,装饰小品","table ware","100%手工艺陶瓷","100 % hand made ceramic shop"
    171,"NATIONAL ENG CO.,LTD","http://www.oilpress.co.kr","石油爱","oil love","它是可以从芝麻,紫苏,杏核,南瓜籽, 等各种植物榨油的特殊设计的产品.14英寸TV大小的小型,重量轻,便于移动且可利用小空间,又是新开发的专利产品,使用维修都方便,总重量为35kg方便移动.用家庭用电也可以很好的榨油且当使用一小时时省电费.","It is as small as 14 inch TV set. It takes only one hour to press the 6kg sesame. It is small, light, and portable and it can uNot only for sesame seeds and Perilla japonica seeds, but also for almonds, evening primrose seeds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, walnut seeds, and red pepper seeds oil pressing functions well. Its design is especially fit for oil processing for almonds.tilize the small space."
    172,"ZERAZIN CO.,LTD.","http://www.zerahun.com","舌清洁牙刷,儿童音乐牙刷","Tongue Cleaning Toothbrush, Musical Toothbrush for kids","用一个牙刷可以干净的清洁牙齿和舌苔(去除细菌及口臭)的口腔清洁牙刷.在孩子们刷牙的时候从牙刷里出来优雅的声音,可以让孩子开心的刷牙的特许残品.是国内销售及海外出口产品","1. Tongue cleaning toothbrush : The product has the function of remove the white fuzz on your tongue as well as original fucntion of toothbrush. 2. Melody toothbrush for kids : The product is developed to play the music while your children brush so that kids may pleasantly clean their teeth."
    173,"soneuroalbum industrial.co","http://www.albumsale.co.kr","相册,促销用相册,夹子,企业订购的制作用相册","Photo Album, Company Promotional Album, Binder, OEM Album","利用最高级的素材满足消费者的要求,100%国内自己制作生产的定做产品","Soneuro album is made by high quality's material,and It's high quality's hand made product. we try to satisfy our customer's demad always."
    174,"DUZON","http://www.kspanel.com","组装式三明治板","prefabricated sandwich panel,","无"
    175,"Avistek","http://www.avistek.co.kr","视频信使/本地视频信使/多媒体使者","video messenger / local video messenger/ Multimedia Messenger","新产品促销短信系统,设置在卖场,医院等的大型TV,POP等,在以往的电视画面上公告打折,活动,情侣纪念,生日,升职等祝贺信息,最远100m的距离用RF遥控器现场送出希望的信息.使用简单,可以一天24小时一年365天连续操动","We newly launched AVIS-7700, Multimedia Messenger, in order to meet unique on-time in-place advertisement and information requirements of shopping malls, Hospital. department store."
    176,"PORTA","http://","厨房硬件及厨房配件","Kitchen hardware & accessory","1.易于收纳物品的人体工学性设计和未来感知性设计 2.有效率的空间利用 3.采用damping系统,抑制噪音产生 4. 可生产非规格的产品(可订购生产)5.可做干净实用性的收纳 6.使用绿色素材的高级设计","1.Ergonomic design for easy storage with futuristic design 2.Efficient use of space 3.Noise suppression using the damping effect 4.Availability to produce a non-standard, customized product 5.Clean and practical use of compartments 6.Luxurious design with eco-friendly materials"
    177,"Mecca Industry","http://www.meccaind.com","伸缩塔,环肩,工具箱","Telescopic Tower, Ring Rotator, Toolbox","我们的产品可以调节从地上最低8.5m开始到最高42m的高度.根据使用者的使用用途可以装置摄像头,灯,小型风力轮机,根据需要升降使用.","Our product, crank up(telescopic) tower, is sometimes accepted as unusual item in some country. Almost tower manufacturers produce self-supporting tower, fixed, or monopole tower. However, WorldWind is a telescopic tower that has a function of controlling its height. Towers for supporting telecommunication antenna, camera, and light. Its height can be controlled by user's need, with controller."
    178,"New Energy System","http://www.nesq.co.kr","远红外加热器天花板","Far-infrared Ceiling Heater","节省燃料费(维护费),无火灾危险,无色无味有益于健康(无因辐射热产生的纤尘).便于携带,半永久式电热器的寿命长,在高温的情况下也不产生异物质,舒适亲环境.","Lower cost of fuelt Less fire danger Better for health because of no taste and no color (Less dust owing to radial heat convection, Easy to move and safe in elevated temperature. Longer life cycle of radiator permanently and friendly enviromental heater without generating impurities in service)"
    179,"Hannaro Autoparts Corp.","http://","A/S部品","fast moving parts","为了维修汽车用的部品例如现代车","Hyundai, Daewoo, Kia, Ssangyong Motors auto parts for repairing any (genuine, bisunjeong, OEM products, etc.)"
    180,"General Technology","http://http://www.gastimer.net","gastimer","gastimer","阀门切断前5分钟会想起警报声,设定时间过去之后会自动关闭阀门,氢气可以100%切断,不使用220V电源的世界最初的新概念装置","in order to reduce fear on gas fires, PIS-ZONE GASTIMER with valve timer is developed. Most of all Fuse cock in middle valve calculates how much you use gas.Warning before 5 min. After setting up timer, it can prevent gas perfectly. This is the first gas safe device not to use 220 V."
    181,"K.I.C.A","http://www.kica21.com","超声波保湿喷雾","Ultrasonic Moisturizing Spray","本器械最主要的目标是用超音波喷雾使化装水和营养剂以细微的粒子供给到脸,脖子,胸等等部位的皮肤,使提高皮肤的保湿度.化妆水装入容器可随身携带使用.分散雾气式的微粒,感受柔和,吸收度比以往喷雾式产品的效果更优越.","The main objective of this product is to spray cosmetic and nutrients evenly in fine particles to face, neck, and chest in an ultrasonic waves mode. By immediately supplying moisture and nutrition to skin, moisturization becomes improved. Users can contain cosmetic in a portable container, and use anywhere, anytime."
    182,"Fawoo Technology Co., Ltd","http://www.fawoo.com","LED 照明","LED lightings","高能量效率(最多能节省80%的电费);寿命长(节约维护费);绿色产品(不含水银,镉,铅);减少二氧化碳的排放防止地球温暖化","- High energy-efficient (saving significant energy cost up to 80% of saving) - Long lifetime (saving maintenance and replacement costs) - Envirpnmentally friendly and responsible (Minimizing environmental pollution caused by mercury, cadmium, and lead) - Low carbon emitting (using LED lamps reduces CO2 emissions with the Clean Development Mechanism)"
    183,"DAEHAN NONFERROUS METALS IND.CO.,LTD","http://www.daehanmetal.net","非铁铸造物(青铜,黄铜,铝)",,"无"
    184,"Hamilton Trading Co.,Ltd.","http://www.hamilton-trading.co.kr","手表","watch","根据与世界知名品牌的许可证合同来生产,所以为了维持世界品牌的名誉,追求最高的品质,受严格的管理","We maintain high quality in accordance with strict quality control by licenser because of brand reputation. We sell them very well in 21 countries in the world owing to good quality, moderate price and brand reputation and these 4 brands match the harmony each other because of different design and price per brand."
    185,"koreamop","http://www.koreamop.com","贝壳瓷砖,卡皮斯水纸,卡皮斯瓷砖,贝壳贴纸","shell tile, capiz water paper,capiz tile, shell adhesive paper","1.它是使用贝类之王珍珠贝加工,为使它拥有固有的绚烂的光彩,并轨瓷砖,大理石,玻璃等材料制作的饰品.2.它可以以低廉的价格大量生产. 3.以低廉的价格得到最高级的形象效果. 4.产品的材料和种类很多. ","This accessories, which are made for processed a pearl oyster , are colorful and gorgeous construction materials which is attached tiles, marble, furniture and glass It is possible to achieve a maximum of efficiency, because it can be produced mass production scale by cheap cost, even though some people say its production costs is very expensive. There are so many materials and kind of products"
    186,"UVTEC","http://www.uvtec.co.kr","便携式牙刷消毒器","portable toothbrush sterilizer","产生紫外线和臭氧,可杀菌牙刷的各种病毒和病原菌 –它是携带用,可防止他人使用 –对在卫生间,书桌抽屉放置的牙刷可以保管得卫生 –产品的重量是100g,轻且携带方便 –若平时一天使用两次可使用2个月,很经济 (使用两个AA 干电池)Lamp的寿命大约20,000小时)","1. Lamp ultraviolet rays and ozone sterilize various viruses and pathogenic bacteria. 2. Air Vents It discharges humid to outside when the wet toothbrush is stored. 3. Toothbrush Holder It holds the toothbrush firmly to avoid noises from moving. 4. Air Vents It discharges humid to outside when the wet toothbrush is stored."
    187,"FEK Inc.","http://www.fek.kr","温水暖房板",,"无"
    188,"NATURAL WORKS co.,ltd.","http://www.allisis.co.kr","空气布什","Air bush","空气刷是一款无缺点卫生的产品,不用手或者清洁刷.老化,皱纹,毛孔粗大,变色,不均匀的肌肤,肤色问题,眼睛及眼袋等所有的麻烦可以用简单的方法改善的产品.","With the supremely faultless and very sanitary finishing, Allisis Air Brush known as 'Air Brush look' doesn't use a hand, sponge & brush. You can have a fantastic feeling with the simple air brushing techniques against the countless trouble such as aging spot, Imperfections, wrinkles, fine wrinkles, big pores, discoloration, rough skin, grain trouble, dark circle under the eye."
    189,"INI Co.Ltd","http://www.initechnolog.co.kr","一次性自动墨水充电器","Automatic refill ink kit","任何消费者都可轻松使用的一次性自动墨水充电器","I FILL is a disposable ink-injected device of an all-in one shot type. It is the product that everyone can re-charge Ink easily without any other unnecessary actions"
    191,"IS-TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD","http://www.e-istec.com","ECOPIA温水循环垫","ECOPIA Warm Water Circulation Mat","改善了产生电子波的以往产品的缺点,温暖和安全同时兼备的产品.和以往产品差别化的节电陶瓷加热器,可以节省暖房费用.","guarantees your family's health, safety, and convenience. The Water Pipe Type System safely maintains warmth. Can be set at your most desired temperature. Equipped with a safety fuse that automatically tums off the device when any electrical problem occurs."
    192,"Donong Sidae","http://www.airsol.kr","蚊子忌讳剂",,"无"
    193,"EVERECO co.,Ltd","http://www.evereco.co.kr","PETG 胶卷 & 水池 ,固定门,室内装修胶卷","PETG FOILs, Membraned kitchen & cabinet doors","灶间,浴室,衣橱,办公用MDF家具表面最后处理材料,是一种比较有魅力,柔和,耐久性的PETG胶卷","High glossy PETG foil providing an attractive, smooth & durable finish perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, wardrobs & offices"
    194,"OXYGEN CLUB","http://oxygenclub.co.kr","制氧机,365TheraSu,皮肤保护程序","oxygen concentrator, 365TheraSu, Skin saver","耐久性强,噪音小,不良率低的产品.机械效率性高,可以产生比其他公司产品纯度更高的氧气.微气泡可以缓解过敏性,对皮肤美容效果很好.使用比其他公司更高的马达,泡沫会非常丰富,在大容量的浴池里面也可以使用","not ready"
    195,"umin","http://www.easyout.co.kr","多抽头","Multi-tap","Sately - 通过推动按钮,插头和插座容易断开,节电的产品;避免物质掺入而引起的和短路事故,比较安全;便利性 - 可轻松的单手按钮,切断电源,狭窄的空间也可以使用","Sately - By pushing the button, a plug is easily disconnected from outlet and it makes the users safe and provents of the plug form overstress when a plug is disconnected from outlrt. Convenience - It can be used at the narrow apace with ease button-plug by one hand, so it can installed and used conveniently with various methods such as potable, attachsble and so on."
    196,"Hanaro Electronic","http://www.milen.co.kr","食物垃圾分解","food waste decomposer","是最亲环境性的方式.利用自然分解微生物,24小时内分解消灭大部分的食物垃圾.分解消灭食物垃圾时,绝不派出任何污水或有害环境物质.不需要任何设置,放在希望放置的地方,只要电源连线就可使用.最大的好处是处理食物时,室内不会发恶臭或异味.","Using Environment-friendly Microorganism Fermentation decompose Natural Recycling system Milen is… l Using Nature-friendly Microorganism. l Nature circulate microorganism decomposing system. l Prevent environmental pollution as do not drain polluted water. l Easy to use with beautiful design. l Origin decomposing system."
    197,"LUJUNG GIYEON CO.,LTD","http://","玻璃加热系统,电动热水地板供暖系统,窗帘博览会","Heating Glass System, Electric hot-water floor-heating system, Curtain Fair","暖玻璃-利用发热玻璃,防止外风,结露,蒸汽凝结.-暖房温水器-电气小型温水暖房器,对于能量节俭,设置容易且安全.-Curtain Fair-双重窗内部,设置遮光板,代替窗帘作用,管理简便.","Heating Glass System- Heating glass system protects from drafty, condensation and fog Electric floor-heating system- Simple, comfortable, safe Offering better warmth at home Curtain Fair- Blinds are installed inside the Double glazed windows. Clean and easy to manage."
    198,"jaekyungjigi","http://www.jkpacking.co.kr","彩色包装","Color Packaging","当选为2007年中小企业厅技术核心开发事业的主管企业,成功开发完成了利用亲环境纸素材的食品容器及Color箱子制造技术开发课题,并获得了特许登录及中小企业成长的技术核心型中小企业(INNO' BIZ)认证.更是为了得到有望中小企业认证后更让内容物突出而尽全力.代表性地纳入图书-镇纸媒体,汽车-现代和QIA的部品箱子等","."
    199,"SOLNARA","http://www.solnara.net","天然肥皂,红松针食品,松针香味素治疗,本质","Natural Soap, Red pine needles Food, Pine Needle Aroma Theraphy,Essence","松芳香剂-研究开发,世界12代香中的松树叶为原料的100%天然松芳香剂.具有把有害人体的室内人工化学成分给中和的作用.吸气都可以跟着鼻内血管及呼吸器,吸收到体内,在各种病菌和细菌中守护身体的健康,且帮助润滑新陈代谢的循环而打造更健康的美丽.","Pine Needle Aroma Theraphy korea red pine needle oil has one of the world 12 best fragrance. and korean red pine needle is the most widely used by our ancestors natural Pine Needle fragrance that makes you feel you're walking in the forest"
    200,"User Creative Robot Co., Ltd.","http://www.ucr.co.kr","教育机器人套件及内容","Educational Robot KIT and Contents","1)教育用遥控设备 KIT及满意的学习-EQ遥控设备教室KIT:从遥控设备的制造到节目的遥控设备学习-EQ遥控设备满意的学习:阶段性学习教材及3D模特/在线教育支援系统2)双向性DC马达-用一个DC马达可在左,右方向使用动力而开发的产品 - SPEC: 重量(37g),大小(57x44x32, mm),使用电压(3v),比(56:1),速力(230rpm at 5V)","Educational Robot KIT and Contents - EQ robotics : Students learn through creating their own robots and programming - Curriculum : Learning contents with educational robot kit. (EQ1,2,3 & 3D modeling DB) - UCR-EMS : Online Training Support Management System for EQ robotics. - Bi-directional Geared DC motor (Patent Application 20-2009-0004972)"
    201,"K-TEK.co","http://www.k-tek.co.kr","卡拉OK心情耳机","Earphones for a karaoke room mood","是手机,笔记本电脑,MP3等全部的音响器具里连接,像一般耳机一样使用,边听原音边唱,可以通过耳机同时听到自己的声音加上伴奏的美妙声音和外部音,且在歌厅里唱歌一样的感觉的新概念可移动单身耳机.语言学习时用为发音练习器也有很好的效果.","As ' ' can be used as general earphones for all sound equipment. In addition, at the same time the user can hear his or her own voice seasoned with echo sound through the microphone attached to the product with the original sound flowing from a sound reproduction device, it is karaoke room echo earphones of a new concept, that give the same effect as singing in a karaoke room even while moving"
    203,"KEUNWOO TEC.,LTD","http://http://www.kw-tec.co.kr","电动搬运车","electric carts","展示产品是徒步型四轮驱动电动搬运车,在2008年韩国发明大赛荣获铜奖.经过了特殊设计提升了加倍的行驶能力","This display products are walking types of 4-wheel electric carts. They are awarded bronze statue in 2008 Korea Invention Patent Exhibition."
    204,"WOOGONGSA Co., Ltd.","http://www.woogongsa.com","热疗的蓄热模块,肩颈部按摩器按摩器","Thermotherapy Massager by Heat Storage Module, Shoulder & Neck Massager","生活健康用品专门制造贩卖供应商 1)缩热式 蒸汽机:是椭圆型电气式蒸汽机,充电5分钟,2小时全身蒸汽可能的健康用品 2)按摩器:背在肩膀上,可按摩肩膀和脖子的,有特许证的,肩、脖专用按摩器.","Woogongsa Co,. Ltd. is a dedicated healthcare product manufacturing company majored in following items. 1) Thermotherapy Massager by Heat Storage Module - 5 Minutes Heat Storage, 2 Hour Thermotherapy Application. - Disk Shaped 2) Shoulder & Neck Massager - Back-Pack Shaped Shoulder Massager - Patent Registered - Most Efficient Soulder Massager comparing any other massager,"
    205,"Goodsense Co., Ltd.","http://www.spiderock.com","家居用品","HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES","基本吸塑板是有曲折面不容易粘贴的缺点.Spiderock是世界最初,导入新概念两重真空吸塑方式,跳过基本吸塑板限界的产品.无论是平面还是粗糙的曲面,也可以粘贴,国内实用信安登录及欧洲,中国,日本特许的产品.","Our brand perfectly solves problems with conventional vacuum fixer, which do not easily attach to bumpy or curved surfaces. The Spiderock Vacuum Fixer can be attached to surfaces with a maximum curvature of 1mm. It uses air-tight vacuum ring made of polyurethane material that fix air or other materials including oils, which makes it very durable and long-lasting."
    206,"ZAIGLE Co.,Ltd.","http://www.zaigle.co.kr","安康焙烧炉"ZAIGLE"","Well-Being Roaster \"ZAIGLE\"","紫外线康乐烘烤器ZAIGLE是用紫外线光调理,有直火烤最上的味道.调理时,没有异味、烟气、油渍的21世纪型亲环境康乐烤炉器.不是燃烧氧气,而是利用光调理的方式而没有危害物质的发生,安全且快适的,韩国人的快速调理试食取向的,带有温度调节装置和出油口及接油专用盒子,而提高了便利性和技能性的产品.","Zaigle has achieved a patent for its revolutionary technology of using highly efficient energy.The patent-achieved \"Zaigle\" uses infrared light to cook food, providing a better taste of its ingredients. It is easy to use and wash. And the low price and maintenance fee makes it an economic product. Zaigle is a cooking utensil that thinks of the health of its users."
    207,"C&B Products Inc.","http://www.cnbproducts.co.kr","化妆棉","Make-up Sponge & Puff","美容棉:彩妆化妆品及Foundation/twin cake 等application -天然纤维粉扑儿:使用powder产品-洗面棉-applicator :eyelid用-makeup brush ","Make-up Sponge for application - Powder Puff & Flocked Foam Puff for Powder - Cleansing Sponge - Applicator for Eyelid - Make-up Brush"
    208,"Miottica Korea Co., Ltd.","http://www.miottica.com","隐形眼镜附件","Contact lenses attachment","\"Mio Firends \"是利用具有抗菌性的银纳米素材,提高了技能性.\"IPOOL \"是利用 素材和振动,普通产品相比更安全地管理隐形眼镜.上记产品是利用可爱的动漫背景,以10-30女性为主而消费者的接近性卓越.","\"Mio Firends \" was used material of the Nano Silver that have antibacterial function. So it was progressed in function. Also, \"IPOOL \" can control yourlens safely, because it used silver-nano and vibration. Our products usedlovely character design,its target women in their 10s~30s mainly."
    209,"terra Poppy","http://www.terrapoppy.com","床土壤的开花植物,一开花锅无孔和应用产品.","Bed soil for a flowering plant, a flowering pot without holes and applied product.","一般花盆是因为排水口而周围凌乱,浇水难.而我公司的产品特征是没有花盆排水口也可以便利养植物.还利用这个特征,任何没有排水口的容器也可以种植物,让一般大众近且便利地接近自然,是本产品最大的特征.","Drainage of a currently used flower pot has some inconveniences- hard to water and dirt scattered around however, our bed soil features NO DRAINING NO SAUCER making up for the defects described above. It's very convenient for use to grow plants. Also, plants can be grown well in any container or pot filled with our bed soil."
    210,"Amazingbox co.,","http://www.amazingbox.biz","新的创新家具,挂钟,再用碳排放减少瓶","new innovative furniture, wall clock, recycle bottle for carbon-emission reduction","AMAZINGBOX是世界最初把多种四角形箱子,按使用者希望,可多样叠放的多目的性DIY(Do it yourself)生活家具.买得再贵的产品,如果是一般的家具,拼完后,使用者希望的模型变换是不可能,但本产品满足了这个技能.","The Amazingbox the first of its kind in the world is the everyday DIY furniture or a tool you can build or assemble in as many ways as we want, in various sizes and rectangles of space blocks. The Box is the multi-purpose furniture you can store such household goods as books, toys and ornament, both inside and outside of boxes horizontally, or stack those stuff in an inclined fashion."
    211,"SUNGCHANG LIGHTING CO.,LTD.","http://www.scflighting.com","LED照明","LED LIGHTING","(LED照明器具)-.把EMOTIONAL LIGHTING自然照明相似的照明求现及色温度及亮度,随着人的心里而变化.-.利用LIGHT THERAPY光的偏向能力的心理治疗可能.-.LED SLIM LIGHT净化技能(紫外线 UV LED,FILTER) -. 多样的 LED光源(RED,BLUE,RED+BLUE,GREEN,WHITE....)","(LED LIGHTING) -. EMOTIONAL LIGHTING -. LIGHT THERAPY -. LED SLIM LIGHT -. UV LED , FILTER"
    212,"JUNGANG STEEL CO.,INC.","http://www.stellrooftech.com","钢瓦","Steel roof tile","使用不生锈的钡钢板,每张瓦由横向连续摆放7个瓦片状的冲压件组成.在设计上使之每张瓦片在上下左右,保持很强的接续力,因而在瓦片安装后,经得起强风等环境的考验. 经对钡钢板的皮膜保护处理后,用高强粘着剂涂上石粉,在涂上一层各种色彩的釉 ,确保了石粉的稳定性.是美观,坚固及长寿命的高级屋顶材. ","Jung Ang Steel's roofing tiles is profiled to form an extremely strong overlapping and interlocking structure. it is coated with an acrylic base adhesive, a natural stone chip, as well as a clear acrylic overglaze in order upon the top side of the Galvalume steel. So it provides a long life span, besides strength, durability and beauty. We have tree models named star-bond, Hillock and Dimple."
    213,"COZYBACK.CO.,LTD","http://www.cozyback.com","办公椅","Office chair","株式会社cossie袋的 椅子,运用了人体工学,是以使用者为中心开发完成的办公用椅. 很好的包围臀部,座感舒适.并可根据使用者的身高,位置等调节扶手与腰椎托架.是一款有着革新外形的椅子.","The design of this chair fits your body shape perfectly. It provides excellent lumbar support and minimises back strain. The adjustable arms rest and back minimises strain on shoulder and arms. The ergonomic design also supports user's back even when the chair is tilted. It has a knob to adjust the tilting degree and phase. The knob controls the oil-pressure cylinder for smooth operation."
    214,"Nextronics Co.,LTD","http://www.nextronics.co.kr","位置追踪 有无线呼叫系统",,"无"
    215,"UNOCOS CO., LTD","http://www.unocos.com","Dr.KKam,菲莉丝洗发水和精华","Dr.KKam, Phyllis Hair Shampoo & Essence","博士KKAMTEA自由型基地(亚硫酸试验号T07 - 3594:美国FDA)的特点 * 浓妆后的化妆残留物,皮脂分泌物等不必使用洗面奶,只用香皂就可轻松简单的去除.脸部不紧绷,保持湿润.具有杀菌,抗菌的效果,改善皮肤的麻烦 ,洗脸后的皮肤保湿 .","Dr. KKAMTEA Free Type Base (STS TEST No. T07-3594: FDA USA) Characteristic : This product include a high quality fatty acid of plants, the oil of natural herbs and the extract of oriental natural drugs. It has very strong anti-virus and anti-inflammatory function. After using, it give an excellent moisturizing effect to the skin. Therefore, this product is good fit for pimple trouble ski"
    216,"MIJELLO","http://www.mijello.com","美术用品(palette:专业画家使用的色彩 ,水桶等等)","Art supplies (pallets, buckets, etc.)","丙烯酰胺纤维palette是世界首创,保管的不会坚硬,如果干了可以抠下来.然后水彩画palette具有密封性,设计的比较人性化容易配合","The Mijello Acrylic Pallet is the one that has been developed for the first time in the world, and it helps preserve the contents not hardened and when it has dried up, then makes it easy to be removed from the Pallet. Besides, as the Pallet designed for watercolor painting has been designed in airtight function and ergonomically, thus allows easy mixing."
    217,"andongjeontongmyoungju co.Lcd","http://www.andongmyoungju.com/","安东烧酒","ANDONG SOJU","使用韩国国产米与地下158M的天然岩水.发酵后使用传统的安东烧酒酿酒法,并使用安东烧酒特有的减压蒸馏与冷冻过滤的新技术制成的蒸馏原浆作为主要原材料制作而成的产品.具有传统的酒香与现代融为一体的独特的口味.","This is made of domestic rice and natural water pumped from the rock bed at lowert han 158M under the ground by means of such new technologies as distillation at reduced pressure and frozen filtration together with traditional method of Andong soju that has improved the traditional flavor and fragrance of soju in good harmony of traditional and modern tastes."
    218,"HUMANSEMICOM CO.,LTD.","http://www.souleds.co.kr","LED照明","LED Lighting","* 高效率 : 相同电力条件下,实现卓越的照明度 * 环保 : 未使用有害物质(水银,钠) 及 减少了CO2 排放 * 经济性 : 寿命长,低电力驱动,大幅减少了保养等维护费用 * 便捷性 : 基于Cell制造技术,修理,更换简单,并减少了相关费用.","* highly efficiet : much more efficient LX is possible in comparison to the same electricity power * environmentally-friendly : environmentally-harmful material such as mercury and lead is not used, and the dischage of CO2 is reduced. * economical efficient : due to its long useful life and low electricity, maintenance cost is drastically reduced. * simple"
    219,"SUNGWOO MEDITECH CO.,LTD","http://www.sungwoo.cc","按摩椅.肩按摩器.足部按摩","Massage Chair. Shoulder massager. Foot Massage","*全自动按摩系统 - 4种自动按摩类型,能够有效解除疲劳部位*空气按摩功能 – 肩,手,骨盆,大腿, 腿肚, 臀部, 足底等用按摩空气进行按摩 *MP3 播放功能 - 内置MP3 播放器,耳机.能够在享受音乐的同时进行按摩.","* Automatic Massage System - 4 Automatic course. * Air massage - shoulders, arms, pelvis, thigh, calf, hip, foot massage air pressure massage * MP3 player - MP3 player and earphones with built-in music, enjoying a massage"
    220,"AIDIA,LNC","http://www.aidia-bob.co.kr","自动显示的DID","DID AUTO DISPLAY","(1) 自动展示平台上,在展示的商品空缺时,下一个商品回自动展示出来的新型流动显示系统. (2) 使用AIDIABOB解决方案能够HD高清晰画质,活用图像更有效直观的将商品信息传递给客户. (3)三维卡勒 将平面的2D形态转换成3维形态的高端技术印刷/输出媒体 ","(1) Auto Display A new concept display system that helps ordered product display by pushing forward the product to the emptied spot (2) AIDIABOB Solution Useful information of our product for you and maximizing purchase by using various Hi Definition motion graphics (3) 3D Culler High technology pringting by reconstructing flat 2D image into 3D image"
    221,"Winnerstory co.ltd","http://www.winnerstory.com","多媒体播放器句","Multimedia Sentence Player","学习特殊化的多媒体文章 - 使用者能够在多媒体的上,抽取出最适的内容,构筑文章内容的DB来学习. 活用DB的关键字学习 - 在使用者选出的文章内容DB上,为了能够让使用者更好的学习到特定的关键字,可以选择包含关键字的文章进行学习. 发音比较学习.","- Specialized Multimedia Sentence Study - Key Word Study utilizing DB - Cutting edge hardware system convergence developed within the company - Pronunciation Comparing Study - User Level Matched Study"
    222,"Mocomtech Co.,Ltd.","http://www.mocomtech.com","投影屏幕","projection screen","*亮度与清晰度在白棕垫银屏的20倍以的屏幕.(亮度 18-23 ) * 白棕垫银屏的清晰度(对比度) 100 : 1 , 高清屏幕 - 2000:1 * 高清屏幕能够形成精密的镜头曲率球面,在投影仪放到焦点距离时,外光将向外部散去,投影仪的光线将集中到屏幕的中央后,传向整个屏幕,亮度得到增加.","The patented Mocom Hi-Power Screen is a lens-type screen screen based on a spherical curve and its optical properties make it display the brightest and sharpest images under the lighting systems and in the sunny room. * 20gain of brightness, High accuracy color reproduction, ultra-high resolution and contrast ratio, excellent 3D effect(4 times better than matte white)"
    223,"MUR Inc.","http://www.saywood.com","iceking饮水机","iceking dispenser","双重冷却构造的多面连续急速冷却,温水系统,wu无论什么液体,只要将其放入后,在5秒之内,就会出来冷,热液体的机器.为了使液体从软木里出来,在瓶里要导入空气.但是,要防止劣质空气进入而导致液体的变质.为了在完全封闭的状态下,不要让其劣质空气进入,开发安装了具有除菌功能的密封型阀门.","Multilateral Continuous Uniform Rapid Cooling Device Double Cooling System. All kind of spring water, beverage and liquor drinking rapid hot & cold in 5second. Iceking is direct H/C system the first time in the world. Sealed type check valve dispenser sustem with sterilization system with this technology on iceking dispenser."
    224,"PARAGON ELECTRONICS","http://paragon-elec.co.kr","各种产业用开关",,"无"
    225,"ESTAR Technology Co., Ltd.","http://www.estar.co.kr","各种纤维机器","Circular Intarsia Knitting M/C, Circular Pile Knitting M/C, Infrared Dryer M/C, Foil Printing M/C","特点:逾越了以往的结构形态,具有精密曲线,精巧的细线表现,多样化的形状,高生产性的自动化的 .以快速的供给,快速编制任何原纱的编织机. 弊司生产的紫外线染色机具有节约能耗,高生产性,多样化色彩的生动表现的特点. 铝箔印刷机具有 独创的多样模式的表现,铝箔涂层功能."," Circular Intarsia Knitting Machine: Strengthened Function Of Intarsia Knitting, Enhanced Productivity Circular Pile Knitting Machine: NO\"YARN PRESS WHEEL\"ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Electric Infrared Color Fastening Dryer: Superior Capability Of Color Fastening,Low Energy Consumption Foil Printing Machine : Luxurious Effect Of Foil Coating, Creativity Of Showy Patterns, Splendid Color Expression"
    226,"MUN HWA LIGHTING CO.,LTD","http://","LED照明","LED lighting","\" \" 是提供,具有别具一格的最佳装潢照明结构解决方案的未来照明技术. \" \" 使用反射冠与半圆形罩,扩大了排光范围,拆卸既有的灯具后即可容易安装的产品.使用 \" \"能够实现满意的办公室及商用照明空间.","\"Bling Bling\" is a stylish and elegant interior lighting design provides the optimal solution for implementing a next-generation lighting technology is. \"Bling Bling\" is fresh and semi-reflective cover a range of photometric likewise use the same size of the existing fixture is. \"Bling Bling\" when using the office and commercial space, lighting, etc. You can create the desired design."
    227,"pungmi food","http://www.pungmi.co.kr","佐料虾酱类","Salted seafood","40年传统的虾酱淹制在优质的食盐里经过自然熟化的传统方法精密的制作出来的,含有丰富的氨基酸,钙,蛋白质等,可以品尝到传统虾酱故有的独特风味的天然发酵产品","KKK"
    228,"HANUL HERB CO.,LTD","http://www.hanulherb.com","湿巾,手部消毒湿巾,口罩","WET TISSUE, CLEANSING TISSUE, SANITIZING TISSUE, MASK SHEET","我们主要是以天然提取物制作出绿色产品为目标,生产将顾客的lifestyle 更加升华的产品","Hanul herbs's products are made of 100% natural extracts that not only promote the product's high quality but also environmental safety. Forthermore, Hanul herbs's products upgrade your lifestyle to a whole new level : a clean, neautiful, comfortable, and exciting life."
    229,"CS Technology Co.,Ltd","http://www.cstechw.com"," 平板LED灯具,LED路灯, LED 保安灯, LED 工厂灯","Flat LED Lamp, LED Street light, LED Security light, LED Factory light","使用代替以往暗线及固定型灯管的平板 LED照明和代替高压防电灯的LED路灯,保安灯,工厂灯可以节约电,延长寿命,减少维持保修费,没有有害Gas的绿色产品","Flat LED Light(replacement type of the existing 'recessed and fixed LED Luminaires') and LED street/security/factory Light(replacement type of the existing high-pressure discharge lamp) are resulted by the followings. 1. Power Saving 2. Long life-time 3. Maintenance and repair costs saving 4. Eco-friendly Products without a harmful gas"
    230,"Bok&Bok Co.,Ltd.","http://www.boknbok.co.kr","能量饮料,解酒,防","Anti Hangover and Energy Drinks","解酒产品"Bok&Bok",世界首次从河豚里提炼出来的饮料.07年被韩国日报选定为下半年韩国最新产品;枳椇树果实提炼物,瓜拉那 提炼物,红参浓缩液,黑蒜浓缩液等为材料的充电能源饮料","Bok&Bok Bok&Bok, a patented product using swellfish extract, is a beverage product for preventing and curing hangover at anytime and anywhere. - DASH DASH provides and boosts body energies before or after hard exercise works, and greatly helps to increase concentration with natural and beneficial ingredients."
    231,"Electron Parts Technology Co.,Ltd","http://epthinge.com","紫外线消毒刀","UV Knife Sterilizer","反复自动杀菌及加热系统. - 杀菌功能 : 运行后,每小时5分钟进行一次杀菌. - 加热功能 : 运行后,90分加热杀菌能力试验(韩国生活环境测试研究院) - Escher ichia col I 对照群 : 99.9% 杀菌 - Staphy lococus aureus 对照群 : 99.9% 杀菌 - Salmonella typhimur ium 对照群 : 99.9% 杀菌 - Pseudomonas aeruginosa 对照群 : 99.9% 杀菌","Automatic repeat ting sterilization and drying System - Sterilizing function : working for 5 minutes every 1 hour - Drying function: working for 90 minutes every 1 push-button Test report(KEMTI) - Escher ichia col I : 99.9% of Sterilization. - Staphy lococus aureus : 99.9% of Sterilization. - Salmonella typhimur ium : 99.9%"
    233,"CPT Inc.","http://www.cpt.kr","精密冷凝器",,"无"
    235,"Seyoung Information & Telecommunication","http://www.eseyoung.com","Binary CDMA ,无线音响耳麦(WiWi)","BINARY CDMA WIRELESS HEADSET","1.音响广播及收音功能(最多可同时收3个音源)2.保安加入功能 3.频道设定功能 4.有发言权功能","a. Audio/voice broadcasting and receiving function(Can receive maximum 3 audio input at the same time) b. Secure admission function(Safe from confusion and wiretapping by applying security code per a group) c. Channel selection function d. Speaking(Broadcasting by slave module) function"
    236,"ricefood","http://rice6655@naver.com","nurungji(附煮锅巴)","nurungji (crust of overcooked rice)","短时间内即可食用的不含有人工添加剂成分,使用100%天然农产品制作而成的健康食品.尤其在户外活动时,能够简单的进行食用,并用纯天然农产品制作而成的有利于健康的 食品.","You can enjoy meals and it helps you saving time. What's more, it doesn't have any preservatives and artificial additives. Our products are healthy food which made from 100% natural ingredients. When having outdoor activities, you can have a meals very simply. As health food Which made from environment -friendly agricultural products, our products are good for health."
    237,"Cline,co,ltd","http://www.clinecode.com","便携式皮肤冷却器 - Icywhite","Portable Skin cooler - Icywhite","使用特殊的冰盒(Ice Cartridge),减少冷气损失,能够便捷的长时间使用的新型冷却按摩机.冷却皮肤时,有着与其他相关产品无可比拟的温度,持续性,便捷性与外观.是一款2009年专利产品,并针对对皮肤健康尤为关注的女性及易热的人士开发的健康生活必需品.","New-concept cooling massager with ice cartridge. Specially designed for minimizing the coldness loss Comparing to other companies' products, Icywhite is superior in low temperature in long lasting duration in convenience in design"
    238,"HANJIN IND CO.,LTD.","http://hanjin.koreasme.com","鱼油","FISH OIL","* 鱼油(FISH OIL)在食品(人造黄油或缩短) 及饲料行业上(混合饲料原料)用作供给能源,在工业上用作香皂,油漆等油脂行业的原材料被广泛运用. * 除泡剂- 除去泡沫,在因山制造行业及高浓度废水处理厂,需要除泡的现场上被广泛运用.","FISH OIL is widely used as the energy source of foods margarine or shortening oil and feed(ingredients and assorted feed). Further, it also used in the manufacture of soap, paint and other oil&fat products. It is use dofoaming agent when manufacturing the phoshoric acid and high-concentration waste water treatment plants and ant sites that need foam flotation and removal."
    239,"entra Jewelry","http://","金,银jewellery 装饰品","Gold & silver Jewelry","贵金属装饰品,如耳环,戒指等女性时尚装饰品,对当季流行非常敏感,保留着多种多样的设计,所有年龄阶段的女性都会信赖的产品","** Gold jewelry products & silver hewelry products ** Gold ring, earring, pendants with beautiful designs."
    240,"Youngwoo Frozen Foods Co., LTD","http://www.young-woo.com","面条,速冻面条,速冻水饺,汤,酱油,饮料","Noodles,Frozen noodles,Frozen dumpling,Soup,Sauce,Beverage","(1)常温面:在手工式制面生产线上制作,使之柔软并附有韧性. (2)冷冻面:使用急速冷冻法制作而成,使之煮熟后还保有原先的韧性. (3)冷冻馒头:使用新鲜原料及严格的品质管理,急速冷冻的方法制作而成. (4)汤类,佐料,饮料:智异山情景地区最佳的品质制作而成.","(1)Noodles:YOUNGWOO runs two noodle manufacture lines,the handmade line and triple noodle line. (2)Frozen noodles:Being frozen instantly,they deliver the chewy texture of fresh boiled noodles. (3)Frozen dumpling:They are frozen,and their fresh, simple and rich flavor is also frozen at the same time to reach the customer in time of consumption."
    241,"MJ health foods Co.,LTD","http://muju9000.com","天麻产品类","Cheonma","无"," ............."
    242,"TELTRON Inc.","http://www.teltron.com","微波运动传感器,实时检测细菌","Microwave Motion sensor, Real time bacteria detector","1.动作监视中心 : 使用微波,对流动的物体进行精确的监视.--> 节电, 对侵入进行监视 2.时时测定细菌: 对细菌时时测定,检查卫生部位的细菌污染情况 -->食品制作装置, 对食器等的污染检查.","1.Motion sensor : Microwave type sensor, independent from temperature, humidity, and light, It can be used saving electrical energy and intruder detection. 2. Real time bacteria detector: Detection time within 10 sec. It can be used test of sanitation."
    243,"JOO SOON YEB PRESSED FLOWER","http://","压花","PRESSED FLOWER","利用压花的旅游商品及生活装饰品","."
    244,"DARO.Co","http://www.daro.co.kr","达罗茶(100%纯雪型茶),钛等(茶的饮食习惯:饮食茶产品)","Daro tea (Snow type 100% pure tea), Ti-et (Tea-diet : tea diet products)","1.朱达罗茶使用低温抽取法制作而成的,保有了固有的茶香,茶味,茶色.不同于以往的粉末茶(日本抹茶),是结晶体(盐,砂糖等) 2.朱达罗茶与水的温度无关,易融化.(即使放在冰水里,10秒以内也可完全融化) 3.朱达罗茶不使用任何的添加剂制作而成的含有100%茶成分的天然纯净茶. 4.使用无农药残留的茶,检测不出农药残留量.","1.Daro tea is not powdered type tea but crystallized tea taken from loosen dried tea leaves. In this particular form, Daro tea is distinguished by its original aroma, color, and taste without any other artificial additives. 2.Daro tea can be dissolved easily very well even in iced water. 3.Pure tea without any other artificial additives, excluding harmful elements like agrochemical"
    245,"The bluebell co.,ltd","http://www.thebluebell.co.kr","装饰品","ARTIFICIAL FLOWER","进口类似植物的高级原材料,国内Florist(拥有国家资格证)们精心设计的产品,适合于家庭及企业等陈设使用","This goods was made with imported luxurious raw and subsidiary materials similar to plants and was designed by domestic florists (with certificates) with their hearts and souls, and thus it is appropriate for displays for home and business"
    246,"Shinchoen Sinbito Co., Ltd","http://www.sinbito.com","化妆品,天然手工皂","cosmetic, natural handmade soap","用心,手工制作了一个个神奇的产品.以纯植物性物质,天然油等为基本原料,并添加了栽培山人参,刺五加,6年的红参严格选定,抽取的20于种100%韩国国产汉方材料.与神奇的土进行最适的配比制作而成的老少皆宜的产品.对面疮,皮肤中的中金属,排泄物,角质, 气味, 脚气,脱毛防止,去除杂质,毛囊虫及 特殊性皮肤等具有疗效.","All of the ingredients used to make Sinbihwa come from the nature, such as natural plant oils as well as over 20 varieties of 100% domestically produced herbal ingredients, such as the cultivated mountain ginseng, Acanthopanax senticosus, 6-year-old red ginseng.Sinbihwa provides outstanding effects for acne, rough skin, liver spots, smelly feet, athlete's foot,demodicidosis and atopic dermatitis"
    247,"THEZONEGREEN","http://www.ddoo.co.kr","园艺花卉材料","gardening material for flower","世上所有的花盆,在其下方都应该有排水孔.但是,使用弊司开发的养殖植物,可以不需要排水孔,植物的根也不会烂掉,而且长势良好. 远红外线,阴离子,氧气等将被大量的排放,不会产生蚊虫.","A rich soil for all of the plants. No drain hole required - clean, No mold Bacteria soil for the green world - Alive water, No bugs, No smell The first class soil for indoor/ outdoor plants. Water saving soil. Long life"
    248,"pop-up book korea","http://www.popstarkorea.com","三维玩转弹出阶段","3D PLAYING POP-UP STAGE","折叠后厚度变薄,容易保管,不占用很多空间. * 立体,可以游戏的坚固舞台 * 可更换照片等背景,多样场景上的演出 * 有纸木偶衬台,可以享受多样的游戏 *可能使用各种人物造型,照片,木偶等进行游戏. * 通过儿童口头叙述的故事与木偶游戏,能够培养想象力,展示力,表现力等. * 观光产品,PR用品,教育用品等活用开发可能.","* POPSTAR is thin and easy to keep when it is folded. Also it does not need much space. * The stage is 3D and sets up firmly, strong against usage. * Change the background to play various scenes, such as using your photo. * Doll supports allow various role-playing. * Adaptable to characters, photos, and dolls. * Cultivate imagination,skills through by storytelling and role-playing."
    249,"A.T.T. Co.,Ltd","http://www.tyrewrench.com","轮胎扭力扳手","Tire Torque Wrench","talk内置型轮胎扳手,以10倍的力量,很容易卸下胎罩螺丝,并能够准确的进行安装的工具.能够防止因误装轮胎导致安全隐患发生的工具.","Power Torque wrench for passenger Car Quick & Accurate Wheel maintenance with little effort. Quick and easy wheel replacement. Long tyre life. No streering wheel vibration. No uneven tyre wear. Correct wheel fitting."
    250,"WON Biogen co.,Ltd.","http://www.wonbiogen.co.kr","Inofoam ,Dermaclusive ,Remscar ,RenodermTM","Inofoam ,Dermaclusive ,Remscar ,RenodermTM","Inofoam :创新和泡沫敷料的合成,意味着在伤口治疗上的革新泡沫敷料Dermaclusive:水胶体无皮肤刺激性不含粘合剂添加剂,使用了聚合物与人体相容性良好的材料. Remscar:硅凝胶膜对瘢痕的改良敷料.Renoderm:水胶体敷料有excellnet兼容性.","Inofoam:As a compound of'Innovative'and 'foam dressing',Optimum moisture Environment Dressing for heal a wound. Dermaclusive:Hydrocolloid without skin irritation does not contain adhesive additives, made using polymer material of excellent compatibility with the body. Remscar:Silicone gel sheet dressing for scar improvment. Renoderm:Hydrocolloid dressing which have excellnet compatibility."
    251,"GRIX CO.,LTD.","http://www.grix.kr","无线通信,温度调节器","Wireless Sensor Network Solution, Temperature Controller","无线网络解决方案- 使用 ZigBee 技术的ZigBee 传感器网络解决方案- 使用 BCDMA 技术的视频传输系统解决方案 温度调节器-支持传感器模式和计时器模式的自动温度调节系统.","Wireless Network Solution - ZigBee Sensor Network Solution using ZigBee technology - Vide transmission system solution using BCDMA technology Temperature Controller - Automatic temperature control system supporting sensor mode and timer mode."
    252,"Dayeon Co., Ltd","http://da-yeon.co.kr","荷叶茶,莲花茶,发酵饮料与莲花大米","Lotus Leaf tea , Lotus Flower tea , Fermented Rice Drink with Lotus","Muan白莲花茶(荷叶茶,莲花茶)温和口味的荷叶茶是由洁白的莲花叶子做成,在生态良好的环境中培养.浓郁口味的莲花茶含有晨露的感觉.这两种打包在三角袋供您使用并且见证当被浸泡时茶叶被冲泡出来. 这些是Muan县, regis地方产品.","1. Muan White Lotus Tea(Lotus leaf tea and Lotus Flower tea) Mild flavored Lotus leaf tea is made of clean white Lotus leaves, cultivated, in an eco-friendly way. still and deep flavored Lotus flower tea contain the feeling of morning dew. Both of these are packaged in triangular teabags for you to use and witness tea leaves brewing out when soaked. These are local products of Muan County, regis"
    253,"CheongMaesil Farm","http://www.maesil.co.kr","李子加工","Maesil Extract","CheongMaesil 农场是韩国传统食品制造商通过一家人三代的真诚努力生产出新鲜的李子.我们的李子在Seomjin河晨雾,Baekun山干净的晨露和南方温暖的光照下生长.农场通过用祖先曾用过的传统的陶器来发酵生产李子.","The CheongMaesil Farm is a Korean traditional foods manufacturer producing fresh plums through the sincere efforts of a family over three generations. Our plums are grown with the early morning fog of the Seomjin River, the clean and pure morning dew of Baekun Mountain, and the warm southern sunshine.The farm produces plums by fermenting them in traditional pottery that was used by our ancestors"
    254,"jusung.industry","http://www.weaver21.com","沐浴巾,美容巾","shower towel","从自然材料获取特殊自然的细线制造出的抗菌功能的美容身体浴巾是一种可以溶解和除去皮肤中的污垢的功能性浴巾.","characteristics : The anti-bacterial functional beauty treatment body towel produced with special natural thread acquired from the natural material is the functional shower towel which dissolves and removes dirt from the skin."
    255,"DAERYUK","http://www.greatland.co.kr","JALVALBA (Semi Auto Clutch)","JALVALBA (Semi Auto Clutch)","JALVALBA' 我们产生,是装在该按钮放上的换档旋钮时自动拉离合器的手册 (棒杠杆) 汽车的机器人设备推送.您可以享受方便的驾驶类如自动车,不需要使用左脚","The 'JALVALBA' ,we produce, is a robot-device mounted on the manual (stick-lever) car, pulling clutch automatically when the button plcaced on the knob of gearshift is pushed. You can enjoy a convenient driving like(or as if (it were)) automatic car since there is no need to use left foot as the clutch is automatically to be pulled at the traffic jammed section."
    256,"DABITTECH","http://www.dabit.co.kr","LED 应用产品","LED LIGHTING & SYSTEM","本公司利用led开发/制作多种产品,能量消耗少,追求光效率高的产品,开发多种景观照明系统及产品为创造美丽世界努力着","thankyou"
    257,"DIANA BIKE co.,ltd","http://www.dianabike.co.kr","一般自行车 特殊自行车","General bicycle, special bicycle","这辆有着2个前轮的三轮车是与制造普通三轮车不同的逆向思维制造出的.这车有确保安全驾驶的功能并且不会摔倒功能是这辆三轮车的优势.","This bike is the tricycle with two front wheels made through the reverse thinking which is different from general tricycle . This has function of securing safe riding in addition to non-falling function which is the advantage of tricycle."
    258,"AD POWER CO.,Ltd.","http://www.adpower21.com","功率计,电源Analyzerm浪涌分析器,待机功率计","Power Meter, Power Analyzerm Surge Analyzer, Standby Power Meter","创新产品高功率微波 100 被改进测量电源比高功率微波-300 国际公共插座在前面的方式.所以我们可以轻松地衡量耗费和备用电源中没有更多的警员线插头.","Innovative product HPM-100 which was improved the way of measuring power than HPM-300 has ainternational public outlet in front. So we can easily measure standby and consuming power by plug in without additional constable wire."
    259,"gimcheonbangjjayugi","http://www.yugishop.co.kr","对餐具,一套一套的汤匙和一对夫妇,碗,筷各种contai","a set of table utensils, a set of spoons and chopsticks for a couple, various kinds of bowls, contai","所有产品都是由手艺精湛和经验丰富的工匠仅用他们的师傅流传下来的传统方法制造.他们是由所选的质量金属 78%的质量铜和22%的锡组成.","All items are hand-made by skilled and highly experienced craftsmen only with their traditional methods handed down from their masters. They are made of a selected quality metal composed of 78% of quality brass and 22% of tin."
    260,"thinkwing.co.,ltd.","http://thinkwing.co.kr","按摩器,电加热座椅","massager, electric heating chair","一次性减少你的腹部脂肪和便秘问题 !获得您的健康,以"im beauty"一只手压按摩机在韩国手针刺激疗法是因为在世界上首次采用暖人而受到大家的欢迎.用红外木材缓冲材料中使用了 imbeauty365 的光心迎接每天早晨.","Lose the fat in your belly and resolve the constipation problem once for all! gain your health, with \"im beauty\" A hand-press massage machine where Korea hand-acupuncture stimulation therapy was employed for the first time in the world Warm people are welcomed. Greet every morning with a light heart using the imbeauty365 for infra-red ray wood cushion"
    261,"Oyang Platec.,Ltd","http://www.oyplatec.com","塑料媒体,橡胶辊回收系统","plastic media, rubber roller recycling system","我们的技术是用成本效益和环保的方法来回收橡胶辊.这种新技术不仅可以充分恢复橡胶硬度来比对当前重用的方法,而且可以不用破坏表面和用化学来控制粗糙度.这样降低的原先30%的回收成本并且使用寿命更长.","our technology is cost-effective and enviroment-friendly way of recycling the rubber rollers.This new technology can not only sufficent restore the hardness of the rubber in camparison to the current method for reuse but also control the roghness without damaging the surface and using chemical.This reduce the recovery cost to the 30% of the current method and much longer life time."
    262,"DONG SEO HIGH TECH CO.,LTD","http://www.dsht-n.com","轮胎垫圈自动机","AUTOMATIC TIRE WASHER MACHINE","自动轮子洗衣机产品用于建造场所洗涤自卸卡车或重型卡车的轮子.","Automatic wheel washer the product is used in construction site to wash the wheel of dump-truck or heavy truck"
    263,"hyunnong","http://www.hyunnong.co.kr","韩国米粉","Korea rice noodle","韩国全国1%的海湾墨水有可能,Yoju水稻还有50%.低热量.胆固醇 0%.","'The South Korean national 1% bay ink there is a possibility, ' Yoju rice 50% containing. It fries in the oil and is not and the taste, low-end calorie. Cholesterol 0%"
    264,"REPUTER CO., LTD","http://www.reputer.co.kr","统一通信交换中心100","Unified Communication Switching Hub 100","UC Switch被安装在使用者装置最初接触的位置.是 Layer-2 Switching HUB 制品.通过强化使用者最初接触位置的革新式的网络设计方法,可提供以下的高效率性能 1.减少构建费用- 约减少 26% 以上的情报通讯网构建费用 2. 管理效率的提升 - 改善 及扩大管理领域 3. UC(Unified Communication)展现 - 提供有限,无线通话及电话连接图像","UC(Unified Communication)switching Hub is in-the-wall Fast Ethernet switch which transform a simple LAN connection into an intelligent. It is a Layer-2 Switching HUB and supply the OSI, Qos, PoE, IEEE802.1x, LAN&WAN service."
    265,"uninexuskorea","http://","家庭洗衣粉和洗衣机洗衣粉","a home laundry detergent and laundry machine detergent","它既是高浓度的也是经济的.此外,它不会留下泥沙.我们的产品可以完全溶解.对皮肤不会有任何伤害,保护服装的颜色和材料.","Since it has high concentration, it is very economical. Moreover, it doesn't leave sediment. our products can be dissolved entirely. it doen't have any damage on skin. It protects the color and materials of clothings."
    266,"SUNGWOO FT","http://","大米专用冷藏库","RICE REFRIGERATORE","MICHEN采取了和现有的冰箱相比的一个不同的冷却系统.我们采取的温差电效应有低功率消耗量,非引导和非振动的优点.另一个优点就是与现在的冰箱相比体积小了. ","The MICHEN adopted a different cooling system compare with existing refrigerator. The thermoelectric effect which we adopt is having strong point of low power consumption, non-nosing and non-vibration. Another strong point is small size compare with existing refrigerator."
    267,"MIREA INDUSTRIAL SHOWERCOOL CO.","http://www.showercool.com","showercool(多功能冷温风烘干机)",,"无"
    268,"EANS KOREA.CO.,LTD","http://eanskorea.com","华夫机,圆锥比萨饼机,冰淇淋机,果汁dispencer","Waffle machine, Cone pizza machine, Ice cream machine, Juice dispencer","提升了黄铜的特性,提高热效率的产品.传度率提升可以是里面也能迅速熟透.特别是4×4(横竖)的凹凸可以让waffle的线条更加鲜明,上糖浆的时候可以更加便利","Brass waffle pie machine is a product introduced characteristics of brass into waffle plate in order to increase heat transmission efficiency. Even inside of waffle can be well cooked due to increase of heat transmission effect, and upper and lower plates of the waffle iron are processed into an all-in-one type in order to maximize its heat efficiency."
    269,"Korea tradition culture laboratory","http://kor-shop.co.kr","天然鲸鱼香皂","Natural Soup using Whale Oil","如果功能性香皂(鲸鱼肥皂)首次在该国推出,众所周知鲸油包含的(Q-10)和维生素A很多.据说在学术界,它们具有有效地抗衰老和保湿功效.增加鲸油可以进一步的为皮肤增加光亮.","In case functional soap(whale soap)first launched in this country, it is widely known fact that whale oils countain a lot of conenzyme (Q-10) and vitimin A. It is said in the academic world that they are very effective in antiaging and moisturizing. Further more natural oils that is good for skin was added to whale oils. This funtional whale soap was made in this count"
    270,"GREEN FARM","http://www.thegreenfarm.co.kr","生态烛台","Eco Candle Holder","这个一个优雅的烛台在透明的玻璃器皿中表现出奇妙的色彩和大自然本身.它适合用于各种派对和作为一份完美的礼物送给重要的人.","This is an elegant candle holder which expresses the marvelous color and beauty of nature itself in the transparent glassware. It is suitable for all kinds of party and a wonderful present for your important person as well."
    271,"ARAM Solution co.,Ltd","http://www.uaram.co.kr","婴儿护理产品","BABY Care Products","devie以能吸引婴儿得出注意的LED光的产品为特色. 它也有告诉父母发生在婴儿的所有紧急状态的警报和蜂音器作用.","The devie features a Products with LED light which draws attention from the baby. It also has alarm and buzzer functions which let the parents know any emergency occruing to the baby."
    272,"SEOULDISPLAY CO., LTD.","http://www.seouldisplay.com","LED照明,LED显示板","LED LIGHTING, LED DISPLAY BOARD","来自精心设计和自然的动画的不同的屏幕尺寸.图像将显示高清晰度, 高分辨率,和高质量的显示,并提供实时动画和信息显示.","Comes in various screen sizes with elaborate and natural animations. Images are presented with high-clarity, high-resolution, and high-Quality displays, and provides real-time animations and informational displays."
    273,"DA Tech Coporation. Ltd","http://da-tech.kr","LED玻璃灯,冷光的应用,太阳能电池中的应用","LED Glass Lamp, EL Application, Solar Cell Application","*LED 照明 将LED安装在不同于常规 PCB的玻璃基板上,不仅适用于照明,而且还适用于其他多种产品 *EL 应用产品 EL是既薄又有软性的发光面体,能够展现出20种以上的颜色.能够制作多样的产品及适用于众多场所. *太阳能电池(Solar Cell )应用产品 利用太阳光能源,适用于多种产品并在广告及照明上也易于使用.","*LED Glass Lamp LED Glass Lamp specialize circuit on Glass then it is able to apply not only Lamp but also variety of item *EL Lamp EL has good points such as thin & flexible, Lighting surface can be display over 20colors then it is easy to apply any where and any item customer required. *Solar Cell Application Advertising or Lighting filed can be apply any tiem by Solar Energy"
    274,"Yangji Food","http://yangjifood.cafe24.com","酒粕酱菜(黄瓜,萝卜)","Jubak Jangajji(Ulwoe: Types of Cucumis melo, White radishes, Cucumber etc.) So-called : Narazuke","将黄瓜,萝卜等淹在盐水里然后放在清酒,酒粕,白糖里进行发酵的酱菜","Ulwoe, White radishes, Cucumber are pickled in a mixture of Jubak: Refined rice wine lees(Refined rice wine and mash, and the white solid that is left over after processing), sugar and salt. And then it is fermented for one to three years with the older pickles, having turned brownish-yellow color, distributed as Jabak Jangajji."
    275,"DAEJIN BATTERY CO.,LTD.","http://www.newmaxbattery.co.kr","工业铅酸蓄电池","Industrial lead-acid battery","1.免修护的 2.Seald类型3.在自放电率低4.在较大的温度范围中操作5.经济, 寿命长6.设计以高不能改变为目的.","1.Maintenance Free 2.Seald type 3.Low in self-discharge rate 4.Operation in a wide temperature range 5.Economical and a long life 6.Design for high-dischargeing purpose"
    276,"Eco Nature Health Biotech. Co. Ltd","http://www.skygarten.com","大米加工食品,农业(林)产品.","Processed foods of rice,agricultural(forest) products.","农产品,药草加工食品 : 将生长在悬崖峭壁,深山老林里的天然有机药草植入食品的产品.有 , , , 西红柿等各种果汁, 新鲜便利食品, 米加工等食品( , )","Agric cultural products, processed foods of medicinal herbs : We provide various products of organic medicinal herbs from Baekdu Daegan mountains such as concentrate of Korean angelica root, concentrate of acanthopanax, medicinal sun sik, rice processed foods(Churus and waffle), jam of various fruit include tomato, freshconvenience foods and etc."
    277,"Flower route co.","http://","风兰,石斛,洋兰 ","KOREAN ORCHIDS, JAPAN ORCHIDS(NEOFINETIA FALCATA, AERIDES JAPONICA,DENDROBIUM MONILIFORME)","自生在韩国和日本,风兰甜美的香气就是它的魅力.种类非常繁多现在往日本持续的出口着.","Neofinetia falcata is generally an epiphyte native to Korea and Japan.. The fragrance is much sweeter and stronger. There are many forms to grow and enjoy, popular with orchid collector. They are continue to export to Japan."
    278,"Cool-tainer.,Ltd.","http://www.cooltainer.co.kr","步入式冰箱","walk-in refrigerator","最大限度地利用空间定制家具的趋势.减少维修费用.食物中毒和疾病长期的预防在新鲜状态储存的各种食品.存储标本, 医药和在医院的医疗用品. 被升级的生存标准在长期存放专业产品包括酒. ","-Maximization of space utilization following the trend of custom-built furniture. -Reduced maintenance expenses. -Prevention of food poisoning and diseases by a long-term storing of various food in fresh condition. -Storing specimen, medicine and medical supplies at the hospital. -Upgraded living standard by long-term storing of specialty products including wine"
    279,"Sooyeonwoo","http://","韩纸纺织床具类","hanji fabrics","利用具有抗菌性,远红外线放射等功能的韩纸纺织物制作的绿色健康商品,是符合追求高品质生活的现代人的要求","..."
    280,"DOMUZI","http://www.domuzi.com","生物的架构(天然染料壁纸)","Bio Wall Paper for Architecture (Natural Dye)"," 建筑学的生物墙纸(自然染料):100%韩国传统中草药,天然植物 - 订购过程:做艺术墙壁, 尽可能所有空间-使用原始的韩国纸包括设计厚度,纺织品,纹理.","Bio Wall Paper for Architecture (Natural Dye) : 100% Traditional Korean Herb, Natural Plant - Ordering process : make Art Wall, posibility all space - Use Original Korean paper : Design thickness, textile, texture"
    281,"Delice Co., Ltd.","http://www.delimanjoo.com","Delimanjoo面包机,魔术流行/德利流行机","Delimanjoo Bakery Machine, Magic Pop/Deli Pop Machine","Delimanjoo机是一家面包店机和Delimanjoo名称是我们自己的品牌,并与糖果奶油冰淇淋填补了蛋糕.低卡路里的零食在高温下膨胀产生.我们叫流行小吃,它的体积小,漂亮的外观和易于处理,而旧机大,很难处理.","Delimanjoo machine is a bakery machine and the name of Delimanjoo is our own brand and is the cake filled with sweety custard cream. Magic and Deli pop produce the low calory snack made by swelling in high temperature and press. We called pop snacks and it's samll and pretty appearance and is easy to handle while old machine is big and difficult to handle. ."
    282,"Thinkcoat Co., Ltd.","http://www.thinkcoat.com","连续胶粘涂层铝管","Continuous Adhesive Coated Aluminium Tube","我们的产品表面上涂有铝管材化学树脂.我们的产品保持100%的气密性和耐久性,耐热及耐寒性的优势.目前,国内外我们的产品是用在室内和室外冷气机,他们申请的汽车(助力转向系统和供暖泵).","Our products are coated with the chemical resin on the surface of Aluminium Tube. Our products maintain 100% of airtightness and have strengths in durability, heat & cold resistance. Currently, our products are used in a lot of indoor and outdoor air-conditioners at home and abroad, and they are applied for car (steering system and heating pumps)."
    283,"Yumin System Technology Co., Ltd.","http://www.yuminst.co.kr","泄漏传感器","Leak sensor","漏水监察中心 FLEXLEAK产品,是按被安装在 高价设备,有漏水危险的场所,对初期的漏水进行监察,从而防止2次,3次等漏水造成损失的监察系统. 2007年利用100%韩国国产技术研发而成. 获得 ISO, UL, CE, NEP 认证及 优秀调达产品的认证. 现供货与中部发电站,三星,海力士, LG 显示器, 现代奇亚汽车 IDC 中心及韩国国内数家半导体, LED ,LCD等众多企业.","This leak detecting system is essentially Installed around valuable essets and expensive facilities & detect any leakage happenings from its start to prevent bigger disasters caused by that. Yumin's Flexleak is worlds'first film type leak sensor & CE, UL, ISO, NEP & Government procurement excellent product cerficated. Main cusotmers are Samsung, Hynix, LG display, National power plant..others."
    284,"WARYONG INDUSTIRES CO., LTD","http://www.jinpoli.com","磁铁的配件,休闲运动鞋","Magnet accessory, Leports shoes","磁铁健康手镯和项链.船鞋","Magnet health bracelet and necklace. Yacht shoes"
    285,"GLONM Co.,Ltd.","http://www.glonm.com","RGALA前护理液","RGALA Pre-care solution","照片光敏剂的光动力(光动力疗法 - 一个方法来治疗各种皮肤问题,尤其是痤疮.)此产品的主要客户领先的皮肤科医师和专业美容院护理师.主要有效成分,载有大量 (15%)ALA (5-氨基乙酰丙酸).我们的产品比竞争者的有更长的有效期.然而价格是它们的一小部分.","Photo sensitizer for the PDT (Photo-Dynamic Therapy - a method to treat various skin problems, especially acne.) Our main customers for this product are leading dermatologists and professional beauty care salons. Main active ingredient, ALA (5-Aminolevulinic Acid) is contained in large amount (15%).Our product has outstandingly longer expiration date than competitor's.yet the price is a fraction."
    287,"IMDANG Agricultural Union","http://yangbangam.com","半柿饼,柿饼块半,冻柿子","Semi Dried Persimmon, Semi Dried Persimmon Chunk, Iced Persimmon","含有维生素A,C和矿物质的柿子,用于解酒和解渴,代替冰淇淋和酸奶,吃起来没有核和皮,个人卫生,整洁的礼品包装.","Pure Persimmon with Vitamin A,C & minerals Good to hangover & thirst Substitute dessert for ice cream & yogurt Easy to have without seed & peel Sanitary individual & Neat gift packing"
    288,"SEYOUNG HI-TECH CO.,LTD","http://www.sy3030.com","暖房温度调节器,驱动程序,阀门","temperature regulator,","综合室内温度调节温度设定流量规定:解决每个房间的供暖不平衡,用定时器的功能提现一种多功能定时器,可表示现在时间","Integrated indoor temperature regulation Temperature setting Flow regulation : Resolution to heating imbalance in each room Realization of a multi-timer through the use of a timer Indication of the current time"
    289,"Korean Publishers Cooperative","http://www.koreabook.or.kr","图书,PO D事业",,"无"
    290,"Korea New Tech Co.,Ltd","http://www.aromasense.co.kr","功能型淋浴喷头(精油-维他命淋浴喷头)","Functional Shower head (Aroma-Vitamin Shower head)","供应维他命 C使肌肤有弹性,对头皮和发质有保湿作用.可放射出比瀑布周围产生的负离子还要多的 421,000个/cc的负离子.生成的三角孔负离子淋浴板-从自来水中删除 95%以上的氯-过滤铁锈,污染物,漂浮污垢-达到芳香疗法的效果-一年能节约36,000升的水,比一般淋浴机水压提升1.5倍","-Generating negative ion by triangle hole of shower plate. -Remove chlorine more than 95% from tap water. -Filtering rust, pollutants, floating dirts. -Aromatherapy effect. -Spa & Massaging effect by 1.5 times higher pressure than normal shower head. -Save water by 25% comparing to normal shower head."
    291,"JIN SUNG HI-TECH CO.,LTD","http://www.jshanaro.co.kr","电磁灶(Induction range)","INDHCTION HEARING RANGE","快速加热(高输出)部件使烹调时间短.根据不同的菜单可自由调节输出的功率.","Fast heating (high output) unit makes cooking time short. Output can be adjusted freely for different menus."
    292,"XM","http://www.xm.co.kr","车载天顶显示器","Ceiling mount monitor for Car","包含利用10.2\"自动开关型天顶显示器电动机的自动开关型显示器DVD机(内含SD/USB POR)","Low reflection High Resolution TFT/LCD Slim and Curved Design Fully motorized LCD Screen Last position Angle Memory Built in Shock Resistant Gear Playback System Built in Dome Light Built in IR transmitter for wireless Headphone 2Video/Audio Input/ 1 Video/Audio Output"
    293,"PHOENIX CO., LTD","http://www.phx.co.kr","行业用洗碗机","AUTO DISHWASHER","特征(LOHAS)1.无需安装热水器是,因此在狭窄的空间也可安装,也可节省热水器安装费和每个月的燃气费用.2.回收排放的水的热量,节约能量.3.得到世界第一的发明专利,没有热水也可以正常运行.4.它有一个集热的装置并且不会随着1次或者2次的清洗而降低水温.5.3级热水器安全装置: 过热是由3个级别控制.","Features(LOHAS) 1. Since the water heater is not necessary, it is suitable for narrow places and save gas costs. 2. It recycles discharged water heat. 3. With the world-first patent, it can run without hot water. 4. It has a stylish heat collecting device and water temperatures don't fall after one or two washing operations. 5. 3-stage heater safety device: Overheating is controlled by three sta"
    294,"Sewon tech","http://","挡泥板,薄胶泥 ","Fender, Rubber sheets, Grout","大的挡泥板:(1000H× 3500)也可以生产;大型硬化橡胶垫,来满足不同的需求;橡胶板规格可生产大型橡胶制品.","Large Fender : (1000H×3500) Can also produce large Hardened rubber pad : Meet a variety of spec Rubber sheets : Large rubber products available"
    295,"OBOK","http://","功能型男性内裤","FUNCTIONAL MEN'S UNDERWEAR","在内裤内部,一顶帽子是附加分开阴囊和阴茎,防止潮湿的条件.该内裤的形状使阴茎向上的立场,这使得它看起来更健康.","In the briefs, a cap is attached to seperate the scrotum and the penis and prevent the humid condition. The shape of the briefs allows the penis stand upward, which makes it look healthier."
    296,"DOKDO Co., Ltd","http://www.edokdo.kr","密封容器(玻璃,塑料,陶瓷)","Airtight Food Container( Glass, PP, Veramic) , Sandwich maker","不仅仅是粮食储存的容器!高品质空气锁定系统- 各种材料(聚丙烯,陶瓷,钢化玻璃,耐热玻璃)- 鲜明的色彩和美丽的设计- 多用途(食品储存及餐具)…让我们轻松制造美味健康的食品,简单快速的烹饪,只需三分钟可制作用三明治,烧烤等","...Much more than just food storages! - High quality air locking sistem - Various material (PP, Ceramic, Tempered Glass, Heat-resistance Glass) - Beautiful & Vivid Color - Multi-purpose (Food storage & Tableware) ... Let's make delicious & healthy food! - Easy & quick to cook (just 3 min) - Available to change the plate (Waffle, Sandwich, Grill...)"
    298,"echobiz,co,ltd","http://www.echoplus.co.kr","空气清洁机","EchoPlus Combination Air Purifier","真空灭菌床过滤器使用第1步:作为为消毒床滤清器,您可以清洁甚至最难清理的灰尘.包括床,地毯,沙发等.第2步:透过24小时的空气净化系统可以体验新鲜的室内空气.","Sterilizing Bed Vaccume Cleaner Step1 : As a sterilizing bed cleaner, you can clean even the finest dust. from beds, carpets, sofas, etc. Air Purifier Step 2 : Experience fresh indoor air via the 24-hour air purifying system."
    299,"KEUNWOO TECH CO., LTD.","http://www.kw-tec.co.kr","电动搬运车10个种类","electric carts","1.全部产品已得到特许登录(主要零部件国产化)2.可以根据使用用途不同订购制作 3.农村,畜舍,果园,工厂等所有产业都可以应用 ","1. Powerful tire for mountainous are Broad,usage including for horticulture 2. Vegetables cultivated in house, mush roon 3. Strong power of a 4WD 4. Same driving nethod as a car since there is a handle 5. Rotation at the same spot with the differential motion device"
    300,"CNK Ltd.","http://www.cnlltd.co.kr","优等专业按摩机及专用椅","Champion-Pro Massager & Folding Chair","我们是专门生产/销售靠背型小型按摩机的公司,已经得到噪音减弱及具有独特设计等的特许,现在国内主要在E-mart,乐天百货,GS mart,高速公路休息所等off-line mart中处火热销售中.特别是在乐天网购和CJ网购中按摩机类销售第一.在不到两年的时间销售率达到600%.","Unique designed Cushon-style portable Massager - Powerful Hand-tapping solenoid Massager"
    301,"Honest Technology Co., Ltd.","http://www.honestech.co.kr","数码多媒体软件","Digital Multimedia Software","录像带容易受损,从现在将珍贵回忆保存在DVD里. 包含USB 2.0 录像输入设备VIDBOX的 honestech VHS to DVD 4.0 Deluxe提供多功能(All-in-one) ,为您保存什么都无法替代的家庭录像.同时提供的VIDBOX不需要另外的外部电源. 是一种适合笔记本(laptop)使用者的产品.","Transfer Video Tape to DVD! - Unlock your memories trapped in old media such as VHS tape, 8MM tape, and Mini-DV from camcorders and VCR by using a smart VHS to DVD all-in-one solution. The Deluxe version of VHS to DVD includes the VIDBOX , a USB 2.0 video capture device for preserving your irreplaceable home videos. No external power needed, making the VIDBOX especially suitable for laptop u"
    302,"Amozen Co., Ltd.","http://www.amozen.co.kr","呼吸条(口头电影)","Breath strips (oral film)","[1] 口气清新剂的长处 1) 消除口臭2) 迅速融于舌头上,即刻发挥其作用 3) 含有各种草本植物香气,充溢齿间 4) 方便使用携带 [2] CoolWave的长处 1) 以海藻酸为主要原料,是一款绿色食品.2) 通过高端技术,使产品更具有功效性 3) 无糖,低卡路里产品4) 大量生产,价格具有竞争力优势","[1] Advantages of Breath strips 1) It effectively eliminates bad breath 2) It resolves on your tongue impressively fast 3) It gives refreshing herb flavors in your mouth [2] Advantages of CoolWave 1) It is a well-being product which mainly consists of alginic acid 2) It is made out of high end technology that gives functional edges 3) It has low-calorie and no sugar added"
    303,"DAMOA","http://www.kdamoa.com","上漆竹子菜板,竹桌子,饭桌,米桶,纤维等","Bamboo Cutting Boards & bamboo"," ※ 上漆竹子 ( Lacquer Bamboo goods ) 100% 纯天然竹子制成的漆面产品 将竹子放在100℃高温下杀菌消毒. 轻薄的同时,坚硬牢固. 三层式,纹理不同制作成十字型. 环保材料的产品,不会污染环境.","Made from 100% natural bamboo Steamed and disinfected. Sterilized at a temperature of more than 100 degrees Thin, light, stiff, and strong Varnished with a lacquer that prevents harmful bacteria growth and mold Environmentally friendly by using the fastest growing renewable resource"
    304,"BITKOR Co., Ltd","http://www.bitkor.com","多功能安全灯","Multi-functional Emergency Flashlight","1)能够体现将交通信号灯,危险信号灯,照明灯,野外露营灯等,具为一体的实用性 2)以最少的设备,扩大使用者的活动范围,提高效率 3)有可以夹在腰带上的底座,携带方便,长时间可供使用者使用 4)有闪光与照明功能,适用范围较广. 5)单拥有一个就可实现照明,信号,指路,控制,以及露营等夜间活动.","1) Practicality to materialize 4 functions of lantern, traffic safety signal baton, danger signal light and outdoor camping lamp with one product. 2) Improvement of working efficiency through enlarging user's activity range by minimizing equipments. 3) Providing convenience to long time user because of easiness in carrying along the equipment by mounting waist belt clip."
    305,"DIONYSOS CO.,LTD","http://www.l-diony.co.kr","酒精蒸馏机,蒸馏水机","Alcohol Distiller Machine","Dionysos产品以其自动,简便的构造,令任何人都能容易制造手动蒸馏酒精,找回快要消失的传统蒸馏酒,通过多种健康酒文化,每个家庭都可以制作特有的家酿酒.","we import sever kinds of wines from the chille and china and then put in to our machines there will be come out dipperent quality of brandies. breandy qualities are depends on wines qualities. we got patent from our government and japan, USA, Eu, china last 2008."
    306,"VIOLET","http://www.violetno1.com","水貂睫毛,延长术用水貂睫毛,其他睫毛","eyelashes.minkeyelashes. eyelashes for Exetensin","全球唯一水貂睫毛相关产品,其他化妆品材料","Do you want eyes that look natural and beautiful If so, try the "ROYAL MINK EYELASHES' launched by Violet Company. of Korea! You will soon find out it is the best proposal for you beauty! Now, it is the "ROYAL MINK EYELASHES\" for your eyelashes!"
    307,"BNIELTEC Co.,Ltd","http://www.bnieltec.com","螺丝刀","DUAL SPEED DRIVER","相比螺旋驱动轮,双重驱动轮能自由变换1倍或2倍速度,拥有双重速度的手动螺丝刀.","Screw driver to speed compared to existing manual 2 times and a speed roads can work freely with the dual-speed capability is manual screw driver"
    308,"suin","http://","包","bag"," 包含民族风情的各种包型,再现独创性的美丽现代感.目前为止还尚未看到过的现代感十足的产品,所有产品100%在韩国生产制造.","With the traditional feel embedded in it's core design our bag tries to join the old and the modern together. The core key concept in the design is the reconstruction of the modern by using the old and the traditional. You will be able to see a product that is one of a kind. All products are 100% manufactured in Korea."
    309,"Bigson Co.,Ltd","http://www.bigson.net","车辆用显示器,导航仪,后方摄像头","AV Products: flip down monitor with DVD, Mobile DVR, TFT LCD Monitor, CCTV","车辆用 DVD combo得到产品技术力认证,用于日本toyota,德国大众,美洲澳大利亚mobis以及美国警察车辆用监控器.","Flip down monitor for TOYOTA, VOLKSWANGEWERK and HYUNDAI Playback System(DVD,VCD,SVCD,CD-DA,CD-R/RW.MP3) Built-in FM Transmitter (Available Frequency : 88.0 ~ 90.0 MHz) & TV tuner Screen Swivel (Left 220 . Right 90 ), Built-in IR Transmitter for Wireless Headphones Resolution: 800(RGB) x 480(V) Screen Size: Available 10.2\" & 9.2\" TFT LCD"
    310,"sendtc","http://www.sendtc.com","电处理可变过滤系统","Changeable Filter System","通过具有收缩弹力的多孔渗透过滤圆筒,促进过滤器压缩后过滤原水,解除汽缸的压缩后可以进行反洗,所以能够半永久性使用 ","The Changeable filter is developed to be used as semi-permanent filter. The original water is filtrated by compressing the filter with the porosity and the permeability having shrinkage and elasticity using a cylinder and is back flushed after the decompression of the cylinder. In particular, the efficiency of the filter can be maximized because the back flush is done with the variable filte"
    311,"ILSHIM GLOBAL CO., LTD.","http://www.isgmicro.com","智能型玻璃窗清洁机器人","WINDOW CLEANING ROBOT","擦玻璃机器,帮助擦净玻璃双外部的灰尘.根据磁铁的原理,可以在玻璃双上固定, 利用微纤维护垫回转擦净玻璃.世界最初玻璃窗自动清扫机器, 通过调节遥控器人为控制清扫机, 通过两面的磁力固定于玻璃窗上,将外部的灰尘擦净. 小巧轻便,在家里使用也十分方便."," as a window cleaning robot - Easy clean for window : Window climbing and cleaning by robot - Convenient to use ; Just stick the magnetic couples of WINDORO to the windows. - Slim and Light : 21cmx21cm and ca. 1.8kgs for the couple of WINDORO. - Satisfied window cleaning ' 4 Microfiber Pads with ecological detergent nature based. - Reasonable Price"
    312,"COVONICS","http://www.covonics.com","振动焊接机,金属焊接机,超声波焊接机,轮胎切割角","Vibration Welder, Metal Welder, Ultrasonic Welder, Tire Cutting Horn","1. 超音波 : 将两个热可塑性树脂施压后,通过电极臂,传出超音波溶化以及焊接 2. 振动 : 将两个热可塑性树脂施压后, 左右振动利用两个产品的摩擦力进行熔化焊接 3. 合金 : 通过超音波电极臂,水平振动以及竖直加压,是与合金接触面发生摩擦进行熔化焊接 4. 轮胎切割 :汽车轮胎的半成品切割刀(国产化)","1.Ultrasonic Welder: Ultrasonic waves transfered by horn welds plastic faces in contact 2.Vibration Welder: Frictional force generated by horizontal vibration welds plastic faces in contact 3.Metal Welder: Horizontal vibration & vertical press transfered by horn welds metal faces in contact 4.Tire Cutting Horn: Ultrasonic Knife regarding semimanufactured goods cutting of a automobile tire"
    313,"PRIGENT CORPORATION","http://www.prigent.co.kr","AHRS 外","AHRS and more","独资开发的 AHRS(姿势方位系统)以及相关制动以及安全化系统产品","AHRS(Attitude and Heading Reference System) and its applications"
    314,"ECO PROJECT","http://canpower.co.kr","Canpower green Cash Back","Canpower green Cash Back","什么是绿能电源Cashback的 一个可以驱动绿色Cashback的机器,可向慈善机构捐款.在年底收到捐款收据,并可以要求您的报税表.幸福的10元,10元的奇迹 ","What is a Can Power Green Cashback A Can Power Green Cashback is a can pressing machine that press cans and take phone numbers of people who put cans into the machine. A pressed can is worthy of 10 Won contributed to a charity. In the end of the year you receive a contribution receipt, and can claim your tax return. Happiness of 10 Won, Miracle of 10 Won – If we collect only 10"
    315,"CLEAR LIFE Co.,Ltd.","http://www. .kr","水族馆(鱼缸)清洁器","FISH BOWL CLEAN SYSTEM","本产品帮助在不把水与鱼移到其他地方的前提下,去除水族馆里的污染物质,一个水族馆清扫机通过吸入管,将鱼缸的污染物质和沙子分离,与水一起吸入,吸入的污染物质通过过滤装置被清除,变干净的水重新导入鱼缸.无需移动鱼,水,沙子等,10~20分钟内完成清洁工作.","This product helps you to remove the excretion and sediments from the fish in the aquarium without moving the fish and water. It has a discharge pipe, which discharges the excretion with water, then filters excretion from discharged water using the filtering system. Finally, redemption system retrieves filtered water, which was filtered from the filtering system to the aquarium."
    316,"SUNGHYUN INDUSTRY CO., LTD","http://www.isunghyun.co.kr","盛局(建筑室内装饰材料)","Saeng Board(Building Interior Material)","1. 高功能性: 拥有卓越的调节湿度,抗菌以及防止远红外辐射功能. 2. 安全性: 以天然陶瓷不易燃材料为主要材料 ,火灾发生时,保障生命以及财产安全.. 3. 隔音性: 具有卓越的隔音效果. 4. 断热性: 阻断热气,极大地节约了暖室费用 5. 操作性: 比起一般的材料更加轻薄,提升操作效率.","1. Humidity control, temperature control, antifungal, deodorizing effect, the effect is excellent far-infrared emission. 2. Main ingredient of natural ceramic material used in the event of a fire to protect life and property. 3. By a high surface area have an excellent sound absorption properties will have. 4. Material lighter than normal, will greatly improve operational efficiency."
    317,"KTMC (KOREA TRADING MARKETING CONSULTING CO)","http://www.ec21.com","裤子养生(专利),图书封面纸(涂布及夹层),嫩肉","Pants for Good Health (Patent),Book Cover Paper (Coated & Laminated),meat tenderizer","1. 健康内衣( ) 最先将女性吊带内衣,运用到男性内衣上.. 男性健康内衣. 吊带型护罩,将其睾丸与大腿根进行分离. 维持33度,有利于血液循环. 2.日记及封面 - 特殊表面涂层纸种类 3.食品加工机器 (厨房机械) - 拍打出柔韧的鱼的效果.","1. Pants for Good Health (Patent) 2. Book Cover Paper & Fabric (Coated & Laminated) WE HAVE VARIOUS DESIGNS AND COLORS OF COATED PAPER & CLOTH FOR COVER OF BOOKS, PHOTO ALBUMS AND OTHER STATIONERIES. 3. Meat Tenderizers & Other Food Processing Machinery Open Construction and Easy to Use Strong Reinforced Stainless Steel Blades (540ea x 2blade rollers = 1,080ea) Even Frozen Meat of One Inch Thic"
    318,"Powell Techwin co., Ltd","http://www.carsys.kr","共有电子汽车管理系统","Total Electronic Automobile Management System","对汽车零部件的使用情况,进行时时检查并及时告知驾驶员对损耗零部件的维修检查时间.从而提高汽车整备及管理效率的汽车综合管理器. - 提高发动机效率及燃烧比 - 延长车辆及发动机寿命 - 提高安全驾驶性","CARsys is a real-time comprehensive electronic car management device. It enables effective maintenance and management of automobiles by indicating replacement cycle for consumable parts. - Improved engine efficiency and gas mileage - Extended vehicle and engine life - Enhanced driver safety"
    319,"RadioGears Inc","http://www.radiogears.co.kr","IP机顶盒,媒体播放器","IP STB, MEDIA PLAYER","可以实时收看网络电视,支持网络视频,还具有抽看想看的电视的VOD功能的 IPTV STB.利用网络的on-line娱乐box,在收看电影,连续剧,音乐的时候可付钱的功能,服务器管理软件","iNet-100 is designed for Web Video (such as Youtube, Netflix etc.), Live-TV Streaming and VOD (Video-On-Demand) playback over Internet for worldwide uses. Its own middleware and management program including PMS (Payment Management System = Billing System) also can be packed and combined together with iNet-100 to communicate and control the contents and information. iNet-100 supports High-Definiti"
    320,"ECOMIST co., LTD","http://www.ecomist.co.kr","自助书本消毒器(BOOK MASTE),得到绿色认证的芳香剂","Book Sterilizer","自助书本消毒器可以对紫外线及hub抗拒剂杀菌而残留的细菌进行彻底的消毒.产品特点:1.强力的双重杀菌功能(紫外线+hub抗菌剂)2.书本的旋转功能:书本内部也可彻底消毒 3.送风装置及高性能过滤功能:去除灰尘及防止2次污染 4.便利的使用(One touch方式)和安全功能:打开门就能启动装置 5.适用了天然hub抗菌剂可持续杀菌","The Book Sterilizer \"BOOK MASTER\" Product Features 1) Powerful Dual Sterilization Function(UV rays plus antibacterial herb) 2) Book-Rotating Function 3) Ventilation Device and High Performance Filter 4) Easy-to-use One Touch Button with Safety Function 5)Continuous Effectiveness of Sterilization with Natural Antibacterial Her"
    321,"damidryfood company","http://www.damidryfood.co.kr","切的很薄的苹果干,原形草莓,原形葡萄,大蒜,多数真空冻结干燥品","SLICE FREEZE DRYING APPLE 100%","将国产的苹果直接真空冻结干燥,无论男女老少,何时何地都可以方便食用,本产品可以品尝到苹果原有的味道,营养可口"
    322,"ECOTEK","http://cimt.co.kr","副本","Splint","我们的产品将以往产品的缺点完美的补充,材质坚硬,轻巧,体积小,因此携带后有助于适应圆滑的社会生活","Our X-lite is the product which supplemented completely a disadvantage of the existing products. It is very hard, and it is slight, and bulk is small, and it is giving smooth social help to have lived after wear."
    323,"Lampia Co.","http://www.lampia.net","汽车用LED 灯具, 车辆用蓝牙handsfree","Automobile LED Lamp, Bluetooth Handsfree-Kit","1. LED Lamp - T-10, Festoon Lamp, Room Lamp. Fog Lamp ( 9006, H8,H11, 880,881) 2. 蓝牙handsfree待机时间 : 1,500 Hrs. 连续通话 : 25 Hrs. 优秀的通话品质及优秀的价格","1. LED Lamp - T-10, Festoon Lamp, Room Lamp. Fog Lamp ( 9006, H8,H11, 880,881) 2. Bluetooth Handsfree -KIT Standby time 1,500 Hrs. Talk Time 25 Hrs. Good Voice Quality with good price. Good Design. Easy installation"
    324,"seo young pile tech","http://www.sypile.co.kr","风扇抽风机","VANE PUMP","国内首次开发的多功能小,中型抽水机.无论是低粘度还是高粘度的产品使用温度200℃为止都可以移送.1.耐久性优秀噪音,震动非常小的绿色产品 2.比进口产品价格更便宜,可以保障长寿命","YOU can use almost all types of fluid such as antifreezing solu-tion, oil,edible oil, cutting fluid, lubricating oil including water. 1) less noise / vibration and eco-friendly. 2) No dark dirt during operation 3) use ceramic for better durability"
    325,"HAESUNGACE CORPORATION","http://www.haesungace.co.kr","不织布纸盒","NP(Nonwoven fabric and Paper) Storage Box etc.","由防虫,防湿功能及优秀的抗菌性不织布和瓦楞纸构成的.组装非常简便","Antibiotic/watertight/dampproofing material and good durability. Everyone can assemble simply.(DIY product) Used screw(male/female) button: Easy assembly and disassembly. Everyone can assemble simply.(DIY product) Sleek and neat material: It can make clean and convenient storage."
    326,"SEODONG MEDICAL CO","http://www.nurieye.com","眼周围按摩机","Therapeutic Eye Massager","我们的眼睛3秒一眨,如果一天睡8小时,一天有16~18小时会睁着眼睛看着事物,所以大气污染,周围环境,压力等原因眼睛急速变坏,眼周围的血管,泪腺,神经组织等也会受影响,这是由于眼周围的肌肉僵硬产生的现象,经常对眼部肌肉和穴进行按摩会有很好的效果","The eye blinks once every 3 seconds and stays open to see things for 16~18 hours a day. While the eyes stay open, they become fragile and vulnerable to air pollution, the surrounding evrionment and stress. These symptoms are associated with hardened muscles around the eye. it is medically and scientifically proven that massaging the hardened muscles and blood pathways around the eye relieves such"
    327,"Daeha International","http://www.daehakorea.com","淋浴机兼口腔清洁器","A Combined Showerboth and Mouth Washer","无需电或者电池只要有水压也可使用;无需个别的空间;旋转喷嘴后面的pan,按摩效果更佳突出;有3个喷嘴分射口更加快速有效率的进行口腔清洁;简单的设置和使用;冷温水调节轻松"," Maintain oral hygiene with the right amount of water pressure Simple and Easy Installation Easy Use and Maintenance No need additional space No charge is needed from battery or electricity. Easy adjusting of cool/hot water"
    328,"DAEWOO LUCOMS","http://www.lucoms.co.kr/","Security Monitor, PVM, DVR, 产业用保安监视器","CCTV Monitor, DVR, PVM, Premium Security Monitor","CCTV Monitor:多种数码功能和multi pace功能兼备的保安用监视器,要求更高品质的画质分辨率","CCTV Monitor: Surveillance monitor that inludes multifuntioal interface that combines a lot of digital features. Vivid and high resolution provided and advacnced technology."
    329,"MACHAON","http://www.machaon.co.kr","运动按摩精油","MACHAON Sport Massage Oil","我们的产品可以扩张皮肤及血管,淋巴管促进血液和淋巴液的循环,在运动前后使用可以减少疲劳有助于恢复","MaKaOn sports massage oil lets you extend skins and a blood vessel, a lymphatic vessel, and I deduct rear muscular fatigue, and I help a recovery before sports as I promote circulation of blood and lymph fluid."
    330,"U2+ CO., Ltd","http://www.gdtech.co.kr","受话器,","Audid Bone, Aqua Bone","可长时间使用:可通过骨头直接震动耳蜗减少耳膜的疲劳;长时间使用耳朵也不会有痛症,可预防听力减弱,耳膜老化等问题;适合于听觉低下的现代人:可通过震动扬声器耳膜损伤的听力障碍者也能明确认知声音","-Long time usage : Because dound is directly transferred to the tympanic membrance througe bone, the eardrum undergo less stress. -Health benefits : Prevents hearing distribance, aging of the tympanic membraace and hearing loss, since no pain occurs in the ear even though you you use it for long time."
    331,"Green Development Ltd.","http://","机械绳索伸展运动第NO1","Magic-Rope Stretching No.1","机械绳索伸展运动第NO1是无论男女老少,何时何地都可以运用弹力的原理轻松完成伸展运动而研发的产品","It has been designed for anybody easily to exercise a stretch of the whole body by using the priciple of elasticity in anywhere without distinction of age or sex."
    332,"korea fertilizer co., ltd","http://www.bsgreen.co.kr","家庭用,农业用,林业用,高尔夫球场用 天然矿物质液体肥料","Fertilizer liquid a natural mineral being used for at homes and agriculture, forestry, a country clu","天然无机矿物质液体肥料,出了NPK外还含有20多种天然矿物质,无色无味无害.主要应用在家庭的花草开始到农场,大面积农作物及林业","-Fertilizer liquid a mineral mineral natural -colorless, and you are scentless, and you are harmless in a human body. -Yield increases, and , A good taste, and a disease is lost."
    333,"Korean Electricity & Electron Co., Ltd.","http://www.koreaee.com","干式红参制造机","DRY MANUFACTURING DEVICE FOR RED GINSENG","在国内唯一一家以"干式红参制造机"的名称得到发明特许和一等产品认证(KSA)d的100%干式红参制造机及红参液制造机的企业.采用多种技术和方法在以往的红参制造机及同种产业当中比较上等的产品","Korean Electricity & Electron Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer which registers in patent of invention uniquely at domestic as name called \"Dry Manufacturing Device for Red Ginseng\" and acknowledges by top goods from KSA at the same time. Now, red ginseng's extraction liquid that is made as early stage is having content of high trillion saponins excellently than is made from other firm products."
    334,"KUMDONG R&F","http://www.kumdong.net","鼠标垫","mouse pad","我们鼠标垫去除了难闻的橡皮味道,背面注入了天然香散发着悠悠的香味,还可以印刷一张鼠标垫","Scented Mouse Pad In our mouse pad, I remove the awful smell of rubber and rubber Cheonyeonhyang subtle fragrance emitted by injection is a product, In addition, a chapter must be printed mouse pad"
    335,"DAEYOUN CO.,LTD","http://www.daeyoun.kr","电子镕接软管, PE Ball 阀门","Electro Fusion Fitting, PE Ball Valve","电子镕接软管:用热镕接方式,所以镕接面积广,气密性能优秀;比其他排管重量轻施工方便;由于聚乙烯的特性,所以耐蚀性,耐药品性,耐寒性非常突出;由于ONE-TOUCH方式,施工简单装备运用容易.PE Ball阀门:可以埋没在地下,自由运用空间,最小型窨井;PE排管施工时无需使用T/F,由于是1/4TURN开闭方式,操作简便","Electro Fusion Fittings AUTOMATIC BAR CODED SYSTEM MEET OR EXCEED ANSI/ ASME EN & OTHER INT L STANDARDS EXTRA WIDE FUSION ZONES EASY INSTALLATION PE Ball Valve THE WIDE RANGE OF SIZES 1/2 TO 16 20MM TO 400MM FULL BORE DESIGN MEET OR EXCEED ANSI/ ASME B16.40 EN & OTHER INT L STANDARDS"
    336,"SpaceMaker Corp","http://http://www.spacemaker.co.kr","教具,玩具,香气吸入机","Teaching tools, Toy, Aroma nebulizer","开发构造物(建筑,车辆,机器人等)设计能力和体现能力来提高EQ,开发了构造物体现用教具;为了可以体现多种曲折角,曲线,立体物而设计的连接体(5个国家的特许);可体现同一平面上的任意角和空间上任意角,对旋转体(汽车轮胎,水碓等)的体现也变得容易;用多数柳条将地图或动物的形态在平面上多样的表现出来,提高创意的效果","Development of a creative teaching tool for structural expression that develops ability to express and design structures(archetecture, bridge, vehicle, robot, etc.) and enhance EQ. - PCT patent with its design of connections that allow the expression of solid bodies through various angles of refraction and curves. - Can express maps or animals on one plane with use of over 20 hooks."
    337,"DaeJongAOP.C0.,Ltd","http://www.djaop.co.kr","杀菌器,杀菌灯,光催化剂,纳米泡沫生育生长杀菌装置","sterilizer ,UV Lamp, Photocatalyst, Microbubble sterilizer.","AOP功法的空气杀菌器,水杀菌器,利用纳米泡沫的杀菌生育生长装置,AOP流水型杀菌器,利用光催化剂的除臭装置等杀菌除臭功法产品","Air sterilizer, Water sterilizer, Microbubble sterilizer. Stainless Mesh Photocatalyst.UV Lamp"
    338,"GmbBounce","http://www.gymbounce.co.kr","airstage, airmovingcharacter,airsculpture","airstage, airmovingcharacter,airsculpture","空气造型物有美丽的设计,在宽敞的空间有突出的视觉效果,移动简便,体积小容易保管.装饰空间时有非常好的效果,而且还有艺术价值,给很多人欣赏的机会和幸福","Gymbounce is the leader in bounce industry with a goal of best product production through differentiated technology,product variety, original desigh,3D design,structure production,excellent quality and responsible after-sale service.Also,starting from domestic market,Gymbounce is currently exporting bounce and promotion characters to various countries overseas."
    339,"GOODFEELKOREA Co., Ltd.","http://www.greenfeel.co.kr","绿色学习用品,文具,办公用品","Eco-Friendly Stationery,office supplies","世界首次被特许的利用再生纸制作的产品,生分解性尺子,文具盒;利用植物性油绿色材料制作的蜡笔,再生纸笔记本,贴纸等产品.现在全世界对绿色产品的反应越来越大,特别是美国总统奥巴马的对碳素氢气的减少声明之后,对所有产品的绿色化会更加倍促进.绿色文具还可以对新世代的孩子们灌入环境保护和资源节约的教训","Eco-friendly stationery set: Bio-degradable ruler and pencil case, natural crayons made of vegetable oil, recycled paper notebook and sticky note. Positive reactions about eco-products are increasing as US President Barack Obama's speech in Copenhagen. We expect more stimulate movement to eco-products and those will enlighten growing children about environment protection and saving material."
    340,"Boryung Electronics Co., Ltd","http://www.morning-sense.com","电子不粘锅,搅拌机","Electronic Fry Pan, Blender","大容量搅拌机:不锈钢容器,刀片,无变形,对热强;多功能不粘锅:die casting硬件,浮刻工法和大理石涂层不会脱落;宽烤盘:金刚石涂层,浮刻工法,不易脱落,热传导率高油排出口倾斜调整装置使用方便","MSM-5000(Blender) - Stainless Blade (Cross & Straight), Stainless body MSP-747F(FryPan) * Silver/metallic non-stick coating * Tempered half glass lid * Automatic adjustment of temperature with thermostat. * Plate: Aluminum Die-casting * Big size. MSP-757KJ (Wide grill pan)"
    341,"DEAYANG ENTERPRIZE","http://www.edaumgolf.co.kr","trophy新产品","Golftrophy Plaque Design","trophy新产品","Golftrophy Plaque Design"
    342,"WELLFOAM CO,.LTD.","http://www.wellfoam.com","CERAFOAM","CERAFOAM","品牌:CERAFOAM;品名:脚部角质去除机;材质陶瓷(SiO2);构造:发泡浮石;用途:去除脚部角质的特点;性能:没有副作用安全有效果的去除角质;用对人体无害的天然陶瓷制作;银纳米抗菌处理:90%的抗菌效果","Based on long experiences and development & research,We have been specialized to produce new-concept foot-Callus Remover that is very effective to remove calluses. Cerafoam works like a multi-blade shaver to remove Calluses safely and effectively. -the strength and size of ceramic foam are ideal for removing calluses -removes your calluses safely and effectively without to your skin. It also eli"
    343,"DINO CO.,LTD.","http://www.dinotec.co.kr","喷雾机,割草机","Electric Sprayer,Electric Brush cutter","1.阀门方式的自由压力调节功能 2.便利的电池更换方法 3.便利的充电据置台 4.压力感知式ON-OFF开关 5.80psi的强力喷射压力 6.诊断电池功能的人工智能充电器 7.使用时间长(充一次电可使用4~6小时)","1.Pressure adjusting valve-mechanical method(i.e.no machie fault) 2.Easy exchange of battery-simply by opening the cover and qulling the battery itself out of the machine without any cables or special wires 3.Many ways to charge the battery-Especially charging dock for convenience 4.ON-OFF switch with ability of pressure perception 5.Strong atomizing pressure (80psi)"
    344,"VAJRA CO., LTD","http://www.gina4u.com","鲜花配饰",,"无"
    345,"ILJIN C&A CO.,LTD","http://IL1705.COM","连接式椅子","Auditoriums","以木材为主要材料,更显高贵,靠背可以双重分割,解除了单调的感觉.而且扶手是以弓的形态做设计,和靠背的背部设计和谐.","IL-9532 The backrest, frame, and armrests are made of wood for a more luxurious appearance. The backrest is divided into two panels to show a large accent on the surface and to add variety. The armrests bent like a bow to harmonize with the backrest and the anchors are hidden under the finish for each cleaning."
    346,"1004Boomerang","http://www.1004boomerang.com","运动用飞旋镖,软体飞旋镖","Boomerang For The Sports, Boomerang For The Education, Boomerang Made Sponge","运动用飞旋镖是一种飞行40m以上远距离之后返回的飞旋镖,具有飞行性能材质僵硬,可能对人体带来损伤及危险.新开发的软体飞旋镖是一种将实际使用的运动用飞旋镖与软体相结合,既有飞行安全性也可以提高飞行性能,是任何人都可以娱乐的产品","sports boomerangs fiy more than 40m far and return to the first place. But they are hard and quite heavy, so they can hurt people. That`s why we have developed sponge boomerangs which sports boomerangs is in combination with sponge. Not only can they fly like sports boomerangs and safe, but also everybody can enjoy easily."
    347,"CCMinT","http://ccmint.net","压缩湿巾","Compressd Wipes","将粘胶纤维(纤维素)以片剂的形态压缩的产品,span lace材质,比较有弹性温和的绿色产品.必要时倒点水可以当一次性湿巾,抹布,非常时刻用多功能湿巾,体积小携带方便,也没有什么个别的保质期","Viscose les-ion (Cellulose) product is compressed in a tablet form as well increasing span soft lace material is eco-friendly products. Pour small amount of water if necessary, disposable wipes, cloths, are used in a variety of emergency preparedness products, the volume is small, less logistics do not have a separate expiration date."
    348,"amazinggrace co.,LTD","http://ecoco.kr","Echo bag,Echo cup,Echo 围裙","ecobag, ecocup, ecoapron","Echo bag是100%棉质绿色包,代替塑料购物袋使用Echo bag也能对拯救环境有帮助.Echo cup是用陶瓷材质制作的,代替一次性纸杯使用Echo cup对拯救环境也有帮助","Ecobag is made of 100% cotton which helps to create a good condition of the environment instead of using plastic bags or shopping bags. Ecocup is called emotional-ecocup made of ceramic, it helps to build a good condition of the environment and reduce the use of disposable paper cups."
    349,"The Korean Journal of Clinical Dentistry","http://www.chident.co.kr","月刊/单行本/e-book","The Korean Journal of Clinical Dentistry","我们公司是1986年成立的月刊公司,求读者以牙科医生为对象.国内牙科市场比较狭窄,想打入中国市场和欧美市场,各位如果有兴趣的话,期待你们的访问","The Korean Journal of Clinical Dentistry"
    350,"Design Chosun","http://designchosun.com","螺钿名片夹,螺钿镜子,螺钿生活用品","mother of pearl business card case,mother of pearl compact mirror","将韩国传统螺钿漆器工艺品的特性以现代的方式展现出来的高品质工艺品,实用性和美丽兼备.将严格选定的优质的螺钿通过传统螺钿漆器的方法在生活用品上用金属像画画似的亲手绣制的工艺艺术品.既简便又不失现代美,可大量生产.","KAZZIis created by Korean traditional mother of pearl inlay technique with the highest quality mother of pearl pieces. The brilliant tradition of Korean mother of pearl is redesigned for this stylish modern metal business card case which is light and portable. The elaborate adornment with the iridescence of mother of pearl designs makes it an impressive item fo collection."
    351,"TWIN CO.LTD","http://www.twinbag.co.kr","cho bag及其他缝制用品","ECO BAG","我们的产品主要跟缝制有关,经过复杂的生产管理是个高品质的产品","HIGH QUALITY! GOOD QUALITY!!"
    352,"ECOTIS Co.,Ltd","http://www.ecotis.co.kr"," 调色剂暗盒自动充电供给机","Toner Cartridge Auto-supply","以往的打印机使用完暗盒的调色剂就要更换暗盒或者在暗盒上打孔充电在利用.我们的产品是如果打印机暗盒里没有调色剂了可以通过供给装置自动供给调色剂.无需使用者的个别操作也可使用,减少激光打印机维持费用,可以期待优秀的印刷品质","Existing printer cartridges when the toner cartridge, or both, Hole in the cartridge and reuse of toner has been charged. This product has no printer toner cartridges and toner supplies, auto supply lets you through. Users of this product can be used without a separate operation and maintenance cost laser printer And reduce drastically gives excellent print quality can be expected."
    353,"JM Tech co.,Ltd.","http://www.jmtechkorea.com","铝砂糖,铝粉","Aluminium granule, Aluminium powder","将铝制饮料瓶粉碎精制而成的高纯度铝砂糖和铝粉.一般应用于制铁公司的特殊合金材料含铁钼,含铁钒,含铁铌的生产.性价比高的绿色产品 ","aluminium granule and powder from Used Beverage Aluminium Can, which is mostly used for alumino-thermic reaction, which is used for making Ferro-Molybdenum, Ferro-Vanadium, and Ferro-Niobium. Due to recycled products, it is eco-friendly green products with the best price to the qualtiy."
    355,"BMSYS","http://www.bmsys.co.kr","10种功能性软垫","Comfort Insole","已被鉴定的10种功能性软垫 1. 女性用高跟鞋(TOEPAD&HEELCUP) 2.成长中儿童专用软垫(注重正在生长中的儿童的步行)3.高尔夫专用软垫(为高尔夫球酷爱者准备的礼物)4.登山用软垫 5.舒适的软垫(专门为硬质的作业鞋设计的)6.军士用软垫(士兵必需品)7.男性皮鞋用胶(可以保护后跟/舒适的步行)","1. Item 1. WOMAN\"S SET(TOEPAD&HEELCUP) 2. HEELCUP Man 3. Golf Insole 4. Mountain Insole 5. Comfort Insole 6. Woman Insole 7. Military Insole 8. Kids Insole 2. Usage Comfort Insole"
    356,"GhangSeong Health Tech","http://www.any9988.com","自己打的羽毛球","Anyton (Badminton net for a single player )","自己也能打羽毛球;不受空间的约束在哪里都可以运动;在忙碌的生活中很难找到伴的情况下无法进行的运动现在也可以自己进行;羽毛球选手练习用设备,没有教练的指导也可以自己训练","*To play badminton on your own - You can exercise everywhere regardless of place. You can do exercise that needs a partner on your own. It is difficult for busy modern people to arrange time with others but now you can workout at suitable intensity anytime you want. For professional badminton players It is possible for a player to practice to improve his or her records by himself or hers"
    357," ","http://","亚麻籽,菊花等等"," ","对健康有益"," "
    358,"D.M","http://www.dm-mall.co.kr","拖鞋辅助器","A Divice for taking off shoes","本产品可以是我们轻松脱掉靴子,滑雪靴子,作业鞋等很难托的鞋.可以防止拖鞋时无法掌握重心容易跌倒的情况发生,坐在椅子上弯腰拖鞋等现象","This product is boots, boots, ski boots, shoes and occupational footwear has made it easy to take off. If you use these products take off your shoes when you fall down hard When capturing the center, a chair to sit on the waist gupgigo hard off phenomenon, and attached to your shoes from dirt, dust and buried in the same shoes in hand asking the phenomenon can be solved again This is an advantage"
    359,"Temiso, Inc.","http://www.makeblock.com","设计箱子","Design Box","BIB设计箱子由框架,牌,后板等构成,可以用个别不同的最后材料组装.而且框架和拍的插入式组装形式无需使用钉子.BIB设计箱子是由350×350, 700×350 ,一轮,二轮模块构成,可以自由的配置,试演出多样的家具","BIB is consisted of a frame, side boards, and a back board, available in various finishing materials. Built to be assembled by inserting the boards into the frame, all pieces of the furniture can be assembled without any need of tools, such as a hammer and nails. BIB availble in 4 design Modules: 350x350, 700x350, Round1, and Round2; therefore, uncontrained placement and display can be achieved."
    360,"Netmedia Co., Ltd.","http://www.net-media.co.kr","药品保管冷藏库外","Smart Medi-Cooler(a tentative name)","药品保管-温感及控制-可感知开关-闹铃-SMS短信息传送-FM收音","- Storage for the medicine - Temperature sencing & control - Sencing for the opening of a door or the closing of a door - Alram - SMS(Short Message Service) transmission - FM radio"
    361,"Neocom","http://www.ncctv.com","封锁线路摄像头,数码视频录音,车辆用黑匣子摄像头","CCTV Camera, Digital Video Recorder, Mobile Black Box Camera","Balck Box Camera \"Gemini\"是一种安装了可以看到车辆行驶前方和车内的两个摄像头.使用 SD储存卡可以将车辆行驶记录和车辆前方及车内录制冰储存,内部还有GPS可以搜索车辆移动运行区间.本公司提供的软件可以看到录制的影像,通过Google Map看到运行区间","Black Box Camera \"Gemini\" has two cameras to watch and record the inside of the vehicle and outside of the vehicle. As it has SD memory slot, users can record the image from the camera. And with the built-in GPS, it can also record the navigation data. With the supplied software, users can play back the recorded image and track the vehicle with the google map."
    362,"HANIL PLASTIC IND. CO., LTD","http://www.hpi.co.kr","led淋浴机","led shower head","由于水压引起的发电可以让LED发光,传感器感知水温,根据放出来的水温变色,没有感电危险.比如凉水的时候蓝色,温水的时候蓝色和红色同时发光,高温水的时候红色发光,不是使用干电池的","No batteries or electricity required. No danger of electric shock with self generated light by water pressure. When water temperature is 31℃, blue color will show automatically. When water temperature is 32℃~43℃, both blue and red color will show automatically. When water temperature is above 44℃, red color"
    363,"CALEB ENC CO.","http://www.ec21.com/calebenc","吹风机和烫发机","hair iron, hair dryer, hair brush","倾斜发型熨烫机是30度倾斜的烫发机现在正在美国及国内申请特许.矫正,卷曲,波浪3个功能集合在一起的产品.而且其特殊的热板在操作时对头发不会造成断裂现象,以丰盛的量来满足消费者的需求.现在正在与意大利,北美,南美,中美地区签订了垄断契约","Slant Hair Iron's characteristics are sophisticated and smooth design as well as volumizing, straightening, and curling features. Slant Iron departs the design and function of existing flat hair irons. The heating plate with an angle of 30 degrees is ergonomically designed in an angle that protects the wrist of user and enables free movement."
    364,"buljabi Electronics lnc","http://","独立型烟雾感知器",,"无"
    365,"kyung seo machine co.,","http://kyungseo.co.kr","超高速真空低温浓缩提取机,电自动无压力提取机,站立式包装机外","SUPER SPEED BACUUM LOW TEMPERATURE EXTRACTORA","蒸馏汉药,硬玉制造,提取有机溶媒(酒精,乙醇等), pills, gels, jams, powders,低温浓缩(提取), 精油提取,各种精油成分提取,红参制作功能,导入真空低温提取方式-在低温(40~90℃)也可加热,容易受热影响的物质,被空气分解,反映的物质的药效不会受影响.(维持香成分,保留在高温下容易被皮损的成分)","Distilled oriental medicines, restorative herb medicines, organic solvent(alcohol and ethanol), pills, gels, jams, powders, low temperature concentration and extraction, aroma extraction, various oil substances extraction, red-ginseng steaming. In vacuum, boiling point is lowered to 40℃ to 90℃ and distillation time is shortened consequently."
    366,"Hyundai Chemistry","http://www.h-dai.com","门缝纸","Weather-Stripping Products","不仅是单纯的堵塞门缝冷空气的暖房产品,无论是冷暖房也可以将灰尘(黄沙),虫子,噪音完美的切断的产品你","Setting apart from blockade against outside wind around door crevices, it further offers functionality to prevent dust(yellow dust), insects and noise from being penetrated together with heating and air-conditioning effect."
    367,"BJ International","http://www.miniplant.kr","迷你植物","Miniplant, Jewel Rose, Seed stick, other gift items","迷你植物不是单纯的花瓶或者装饰品,会与种植人一同呼吸生长的或者的宠物植物","The MINIPLANTS are not just a sort of accessories but a live pet plant which are breathing & growing with the people who bring up them. They need an affection as like a pet but it's just simple & light care giving them water timely and bring them under light with you. Exactly, the MINIPLANT is a live plant pot but it can be distinguished from the normal plant pot for the MINIPLANT can com"
    368,"TmKorea.Co.,LTD.","http://www.tm-korea.com","电子教卓,无线麦","Digital lectern system, wireless microphone","本公司开发生产电子教卓和无线麦.电子教卓的情况可以运用USB Port传送影像,声音,鼠标数据,避免了因为排线多而造成的不便.无线麦使用2.4GHz ISM宽带,利用自己开发算法,解除了振鸣,提高定向特点的麦","Digital lectern system is the essential equipment in recent classroom and conference room which expands its application area in e-learning era. This system can maximize efficiency of data delivery by reproducing multimedia data, such as voice, motion image, animation or virtual reality through notebook, desktop PC and video devices."
    369,"kairos","http://www.k-sports.co.kr","立式自行车,室内跑步机,举重器","Upright Bike, Treadmill,Weight Equipments","立式自行车:无噪音,独立的两个手把可以同时或者个别的操动,极大的提高运动效率,可以做16阶段的强度调节","Upright Bike Manua16- level resistance adjustable system. Smooth and silent belt transmission. Saddle vertically and horizontally adjustable system. Computer main function:Speed, Distance, Hand pulse, Time, Calorie, Scan, ODO"
    370,"DDACCO.CO.,LTD","http://www.ddacco.com","湿巾","wet tissue, wet towel","是以干燥的形态流通的最干净的一次性多功能湿巾,没有添加任何化学药品,非常卫生","Uses of our product -Wash up whatever even eyes or mouth -Wipe whatever things in the kitchen. -Can be used whatever you want."
    371,"Wooshin Polyma Co.,Ltd","http://www.wooshindecal.com","传热纸",,"无"
    372,"SJC Co.Ltd.","http://www.sjcpoly.co.kr","LED Lamp & Display用装饰线条剂,硅,编程剂,防染剂,特殊粘贴剂等","Epoxy of Lamp & Display, release agents , coating agents , Silicon","1. SJ-2200 : Epoxy of LED Display (显示用装饰线条) 2. SJ-4000 : Epoxy of LED Lamp (灯管用装饰线条) 3. Coating Agents : 防染coding,紫外线切断coding,硅性绝缘coding","1. SJ-2200 : Epoxy of LED Display 2. SJ-4000 : Epoxy of LED Lamp 3. Coating Agents"
    374,"HANSUNG INDUSTRIAL COMPANY","http://www.hansungic.co.kr","金属相框,金属镜子,金属木偶,耳环挂件,促销品,其他装饰小品","Metals Photo Frame,Mirror,Dolls,Earrings hanger,Sales Promotion Goods,The others Decoration goods","利用实用性产品加上高级设计体现空间装饰的美丽.拥有20多年经验,多样的新产品开发能力,利用最小成本与任何竞争企业都可以维持品质和价格优势.给国内及很多国外化妆品公司以促销品供货,每年都参加国内展销会","It is a product that applies design that is haute to practical product and expresses beauty of space decoration."
    375,"DAESUNG L&A","http://www.dslna.com","条形码扫描机",,"无"
    376,"Segun","http://www.sgsafe.co.kr","机器信号灯,机器胳膊,交通机器人","Signal Robot, Robot Arms, Traffic Robot","机器信号灯可代替车辆安全诱导人员事先预防事故,可以减少人工费及事故预测费.机器胳膊是一种可以挥动信号棒的产品,比机器信号灯更加便利,注重小型化","portable system, prevention from causing casualties, retrenchment personnel expenditure."
    377,"EcoMassKorea Co.,Ltd","http://www.ecomasskorea.com","玉米做的菜板","CORN CHOPPING BOARD","1.使用玉米中提炼的绿色材料 2.可以生分解不会对环境造成污染,减低生态界毒性 3.环境部环境标志认证产品 4.通过了德国卫生法审查标准 5.抗酶,抗菌 6.颜色,味道的侵入最小化 7.安全的设计 8.根据食材可选择使用 9.通过美国 FDA测试","Eco-Friendly Chopping Board EcoMass Korea manufactures eco-friendly kitchenware using Ecol-Green PLA, abiodegradable corn based Poly Lactic Acid. Particularly, its new cutting board is drawong much attention local consumers. Made of natural materials, it is free from toxic chemicals and Endocrine plastic items."
    378,"BM TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD","http://www.bmtec.kr","乳房振动器,绒毛刀","breast vibrator, downy hair cutter","1.公益金管理练习者:有8个超级特殊线性振动电机,可连接到多种声模式,MP3,根据节奏振动. 2.电动脱毛器:去除脸部及皮肤的汗毛,使用led灯在黑暗处也可使用","1. Chest Management exercisers: a total of 8 super-special linear vibration motor using a variety of acoustic mode and connect to mp3 music, the rhythm of the vibrations according to the known. 2. Epilator Electric Expressions rooms: two lines of his face twisted silk and cotton wool to remove the skin and attach to the front led by the dark products available for hair removal"
    379,"M Desings Inc","http://www.automdi.com","数字无线话筒笔","Digital Wireless Pen MIC","水晶配备2.4GHz数字清晰的语音通信解决方案,没有干涉跳频,超小型,超轻(15+30g)携带方便.能记录和播放歌曲,讲座,50米内使用无线非常方便.讲座时使用的指示用产品,可以放在兜里或者夹在衣领处,收信器安装XLR,无线麦克系统也可以使用","Crystal clear voice with 2.4GHz digital communicate solution No interfered frequency by frequency Hopping system Micromini, ultra-light (15+30g) featyres Able to record and play lectures and songs Maximized comfortably by using wireless type within 50m built in Laser Poninter for presentation Pin in a pocket or collar with Pen Type Mic Easily applied to existing MIC system with XLR MIC jack"
    380,"eyecap korea","http://www.eyecapkorea.com","温度变化用铜管插口,温度变化用肉眼鉴定套,温度变化用垫圈","thermal compression cable lugs,thermal eyecap,thermal washer","投入电源后插口部可以有效率,阶段性的管理温度(垫圈,铜管插口,绝缘套添加了阶段性感知温度功能);终端作业时可以用肉眼确认电缆导体的正确引入与否,可以在事前导出不适当施工(高品质施工);可以用肉眼鉴定终端作业后铜管插口和电缆终端状态(预防断电事故及火灾预防效果)"," Possible to manage the electric terminal part systematically and stepwise after power is supplied ( Add stepwise temperature detection function for washer, copper electric terminal and insulation cap ) Possible to check accurate lead-in of cable conductor with the naked eye when working on electric terminal and to detect improper installation work in advance (High-quality insta"
    381,"iptech","http://www.iptech.co.kr","照相机升降装置,照明升降装置","camera moving system","3MS(3D MOVING SYSTEM)是将照相机,照明及各种电子/电器装置无需高价的装备或多数专业人员也可以移动到地上的革新产品","3MS (3D MOVING SYSTEM) is an innovative product that moves camera, lighting, and a variety of electrical and electronic systems mounted on the top of pole to the ground without mobilizing any high-value equipment or professional manpower requiring a number of personnel."
    382,"EDLtek","http://www.edltek.co.kr","自动牙膏分配器","Toothpaste Automatic Dispenser","1.老弱者可以轻松使用 2.无需电池或电源 3.容易安装 4.One touch牙膏导出 5.能挤压99%牙膏 6.牙膏管不会触碰到盖子,非常卫生 7.没有故障无需事后管理 8.可装置所有国际规格的牙膏 9.是一种已登录特许,商标,设计的产品 10.在申请海外设计中","Features 1.Easy to use for children & Disableed persons 2.No battery needed 3.Regular amount of paste 4.Only one brush push-out motion enough 5.99% empty tube after use 6.Higenic tube treatment : No touch of tube 7.No A/S needed ; No trouble in use 8.Easy to install on the wall 9.Korea Patent Registered"
    383,"Click Korea. Co. Ltd.","http://www.bj04.com","BJ艺术墙纸,可附板,点贴墙纸","Bj Art Wallpaper, Attachable board, Point Sticker Wallpaper","BJ艺术墙纸是订购制作墙纸,根据需要的大小一幅画来制作墙纸.可以根据自己的喜好作出只属于自己的墙纸.我们提供这种产品在世界任何地方数量最少1张可以配送.我们有25万不同的设计,它是世界上最大的.同时,我们也有贴式,方便携带的设计","BJ Art wallpaper is customer-order type wallpaper which has free size. The customer can make his own one and only one wallpaper according to his own taste. We deliver this product to anyplace in the world with minimum quantity of 1 sheet, through home-delivery service. We have 250,000 different designs, which is the biggest in the world. And we have sticker type too, designed for easy carrying"
    384,"SUNBIN","http://www.sunbin.co.kr","维他命绿茶向日葵软水机","Vitamin Greentea Softwatersystem","本产品是一种为了容易安装而研发的向日葵淋浴功能兼备的维他命绿茶,在室内装饰方面强调了浴室的高品质设计,功能方面可通过维他命绿茶过滤器感受到视觉,触觉效果","This product is a vitamin green tea medulla oblongata having had the sunflower shower bath which has been devised so as to be able to easily install it. I emphasized to a luxurious design of a bathroom in the interior design sides,feel a amazing effect to be visual through vitamin green tea filters in functional aspects."
    385,"SELENE CO., LTD","http://www.selene21.com","手工饰品","Handmade Jewelry","日本宇宙航空产品的分类为精细,艺术,服装饰品.我们有18K金制成的产品,十四K,925纯银,合格的材料,如宝石和珠子.塞莱娜的项目是独一无二的,精致的手工.我们的设计概念是使人们摆脱了繁忙的城市生活看到它们享受到镇定","Products of SELENE are categorized as fine, art, and costume jewelry. We have products made of 18K, 14K, 925 sterling silver, and qualified materials such as gem stones and beads. Selene's items are unique and delicately handmade. Our design concept is that people get away from the hectic city life for a while and feel their composure by seeing."
    386,"CooCooPa Co., Ltd.","http://www.coocoopa.com","厨房用品,畜产鱼类熟化剂,除臭剂","cooking paper foil, softaste, deozero","采用100%植物性天然纸浆,环境荷尔蒙和重金属排放为0的完美无公害产品,具有耐水,耐油,耐热的功效,对所有加热料理的包装及调理有效利用","cooking paper foil"
    387,"FineM.Co.Ltd","http://www.finem.co.kr","化妆品,女性护理剂,生活用品(香皂等)","Cosmetics, feminine wash, NaturalSoap etc.","追求江华岛的特产强化狮子艾草中提炼的精油及提取物所含的天然成分的 "Natural Green Skincare\".特别是强化药艾草对皮肤美容,生理痛,血液循环,痔疮,特别是对妇科病有很好的疗效.用最好的原料生产最优质的产品是我们的目标.差别化:利用对女性健康有益的强化药艾草成分制成的产品及利用抗菌性制作的生活用品","DANOSU always delivers the best product possible, made on the best day using the finest ingredients. Since ancient times, the revitalizing effects of Korean native mugwort of Gangwha have been used to treat the skin, period pain, blood circulation, hemorrhoids and women's diseases in particular.It connects your body to your soul in the best way imaginable."
    388,"NEOQUEST","http://www.neo2000.co.kr","工艺品(金属工艺)","Handcrafts","以金属和木材为素材制作多彩多样的生活用品及装饰用品.利用木材手动操作,比较精密.虽然是手动操作但是可以大批量生产的体系,低廉的价格供应给市场,对海外客户的不同需求给予满足","We make various living & Deco handcrafts by bronze & natural wood, so it possible detail worka. and in spite of handmade, we can provide row-price at a market by mass production."
    389,"C&ELECTRONICS","http://www. .com","蒸馏器","Electronic cooks the vessel with infraredray","1.利用密封和自然压力的调理方法,打开按钮可以与语音向导自动进行选项的数码方式 2.内锅和蒸板含有大量的麦饭石远红外线的放射量突出 3.语音功能,预约功能,保温功能,双重安全装置,断电报偿功能 4. 做烤制料理时无需放水,可根据材料自身的水分进行调理 5.是锅拌饭,面包等100多种料理可以做","1.A cooking system of airtight key natural pressure 2.An adoption of digital system that containing voice guide and brief button control 3.The inner caldron and the steamer that containing a lot of elvan ingredient radiate much far-infrared radiation 4.Including various function: Voice function, reservation function, keeping warm function, blackout -preparing function"
    390,"DONGYANG EASY-TECH CO.,LTD.","http://www.dyeztech.com","温水垫子","Water Heating System","从床用电子波及火灾危险的电子床垫到健康和安全相结合的温水垫子是一种从锅炉里加热的水通过连接管道将垫子加热,然后重新回到锅炉里的温水循环方式(circulation of warm water System)完全没有电子波的温石暖房方法","○ Steamboy warm-water circulation heating system for bed It is a circulating system that warm water which is hot in the mini boiler goes into the pad through the hoses embedded, and the hot water makes the pad hot, and then the cooled water goes backs to a mini boiler again."
    391,"NamJung Cloisonne Art Co.,Ltd","http://www.chilbo-art.co.kr","七宝饰物及银器类","Cloisonne and silverware","七宝商品延续了43年来王室七宝的脉搏,经过了数十万次弯曲,摆正等研究更显七宝的美丽色彩.其颜色的深度和色泽非常玲珑,可以被评价为真正的七宝","the chilbo products of Nam Jung keep the line of the royal chilbo alive, and they are the results of a thousand times of glazing, baking, completing in 40 years... The depth and the light of the colors are so brilliant and subtle that they are considered the true chilbo of this age."
    392,"Truewill","http://www.todoc.co.kr","卫生间坐便清洁剂","Herbal Toilet Sterilizer","天然成分的材料结合了纳米陶瓷技术制作的高浓缩杀菌液,可在坐便里侧喷射,杀掉有害细菌,根本的切断2次细菌感染及各种疾病的根源的产品;使用纳米陶瓷技术高比率(4000:1)的稀释状态下发挥效果的非常经济的绿色产品","TODOC is proven and safe blend of herbal extracts and bio-nano ceramic to quickly kill toilet germs despite invisibility of those germs and prevent the hazards that it may cause. One TODOC release (0.4ml) completely secures sanitary advance by the state of the art bio-nano technology and eco- friendly Korean traditional herb treatment."
    393,"MEC.CO.,LTD","http://www.lona.kr","微泡沫淋浴机","Micro bubble shower","利用水和空气的绿色产品,在水中产生微弱泡沫,对皮肤疾病,皮肤美容非常好的产品","Effects of Micro Bubble 1. Very fine bubbles producing 5,500℃ of heat 2. 400㎞/h of ultrasonic waves 3. Generation of Free Radicals 4. Generation of Anions"
    394,"HANKOOK SERAGH","http://www.seragh.com","厨房用品","Kitchen tools","是可以煮着使用的调理工具,一个容器里面有可以将菜刀,水果刀,蔬菜刀,夹子,剪刀等据置起来的据置架,可以直接在里面装水来煮,进行消毒","*Hygienic kitchen tool which can be used after it is boiled. *Knife, fruit knife, peeler,tongs, scissors in one container."
    395,"CF SYSTEM CO.,LTD","http://www.twistpotato.com ,www.roomy.kr","厨房用品,人工智能型多功能床具","twistpotato machine,air mattress","土豆的变身:国内及海外销售为目标,将以往60年来土豆不变的模样进行了改革;已登录国内及国外特许,设计权和商标权也并列获取;人工智能型多功能床具是注入了8年制作时间及精力的商品,可以根据人体重量调整床垫的智能型床具","Revolutionary transformation of the potato. New concept of fries For the purpose of domestic and international sales and product development 60 years old that has not changed the shape of french fries has been transformed. Items for domestic and international patents have been registered design patents and trademark of the acquisition were not parallel. Ingongjineunhyeong multi-bed production eno"
    396,"YE CHAN.CO.,LTD","http://www.ye-chan.com","可吐出高粘度物质的抽吸分配机","Pump dispenser having ability to dispense high viscous materials.","1.可吐出高粘度物质(牙膏,辣椒酱,大酱,水果酱,乳液等化妆品)2.由5个部品构成(以往的大概由10个构成)用塑料做成的比较经济实惠,也可再利用的绿色产品3.几乎不会有残留物质,会使用的非常干净","Our Pump dispener is good for dispensing high viscous materials like toothpaste,jam,mustard,ketchup and mayonnaise.Most of pump dispenser can not pump out these kind of high viscous materials.Moreover, our product is consis of just five parts, but other pump dispensr have more ten parts,so our pump dispensr can reduce manufacturing cost and have No metal parts and cartridge changing type."
    397,"WithSolution, Inc.","http://www.withsolution.com","数码保安装备及车辆用黑匣子","All-in-one DVR, Vehicle DVR","以DVR为中心的保安装备的需要日益增加,数码多媒体技术,保安系统等也根据 IT Trend装置简单,是一款使用者中心的便利性,外观的华美设计的产品.装置了高画质数码LCD的一体型数码影像录音系统,无需个别的录音监视器,将使用者的便利性最大化的新概念产品","As demand of security devices, mainly DVR, is spreading from industry to home appliance, by trend of IT, like, technologies of digital multi-media, home network, and security system are becoming to convergence, - Easy to install - User Interfaced, comfortable - and beautiful shaped and neat design products are now developed."
    398,"CHUNGHO NAIS CO., LTD .","http://www.chungho.co.kr","净水器,空气清新器,坐便,软化剂","WATER PURIFIER, AIR PURIFIER, BIDET, SOFTENER","制冰系统和净水系统融为一体的高品质净水器;可以取得冰块的同时净水,温水,冷水同时可以取得的产品;精炼的设计触感传感器;节电功能;双重密封式水槽,可以双重防止水污染;可以利用HOT LOCK按钮防止温水引起的伤;产品全部使用LED灯","Pure ice and water through the combination of a water purifier with an integrated ice-maker -Designed for Ice-making and Water-purifying Functionality -Automatic Ice dispenser by touch sensor button -Pure Ice Production utilizing the Freezing Point Method -Hot water locking function -Automated Operation via Sensor and Controller: Internally provides - temperature control. -Blue LED light"
    399,"NanoSolution Inc.","http://www.nanosolution.net","USB3.0外装硬壳,网络储存(NAS)","USB3.0 External Enclosure, Network Attatched Storage(NAS)","小型网络储存(NAS)产品,采用了传送文件速度,文件保安,共有功能的高度的技术,与多样的多媒体系统环境融合的产品.特点:系统资源管理,传送速度提高,保安功能,支持PAID(JBOD,0, 1),支持Link URL公有;支持direct Backup,支持Gigabit LAN","Consumer Smart Network Attached Storage(NAS) is a High Technology-File TransferSpeed, File Security,File Sharing-applied product for fusion of various MultiMedia Service Environments ■Main Function -2Bay HDD Support -File Encryption/Decryption Support -Raid Support(JBOD, 0, 1) -Access Stored Files over The Internet-Directly Backup Support -Gigabit LAN Support"
    401,"CREANOVATIVE INC.","http://www.sonicwalk.com","可以穿戴的音响","Wearable audio","从MP3, PMP等音响机器中改革过来的机器,可以通过肩膀部分的轻量扬声器感受到惊人的音响效果.感受一下本公司生产的保护你的健康和安全的音乐涌出的快乐","SONIC WALK can reduce the risks and ear damage involved with the use of earphone during outdoor activities with portable audio MP3, PMP and etc. It is an innovative sound system that allows people to enjoy music freely and safely while doing every kinds of sports activities-bicycling, running, hiking and motor-bike."
    402,"Quantum Energy Co., Ltd.","http://www.quantumenergy.co.kr","量子能源纤维,纱,棉,被子,床,衣服类等","Quantum Energy Textile, Yarn, Fiber, Beddings, Bed, Clothing","可发散量子能源的物质做成的纤维,可以持续的将天然热和量子能源在纤维里强烈的发散出来,冬天温暖,夏天凉快的温度,湿度调节功能.经过测试可以发散跟人体温度一样的36度的热,有98%的抗菌作用.","Natural temperature control function / Warm in winter & cool in summer from Quantum Energy 5 times more than natural cotton for sweat absorption Sterilization Pneumonia & staphylococci within 24 hours (without any chemical treatments) More than 95% Deodorization of formaldehyde & ammonia within 2 hours Natural Far-infrared radiation & anion on more than 37℃"
    403,"Jedaero Electronics","http://www.jedaero.com","专家用发型管理工具箱,发型矫正机,头部饰品","Professional Hair Straightener","可将温度调节至80~120度,使用了热恢复速度和远红外线放射快的国产陶瓷加热器,产生负离子的天然陶瓷涂层发热板","Far-infrared heat locks in moisture & protects cuticles of hair Ultra fast heat-up & instant heat recovery Creates silky sheen to hair Eliminates frizz & preserves natural moisture 7 Variable temperature settings for different hair types Consistent heat at all temperature setting by IC controller Increased maximum temperature setting 410o F 360 degrees rotating swivel cord Unmatched equal"
    404,"kosam","http://www.cosam.biz","人造宝石及装饰贴纸等应用产品","Jewelry Deco Sticker Iron On Motif for Clothes","1.闪亮装饰用人造宝石贴纸 2.衣服装饰用人造宝石贴纸 3.美甲用人造宝石贴纸 4.应用人造宝石贴纸的应用产品 5.凯蒂猫专用人造宝石贴纸","1. Nail Art Products 2. Iron On Motif for Clothes 3. Jewelry Deco Sticker for Mobile Phone, MP3, I-Pods, Photo Frame, Diary and Personal Belongings"
    405,"E.I CORP","http://www.motherscorn.co.kr","母板玉米","MOTHER'SCORN","用玉米成分制作的食器是一种绿色产品,对人体无害,而且对地球环境有益的产品","The products of Mother's corn are biodegradable. The biodegradable plastics of Mother's corn are as strong and easy to use as the traditional plastics, and they are unlikely to persist in the environment, therefore they can make our environment less polluted. Mother's corn is the best replacement for the conventional plastics"
    406,"magicroseyoungnong","http://www.magicrose.kr","美术玫瑰","Magicrose","本产品是根据设定温度及光亮及光的角度变色的玫瑰.晚上是夜光,白天是根据光亮的变化变色,寿命是最短3个月到最长2年.可以看到一半的花里看不到的特点","In our production line, we have roses that changes their colors according to temperature set above zero degree,amount of light,or the angle of the light Roses that become florescent at night and change their colors according to temperature or light and live for three months up to over 2 years."
    407,"Healing Stone Co., Ltd","http://www.healingstone.com","健康床具,健康饰品","Healthy Mattress & Bed, Healthy Accessories","天然矿物黄金绢云母具有突出的远红外线功能,将选定的绢云母在1,200℃高温下开发成陶器的产品.1.对睡眠和恢复疲劳有益的健康床具及床垫 2.有助于血液循环的健康饰品及腰带-没有任何有害物质,被称为健康商品(通过了重金属,放射线,皮肤安全测试)","Gold Sericite, a natural mineral, is manufactured with the selected sericite by processing at high temperature of 1,200℃ to produce ceramic material. 1. Health Bed and Mattress that are effective for sound sleep and relieving fatigue by adopting Hot Water Heating System. 2. Functional Health Accessories and Waist Belt that assist blood circulation."
    409,"TWOCAP","http://","1)防止破损螺丝双重保护套2)天然素材发行喷雾器及化妆品原料","Dual protection Cap for bolt and nut","螺丝双重保护套是受2008美国匹兹堡国际发明展(特别奖)的获奖产品","Dual Protection Cap for Bolt and nut"
    410,"bambusland","http://www.bambusland.kr","有机农大叶茶,面膜,","BIO bamboo tea, APROS face mask pack, Detox foot patch, yunohana bath power","大叶茶","BIO"
    411,"KOOKJE FOOD","http://www.kookjefood.com","柚子液,枳椇藤汁外国产茶类","CITRON CONCENTRATED JUICE, KOREA RAISIN ARROWROOT TEA,KOREAN TEAS","采用直营农场生长的柚子来榨汁生产的柚子液,具有柚子的原味和香气.枳椇数藤汁含有70%以上的藤汁,是将国产藤直接榨汁生产的产品,保留了藤原有的味道和香气","CITRON CONCENTRATED JUICE This product is proud of its unique flavor and rich fragrance since it is made of citron produced by the direct farms in Geoje and Goheung. KOREA RAISIN ARROWROOT TEA This product contains more than 70% of Kudzu juice and Hut-gae fruit, alder tree and more. Korean Kudzu, which is its main ingredient, is used to create abundant flavor and fragrance of the real Kudzu."
    412,"SUMDEX WORLD","http://www.sumdexkorea.com","笔记本包,数码箱类,旅行用品","Notebook Bags, Laptop cases, digital cases, Travel Bags...","本公司的设计研究组可以根据潮流和多变的客户需求开发符合他们的产品.而且具备耐久性及便利性和美丽的设计,根据不容用途使用.多彩多样的设计和价位可供消费者作出贤明的决定","We have Design R&D Center to develop new trend and answer buyer's requirements also, four production partners in China. So, we will submit you various design samples with competitive price and delivery terms."
    413,"teo jeon","http://http://www.teojeon.com","天然黄土染色床具","Ocher dyed beding","天然黄土染色的床具及生活用品对各种特性过敏和面疮还有各种皮肤疾病都有疗效.而且黄土还可以放射远红外线促进新陈代谢和血液循环.使用吸水力和抗菌力突出的黄土产品可以吸收及分解各种有害味道,防止对人体有害的菌类的栖息","We are determined to make our ocher products more accessible to our consumers with efforts by turning out best possible products. Ocher dyed bedding is excellently effective for removing stench, regulating dampness, purifing airs and repelling insects to make living environment pleasant. Ocher dyed clothes is neutralizes strong akaline gas for atopic dermatitis, eczema and similar skin irritation"
    414,"airlock","http://www.air-lock.co.kr","真空保鲜袋,真空玻璃容器","vaccum ziplock, vaccum glass canister","本产品是品牌真空包装机的新的诞生.无需用电的携带用产品,无论何时何地都可使用.保护食品,不会被虫子,灰尘,沙尘,味道所污染,可以非常轻松的使用.消费者也可以节省不少冰箱里的空间.是被特许的产品,节省钱和时间","It's a brand new concept of vaccum sealer. No electricity needed to be used, so you can carry them out anywhere such as when you carry out with picnic, it will satisfy you by protecting your food from bugs, dust, sand odors, and others. Very easy and simple to use. Store it as it is, you can save more space in a refrigerator. Our patented valves give you handiness, it saves you money and time."
    415,"APHILLIP CO.,LTD","http://www.aphillip.com","腰带,手套,手提包",,"无"
    416,"HYUPJIN ART-PACK CO.,LTD","http://www.shoppingbags.co.kr","食品用抗菌包装盒","Food packaging- Tenkeeper-Ag","企业,产地,消费者都满足的包装容器,进而推进韩国包装产业的先进化.保护在医院里栖息的各种细菌对患者和保护者的危害","TENKEEPER‐Ag「antibiotics-Technology]"
    417,"G-TECH INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD","http://www.gtech21.net","身高/体重测量机,手消毒器","Weight and Height Scale, Hand sanitizer","身高体重机:用一台机器可以同时测量身高和体重,可以测出BMI,表示正常值的标准的调节量,为使用者提供健康管理的指标.手消毒器:使用简便,杀菌效果非常突出,安装在医院,学校,公共场合等人聚集较多的地方,可以维持受的清洁","Weight and Height Scale : A device which can measure the weigh and Height at once. Then, provides the BMI which is the world fatness standard and target to control data for proper body condition. Hand Sanitizer : To clean the hands which is the major infection root of all kinds of harmful germs like as H1N1 virus, vacteria, We considered auto disinfect machine for the place where pepole crowed."
    418,"bnbmvmv","http://www. .com","发酵山茱萸浓缩液,果实","hghsdsde","减少了山茱萸原有的酸味,为了让人更容易接受将味道升华","gsdfjhdslds pfiff[o fjerwf[ew dfjewo["
    419,"Bal Hyo Story","http://www.bhstory.net","洗发露,乳液,发精,厨房洗涤品,洗衣洗涤剂,抗氧化剂","Mandelark used for both shampoo and body wash","利用高水准的发酵技术和微生物分离动静技术奖纯济洲产农产物的发酵提取物和矿物质维他命等天然物质结合起来制作出的产品,当您在饮用的时候会感受到自身以及地球环境变得更加健康","If we just use the products that Fermentation Story manufactures by combining natural materials such as minerals, vitamins and extracts from pure Jeju farming products using sophisticated fermentation techniques and microbe-separation dongjung techniques, it is a contribution to the protection of our bodies and our environments.@"
    420,"A-Top Co., Ltd.","http://www.atop21.co.kr","车辆管理用品,清洁用品等","Microfiber car detailing products and general home cleaning products","针对不同的工程制作的多样而高品质的车辆管理产品","Various and top quaity products of car detailing."
    421,"1950 Co., Ltd","http://www.songyun.co.kr","蜜橘酒 '1950 SEE YOU AT THE TOP'","Tangerine Wine","伴随着汉拿山的水,温暖的太阳光,透明的风,悠悠的海浪声生长的蜜橘制作的酒. "1950 SEE YOU AT THE TOP\"这个名字的由来是,代表汉拿山高度的"1950m",只有挑战其高度的人才能站在山顶上,代表其"山顶"的意思,"我们在山顶相遇吧"","About the brand, '1950' The tangerine wine is fermented and made from selected tangerines nurtured in rich soil, under warm sunlight and refreshed with the clean winds of the island. The fruits are then advanced into a high-quality drink bearing gentle fragrance and a healthy gold color, thanks to Vitamin C and Vitamin P (Hesperidin) generated during fermentation, all bathed in natural volcanic"
    422,"Jeju Milk Co., Ltd","http://www.jejumilk.com","牛奶","Milk","1.济州牛奶:利用济州产1A等级的原油在135度下杀菌而成的牛奶,味道香甜 2.有机农牧场牛奶:运用绿色农法,将有害物切断的安全的有机农牛奶 3.济州清澈牛奶:利用济州产1A等级原油在72℃~75℃下杀菌,将营养素的破损降到最低,可以品尝到新鲜的味道 4.济州的早餐酸奶:济州产生油添加了草莓,南瓜等,可以品尝新鲜的味道","Jeju Milk Co, Ltd is producing goods with fresh 1A-class raw milk collected from unpolluted Jeju-do, which is designated as the World Nature Heritage, and will make best efforts to provide safer high-level milk products as quality control was stepped up after completely installing HACCP facilities in line with the public's trends to favor safe milk products."
    423,"Jejufeel","http://www.jejufeel.kr","连皮一起喝的,汉拿山箬液","Jeju Mandarin Juice, Hallasan Joritdae Ex.","箬是一种从古代开始流传下来的药材,本公司使用的箬是生长在济州岛的植物.箬的叶子组织非常强,利用热水的提取不能完全提取出其有效成分,但是利用我们公司特殊开发的方法(低温酶提取法)可以提高两倍的提取率,而且味道也是非常突出的","Joritdae used in our company is Jeju Joritdae, which is a plant resource native to Jeju Island. The leaf of Joritdae has strong tissue and thus its active ingredients are not sufficiently extracted by hot water. However, low-temperature enzyme extraction developed by a patented method of our company can extract twice as much of the active ingredients with improved taste."
    424," ","http://www.goidug.co.kr","郁金原液,郁金粉,郁金丸"," ","原产地是印度,具有抗癌作用,特别是对肝具有卓越的再生效果,促进血液循环.目前我们国家生产的比印度产更加优质"," "
    425,"woorhi medical group Co.,Ltd.","http://www.woorhi.co.kr","Johns注射器","Johns injector","1.粳小米药物+墩=都可使用 2.体现了continue, dose, nappage, filler4种注入模式 3.体现了5个阶段的注射速度调节-可以减少患者痛苦的唯一的速度调节功能 4.保留了药物注入量调节功能 (0.01cc~1cc) 5.体现了呼吸功能-防止药物损失 6.任何大小的注射器都可以使用-(1cc~10cc syringe使用可能)","1. Meso therapy+Filler= Useable for any type 2. 4 types injection mode: Continue, Dose, Nappage, Filler 3. 5 steps in speed management of injection - the only speed controllable way reducing patient's pain 4. The amount of medicine is manageable (0.01cc~1cc) 5. The function of Aspiration -protection from medicine's loss 6. Available on any used type of syringes - (1cc~10cc syringe usable)"
    426,"Solar Koino Co.","http://www.koinoworld.com","肩膀按摩器, morning call mattress","Shoulder Massager / Morning Call Mattress","肩膀按摩器的特点-使用和携带简便-容易的使用方法-根据电磁体按摩机的强力的按摩-内藏自动定时器-滑动式强/弱调节-多变的按摩节奏-为了安全装置了防止温度过升传感器","Products Features(Shoulder Massager) - Easy carrying and use - Easy usage - Strong Massage by an electromagnet massager - Auto Timer - Strong and weak sliding control system - Various Massage rhythms - Safety sensor to prevent overheating"
    427,"BIOCERA.CO., LTD","http://www.biocera.co.kr","Green Ball,Ato-zero淋浴喷头","BIOCERA Green Ball, BIOCERA Ato-zero Shower Head","BIOCERA Green Ball是一种代替洗涤产品放在洗衣机里来洗衣服的产品,可以节约洗剂,节约能源和减少废水排放的绿色产品.BIOCERA Ato-zero淋浴喷头具有防止皮肤老化和供给水分的作用,可维持健康滋润的皮肤.拥有坐便,喷雾,水节约(停顿)的3种按钮模式","Biocera Green Ball is the product that clean clothes and laundry without any detergents. Also it effect to water-saving, electric energy-saving and time-saving and etc. Ato-Zero Shower Head keeps in moist & good healthy skin by prevention of skin aging and moisture effect. As well as, it has functions such as Bidet, Spray shower & Saving water & Saving water by 3 kinds of button mode."
    428,"RENOPIA","http://www.renopia.co.kr","儿童用数码钢琴","Digital piano for kids and children","本公司是根据儿童的体型制作的儿童用数码钢琴的专门公司.看上去像实际钢琴缩小的漂亮的设计,为了打造新的BLUE OCEAN尽最大努力","\"PLAY WITH MUSIC\" is our motto and we are producing the unique design of digital piano for kids and children in the world. Good sound quality and competitive price of the product will give a good avvantage of the customers in all over the world."
    429,"SUN & I","http://www.sunandi.co.,kr","SUN & I 浴池","SUN & I Mobile Dry Bath","远红外线非常丰富的健康热疗器;棉线网纱发热体可放射出91%的远红外线(韩国建材试验研究院);从发热体出来的强力的远红外线可以达到皮肤深层,在血管中可做1分钟2000次的共振作用,解除身体里的废物,可预防成人病;远红外线对血液循环和促进新陈代谢有卓越的效果","Well-being heating pad of plentiful far-infrared rays. - Carbon on Cotton-mesh heater of Mobile Dry Bath developed by SUN&I emits 91% of far-infrared rays(Korea Institution of Construction Materials) - Strong far-infrared rays of heater make far deeper part of skin warm - Far infrared rays is really effective to smoothen blood circulation, all types of aches & pains and to speed up metabolism."
    430,"myung sin medical co.,ltd","http://http://www.msmedi.com","医疗用温热器,暖气桑拿传热器","Sauna Heater, Stem Sauna Heater","在数千度高温真空环境下塑成的特殊碳素原料取得了跟人体吸收波长度最为类似的4 ~ 18 μ的优质吸收光纤,开发了新的发热体并用它制作的产品.Wellfog是一种暖气和天然原木制作的,可以做精油熏蒸等的复合温热器","\"RAINBOW\"is the special warmer that generate the pure far-infrared ray (4-18um) for very good human health, and transfer the dynamic wave energy to the inner organs of human body (40~50mm) by the special carbon fiber plate heater. \"WellFog" is a multi functional therapeutic device for thermal steam leg bath & moxa fumigation therapy that is developed by merging and improving the existing water"
    431,"LKmade","http://www.lkmade.com","陶瓷密封容器","Airtight Ceramic Container","用途:1.具有突出的白色度和透光度 2.盖子由pp材质和硅制作的 3.对水和空气进行完美密封的产品 4.表面体现了多彩多样的美丽","PRODUCT: Airtight Ceramic Container Purpose: Airtight Food Storage Container Features: 1) this container is great in whiteness and transmittance because it is made of bone chinaware. it contains 42% of Bond Ash so that it is thin and strong. 2) the lid is made of pp(polypropylene)material and silicone.3) the lid has an airtight seal so that it is air and water tight(leak and odor free)."
    432,"XENICS CO LTD","http://www.xenics.net","震动扬声器,纸扬声器,机械式键盘","VIBRATION SPEAKER, PAPER SPEAKER, WIRELESS AND WIRED MECHANICAL KEYHBOARD","新概念震动扬声器,跟以往的产品有区别的乐趣和多种多样的音色.装置了机械扬声器的震动头和箱子,玻璃窗,雨伞,日历等有面的物体相碰的话,根据各个媒介不同,可享受完全不同的新的音色","The VibeHolic portable vibration speaker takes music from your device and generates it into vibration sequences. It sends those vibrations through the vibration pad which you can stick to ANY OBJECT. Simply press play on your device and VibeHolic will turn the object into a speaker."
    433,"Ginseng root Borim","http://","樟脑山参","Ginseng grown","生长在汉拿山900高地的樟脑山参,含有汉拿山的阴气,还有山参的阳气,两者相结合比在任何地方生长的樟脑山参品质都优秀,效果更好.是汉拿山的鹿都喜爱的樟脑山参,男女老少皆宜","Because Sam has Yang energy(Power of lights), most of people who have heat in body avoid to take Sam. But Long-rhizome San-Sam which is cultivated at 900 highlands has Halla mountain's Yin energy (power of dark and woman) and Sam's Yang energy (power of lights and man) in harmony. Because of harmony, Halla mountaion's San-Sam has best quality and remedial effects wherever in Korea."
    434,"khji","http://www.khji.net","画,镜子,表,花瓶,收纳箱,笔筒,电灯","art, mirror,clock,pot,space box,lamp","黄土没有经过烤制拥有坚固性,实用性,半永久保存性,是一种传统美精炼美兼备的黄土工艺品.利用木头,黄土,宝石等绿色材料制作表,镜子,相框,装饰架等绿色名品","loess craft work with durability, practicality, semi-permanent preservability, traditional beauty and sophisticated beauty. loess is not baked to make this product. Wood, loess, aroma essential oil,jewel environment friendly materials are used for environment friendly products such as clock, mirror, picture frame and shelf."
    435,"World Chem Co.","http://www.worldchem.co.kr","合成洗剂,卫生用品(手部消毒器,手部消毒剂","Liquid Detergents, Hand hygiene items.","生产家庭用洗剂,产业用洗剂,杀菌洗剂等多种多样洗剂,开发低刺激性洗剂来提高作业率.开发了水瓶洗剂,饭桌洗剂,婴儿用奶瓶洗剂等添加食品添加物的家庭用洗剂.之外还有手部消毒器,消毒剂等","The company is focused on the development of disinfectants, touchless dispensers, and eco-friendly detergents which are likes hand sanitizer dispensers, Hand sanitizers, Instant hand sanitizers gel and specialty detergents. And the company has acquired the domestic Certificates of INNO-BIZ, BENTURE and the international quality certificates such as EU-CE, RoHS, ISO 9001, ISO 14001."
    436,"Tiso corporation","http://www.soksakim.co.kr","花茶","Sdksakim Flower Herbs","本产品是用眼睛,用香气,用心去品尝的.我们的花茶可适应广大顾客的口味,而且从外观的设计上也下了不少功夫,以新的包装出口到国外,受到很多关注","SOKSAKIM is drumk with the eyea,the nose and the mind. The blooming and shutting of fliwers, their natural color and fragrance, the nutrition and generosity unique to herbs and others.. Imbued full with the love and dream of TISO family, Herb tea SOKSAKIM will be a bridge that draws you and your friends into the garden of talk."
    437,"Thrice Corporation","http://thrice.co.kr","压力测量器","Stress & Body condition evaluation system","以前想要得到压力检查或者心血管状态等有关健康状态的话必须要到医院或者健康诊断中心,在专家的指导下才可以,但是使用我们的光传感器,只要通过手指测定自己也能简单操作的系统","Stress & Evaluation System You can simply check up the stress level and the condition of your heart blood vessel using photo sensor test without going hospital or expert's help."
    438,"KIRYOON ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.","http://kiryoon.co.kr","无线麦克风收发机,自行车扬声器","wireless microphone, bile audio","以前使用有线麦克风的场所也能够用无线麦克风来简单的代替,比如学校,学院,教会广播等需要无线且需要携带方便的情况.通过耳机收听的各种音响机(MP3. IPOD等)安装在自行车上减少事故发生,使用了防止声音扩散的unit,减少了对周围的噪音","College Church of the school bangsongdeung wireless microphones and wireless needs, where necessary, useful, easy to carry and use wherever you use your existing wired microphone museonhwa may be simple to install. Rent speakers, various sound heard through earphones (MP3. IPOD, etc.) reulanjeongjeokeurojajeongeoeseolchihayeosagowiheomeuljulyeoteumyeo, preventing the spread of the sound unit uses"
    439,"SID","http://www.sidkorea.or.kr","多功能闪光信号棒","Multi Glance Sinhobong","本公司产品具有方向指示功能,可以单独安装,也可以跟其他道路交通安全用品一起使用.一字形可以折过来指明方向,可通过自动闪烁动作代替安全指示的作用帮助能够顺利通过危险地带","My company has products that display the direction to be installed if the singly and also in conjunction with other highway safety products can also be used. Gull in slot indicate the direction and shape through break Flasher action to pass safely through the danger area as safe keepers can be replaced."
    440,"SORIZAVA","http://www.sorizava.co.kr","数码影像速记键盘,电脑速记键盘","Digital Video Accelerator keyboard, computer keyboard, shorthand, hekadak, seutenchyura","第三time machine技能,实时速记,多样的录音选项,人工智能再生调节,书签储藏功能,远距速记功能,实时广播速度调节,实时预约摄像,键盘控制","Time Machine features 3 generations. Real-time transcribing, recording a variety of options, and artificial intelligence to your control, 100% custom support reporters, bookmark storage capabilities, remote transcribing features, live speed control, real-time scheduled recording, the keyboard controls"
    441,"Korea Techno Co.,Ltd.","http://k-t.co.kr","去湿器(船舶,产业用),SPOT-COOLER,抗温抗湿,电热交换器,空气调和器",,"无"
    442,"Shinil Industrial co.","http://www.ricebox.co.kr","米桶","rice dispensers","多功能米桶(材质:锌钢板,合成塑料/收容量:30 kg);将槽向前拉,10~12人容量的饭锅锅盖将打开方便食用;做饭过程中,蒸汽将通过3面通风口即使排放. 迷你米桶(材质:合成塑料 ABS/收容量:15kg,23kg);按按钮就可以按照一人份(150g)出来;下面有轮子可以方便移动","SIF505 (mini rice dispenser) Whenever the measuring control button is pressed, rice of 150g is ischarged out. There is a Flower-shaped window on the front, through which it is possible to check the remaining quantity of rice without opening the cover. It is a home mini rice dispenser with a facinating design."
    443,"HANSUNG HIGH FREQUENCY CO., LTD.","http://www.hshf.co.kr","高周波Pin tube 焊接机","High Frequency Spiral Fin Tube Welding Machine","如今社会最为关注的废弃资源利用,将其效率最大化,解决环境问题,我们的产品正或用于这两个方面,而且主要应用于发电设备及boiler公司.与世界被认可的4大制造商进行公开投标中销售业绩非常优秀,而且以持续的产品开发和彻底的事后管理顾客的再购买率相当高","Nowaday it is most important business for energy efficiency and environment that our welding machine is for using on HRSG(heat recovery steam generator) in cogenerator and boiler company and if you use our machine will be save for both energy efficiency and free of environment thus it was option to use our machine but it is compulsary to install our machine on cogenerator power plant."
    444,"HAVE&BE Co.,LTD","http://www.drjart.com","化妆品,基础skin care 及功能性产品","cosmetic, basic skincare & high functional cosmetics","在亚洲掀起旋风的BB霜是一种切断紫外线,美白,Anti-wrinkle,镇定,保护及遮瑕皮肤缺陷的多功能霜.用简单的方法省略了彩妆过程,表现出美丽光泽的肌肤,自然掩盖皮肤的缺陷.根据皮肤的类型和使用目的都多种款式任你选择,用最安全的成分找回你皮肤原本的美丽.","Magical BB cream, high functional color cream that provides multi-functions such as SPF, whitening, anti-wrinkles, soothing, protecting and naturally covering skin. Formulated with patent ingredients, it presnets brilliantly healthy skin and shortens the makeup step by using one cream. It is released into several types according to skin type and function for consumers' choice.."
    445,"SUNHAK CO.LTD","http://www.since1952.co.kr","厨房调理用品","kitchenware","1. 拥有优秀的覆膜技术和价格竞争力 2.针对消费者喜好来设计的便利性","1.we have got outstanding know-how for our product for technology and competitive pricing. 2.we have always considered convience design of our product for customer."
    446,"Pan West Trading Corp.","http://www.hobbyfield.co.kr","各种生活用品及运动用品","All kinds of sporting, general merchandise products.","自行车拖车外","Bike trailer, etc.,"
    447,"Du-sung Technology. Co. Ltd","http://www.bodypro.co.kr","身体专家-无线心脏跳动测量仪","Bodypro - Wireless heart rate monitor","无线心脏跳动测量仪-测量心脏跳动数后可无线自动送输信息,用电脑可以对100名客人同时进行实时监督","Wireless heart rate monitor : Automatic transmission. Realtime monitoring by using pc. max 100 people, max 150 meters."
    448,"HIWELL","http://www.pushlock.or.kr","自动牙膏挤出机touch","Touch Me (Automatic Toothpaste Dispensor) ","One touch方式的牙膏自动挤出功能;牙膏分配功能(每次定量挤出);使用牙膏后不会触碰到里面,比较干净卫生;牙膏使用后里面剩余量的最小化;无需电源,绿色产品,无需维持费及没有故障的产品素材:ABS.acetal.silicon橡皮","g"
    449,"balance","http://","功能性鞋","balance (functional shoes)","本产品是为了正确的矫正教的构造和模样而制作的功能性鞋垫,用别的话来表示的话叫"脚补助器,矫正用鞋垫,矫正用具,Foot-Orthotics".材质比较硬可以防止脚的变型,矫正脚的构造.穿上它不管走路站着还是蹦跳,都很舒服,为了消除身体的不适且增加效率从人体解剖学的角度设计,人体工学的角度制作的.","."
    450,"Dami Trading Co., Ltd.","http://jeudedames.en.ec21.com","各种袜子,丝袜,紧身裤,连体袜,","All kinds of socks including stockings, leggings ","无"
    451,"DongWoon International Co., Ltd.","http://www.mymemoria.co.kr"," u盘 ","USB Memory","品牌:My Memoria 用SWAROVSKI's 切割水晶制成的最高级宝石usb设备,世界最小,最轻产品[ 31mm x 12mm x 3mm / 5g ] 全部由韩国三星制造.使用微米闪存技术,还具有日常防水功能,通过了ROHS, CE, FCC, KCC 镍 Free等 技术检测, 所有的型号都进行过逐个检查,并且全部手工打造.","Brand name : My Memoria High-end jewelry USBs combined with SWAROVSKI's cut crystals World's smallest and ultralight products with COB type memory [ 31mm x 12mm x 3mm / 5g ] Made in Korea Samsung and Micron's NAND flash formatted Waterproof ROHS, CE, FCC, KCC Nickel-free, allergy test passed Hand-made"
    452,"chaelim","http://www.chaelim.co.kr","韩国传统/韩国传统毛笔/韩国化妆刷","Korean traditional paint color / Traditional oriental painting brush","chaelim主要开发并制造韩国传统画的颜料.传统韩国画颜料是韩国,中国,日本等东南亚的传统画必备的颜料. 是一种固体颜料.用沾水的毛笔在颜料上涂抹后使用.颜料使用完毕后可自然干燥恢复原来状态.基本色18种,发亮的宝石色12种,以及金色,银色,铜色等构成.","Water colors for Korean paintings in small plate is critical for drawing traditional paintings of Southeast Asian countries like Korea, China and Japan. It is hard and solid colors, which is used with brush being rubbed on surface of colors. Basic 18 colors/jewellery color 12 series/Gold, silver, copper color(3 colors)/"
    453,"newheart","http://www.nheart.co.kr","液晶显示器固定装置","LCD Monitor Hub station","安装在电脑液晶显示器的左右两侧的框架上来使用.由USB扩展槽,文件架,便签板,折叠箱子,折叠线板构成.各个构件可以用作与文具及办公用品的收纳,笔具保管,个人物品等经常使用的物品的储藏空间.特别是USB扩展插槽,与显示器成为一体,连接及使用方便. ","This product consists of the following components. USB hub port, paper holder (being folded), Memo board, storage boxes, storage shelves. Each component uses the following purposes. Storage of stationery & office supplies, pen storage, Personal Care storage, Storage of frequently used goods. You will experience the office environment and improve efficiency."
    454,"Tae Chung hightech","http://www.taechung.co.kr","自动镶边机,提神眼镜","Automatic taping machine / improving concentration with glasses( )","无"
    455,"EXGroup Co.,Ltd.","http://www.exg.kr","数码信息显示器,一体机,","DID, ALL-IN-ONE PC, kiosk - Digital information display, ALL-IN-ONE PC, kiosk ( )","1. 使用铝制素材,打造高贵 2. 使用铝制素材,重量轻 3. 铝制素材,发热量少","1. High quality product using aluminum materials 2. Light weighing product using aluminum materials 3. Minimizing heat generation in the products."
    456,"MF TECH CO., LTD.","http://www.xcloz.com","全自动液晶显示器升降桌,半自动液晶显示器升降桌,吧台","AUTO LCD MONITOR LITER, SEMI-AUTO LCD MONITOR LIFTER, WINE BAR - Full automatic LCD Monitor Lifter desk, Semi-automatic monitor lifter desk, wine bar","POP UP SLIDER 是什么 是可以将电视,显示器等物件收纳在家具下面的硬部件 POP UP SLIDER 可以增加桌子的利用空间,在不使用电脑时可以收纳在家具下面,避免破损.避免灰尘及异物,容易清洁.无需另外购买电脑桌和一般桌子.","What is POP UP SLIDER It is the function hardware that moves TV and monitors, etc. to the lower bottom of furniture like a desk or others The strengths of POP UP SLIDER Excellent space efficiency Preventing furniture damage by being embedded in the furniture when not in use Easy to clean by blocking dust Offering fine view and neat surroundings"
    457,"Hydraulic friends Co., Ltd.","http://","重装备适用的阀门及墨盒阀门 TX50, TX80, TX100, TX160, HV50, HV70 等","TX50, TX80, TX100, TX160, HV50, HV70 Series for Hydraulic Mobile Contol","1.额定油量 50~160 lpm 额定压力 350bar 2. 应用高韧性特殊铸物可使产品最小化 3. 构件由特殊处理钢和最优化密封配件组成 4. 可适用于各种标准的排管螺丝和插装阀","1. For flow up to 50 or 160 lpm(13 or 42 USgpm) and pressure up to 350 bar(5100 psi). 2. The compact casting is made of high resistance cast iron. 3. The parts are made of hardened and tempered special steel, optimam sealings 4. A range of service port and valves that of cartridge types are available."
    458,"COINUP CO.,LTD","http://www.coinup.co.kr","商业用洗涤设备,干洗设备,U型台,自动擦鞋机.","coin laundry system, coin shoes, u-table, drycleaning machine - coin laundry system (Tromm commercial washer, Tromm commercial dryer) ","商业用洗涤设备:韩国唯一的刷卡式洗涤设备.自动干洗机:可以用水干洗的新型产品.自动擦鞋机:自动擦鞋,上光的机器.","Distribution/sale of LG's commercial washing machines - Sales/maintenance of LG's Tromm commercial washing & drying machines. Other Business Lines - Construction of a common laundary room network based on a tie-up with construction companies, public agencies, etc. - Donation of washing machines under partnerships with welfare foundations and enterprises"
    459,"Cebien Co.,Ltd","http://www.cebien.com","淋浴设备(浴室淋浴器)","Shower System (Bathroom Shower products)","壁式设计淋浴器,LED 照明淋浴器, , 数码淋浴器(蓝牙功能), 软水淋浴器, 陶瓷淋浴器,按摩淋浴器(按摩功能) 系列产品.","Wall mounting design shower, LED-lighting shower, Built-in shower system, Digital shower system, Water softener shower, Ceramic shower, Massage shower series."
    460,"AHA SPORT CORPORATION","http://www.aquwin.com","带度数泳镜,泳镜,泳帽,泳装,游泳配件","Swim Goggle, Cap, Swim Wear, Ear plug, Nose Clip, Towel, Fin","带度数眼镜 #CO40RVM / 14种逆数的多样度数 硅胶 选手用耳塞(专利) 聚碳酸酯镜片, 硅胶耳塞/绳带 防雾涂层, 防紫外线镜片, 可互换的四种支架","Optical Goggle #CO40RVM / 14kinds of Diopters Silicone Slim Fit Gasket (Patent) Polycarbonate lens, Silicone gasket/strap Antifog coated, UV Protection lens 4Size selective system nosebelt"
    461,"J&B Bio INC.","http://www.jnbbio.com","产生:野生人参化妆品/ Dangddanzi:菊芋发酵食品和红参","Accrue: wild ginseng cosmetics / Dangddanzi : tuberosus and red ginseng fermented food ","传达山参的神秘的功能性化妆品--Accrue是将自然生长的山参和药膳,用j&b的发酵方法,用心发酵完成的山参发酵化妆品. 健康食品-Dangddanzi:将无公害菊芋和红参与药用植物一起发酵,可以增加菊糖含量,是有利于糖尿的健康饮料.","Accrue:cosmetics that represents mystic elements of wild ginseng in its entirety, is a wild ginseng fermented cosmetics completed fermenting wild ginseng and medicinal food through an inherent fermentation method of J&BBio. Dangddanzi:This food fermented by using contamination free tuberosus and red ginseng together with medicinal plant is effective for diabetics by enhancing inulin property."
    462,"ipics plus","http://www.ipics.co.kr","ipics纱,有机纱,婴儿用针织品,抗菌手套.","IPICS YARN, IPICS ORGANIC YARN, IPICS KIDS WEAR, IPICS GLOVES","1.ipics纱:主要适用于棉纱,袜子及需要抗菌素材的产品 2. ipics有机纱: 追加有机物单一性和不破坏其单一性的抗菌性能,而且价格低廉的纱. 3. ipics有机针织服装 : 用环保抗菌功能的ipics有机棉纱制造的婴儿用针织服装及寝具类. 4. 有ipics涂层的抗菌手套:以抗菌功能为主的手套","1.IPICS yarn:supplying mainly cotton yarn which is applied to socks & all kind of products requiring antbiotic material. 2.IPICS organic yarn:adding antibiotic function to pure organic yarn at very lower cost. 3.IPICS organic knit wear: children's knit wear & beddings made with envioronment friendly antibiotic & organic cotton yarn. 4.IPICS gloves: antibiotic functional gloves coated by IPICS."
    463,"STFLEX Co,.Ltd.","http://www.stflex.co.kr","LED照明及LED照明发热体.","LED Light and Cooler for LED Light","本产品是利用热性能优越的石墨制成的LED照明用发热体,比当前铝制素材的冷却性能高200%,发热体重量只有85%为特点的产品.LED照明是依照发热性能确定照明的亮度的.发热性能越优秀的产品LED的亮度越高,以及由LED芯片带来的降低成本的效果.","This production, using Graphite materials, is characterized approximately about 200% of cooling performance and 85% of the weight compared with existing aluminum material by using a LED lighting heat sink. In case of using this cooler for LED lighting, illumination depending on cooling performance is improved. therefore has the cost savings of led chip and improvement of illumination."
    464,"FEELIS CO., LTD.","http://www.feelis.com","LED灯箱,LED发光板,LED照明","LED light box, LED light board, LED lights","无"
    465,"RODEM CO., LTD.","http://","远红外GAIASTONE土床,环保建材","Gaiato Healing Bed, ECO-Friendly Construction Materials","1.远红外线床-用Gaiato矿石和环保粘合剂制作床板,不仅对人体无害,还放出大量远红外线,除臭,抗菌效果显著,对人体有益的床.2 环保建材- 用相同的Gaiato矿石制作的方便腻子,砖,瓦,涂料可以对遗传性疾病及人体有显著改善效果的环保产品.","1. infrared beds (bed name: Gaiato Healing bed) -Bed features: .94 longer release of infrared , deodorization, the excellent antibacterial effect -Efficacy: 1) infrared by clearing the blood stream. 2. eco-friendly construction materials -Kind: Handy Coat (Putty), Mall ride, brick, Tile Art. -The indoor air of cleansing work.etc."
    466,"Hironic Co., Ltd.","http://www.hironic.com","新MIDAS的Mixel公司,MIPL,MIDEPI:审美医疗设备","New MIDAS, MIXEL, MIPL, MIDEPI : aesthetic medical devices","新的MIDAS系统(射频与红外):模拟胶原蛋白和腹部脂肪融化,手臂,臀部,小腿,双下巴,脸颊等并消除口周及periobital皱纹. Mixel公司(二氧化碳激光分数):治疗烧伤瘢痕,如,大孔,色素病变,痤疮疤痕疤痕etc.MIPL各类(彩光):适用于如色素,血管,皱纹,粉刺,脱毛各种皮肤损伤, etc.MIDEPI:脱毛","New MIDAS(RF&IR):simulate collagen and melts fat on abdomen, arms, hip, calf, double chin, cheek etc. and remove perioral & periobital wrinkles. MIXEL(CO2 Fractional Laser):treat various types of scar like burn scars,large pore, pigmented lesion and acne scars etc.MIPL(IPL):be applied to various skin lesions such as pigment, vascular, wrinkle, acne, hair removal, etc.MIDEPI:hair removal"
    467,"SIMJI Co., Ltd.","http://www.simji.net","洗发露,烫发机,烫发药剂,毛发精华素,染发剂","SIMJI Shampoo, OK PERM, ACE PERM, ACE PLUS PPT, SERUM, ACE COLOR Hair-manicure","○知识经济部长官授奖 (2008韩国发明专利大典) ○ 处理时间(Processing time)5分钟 ○ 打造真实的卷发 - 从极损伤发,到健康头发 - 从强卷到自然卷 - 波浪卷, 流水卷 (年轻顾客喜欢) ○ 染色后立即烫发也可以柔软不退色 ○ 卷发的同时可以焗色○ 无须担心毛发和头皮损伤.","○ Awarded the 2008 Ministry of Knowledge Economy Prize (2008 Korea Invention Patent Exhibition) ○ Application time of less than 5 minutes ○ Creates well-defined curls - From fragile hair to healthy hair - From intense waves to natural waves - Wavy perm, flowy perm (targeting younger customers) ○ Immediate application aft"
    468,"IDAESUNG","http://www.idaesung.com","手提电脑包,照相机包,工具包,文件包,手提包","NOTEBOOKBAG,CAMERABAG,TOOLBAG.BRIEFCASE,HANDBAG","本开发产品是在现存产品的背带连接处装上了管子,防止背带打卷或交错,增加了连接处的强度.","Torsion or twisting of bag string is prevented and strength of connecting hook is increased by adding a PIPE in this product"
    469,"jangsuro.co.ltd","http://www.jangsuro.com","磁化活性水生成系统(jangsuro 365)/生物活性磁化抗菌瓦特","magnetized active water creating system(jangsuro 365)/Biometric active magnetization antibacterial w","1.生物活性功能水 2. 预防并改善成人病3.杀菌抑菌功能 4. 软水功能 5.净化功能 6.除垢功能 7.节省燃料 8. 促进动植物生长功能","1. Supply Water into Human Body Cells. 2. Transport Nutrients. 3. Remove Toxins & Body Wastes. 4. Strong, Positive Influence to Protein Structure. 5. Convert Protein 6. Vital Elements to DNA Structure. 6. Vital Elements to DNA Structure. 7. Correct of Bad Cell Resonance. 8. Boost Cell Energies Up. s into Information Sources."
    470,"OnAir Networks","http://http://www.onairnet.co.kr","无线 光通信设备","WiBeam ","利用太赫兹级光波(激光)的空间传送方式,与当前光波传送不同的新概念,将光波在大气中传播,可以实现超高速的近距离通信.比利用电波的无线电装备,保密性高,无电波干扰,防盗听,可以实现双向大容量数据传送.","A spatial transmission mode using TeraHertz optical wave(laser beam). AS a new concept unlike the existing optical transmission, Wibeam actualizes high speed short-distance(local area) communications solution by transmitting optical wave to the air. Unlike the wireless equipment using electric wave, Wibeam has superior security attributes and no electric wave intervention."
    471,"jung dong knit","http://www.jdk.kr","手套,帽子","Gloves, Hat","手套:拇指和食指的间隙采用立体编织法,穿戴倍感舒适,不仅有嵌花和提花,还有镂花和纽花等各种花型,是一般手套机上无法编织的产品.帽子:一般针织棒球帽的帽舌部分是要单独编织后缝合的,而我公司产品无需缝合,可一次编织成型.","our gloves are wearable because the part between thumb and index finger of glove is made in three-dimensions. In case of normal baseball hat, brimmed part is separately sewn, but there is no sewing line on our product and it is made it at a time which is our product character."
    472,"EUNSUNG IND. CORP.","http://www.sil-setar.com","化妆品,化妆刷,","cosmetic brush, cosmtic brush set, puff, sponges, makeup box, cosmetics accessories","化妆时必要的化妆工具","It is ideal items for makeup and cosmetics."
    473,"FORVIC INTERNATIONAL INC.","http://www.forvic.com","各种鞋类,办公家具,健康食品","shoes, health foods, furniture ","FORVIC 是专门生产并出口运动鞋,特种鞋的企业,具有生产并供应名牌产品的经验,目前的摩托靴是FORVIC 的主力产品,在欧洲广为流行. 另外,家具以现代样式家具为主,所有工程全部在一个工厂直接生产,以重量轻为追求目标. 保健食品类主要以人参为素材,在国内制作胶囊和浓缩液,全数出口.","Shoes which produced by FORVIC are mostly specialty shoes of motoribike boots, water proof boots, sneakers, sports shoes, dancing shoes etc... Furtuniture which are produced by FORVIC are modern styles and light weight for office and students etc.. and has competitive price bcs we are producing all processes in one place. Health foods whihc are produced by FORVIC are high quality one."
    474,"Sunrise Family Co.,Ltd.","http://www.laurarosse.co.kr","草本化妆品","Herbal Cosmetics, Body,hair,Skin cares and Makeup items","在天然植物中萃取草本精华,制作无副作用的草本化妆品.采用了草本中萃取的原料,香气持久,营养肌肤,滋润皮肤,有芳香疗效,可以缓解失眠,解除疲劳,去除压力等多种效果.","Herbal Cosmetics imported essential oil from France and product body,hair,skin cares and makeup items. It's not only effects improving flexibility, lifting, Moisturizing of skin but enjoyed Aorma theraphy effects and natural fragrances.It made of 100% natural herb extract no any trouble to your skin."
    475,"INNTOP CO.,LTD","http://www.inntop.com","石蜡,石蜡浴,inclear,热敷","paraffin wax, paraffin bath, inclear, hot pack","在浴缸中加热溶解的石蜡,是在石蜡浴缸中直接将需治疗部位浸泡,或反复数次,广泛应用于去除皮肤角质,细腻皮肤,关节炎等辅助治疗剂.","If you feel your face is dehydrated and rough If you notice dead cells and fine lines If you have a dry or atopic skin type If your skin tone is uneven and dull due to pollution and stress If you want to have healthy and beautiful skin"
    476,"KIRIN COSMETICS CO., LTD","http://kirincos.com","1分钟染发剂",,"无"
    477,"ganghwa red ginseng","http://www.ghhong3.com","江华红参金,江华红参片金,江华红参片","GANGHWA red ginseng gold,GANGHWA red-ginseng tablet gold, GANGHWA red ginseng slices","江花红参精金 萃取红参中的有效成份(皂素)浓缩的制品.用吸收6年地气栽培的生参制造的红参,精心熬煮并浓缩的100%6年根红参制品.主要特点是萃取红参的有效成份制成浓缩液形态.[商品构成]- 6年根 江华红参精金 250g x 4甁 [重量/包装]- 6年根 红参浓缩液100%(固态粉60%以上,韩国产)","GANGHWA red ginseng gold The extracted and condensed product with the active ingredient(saponin) of red ginseng. This is a 100% six-year old red ginseng product by decocting the red ginseng cultivated under the ground for 6 years. Manufacturing as the strong extract type by extracting active ingredient saponin of the red ginseng is a noticeable feature. Korea Food & Drug Administration Permission"
    478,"EcoRay Co., Ltd.","http://www.eco-ray.co.kr","诊断用放射线机器","Diagnostic X-ray System","高频式诊断用X-射线发生装置(30kW, 40kW, 50kW, 80kW) 数码X-射线系统 简便的操作方式 自我诊断功能,APR储存功能:288 AEC 功能(选购)","High Frequency Inverter X-ray System (30kW, 40kW, 50kW, 80kW) Digital X-ray system Easy to Use Self-Diagnosing functions APR Memory: 288 AEC function (Optional)"
    479,"nature of mystery","http://WWW.giftnamu.com","木化石","Petrified Wood","硅化木: 地质年代的树木,因自然环境的急剧变化(洪水&火山),被埋在沉积物中,在不腐的条件下,会和沉积物中的二氧化硅发生置换反应,形成多种颜色和性能.这种树木形态不变,只变化成份的也叫"木化石",在中生代(2亿2500万年~6500万年)地层带中,有少量采掘.","Petrified Wood"
    480,"ECL.INC","http://","清洁用品","cleanning cloth","我公司的产品主要是利用超细纱制成的清洁用品及沐浴用品.在韩国生产的产品,利用用比缝线还细的纤维,使清洁能力最大化的产品.在韩国国内已有很多产品上市,已是一般消费者熟知的产品.着重先推出从拖布到厨房用品,浴室用品,多功能清洁用产品之中,和出口对应的型号和颜色的产品.","Basically,Our products are made out of Microfiber material that is as so thin and delicated as human hair , exactly to say its 1 micrometer is equal to 1/1,000,000m. Such a highly- advanced yarn material can achieve lots of fuctions.They have super water absorption , Qucik dry and Wonderful cleaning up ability."
    481,"seohee information technology co.ltd","http://http://www.avrkit.co.kr","节水坐便器",".","无","."
    482,"hi-line co., ltd.","http://hi-line.co.kr","环保粉笔",,"无"
    483,"miji","http://www.mijibaby.com","婴儿移动,婴儿有机毯子,童车","Baby mobile, Baby organic blanket, baby carrier","两面都可以用的婴儿代步车及装饰用具,有助于婴儿的视力发育的两面可用的代步车,可满足0~3个月(约100天左右)的黑白的代步车和彩色代步车需要的实用产品.","Two-sides usable mobile and its decoration tool A baby mobile that helps the development of eyesight of infants by the growth period.Two sides can be used ,black and white mobile for babies (0~3 months) and color mobile for babies (after 4 months). It is a practical product that meets the need of the eyesight development"
    484,"WOOJU ELTEC CO., LTD","http://www.woojueltec.com","空气净化器","Air purifier","使用Nano 膜过滤器- 防止超细粉尘(煤烟,黄沙,花粉),细菌,日常气味,菌孢及新车,新家综合症效果显著 - 几乎没有噪音,维护费用低廉(每天24小时使用时,月消费不到100韩元)- 无须担心故障,可放置在室内任何地方 - 二次污染的可能性极小 - 可自由调整空气导入及排气方向,采用双重过滤网,可缩短空气净化时间 - 使用场所:卧室,儿童房,书房,化妆间等 ","- Using \"e-Nano film filter\" - Quieter as the set uses D/C fan - Utility charge for one month turning on the set 24 hours all day long costs US$1.50 only - Mobility of the set enable the user to locate everywhere in the houses or indoor places - The risk of secondary contamination is extremely low - Dual e-Nano film filter employed - Good for baby's room,living room,study room and so on"
    485,"B&C KOREA","http://cafe.naver.com/xsportsstadium","野蛮人","Barbarian","BARBARIAN是 "野蛮人"的意思 是可以在粗糙地形中自如行走的新兴极限休闲运动装备.1.强韧的耐久性和理想的平衡,以安全为第一的产品. 2.安装了比当前的迷你摩托车更大的轮圈和轮胎 (提高了稳定性及 封闭道路行驶性能) 3.比当前的迷你摩托车明显优越的发动机组合 (BARBARIAN 4.5马力, 当前发动机 2.2马力) (行驶性能及爬坡能力提高)","BARBARIA N means a savage, and is a new style of extreme leisure and sports equipment that runs rough terrain without a hitch. A product pursuing robust durability, ideal balance, and safety. Bigger wheels/tires are installed compared with the existing mini scooters. (Safety acquired, and improvement of off-road driving performance) Remarkably improved engine installed compared t"
    486,"Total interior system joona","http:// .kr","生态区设置遮阳伞","eco-zone parasol set","经过特殊加工的钢材及铝材,使用原木(多功能,多用途)可以灵活使用的组装式遮阳产品.","We manufacture developmental shades in sections to be used as multifunctional and multi-use products with specially processed irons, aluminums, and woods. Especially with the acquired technology know how [in design, plan, electronics, etc.] for several years in the excellent firms of Korea, we are importing the parts[base] of world famous brands from germany and spain."
    487,"YD HEALTH SUPPLEMENT Co.,Ltd","http://www.ydff.com","阳谷Dandielion前,阳谷Dandielion丸,茶阳谷Dandielion","Yanggu Dandielion EX, Yanggu Dandielion pill, Yanggu Dandielion Tea","蒲公英EX, 蒲公英丸,蒲公英茶是在最北端非军事区的江原道杨口的杨口蒲公英农作区,以无农药栽培方式种植的蒲公英为原料,无须担心重金属和农药的污染的产品,是在江原道环保农作物安全检测中心,对102种农药成份进行检测结果,未检测出任何农药成份的蒲公英制成的. ","Yanggu Dandielion EX, Yanggu Dandielion pill, Yanggu Dandielion Tea made in Particular farmers' organizations which is located in Yanggu, Gangwon Province of Clean areas of the northernmost DMZ. So, these products are safe from the pollution of heavy metals and agricultural pesticides because these products made pesticide-free produce."
    488,"Unichal Incorporation","http://www.dixau.com","便携式触控词典 DIXAU DX3,DX2,DX2E 英语学习机 ","1-Click Dictionary DIXAU DX3, DX2, DX2E ANDROID English AID Application","无需打字,只需轻轻一点,就可以检索并提供清晰准确的本土发音.可识别3种语言(英语,法语,德语,西班牙语[需要PCDIXAU]) 2.4寸 全触屏英语学习机 (Chunk, Conversaton, Read Aloud, Listening, Shadowing, Speaking) 多媒体播放(视频,音乐,看照片,录音)","*What is 1-Click dictionary DIXAU Point and click on it. DIXAU will automatically show the results of a dictionary look-up and will give you a native speaker's pronunciation. *Functions Look up any words with just a click Hear a native speaker's pronunciation Recognize 4 languages (English, Spanish, French and German) English study aid Multimedia players"
    489,"GMK CORPORATION","http://www.igmk.co.kr","iphon苹果手机配件","iphone accessory","智能手机周边配件","smart phone accessory"
    491,"PCBKOREA.CO,LTD.","http://www.pcbkorea.net","半导体显示器修正设备及药品","Semiconductor circuits of the display to your equipment and chemicals","可以对半导体显示器的不良进行修补,可以减免废弃物处理费和返工费,从而减少成本.","Amendment of defectiveness with the box, about defectively of the enterprise it will be able to expect Cost curtailments which lead disposal of waste expenses and Rework works by about the semiconductor display."
    492,"NEXT CO.,LTD","http://www.nextmarina.com","多用途浮漂","Multi on float","1.多用途浮漂 *环保工艺*可适应深水水库 *可适应水位变化 *节省大型设备调用开支(安装时间短) *对自然环境无影响(环保产品) *容易拆卸- 替换容易: 码头设施, 船舶停留区, 生态公园,浮桥,海上养殖场等","1. Multi-Float * Environmentally friendly construction * Deep water reservoir construction * Adapting spring in water level * No more costs (shorter construction period) * Maintain the natural ecological environment (eco-friendly products) * Easy to dismantle - Easy to replace Uses: Marina facilities, boat marina, eco water park, water bridge, such as marine farms"
    493,"Digital Sign Co., Ltd","http://www.digitalsign.co.kr","LED 显示板","LED Display Sign","优点:可以用遥控器和电脑方便的进行操控,文字和信息输入便捷,有100种以上的模板和多种字体,比同类LES产品亮度高,半永久寿命,品质高.采用高亮度,高耐久度,可靠性高的聚氨酯或硅胶,完全防水,维护费用低,低能耗.","LED Message Board Features : Super convenience to control with both remocon and computer Easy to input letters and message Over 100 kinds of modes and lots of font High quality LEDs of ultra bright & semi-permanent life Greater Brightness than comparable units Long durability and High reliability Perfect water proof with Urethane or Silicon molding"
    494,"NC Cosmetics Inc","http://nccosmetics.co.kr","护肤品"," ","韩方萃取物为基础的天然化妆品 - 滋养皮肤细胞的化妆品 - 提高皮肤再生能力设计 - 有防止皮肤污染功能的化妆品.","Basic concept is Naturalism! Product disign is 1) Improve skin cell's natural repair system. 2) Replenish skin cell's natural protectant for healthy beauty. In ordr to give b
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