• 单相无刷发电机电路图 > 祖国大陆名
  • 祖国大陆名

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    "电",,"electricity","1.001 "
    "电荷",,"electric charge","1.002 "
    "自由电荷",,"free charge","1.007 "
    "电中性",,"electrically neutral","1.011 "
    "线电荷密度",,"linear charge density","1.012 "
    "面电荷密度",,"surface charge density","1.013 "
    "体电荷密度",,"volume charge density","1.014 "
    "电场",,"electric field","1.015 "
    "电场强度",,"electric field intensity,electric field strength","1.016 "
    "静电场",,"electrostatic field","1.017 "
    "静电感应",,"electrostatic induction","1.018 "
    "均匀电场",,"uniform electric field","1.019 "
    "交变电场",,"alternating electric field","1.020"
    "电通密度",,"electric flux density","1.021 "
    "* 电位移",,"electric flux density","1.021 "
    "电通[量]",,"electric flux","1.022 "
    "* 电势",,"electric potential","1.024 "
    "电位",,"electric potential","1.024 "
    "* 电势差",,"[electric] potential difference","1.025 "
    "电位差",,"[electric] potential difference","1.025 "
    "等位线",,"equipotential line","1.026 "
    "等位面",,"equipotential surface","1.027 "
    "等位体",,"equipotential volume","1.028 "
    "地电位",,"earth potential","1.029 "
    "* 电位降",,"voltage drop,potential drop","1.031 "
    "电压降",,"voltage drop,potential drop","1.031 "
    "电动势",,"electromotive force,EMF","1.032 "
    "反电动势",,"back electromotive force","1.033 "
    "电介质",,"dielectric","1.034 "
    "[介]电常数",,"dielectric constant","1.035 "
    "[绝对]电容率",,"[absolute] permittivity","1.036 "
    "相对电容率",,"relative permittivity","1.037 "
    "电极化",,"electric polarization","1.038 "
    "电极化强度",,"electric polarization intensity","1.039 "
    "剩余电极化强度",,"residual electric polarization","1.040"
    "电极化率",,"electric susceptibility","1.041 "
    "电极化曲线",,"electric polarization curve","1.042 "
    "电致伸缩",,"electrostriction","1.048 "
    "电流",,"[electric] current","1.049 "
    "传导电流",,"conduction current","1.050"
    "运流电流",,"convection current","1.051 "
    "离子电流",,"ionic current","1.052 "
    "位移电流",,"displacement current","1.053 "
    "全电流",,"total current","1.054 "
    "极化电流",,"polarization current","1.055 "
    "库仑定律",,"Coulomb law","1.056 "
    "高斯定理",,"Gauss's theorem","1.057 "
    "磁学",,"magnetism,magnetics","1.058 "
    "磁场",,"magnetic field","1.059 "
    "磁场强度",,"magnetic field strength","1.060"
    "标量磁位",,"scalar magnetic potential","1.061 "
    "矢量磁位",,"vector magnetic potential","1.062 "
    "磁位差",,"magnetic potential difference","1.063 "
    "磁通[量]",,"magnetic flux","1.064 "
    "磁感应强度",,"magnetic flux density","1.065 "
    "* 磁通密度",,"magnetic flux density","1.065 "
    "* 磁链",,"linked flux","1.066 "
    "磁通链",,"linked flux","1.066 "
    "磁动势",,"magnetomotive force,MMF","1.067 "
    "* 磁通势",,"magnetomotive force,MMF","1.067 "
    "安匝",,"ampere-turn","1.068 "
    "自感应",,"self-induction","1.069 "
    "自感系数",,"coefficient of self-inductance","1.070"
    "自感电动势",,"self-induced EMF","1.071 "
    "互感应",,"mutual induction","1.072 "
    "互感系数",,"coefficient of mutual inductance","1.073 "
    "互感电动势",,"mutual induced EMF","1.074 "
    "感应电压",,"induced voltage","1.075 "
    "耦合",,"coupling","1.076 "
    "耦合系数",,"coupling coefficient","1.077 "
    "磁化强度",,"magnetization intensity","1.078 "
    "磁矩",,"magnetic area moment","1.079 "
    "磁化电流",,"magnetizing current","1.081 "
    "磁化场",,"magnetizing field","1.082 "
    "磁常数",,"magnetic constant","1.083 "
    "* 真空[绝对]磁导率",,"magnetic constant","1.083 "
    "绝对磁导率",,"absolute permeability","1.084 "
    "相对磁导率",,"relative permeability","1.085 "
    "磁化率",,"magnetic susceptibility","1.086 "
    "磁化曲线",,"magnetization curve","1.087 "
    "起始磁化曲线",,"initial magnetization curve","1.088 "
    "正常磁化曲线",,"normal magnetization curve","1.089 "
    "磁滞",,"magnetic hysteresis","1.090 "
    "磁滞回线",,"[magnetic] hysteresis loop","1.091 "
    "磁滞损耗",,"[magnetic] hysteresis loss","1.092 "
    "磁饱和",,"magnetic saturation","1.093 "
    "剩磁",,"residual magnetism","1.094 "
    "矫顽力",,"coercive force","1.095 "
    "退磁",,"demagnetization","1.096 "
    "电流元",,"current element","1.097 "
    "磁体",,"magnet","1.102 "
    "磁极",,"magnetic pole","1.103 "
    "磁轴",,"magnetic axis","1.104 "
    "顺磁性",,"paramagnetism","1.105 "
    "顺磁性物质",,"paramagnetic substance","1.106 "
    "铁磁性",,"ferromagnetism","1.107 "
    "反铁磁性",,"anti-ferromagnetism","1.108 "
    "铁磁性物质",,"ferromagnetic substance","1.109 "
    "抗磁性",,"diamagnetism","1.110 "
    "抗磁性物质",,"diamagnetic substance","1.111 "
    "非晶磁性物质",,"amorphous magnetic substance","1.112 "
    "永久磁体",,"permanent magnet","1.113 "
    "铁氧体",,"ferrite","1.114 "
    "永磁材料",,"magnetically hard material","1.115 "
    "软磁材料",,"magnetically soft material","1.116 "
    "磁致伸缩",,"magnetostriction","1.119 "
    "磁屏",,"magnetic screen","1.120 "
    "涡流",,"eddy current","1.121 "
    "涡流损耗",,"eddy current loss","1.122 "
    "* 集肤效应",,"skin effect","1.123 "
    "趋肤效应",,"skin effect","1.123 "
    "邻近效应",,"proximity effect","1.124 "
    "电磁场",,"electromagnetic field","1.125 "
    "电磁能",,"electromagnetic energy","1.126 "
    "电磁波",,"electromagnetic wave","1.127 "
    "电磁力",,"electromagnetic force","1.128 "
    "电磁感应",,"electromagnetic induction","1.129 "
    "电磁干扰",,"electromagnetic interference,EMI","1.130 "
    "电磁兼容",,"electromagnetic compatibility","1.131 "
    "电磁辐射",,"electromagnetic radiation","1.132 "
    "电磁屏",,"electromagnetic screen","1.133 "
    "电磁体",,"electromagnet","1.134 "
    "矢量场",,"vector field","1.135 "
    "标量场",,"scalar field","1.136 "
    "散度",,"divergence","1.137 "
    "旋度",,"curl,rotation","1.138 "
    "有旋场",,"curl field","1.139 "
    "无旋场",,"irrotational field","1.140 "
    "梯度",,"gradient","1.141 "
    "波导",,"waveguide","1.142 "
    "楞次定律",,"Lenz law","1.146 "
    "法拉第定律",,"Faraday law","1.147 "
    "库仑-洛伦兹力",,"Coulomb-Lorentz force","1.148 "
    "焦耳效应",,"Joule effect","1.149 "
    "焦耳定律",,"Joule law","1.150 "
    "伏打效应",,"Volta effect","1.151 "
    "压电效应",,"piezoelectric effect","1.152 "
    "光电效应",,"photoelectric effect","1.153 "
    "光电发射",,"photoelectric emission","1.154 "
    "电-光效应",,"electro-optic effect","1.155 "
    "克尔效应",,"Kerr effect","1.156 "
    "接触电位差",,"contact potential difference","1.158 "
    "霍尔效应",,"Hall effect","1.159 "
    "磁-光效应",,"magneto-optic effect","1.160 "
    "法拉第效应",,"Faraday effect","1.161 "
    "直流电流",,"direct current","1.162 "
    "直流电压",,"direct voltage","1.163 "
    "交流电流",,"alternating current","1.164 "
    "交流电压",,"alternating voltage","1.165 "
    "周期",,"period","1.166 "
    "频率",,"frequency","1.167 "
    "角频率",,"angular frequency","1.168 "
    "复频率",,"complex frequency","1.169 "
    "* 相角",,"phase","1.170 "
    "相[位]",,"phase","1.170 "
    "相[矢]量",,"phasor","1.171 "
    "* 相角差",,"phase difference","1.172 "
    "相位差",,"phase difference","1.172 "
    "相位移",,"phase shift","1.173 "
    "[相位]超前",,"[phase] lead","1.174 "
    "[相位]滞后",,"[phase] lag","1.175 "
    "正交",,"in quadrature","1.176 "
    "反相",,"opposite phase","1.177 "
    "同相",,"in phase","1.178 "
    "相量图",,"phasor diagram","1.179 "
    "圆图",,"circle diagram","1.180 "
    "振幅",,"amplitude","1.181 "
    "峰值",,"peak [value]","1.182 "
    "峰-峰值",,"peak-to-peak value","1.183 "
    "谷值",,"valley value","1.184 "
    "峰-谷值",,"peak-to-valley value","1.185 "
    "瞬时值",,"instantaneous value","1.186 "
    "平均值",,"mean value","1.187 "
    "有效值",,"root-mean-square value,effective value","1.188 "
    "脉冲",,"pulse","1.189 "
    "电路",,"electric circuit","1.193 "
    "电路模型",,"circuit model","1.194 "
    "电路图",,"circuit diagram","1.195 "
    "电路元件",,"circuit element","1.196 "
    "集中参数电路",,"lumped circuit","1.197 "
    "分布参数电路",,"distributed circuit","1.198 "
    "线性电路",,"linear circuit","1.199 "
    "非线性电路",,"non linear circuit","1.200 "
    "理想电压源",,"ideal voltage source","1.201 "
    "理想电流源",,"ideal current source","1.202 "
    "独立电压源",,"independent voltage source","1.203 "
    "独立电流源",,"independent current source","1.204 "
    "受控电压源",,"controlled voltage source","1.205 "
    "受控电流源",,"controlled current source","1.206 "
    "负荷",,"load","1.207 "
    "* 负载",,"load","1.207 "
    "导体",,"conductor","1.208 "
    "超导体",,"superconductor","1.209 "
    "光电导体",,"photoconductor","1.210 "
    "电阻",,"resistance","1.211 "
    "电导",,"conductance","1.212 "
    "电导率",,"conductivity","1.213 "
    "电阻率",,"resistivity","1.214 "
    "电感",,"inductance [of an ideal inductor]","1.215 "
    "电感器",,"inductor","1.216 "
    "电抗",,"reactance","1.217 "
    "感抗",,"inductive reactance","1.218 "
    "电容",,"capacitance [of an ideal capacitor]","1.219 "
    "容抗",,"capacitive reactance","1.220 "
    "阻抗",,"impedance","1.221 "
    "阻抗模",,"modulus of impedance","1.222 "
    "输入阻抗",,"input impedance","1.223 "
    "输出阻抗",,"output impedance","1.224 "
    "传递阻抗",,"transfer impedance","1.225 "
    "* 转移阻抗",,"transfer impedance","1.225 "
    "导纳",,"admittance","1.226 "
    "输入导纳",,"input admittance","1.227 "
    "电纳",,"susceptance","1.228 "
    "感纳",,"inductive susceptance","1.229 "
    "容纳",,"capacitive susceptance","1.230 "
    "阻抗匹配",,"impedance matching","1.231 "
    "导抗",,"immittance","1.232 "
    "端接导抗",,"terminating immittance","1.233 "
    "负载导抗",,"load immittance","1.234 "
    "串联",,"series connection","1.235 "
    "并联",,"parallel connection","1.236 "
    "互联",,"interconnection","1.237 "
    "Y形接线",,"Y connection","1.238 "
    "Δ形接线",,"delta connection","1.239 "
    "多边形联结",,"polygon connection","1.240 "
    "* 环路",,"loop","1.241 "
    "回路",,"loop","1.241 "
    "回路电流",,"loop current","1.242 "
    "支路",,"branch","1.243 "
    "支路电流矢量",,"branch current vector","1.244 "
    "回路电流矢量",,"loop current vector","1.245 "
    "支路电压矢量",,"branch voltage vector","1.246 "
    "支路阻抗矩阵",,"branch impedance matrix","1.247 "
    "支路导纳矩阵",,"branch admittance matrix","1.248 "
    "结点",,"node","1.249 "
    "结点电压矢量",,"node potential vector","1.250 "
    "关联矩阵",,"incidence matrix","1.251 "
    "回路矩阵",,"loop matrix","1.252 "
    "结点导纳矩阵",,"node admittance matrix","1.253 "
    "回路阻抗矩阵",,"loop impedance matrix","1.254 "
    "网孔",,"mesh","1.255 "
    "网孔电流",,"mesh current","1.256 "
    "结点法",,"node analysis","1.257 "
    "回路法",,"loop analysis","1.258 "
    "表格法",,"tabular analysis","1.259 "
    "网络",,"network","1.260 "
    "端[子]",,"terminal","1.264 "
    "端口",,"port","1.265 "
    "* 二端网络",,"one-port network","1.266 "
    "一端口网络",,"one-port network","1.266 "
    "二端口网络",,"two-port network","1.267 "
    "平衡二端对网络",,"balanced two-terminal network","1.268 "
    "对称二端口网络",,"symmetrical two-port network","1.269 "
    "互易二端口网络",,"reciprocal two-port network","1.270 "
    "n端口网络",,"n-port network","1.271 "
    "二端口网络导纳矩阵",,"admittance matrix of two-point network","1.272 "
    "二端口网络阻抗矩阵",,"impedance matrix of two-point network","1.273 "
    "L形网络",,"L-network","1.274 "
    "Γ形网络",,"Γ-network","1.275 "
    "T形网络",,"T-network","1.276 "
    "∏形网络",,"∏-network","1.277 "
    "X形网络",,"X-network","1.278 "
    "双T形网络",,"twin T-network","1.279 "
    "桥接T形网络",,"bridged T-network","1.280 "
    "梯形网络",,"ladder network","1.281 "
    "树",,"tree","1.282 "
    "树支",,"tree branch","1.283 "
    "连支",,"link branch","1.284 "
    "割集",,"cut-set","1.285 "
    "基本割集",,"fundamental cut-set","1.286 "
    "基本回路",,"fundamental loop","1.287 "
    "基本割集矩阵",,"fundamental cut-set matrix","1.288 "
    "基本回路矩阵",,"fundamental loop matrix","1.289 "
    "状态变量",,"state variable","1.290 "
    "状态方程",,"state equation","1.291 "
    "状态矢量",,"state vector","1.292 "
    "状态空间",,"state space","1.293 "
    "欧姆定律",,"Ohm law","1.295 "
    "基尔霍夫电流定律",,"Kirchhoff current law,KCL","1.296 "
    "基尔霍夫电压定律",,"Kirchhoff voltage law,KVL","1.297 "
    "戴维南定理",,"Thevenin theorem","1.298 "
    "叠加定理",,"superposition theorem","1.300 "
    "替代定理",,"substitution theorem","1.301 "
    "互易性",,"reciprocity","1.302 "
    "一阶电路",,"first order circuit","1.303 "
    "二阶电路",,"second order circuit","1.304 "
    "初始条件",,"initial condition","1.305 "
    "稳态",,"steady state","1.306 "
    "稳态分量",,"steady state component","1.307 "
    "瞬态",,"transient","1.308 "
    "瞬态分量",,"transient component","1.309 "
    "时域分析",,"time domain analysis","1.310 "
    "激励",,"excitation","1.311 "
    "响应",,"response","1.312 "
    "零输入响应",,"zero input response","1.313 "
    "零状态响应",,"zero state response","1.314 "
    "全响应",,"complete response","1.315 "
    "时间常数",,"time constant","1.316 "
    "强制振荡",,"forced oscillation","1.317 "
    "阻尼振荡",,"damped oscillation","1.318 "
    "自由振荡",,"free oscillation","1.319 "
    "功率",,"power","1.320 "
    "瞬时功率",,"instantaneous power","1.321 "
    "有功功率",,"active power","1.322 "
    "无功功率",,"reactive power","1.323 "
    "* 表观功率",,"apparent power","1.324 "
    "视在功率",,"apparent power","1.324 "
    "复功率",,"complex power","1.325 "
    "功率因数",,"power factor","1.326 "
    "* 共振",,"resonance","1.327 "
    "谐振",,"resonance","1.327 "
    "串联谐振",,"series resonance","1.328 "
    "* 电压谐振",,"series resonance","1.328 "
    "并联谐振",,"parallel resonance","1.329 "
    "* 电流谐振",,"parallel resonance","1.329 "
    "谐振频率",,"resonance frequency","1.330 "
    "谐振曲线",,"resonance curve","1.331 "
    "频率特性",,"frequency characteristics","1.332 "
    "品质因数",,"quality factor,Q factor","1.333 "
    "固有频率",,"natural frequency","1.334 "
    "频带",,"frequency band","1.335 "
    "通带",,"pass band","1.336 "
    "阻带",,"stop band","1.337 "
    "带通滤波器",,"band pass filter","1.338 "
    "带阻滤波器",,"band stop filter","1.339 "
    "磁路",,"magnetic circuit","1.340 "
    "磁阻",,"reluctance","1.341 "
    "磁导",,"permeance","1.342 "
    "主磁通",,"main flux","1.343 "
    "漏磁通",,"leakage flux","1.344 "
    "三相制",,"three phase system","1.345 "
    "三相四线制",,"three phase four wire system","1.346 "
    "对称三相电路",,"symmetric three phase circuit","1.347 "
    "多相制",,"multiphase system,polyphase system","1.348 "
    "相序",,"phase sequence,sequential order of the phase","1.349 "
    "中性导体",,"neutral conductor","1.350 "
    "中性点",,"neutral point","1.351 "
    "[多相电路]相电压",,"[polyphase circuit] phase voltage","1.352 "
    "[多相电路]线电压",,"[polyphase circuit] line voltage","1.353 "
    "* 相间电压",,"[polyphase circuit] line voltage","1.353 "
    "[多相电路]相电流",,"[polyphase circuit ] phase current","1.354 "
    "[多相电路]线电流",,"[polyphase circuit] line current","1.355 "
    "不对称三相电路",,"unsymmetrical three phase circuit","1.356 "
    "中性点位移",,"neutral point displacement","1.357 "
    "对称分量法",,"method of symmetrical component","1.358 "
    "正序分量",,"positive sequence component","1.359 "
    "负序分量",,"negative sequence component","1.360 "
    "零序分量",,"zero sequence component","1.361 "
    "非正弦周期量",,"unsinusoidal periodic quantity","1.362 "
    "基波",,"fundamental wave","1.363 "
    "二次谐波",,"second harmonic component","1.364 "
    "高次谐波",,"high order harmonic component","1.365 "
    "谐波分析",,"harmonic analysis","1.366 "
    "直流分量",,"DC component","1.367 "
    "基频",,"fundamental frequency","1.368 "
    "基波功率",,"fundamental power","1.369 "
    "* 基波功率因数",,"displacement factor,power factor of the fundamental wave","1.370 "
    "位移因数",,"displacement factor,power factor of the fundamental wave","1.370 "
    "基波因数",,"fundamental factor","1.371 "
    "* 畸变因数",,"harmonic factor,distortion factor","1.372 "
    "谐波因数",,"harmonic factor,distortion factor","1.372 "
    "谐波含量",,"harmonic content","1.373 "
    "谐波次数",,"harmonic number,harmonic order","1.374 "
    "* 谐波序数",,"harmonic number,harmonic order","1.374 "
    "脉动因数",,"pulsation factor","1.375 "
    "有效纹波因数",,"RMS ripple factor","1.376 "
    "峰值纹波因数",,"peak ripple factor,peak distortion factor","1.377 "
    "* 差拍",,"beat","1.378 "
    "拍",,"beat","1.378 "
    "拍频",,"beat frequency","1.379 "
    "傅里叶级数",,"Fourier series","1.380 "
    "傅里叶积分",,"Fourier integral","1.381 "
    "拉普拉斯变换",,"Laplace transform","1.382 "
    "拉普拉斯逆变换",,"inverse Laplace transform","1.383 "
    "傅里叶变换",,"Fourier transform","1.384 "
    "傅里叶逆变换",,"inverse Fourier transform","1.385 "
    "卷积",,"convolution","1.386 "
    "频谱",,"frequency spectrum","1.387 "
    "连续[频]谱",,"continuous spectrum","1.388 "
    "离散[频]谱",,"discrete spectrum","1.389 "
    "运算电路",,"operational circuit","1.390 "
    "运算阻抗",,"operational impedance","1.391 "
    "运算导纳",,"operational admittance","1.392 "
    "传递函数",,"transfer function","1.393 "
    "微分电路",,"differential circuit","1.394 "
    "积分电路",,"integrating circuit","1.395 "
    "运算放大器",,"operational amplifier","1.396 "
    "理想变压器",,"ideal transformer","1.397 "
    "[通用]阻抗变换器",,"[general] impedance converter,GIC","1.398 "
    "均匀线[路]",,"uniform line","1.399 "
    "传播常数",,"propagation constant","1.400 "
    "相位常数",,"phase constant","1.401 "
    "特性阻抗",,"characteristic impedance","1.402 "
    "行波",,"traveling wave","1.403 "
    "相速",,"phase velocity","1.404 "
    "波长",,"wave length","1.405 "
    "正向行波",,"direct wave","1.406 "
    "反向行波",,"returning wave","1.407 "
    "入射波",,"incident wave","1.408 "
    "反射波",,"reflected wave","1.409 "
    "折射波",,"refracted wave","1.410 "
    "反射系数",,"reflection coefficient","1.411 "
    "折射系数",,"refraction coefficient","1.412 "
    "驻波",,"standing wave","1.413 "
    "波腹",,"[wave] loop,antinode","1.414 "
    "波节",,"[wave] node","1.415 "
    "国际单位制",,"international system of units,SI","1.416 "
    "* SI制",,"international system of units,SI","1.416 "
    "SI基本单位",,"SI base unit","1.417 "
    "SI导出单位",,"SI derived unit","1.418 "
    "安[培]",,"ampere","1.419 "
    "牛[顿]",,"newton","1.420 "
    "焦[耳]",,"joule","1.421 "
    "瓦[特]",,"watt","1.422 "
    "伏[特]",,"volt","1.423 "
    "欧[姆]",,"ohm","1.424 "
    "库[仑]",,"coulomb","1.425 "
    "法[拉]",,"farad","1.426 "
    "亨[利]",,"henry","1.427 "
    "赫[兹]",,"hertz","1.428 "
    "西[门子]",,"siemens","1.429 "
    "韦[伯]",,"weber","1.430 "
    "特[斯拉]",,"tesla","1.431 "
    "伏安",,"volt ampere","1.432 "
    "乏",,"var","1.433 "
    "安[培小]时",,"ampere-hour","1.434 "
    "瓦[特小]时",,"watt hour","1.435 "
    "高斯",,"gauss","1.436 "
    "奥斯特",,"oersted","1.437 "
    "麦克斯韦",,"maxwell","1.438 "
    "奈培",,"neper","1.439 "
    "电子伏[特]",,"electronvolt","1.440 "
    "流[明]",,"lumen","1.441 "
    "坎[德拉]",,"candela","1.442 "
    "勒[克斯]",,"lux","1.443 "
    "电力",,"electric power","1.444 "
    "电气",,"electrical,electrical power and equipment","1.445 "
    "工程热力学",,"engineering thermodynamics","1.446 "
    "热力工程",,"thermal engineering","1.447 "
    "* 热力系",,"thermodynamic system","1.448 "
    "热力学系统",,"thermodynamic system","1.448 "
    "开式热力系",,"open thermodynamic system","1.449 "
    "闭式热力系",,"closed thermodynamic system","1.450 "
    "绝热热力系",,"adiabatic thermodynamic system","1.451 "
    "孤立热力系",,"isolated thermodynamic system","1.452 "
    "火力发电厂热力系统",,"thermodynamic system of thermal power plant","1.453 "
    "边界",,"boundary","1.454 "
    "外界",,"surrounding","1.455 "
    "外界功",,"surrounding work","1.456 "
    "热能",,"thermal energy","1.457 "
    "热源",,"thermal source","1.458 "
    "冷源",,"thermal sink","1.459 "
    "纯物质",,"pure substance","1.460 "
    "工质",,"working substance","1.461 "
    "理想气体",,"ideal gas","1.462 "
    "* 实际气体",,"real gas","1.463 "
    "真实气体",,"real gas","1.463 "
    "水蒸气",,"steam","1.464 "
    "* 蒸汽",,"steam","1.464 "
    "混合气体",,"gas mixture","1.465 "
    "湿空气",,"humid air","1.466 "
    "热力[学]性质",,"thermodynamic property","1.467 "
    "状态",,"state","1.468 "
    "理想气体状态方程",,"ideal gas equation of state","1.469 "
    "范德瓦耳斯方程",,"van der Waals equation of state","1.470 "
    "热力状态参数",,"parameter of thermodynamic state","1.471 "
    "强度参数",,"intensive parameter","1.472 "
    "广延参数",,"extensive parameter","1.473 "
    "可测状态参数",,"measurable parameter of state","1.474 "
    "温度",,"temperature","1.475 "
    "国际温标",,"international temperature scale","1.476 "
    "* 绝对温标",,"thermodynamic temperature scale","1.477 "
    "* 开尔文温标",,"thermodynamic temperature scale","1.477 "
    "热力学温标",,"thermodynamic temperature scale","1.477 "
    "* 绝对温度",,"thermodynamic temperature","1.478 "
    "热力学温度",,"thermodynamic temperature","1.478 "
    "摄氏温度",,"Celsius temperature","1.479 "
    "华氏温度",,"Fahrenheit temperature","1.480 "
    "亮度温度",,"luminance temperature","1.481 "
    "压力",,"pressure","1.482 "
    "压力单位",,"pressure unit","1.483 "
    "大气压[力]",,"atmospheric pressure","1.484 "
    "标准大气压[力]",,"standard atmospheric pressure","1.485 "
    "绝对压力",,"absolute pressure","1.486 "
    "表压力",,"gauge pressure","1.487 "
    "真空[压力]",,"vacuum pressure","1.488 "
    "道尔顿分压定律",,"Dalton law of additive pressure","1.489 "
    "阿伏伽德罗定律",,"Avogadro law","1.490 "
    "气体常数",,"gas constant","1.491 "
    "* 普适气体常数",,"universal gas constant","1.492 "
    "通用气体常数",,"universal gas constant","1.492 "
    "质量流量",,"mass flow rate","1.493 "
    "摩尔",,"mole","1.494 "
    "密度",,"density","1.495 "
    "* 比容",,"specific volume","1.496 "
    "比体积",,"specific volume","1.496 "
    "比热",,"specific heat","1.497 "
    "定压比热",,"specific heat at constant pressure","1.498 "
    "定体积比热",,"specific heat at constant volume","1.499 "
    "质量比热",,"mass specific heat","1.500 "
    "摩尔比热",,"molar specific heat","1.501 "
    "体积比热",,"volume specific heat","1.502 "
    "热容[量]",,"heat capacity","1.503 "
    "热力学第零定律",,"zeroth law of thermodynamics","1.504 "
    "* 能量守恒和转换定律",,"first law of thermodynamics","1.505 "
    "热力学第一定律",,"first law of thermodynamics","1.505 "
    "热力学第二定律",,"second law of thermodynamics","1.506 "
    "热力学第三定律",,"third law of thermodynamics","1.507 "
    "热功当量",,"mechanical equivalent of heat,thermal-work equivalent","1.508 "
    "功",,"work","1.509 "
    "热",,"heat","1.510 "
    "热量单位",,"unit of heat","1.511 "
    "卡",,"calorie","1.512 "
    "英热单位",,"British thermal unit","1.513 "
    "* 能",,"energy","1.514 "
    "能量",,"energy","1.514 "
    "内能",,"internal energy","1.515 "
    "比内能",,"specific internal energy","1.516 "
    "焓",,"enthalpy","1.517 "
    "焓降",,"enthalpy drop","1.518 "
    "卡诺原理",,"Carnot principle","1.519 "
    "熵",,"entropy","1.520 "
    "熵增原理",,"principle of entropy increase","1.521 "
    "能量贬值",,"degradation of energy","1.522 "
    "* 亥姆霍兹函数",,"Helmholtz function","1.523 "
    "自由能",,"free energy","1.523 "
    "* 吉布斯函数",,"Gibbs function","1.524 "
    "自由焓",,"free enthalpy","1.524 "
    " ",,"exergy","1.525 "
    " 损耗",,"exergy destroyed","1.526 "
    " 平衡",,"exergy balance","1.527 "
    "热力[学]过程",,"thermodynamic process","1.528 "
    "准静态过程",,"quasi-equilibrium process","1.529 "
    "可逆过程",,"reversible process","1.530 "
    "不可逆过程",,"irreversible process","1.531 "
    "等压过程",,"isobaric process","1.532 "
    "* 等容过程",,"isometric process","1.533 "
    "等体积过程",,"isometric process","1.533 "
    "等温过程",,"isothermal process","1.534 "
    "绝热过程",,"adiabatic process","1.535 "
    "绝热指数",,"adiabatic exponent","1.536 "
    "等熵过程",,"isentropic process","1.537 "
    "* 多变过程",,"polytropic process","1.538 "
    "多方过程",,"polytropic process","1.538 "
    "热机",,"heat engine","1.539 "
    "热力[学]循环",,"thermodynamic cycle","1.542 "
    "可逆循环",,"reversible cycle","1.543 "
    "不可逆循环",,"irreversible cycle","1.544 "
    "混合加热循环",,"dual cycle","1.548 "
    "回热循环",,"regenerative cycle","1.552 "
    "再热循环",,"reheat cycle","1.553 "
    "湿空气透平循环",,"humid air turbine cycle,HAT cycle","1.557 "
    "燃气-蒸汽联合循环",,"gas-steam combined cycle","1.558 "
    "前置循环",,"topping cycle","1.559 "
    "后置循环",,"bottoming cycle","1.560 "
    "逆循环",,"reversed cycle","1.561 "
    "* 制冷循环",,"reversed cycle","1.561 "
    "汽化",,"vaporization","1.562 "
    "蒸发",,"evaporation","1.563 "
    "液化",,"liquefaction","1.564 "
    "饱和状态",,"saturation condition","1.565 "
    "饱和温度",,"saturation temperature","1.566 "
    "饱和压力",,"saturation pressure","1.567 "
    "饱和水",,"saturated water","1.568 "
    "饱和蒸汽",,"saturated steam","1.569 "
    "湿饱和蒸汽",,"wet saturated steam","1.570 "
    "蒸汽干度",,"steam dryness,steam quality","1.571 "
    "过热蒸汽",,"superheated steam","1.572 "
    "水临界点",,"water critical point","1.573 "
    "临界压力",,"critical pressure","1.574 "
    "临界温度",,"critical temperature","1.575 "
    "新蒸汽",,"live steam","1.576 "
    "* 主蒸汽",,"live steam","1.576 "
    "蒸汽参数",,"steam parameter,steam condition","1.577 "
    "亚临界",,"subcritical","1.578 "
    "超临界",,"supercritical","1.579 "
    "超超临界",,"ultra-supercritical","1.580 "
    "背压",,"back pressure","1.581 "
    "水蒸气表",,"steam table","1.582 "
    "焓-熵图",,"enthalpy-entropy chart","1.583 "
    "* 莫里尔图",,"Mollier diagram","1.583 "
    "温-熵图",,"temperature-entropy chart","1.584 "
    "水的相图",,"phase diagram of water","1.585 "
    "液相",,"liquid phase","1.586 "
    "固相",,"solid phase","1.587 "
    "气相",,"gas phase","1.588 "
    "三相点",,"triple point","1.589 "
    "升华",,"sublimation","1.590 "
    "熔化",,"melting,fusion","1.591 "
    "凝固",,"freezing","1.592 "
    "潜热",,"latent heat","1.593 "
    "* 比湿度",,"absolute humidity","1.594 "
    "绝对湿度",,"absolute humidity","1.594 "
    "相对湿度",,"relative humidity","1.595 "
    "干球温度",,"dry bulb temperature","1.596 "
    "湿球温度",,"wet bulb temperature","1.597 "
    "[湿]空气露点",,"dew point of moist air","1.598 "
    "吸收式制冷系统",,"absorption refrigeration system","1.599 "
    "性能系数",,"coefficient of performance,COP","1.600 "
    "* 制冷系数",,"coefficient of performance,COP","1.600 "
    "热泵",,"heat pump","1.601 "
    "地源热泵",,"geothermal heat pump,ground-source heat pump","1.602 "
    "化学热力学",,"chemical thermodynamics","1.603 "
    "反应焓",,"enthalpy of reaction","1.604 "
    "赫斯定律",,"Hess law","1.605 "
    "[气流]喷管",,"nozzle","1.606 "
    "扩压管",,"diffuser","1.607 "
    "绝热节流",,"adiabatic throttling","1.608 "
    "滞止状态",,"stagnation state","1.609 "
    "传热",,"heat transfer","1.610 "
    "热流密度",,"specific rate of heat flow,heat flux","1.611 "
    "* 热通量",,"specific rate of heat flow,heat flux","1.611 "
    "导热",,"heat conduction","1.612 "
    "* 热传导",,"heat conduction","1.612 "
    "傅里叶定律",,"Fourier law","1.613 "
    "* 导热率",,"thermal conductivity","1.614 "
    "导热系数",,"thermal conductivity","1.614 "
    "温度场",,"temperature field","1.615 "
    "温度梯度",,"temperature gradient","1.616 "
    "热阻",,"thermal resistance","1.617 "
    "保温",,"thermal insulating","1.618 "
    "* 隔热",,"thermal insulating","1.618 "
    "对流",,"convection","1.619 "
    "对流换热",,"convective heat transfer","1.620 "
    "自然对流换热",,"natural convective heat transfer","1.621 "
    "强制对流换热",,"forced convective heat transfer","1.622 "
    "牛顿冷却定律",,"Newton cooling law","1.623 "
    "凝结",,"condensation","1.624 "
    "凝结换热",,"condensation heat transfer","1.625 "
    "沸腾",,"boiling","1.626 "
    "沸腾换热",,"boiling heat transfer","1.627 "
    "辐射换热",,"radiation heat transfer","1.628 "
    "热辐射",,"thermal radiation","1.629 "
    "吸收率",,"absorptivity","1.630 "
    "反射率",,"reflectivity","1.631 "
    "透射率",,"transmissivity","1.632 "
    "辐射力",,"emissive power","1.634 "
    "单色辐射力",,"mono-chromatic emissive power","1.635 "
    "黑度",,"blackness","1.636 "
    "黑体辐射",,"black body radiation","1.637 "
    "气体辐射",,"gaseous radiation","1.638 "
    "火焰辐射",,"flame radiation","1.639 "
    "辐射选择性",,"selectivity of radiation","1.640 "
    "灰体",,"grey body","1.642 "
    "辐射角系数",,"radiative angle factor","1.643 "
    "热管",,"heat tube","1.644 "
    "* 换热器",,"heat exchanger","1.645 "
    "热交换器",,"heat exchanger","1.645 "
    "* 传质",,"mass transfer","1.646 "
    "质量传递",,"mass transfer","1.646 "
    "气象要素",,"meteorological element","1.647 "
    "气温",,"atmospheric temperature,air temperature","1.648 "
    "降水",,"precipitation","1.649 "
    "湿度",,"humidity","1.651 "
    "人工降水",,"rain making","1.652 "
    "* 人工降雨",,"rain making","1.652 "
    "暴雨",,"rainstorm","1.653 "
    "降雨强度",,"rainfall intensity","1.654 "
    "径流",,"runoff","1.655 "
    "暴雨移置",,"storm transposition","1.656 "
    "水文学",,"hydrology","1.657 "
    "陆地水文学",,"hydrology of land","1.658 "
    "重现期",,"recurrence interval","1.659 "
    "水量平衡",,"water balance","1.660"
    "洪水",,"flood","1.661 "
    "可能最大洪水",,"probable maximum flood,PMF","1.662 "
    "历史洪水",,"historical flood","1.663 "
    "设计洪水",,"design flood","1.664 "
    "溃坝洪水",,"dam-break flood,dam-breach flood","1.665 "
    "入库洪水",,"reservoir inflow flood","1.666 "
    "典型年",,"typic year","1.667 "
    "* 多水年",,"wet year","1.668 "
    "丰水年",,"wet year","1.668 "
    "平水年",,"normal year","1.669 "
    "* 中水年",,"normal year","1.669 "
    "枯水年",,"dry year","1.670 "
    "结冰期",,"ice-formation period","1.671 "
    "冰凌",,"ice","1.672 "
    "冰塞",,"ice jam","1.673 "
    "冰坝",,"ice dam","1.674 "
    "水文勘测",,"hydrological survey","1.675 "
    "水文调查",,"hydrological investigation","1.676 "
    "* 水文分析计算",,"hydrological computation","1.677 "
    "水文计算",,"hydrological computation","1.677 "
    "水文预报",,"hydrological forecasting","1.678 "
    "河流泥沙",,"river sediment","1.679 "
    "含沙量",,"silt content","1.680 "
    "输沙量",,"sediment runoff","1.681 "
    "推移质",,"bed load","1.682 "
    "悬移质",,"suspended load","1.683 "
    "床沙质",,"bed material load","1.684 "
    "全沙",,"total load","1.685 "
    "* 密度流",,"density current","1.686 "
    "异重流",,"density current","1.686 "
    "高含沙水流",,"flow with hyper-concentration of sediment","1.687 "
    "河床演变",,"fluvial process,river process","1.688 "
    "水库淤积",,"reservoir sedimentation","1.689 "
    "工程地质",,"engineering geology","1.690 "
    "地质年代",,"geological age","1.691 "
    "地质构造",,"geological structure","1.692 "
    "岩体结构",,"structure of rock mass","1.693 "
    "产状",,"attitude","1.694 "
    "褶皱",,"fold","1.695 "
    "裂隙",,"fissure","1.696 "
    "节理",,"joint","1.697 "
    "片理",,"lamination,schistosity","1.698 "
    "* 片状构造",,"lamination,schistosity","1.698 "
    "层理",,"stratification,bedding","1.699 "
    "* 层面",,"stratification,bedding","1.699 "
    "岩体软弱结构面",,"weak structural plane of rock mass","1.701 "
    "断层",,"fault","1.702 "
    "* 活动性断裂",,"active fault","1.703 "
    "活断层",,"active fault","1.703 "
    "岩爆",,"rock burst","1.704 "
    "地应力",,"in-situ rock stress,geostress","1.705 "
    "水库触发地震",,"reservoir triggered seismicity","1.706 "
    "* 水库诱发地震",,"reservoir triggered seismicity","1.706 "
    "震源",,"focus,hypocenter","1.707 "
    "震中",,"epicenter","1.708 "
    "地震烈度",,"earthquake intensity","1.709 "
    "地震震级",,"earthquake magnitude","1.710 "
    "最大可信地震",,"maximum credible earthquake,MCE","1.711 "
    "大地构造学说",,"geotectonic hypothesis","1.712 "
    "含水层",,"aquifer","1.713 "
    "隔水层",,"aquiclude","1.714 "
    "透水率",,"permeable rate","1.715 "
    "地下水",,"groundwater","1.716 "
    "涌水",,"blow,water surge","1.717 "
    "潜水",,"phreatic water,dive","1.718 "
    "承压水",,"confined water,artesian water","1.719 "
    "孔隙水",,"pore water","1.720 "
    "裂隙水",,"fissured water","1.721 "
    "喀斯特水",,"karstic water","1.722 "
    "* 岩溶水",,"karstic water","1.722 "
    "管涌",,"piping","1.723 "
    "浸润线",,"line of saturation","1.724 "
    "岩土体蠕动",,"creeping of rock mass and soil mass","1.725 "
    "岩体风化",,"weathering of rock mass","1.726 "
    "土体液化",,"liquefaction of soil mass","1.727 "
    "持水度",,"specific retention","1.728 "
    "片蚀",,"sheet erosion","1.729 "
    "* 片状侵蚀",,"sheet erosion","1.729 "
    "滑坡",,"land slide","1.730 "
    "喀斯特",,"karst","1.731 "
    "* 岩溶",,"karst","1.731 "
    "古河道",,"buried river course,ancestral river course","1.732 "
    "冰川",,"glacier","1.733 "
    "河流阶地",,"river terrace","1.734 "
    "流体力学",,"fluid mechanics","1.735 "
    "流体",,"fluid","1.736 "
    "连续介质",,"continuous medium","1.737 "
    "流体质点",,"fluid particle","1.738 "
    "牛顿流体",,"Newtonian fluid","1.739 "
    "黏度",,"viscosity","1.740 "
    "* 黏性系数",,"viscosity","1.740 "
    "理想流体",,"ideal fluid","1.741 "
    "不可压缩流体",,"incompressible fluid","1.742 "
    "流体运动学",,"fluid kinematics","1.743 "
    "流场",,"flow field","1.744 "
    "正压流场",,"positive pressure flow field","1.745 "
    "浮力",,"buoyancy,buoyant force","1.746 "
    "流线",,"streamline","1.747 "
    "流谱",,"flow survey,flow pattern","1.748 "
    "迹线",,"path line","1.749 "
    "流速",,"flow velocity,current velocity","1.750 "
    "行近流速",,"approach velocity","1.751 "
    "流速分布",,"velocity distribution","1.752 "
    "势流",,"potential flow","1.753 "
    "* 无旋运动",,"potential flow","1.753 "
    "势流叠加",,"superposition of potential flow","1.754 "
    "* 定常流动",,"constant flow","1.755 "
    "恒定流动",,"constant flow","1.755 "
    "涡旋流动",,"vortex flow","1.756 "
    "* 旋涡运动",,"vortex flow","1.756 "
    "涡线",,"vortex line","1.757 "
    "涡管",,"vortex tube","1.758 "
    "涡通量",,"vorticity flux","1.759 "
    "连续方程",,"continuous equation","1.760 "
    "流函数",,"stream function","1.761 "
    "绕流",,"detour flow","1.762 "
    "* 冲击波",,"shock wave","1.763 "
    "激波",,"shock wave","1.763 "
    "正激波",,"straight shock wave","1.764 "
    "斜激波",,"oblique shock wave","1.765 "
    "脱体激波",,"detached shock wave","1.766 "
    "雷诺数",,"Reynolds number","1.767 "
    "弗劳德数",,"Froude number","1.768 "
    "层流",,"laminar flow","1.769 "
    "湍流",,"turbulence,turbulent flow","1.770 "
    "* 紊流",,"turbulence,turbulent flow","1.770 "
    "渗流",,"seepage flow","1.771 "
    "水射流",,"water jet","1.772 "
    "旋辊",,"vortex roll","1.773 "
    "* 旋滚",,"vortex roll","1.773 "
    "水头损失",,"head loss","1.774 "
    "沿程损失",,"linear loss,pipeline loss","1.775 "
    "局部损失",,"localized loss,bend loss","1.776 "
    "边界层",,"boundary layer","1.777 "
    "* 附面层",,"boundary layer","1.777 "
    "河势",,"river regime","1.778 "
    "主流区",,"main flow","1.779 "
    "二次流",,"secondary flow","1.780 "
    "* 副流",,"secondary flow","1.780 "
    "回流",,"reverse current","1.781 "
    "有压流",,"pressure flow","1.782 "
    "无压流",,"non-pressure flow","1.783 "
    "缓流",,"subcritical flow","1.784 "
    "急流",,"supercritical flow","1.785 "
    "临界水深",,"critical depth","1.786 "
    "断面比能",,"specific energy","1.787 "
    "* 断面单位能量",,"specific energy","1.787 "
    "静水压力",,"hydrostatic pressure","1.788 "
    "动水压力",,"hydrodynamic pressure","1.789 "
    "[土体]土压力",,"earth pressure","1.790 "
    "[土体]总应力",,"total stress","1.791 "
    "[土体]有效应力",,"effective stress","1.792 "
    "[土体]孔隙压力",,"pore pressure","1.793 "
    "[土体]孔隙水压力",,"pore water pressure","1.794 "
    "[土体]孔隙气压力",,"pore air pressure","1.795 "
    "冰压力",,"ice pressure","1.796 "
    "扬压力",,"uplift","1.797 "
    "浪压力",,"wave pressure","1.798 "
    "淤沙压力",,"silt pressure","1.799 "
    "风压力",,"wind pressure","1.800 "
    "围岩压力",,"surrounding rock pressure","1.801 "
    "冻胀力",,"frost heave","1.802 "
    "脉动压力",,"pulsating pressure","1.803 "
    "地震荷载",,"earthquake load","1.804 "
    "温度荷载",,"temperature load","1.805 "
    "雪荷载",,"snow load","1.806 "
    "车辆荷载",,"vehicular load","1.807 "
    "船舶荷载",,"ship load","1.808 "
    "滑坡涌浪",,"land slide surge","1.809 "
    "水力发电",,"hydropower,water power","1.810 "
    "水能利用",,"water power utilization,hydroenergy utilization","1.811 "
    "挡水建筑物",,"water retaining structure","1.812 "
    "泄水建筑物",,"sluice structure,releasing structure","1.813 "
    "泄洪建筑物",,"flood releasing structure","1.814 "
    "* 取水建筑物",,"water diverting structure,intake structure","1.815 "
    "引水建筑物",,"water diverting structure,intake structure","1.815 "
    "输水建筑物",,"water conveyance structure","1.816 "
    "过木建筑物",,"log pass structure","1.817 "
    "过鱼建筑物",,"fish pass structure","1.818 "
    "* 过船建筑物",,"navigation structure","1.819 "
    "通航建筑物",,"navigation structure","1.819 "
    "分水建筑物",,"diversion structure","1.820 "
    "水头",,"water head","1.821 "
    "位置水头",,"elevation head","1.822 "
    "速度水头",,"velocity head","1.823 "
    "压力水头",,"pressure head","1.824 "
    "惯性水头",,"inertia head","1.825 "
    "测压管水头",,"piezometric head","1.826 "
    "磨损",,"abrasion","1.827 "
    "[金属]腐蚀",,"corrosion","1.828 "
    "[水电机组]振动",,"vibration","1.829 "
    "* 摆度",,"throw","1.830 "
    "[水电机组]运行摆度",,"throw","1.830 "
    "水锤",,"water hammer","1.831 "
    "* 水击",,"water hammer","1.831 "
    "流量",,"flow","1.832 "
    "[水轮机]效率",,"efficiency","1.833 "
    "空腔",,"cavity pocket","1.834 "
    "空化",,"cavitation","1.835 "
    "空蚀",,"cavitation erosion","1.836 "
    "* 汽蚀",,"cavitation erosion","1.836 "
    "汽化压力",,"vaporizing pressure","1.837 "
    "雾化",,"atomization","1.838 "
    "环境影响",,"environmental impact","1.839 "
    "环境组成",,"environmental component","1.840 "
    "环境因子",,"environmental factor","1.841 "
    "自然环境",,"natural environment","1.842 "
    "社会环境",,"social environment","1.843 "
    "生物多样性",,"biodiversity","1.844 "
    "水电工程弃渣",,"discarding dregs of hydropower engineering","1.845 "
    "漂浮物",,"floating dregs","1.846 "
    "重力侵蚀",,"gravitational erosion","1.847 "
    "水力侵蚀",,"water erosion","1.848 "
    "风力侵蚀",,"aeolian erosion","1.849 "
    "冰融侵蚀",,"freezing-thaw erosion","1.850 "
    "水土流失",,"soil erosion","1.851 "
    "水土保持",,"water and soil conservation","1.852 "
    "库区综合开发",,"comprehensive development of reservoir","1.853 "
    "泥石流",,"debris flow","1.854 "
    "酸雨",,"acid rain","1.855 "
    "水质",,"water quality","1.856 "
    "水环境容量",,"water environment capacity","1.857 "
    "[水电工程]环境保护设计",,"design of environmental protection","1.858 "
    "[水电工程]环境监测",,"environmental monitoring","1.859 "
    "脱水段",,"dehydrated section of river","1.860 "
    "遥感",,"remote sensing","1.861 "
    "地震危险性分析",,"seismic hazard evaluation","1.862 "
    "模型试验",,"model test","1.863 "
    "水工模型试验",,"hydraulic model test","1.864 "
    "* 水力学模型试验",,"hydraulic model test","1.864 "
    "地质力学模型试验",,"geomechanical model test","1.865 "
    "* 浑水水工模型试验",,"sediment model test","1.866 "
    "泥沙模型试验",,"sediment model test","1.866 "
    "* 水锤试验",,"water hammer model test","1.867 "
    "水击模型试验",,"water hammer model test","1.867 "
    "水工结构模型试验",,"hydraulic structural model test","1.868 "
    "水工结构抗震试验",,"aseismatic test of hydraulic structure","1.869 "
    "船模试验",,"ship model test","1.870 "
    "空化试验",,"cavitation model test","1.871 "
    "土工模型试验",,"geotechnical model test","1.872 "
    "脆性材料结构模型试验",,"brittle material structural model test","1.873 "
    "电拟试验",,"electric simulate test","1.874 "
    "混凝土坝原型观测",,"prototype observation for concrete dam","1.875 "
    "土石坝原型观测",,"prototype observation for earth-rockfill dam","1.876 "
    "地下建筑物原型观测",,"prototype observation for underground structure","1.877 "
    "泄水/泄洪建筑物原型观测",,"prototype observation for sluice structure","1.878 "
    "地应力测试",,"measurement of geostress,measurement of in-situ rock stress","1.879 "
    "土的原位测试",,"in-situ soil test","1.880 "
    "岩体原位观测",,"in-situ instrumentation for rock mass","1.881 "
    "混凝土工程",,"concrete works","1.882 "
    "基础工程",,"foundation works","1.883 "
    "地下工程",,"underground works","1.884 "
    "水力机械",,"hydraulic machinery","1.885 "
    "水力资源",,"hydropower resources,hydroenergy resources","1.886 "
    "* 水能资源",,"hydropower resources,hydroenergy resources","1.886 "
    "水资源",,"water resources","1.887 "
    "电力系统发展规划",,"power system planning","3.001 "
    "电力系统中期发展规划",,"medium term power system planning","3.002 "
    "电力系统长期发展规划",,"long-term power system planning","3.003 "
    "电网发展规划",,"power network planning","3.004 "
    "电源发展规划",,"generation planning","3.005 "
    "电源优化数学模型",,"optimal mathematical model of generation planning","3.006 "
    "城市电网发展规划",,"urban power network planning","3.007 "
    "电力系统联网规划",,"power system interconnection planning","3.008 "
    "区域发电厂",,"regional power plant","3.009 "
    "发电厂接入系统设计",,"design of power plant interconnection","3.010 "
    "电厂接入系统地理接线",,"geographic diagram of power plant interconnection","3.011 "
    "总装机容量",,"total installed capacity","3.012 "
    "发电厂容量",,"power plant capacity","3.013 "
    "电力负荷",,"power load","3.014 "
    "热[力]负荷",,"heat load","3.015 "
    "负荷预测",,"load forecast","3.016 "
    "基本建设程序",,"capital construction procedure","3.017 "
    "设计程序",,"engineering design procedure","3.018 "
    "初步可行性研究",,"preliminary feasibility study","3.019 "
    "可行性研究",,"feasibility study","3.020 "
    "初步设计",,"preliminary design,conceptual design","3.021 "
    "* 概念设计",,"preliminary design,conceptual design","3.021 "
    "施工图设计",,"detail design,working drawing","3.022 "
    "竣工图",,"as-built drawing","3.023 "
    "规划选厂",,"site selection at planning stage","3.024 "
    "工程选厂",,"site selection at engineering stage","3.025 "
    "输电线路初勘",,"preliminary survey and exploration for transmission line routing","3.026 "
    "输电线路终勘",,"final survey and exploration for transmission line routing","3.027 "
    "项目申请报告",,"project proposal","3.028 "
    "设计任务书",,"engineering design assignment","3.029 "
    "设计原始资料",,"basic design data","3.030 "
    "现场踏勘",,"site survey","3.031 "
    "厂区自然条件",,"site natural condition","3.032 "
    "建厂条件",,"site construction condition","3.033 "
    "测量和地质勘探",,"survey and geological exploration","3.034 "
    "厂址稳定性评估",,"site stability evaluation","3.035 "
    "地震烈度复核",,"checkup of seismic intensity","3.036 "
    "燃料供应",,"fuel supply","3.037 "
    "水源",,"water source","3.038 "
    "交通运输",,"communication and transportation","3.039 "
    "灰渣处理",,"ash and slag treatment","3.040 "
    "出线走廊",,"electric outgoing line corridor","3.041 "
    "热力管线走廊",,"heating outgoing line corridor","3.042 "
    "劳动安全与工业卫生",,"labor safety and industrial hygiene","3.043 "
    "水能",,"hydropower,water power","3.044 "
    "* 水能蕴藏量",,"potential hydropower resources,potential water power resources","3.045 "
    "水能资源蕴藏量",,"potential hydropower resources,potential water power resources","3.045 "
    "可开发水能资源",,"available hydropower resources","3.046 "
    "[水力资源]技术可开发量",,"technical available hydroenergy resources","3.047 "
    "[水力资源]经济可开发量",,"economical available hydroenergy resources","3.048 "
    "可再生能源",,"renewable energy resources","3.049 "
    "* 水电开发",,"water power development,hydropower development","3.050 "
    "水能开发",,"water power development,hydropower development","3.050 "
    "流域水能开发",,"river basin water power development","3.051 "
    "* 水电规划",,"water power planning,hydropower planning","3.052 "
    "水能[利用]规划",,"water power planning,hydropower planning","3.052 "
    "水能计算",,"water power calculation,hydropower calculation,hydroenergy computation","3.053 "
    "流域规划",,"river basin planning","3.054 "
    "水资源综合利用",,"comprehensive utilization of water resources,multipurpose use of water resources","3.055 "
    "流域综合利用规划",,"comprehensive utilization planning of river basin","3.056 "
    "水电梯级开发",,"cascade development of hydropower","3.057 "
    "跨流域水资源开发",,"interbasin water resources development","3.058 "
    "河流水电开发规划",,"river hydropower development planning","3.059 "
    "* 流域水电开发规划",,"basin hydropower development planning","3.059 "
    "地区水电开发规划",,"regional hydropower development planning","3.060 "
    "* 水力发电枢纽",,"hydropower station,hydropower project","3.061 "
    "水力发电站",,"hydropower station,hydropower project","3.061 "
    "水力发电厂",,"hydropower plant","3.062 "
    "梯级水电站",,"cascade hydropower stations","3.063 "
    "抽水蓄能电站",,"pumped-storage power station","3.064 "
    "大型水电站",,"large hydropower station","3.065 "
    "中型水电站",,"medium hydropower station","3.066 "
    "小型水电站",,"small hydropower station","3.067 "
    "微型水电站",,"mini-hydropower station,microhydropower station","3.068 "
    "高水头水电站",,"high head hydropower station","3.069 "
    "中水头水电站",,"medium head hydropower station","3.070 "
    "低水头水电站",,"low head hydropower station","3.071 "
    "坝式水电站",,"dam-type hydropower station","3.072 "
    "河床式水电站",,"hydropower station in river channel","3.073 "
    "径流式水电站",,"run-off hydropower station","3.074 "
    "* 无调节水电站",,"run-off hydropower station","3.074 "
    "混合式水电站",,"mixed-type hydropower station","3.075 "
    "引水式水电站",,"diversion type hydropower station","3.076 "
    "水电站经济指标",,"economic indices of hydropower station","3.077 "
    "水电站能量指标",,"energy indices of hydropower station","3.078 "
    "水电站经济效益",,"economic benefit of hydropower station","3.079 "
    "水电站经济评价",,"economic evaluation of hydropower station","3.080 "
    "水电站综合利用效益",,"comprehensive utilization benefit of hydropower station","3.081 "
    "综合利用工程费用分摊",,"construction cost allocation of comprehensive utilization project","3.082 "
    "水电站厂内短期经济运行",,"short-term economical operation among the units at hydropower station","3.083 "
    "水电站单位电能投资",,"investment per kilowatt-hour of hydropower station","3.084 "
    "* 水电站年经营成本",,"annual operation cost of hydropower station","3.085 "
    "水电站年运行费",,"annual operation cost of hydropower station","3.085 "
    "水库",,"reservoir","3.086 "
    "库区",,"reservoir region,reservoir area","3.087 "
    "* 库容",,"storage capacity,reservoir storage","3.088 "
    "水库容积",,"storage capacity,reservoir storage","3.088 "
    "总库容",,"total storage capacity","3.089 "
    "死库容",,"dead storage capacity","3.090 "
    "调节库容",,"regulated storage capacity","3.091 "
    "* 兴利库容",,"regulated storage capacity","3.091 "
    "发电库容",,"power storage capacity","3.092 "
    "防洪库容",,"flood control [storage] capacity","3.093 "
    "库容系数",,"storage rate","3.094 "
    "库容曲线",,"storage-capacity curve","3.095 "
    "水库淹没",,"reservoir inundation","3.096 "
    "浸没",,"immersion","3.097 "
    "水库回水",,"backwater of reservoir","3.098 "
    "移民",,"resettled inhabitant","3.099 "
    "年调节",,"annual regulation","3.100 "
    "多年调节",,"over year regulation","3.101 "
    "* 不完全年调节",,"seasonal regulation","3.102 "
    "季调节",,"seasonal regulation","3.102 "
    "周调节",,"weekly regulation","3.103 "
    "日调节",,"daily regulation","3.104 "
    "补偿调节",,"compensative regulation","3.105 "
    "* 水库群补偿径流调节",,"compensative regulation","3.105 "
    "跨流域补偿调节",,"interbasin compensative regulation","3.106 "
    "* 跨流域电力补偿径流调节",,"interbasin compensative regulation","3.106 "
    "水库调度图",,"reservoir operation chart","3.107 "
    "梯级水库调节",,"regulation of cascade reservoirs","3.108 "
    "洪水调节",,"flood regulation","3.109 "
    "* 调洪",,"flood regulation","3.109 "
    "多目标水库",,"multi-purpose reservoir","3.110 "
    "* 综合利用水库",,"comprehensive utilization reservoir","3.110 "
    "梯级水库",,"cascade reservoirs","3.111 "
    "地下水库",,"underground reservoir","3.112 "
    "反调节",,"reverse regulation,re-regulation","3.113 "
    "水库初期蓄水",,"reservoir initial filling","3.114 "
    "上池",,"upper pool","3.115 "
    "* 上水库",,"upper reservoir","3.115 "
    "下池",,"lower pool","3.116 "
    "* 下水库",,"lower reservoir","3.116 "
    "水位流量关系曲线",,"water-level-discharge relation curve","3.117 "
    "* 正常高水位",,"normal storage high water level","3.118 "
    "正常蓄水位",,"normal storage high water level","3.118 "
    "死水位",,"dead water level","3.119 "
    "初期发电水位",,"initial generating level","3.120 "
    "校核洪水位",,"check flood level","3.121 "
    "设计洪水位",,"designed flood level","3.122 "
    "防洪限制水位",,"flood restricted [water] level","3.123 "
    "水电站尾水位",,"tailwater level of hydropower station","3.124 "
    "净水头",,"net head","3.125 "
    "额定水头",,"rated head,characteristic head","3.126 "
    "毛水头",,"gross head","3.127 "
    "总水头",,"total head","3.128 "
    "最大水头",,"maximum head","3.129 "
    "最小水头",,"minimum head","3.130 "
    "加权平均水头",,"average head","3.131 "
    "保证出力",,"guaranteed output","3.132 "
    "预想出力",,"expected output","3.133 "
    "受阻容量",,"disabled capacity","3.134 "
    "季节性电能",,"seasonal electric energy","3.135 "
    "水库调度",,"reservoir dispatching","3.136 "
    "水轮机运行特性曲线",,"operational characteristic curve of turbine set","3.137 "
    "发电量",,"electricity production","3.138 "
    "年发电量",,"annual electricity production","3.139 "
    "年平均发电量",,"average annual electricity production","3.140 "
    "检修容量",,"maintenance capacity","3.141 "
    "基荷运行",,"base load operation","3.142 "
    "调峰运行",,"peaking operation","3.143 "
    "中间负荷运行",,"intermediate load operation","3.144 "
    "热电联产",,"co-generation of heat and power,CHP","3.145 "
    "生产工艺热负荷",,"industrial process heat load","3.146 "
    "供暖热负荷",,"heating heat load","3.147 "
    "通风空调热负荷",,"ventilation and air conditioning heat load","3.148 "
    "热水供应热负荷",,"hot water supply heat load","3.149 "
    "热负荷持续曲线",,"heat load duration curve","3.150 "
    "热化系数",,"coefficient of heat supply","3.151 "
    "全厂总体规划",,"overall plot plan","3.152 "
    "厂区规划",,"site plot plan","3.153 "
    "厂区总平面布置",,"general layout of plant","3.154 "
    "厂区竖向布置",,"vertical layout of plant","3.155 "
    "主厂房远景规划布置",,"long-term planning arrangement drawing of main power building","3.156 "
    "主厂房平面布置",,"plan arrangement of main power building","3.157 "
    "主厂房断面布置",,"sectional arrangement of main power building","3.158 "
    "主设备选择",,"selection of main equipment","3.159 "
    "主要辅机选择",,"selection of main auxiliary equipment","3.160 "
    "管道和仪表图",,"piping and instrument diagram","3.161 "
    "汽水管道设计",,"piping design","3.162 "
    "电气主接线",,"main electrical connection scheme","3.163 "
    "厂用电系统",,"auxiliary power system","3.164 "
    "电气主设备布置",,"main electrical equipment layout","3.165 "
    "电缆选择和布置",,"cable selection and routing","3.166 "
    "控制中心布置",,"control center layout","3.167 "
    "不间断电源",,"uninterrupted power supply,UPS","3.168 "
    "事故备用电源",,"emergency power supply","3.169 "
    "直流[电源]系统",,"direct current system","3.170 "
    "供水系统",,"water supply system","3.171 "
    "外部除灰和贮灰场",,"outside ash transportation and ash yard","3.172 "
    "生活水系统",,"domestic water supply system","3.173 "
    "消防设计",,"fire protection design","3.174 "
    "建筑与结构",,"architecture and structure","3.175 "
    "发电厂总占地面积",,"total land area of power plant","3.176 "
    "厂区占地面积",,"land area within the boundary of power plant,production area of power plant","3.177 "
    "单位发电占地面积",,"total land area of power plant per kW","3.178 "
    "厂区建筑系数",,"building coverage of production area","3.179 "
    "场地利用系数",,"land utilization factor","3.180 "
    "土石方工程量",,"volume of earth works","3.181 "
    "挖方工程量",,"volume of excavated earth works","3.182 "
    "填方工程量",,"volume of back filled earth works","3.183 "
    "厂区绿化系数",,"greening factor of plant area","3.184 "
    "发电成本",,"power generation cost,cost of electricity,COE","3.185 "
    "燃料费",,"fuel cost","3.186 "
    "运行维护费",,"operation and maintenance cost","3.187 "
    "折旧费",,"depreciation cost","3.188 "
    "工程预算",,"project cost budget","3.189 "
    "工程决算",,"project final account","3.190 "
    "建筑安装工程费",,"civil and erection cost","3.191 "
    "设备购置费",,"equipment procurement cost","3.192 "
    "其他费用",,"miscellaneous cost","3.193 "
    "静态工程投资概算",,"static project cost estimate","3.194 "
    "动态工程投资概算",,"dynamic project cost estimate","3.195 "
    "工程总投资",,"total project cost","3.196 "
    "发电工程投资",,"cost of power generation project","3.197 "
    "送出工程投资",,"cost of transmission line for connecting the power plant to the grid","3.198 "
    "发电工程每千瓦造价",,"cost of power generation project per kW","3.199 "
    "工程国民经济评价",,"project national economic assessment","3.200 "
    "工程财务评价",,"project financial assessment","3.201 "
    "敏感性分析",,"sensitivity analysis","3.202 "
    "财务净现值",,"financial net present value,FNPV","3.203 "
    "财务内部收益率",,"financial internal rate of return,FIRR","3.204 "
    "投资回收期",,"pay back time,PBT","3.205 "
    "资金筹集",,"fund raising","3.206 "
    "现金流分析",,"cash flow analysis","3.207 "
    "项目管理方式",,"project management mode","3.208 "
    "项目法人责任制",,"responsibility system of project legal person","3.209 "
    "工程监理制",,"supervision system of construction","3.210 "
    "资本金制",,"capital fund rule","3.211 "
    "合同制",,"contracting system","3.212 "
    "招投标制",,"bidding and tendering system","3.213 "
    "工程投资管理",,"project investment management","3.214 "
    "工程质量管理",,"project quality management","3.215 "
    "工程计划管理",,"project planning management","3.216 "
    "工程技术管理",,"project technical management","3.217 "
    "施工安全管理",,"construction safety management","3.218 "
    "施工组织设计",,"construction organization design","3.219 "
    "施工总布置",,"construction general layout","3.220 "
    "施工总进度",,"construction general schedule","3.221 "
    "施工控制性进度",,"construction critical path schedule","3.222 "
    "主要施工技术方案",,"major construction technical scheme","3.223 "
    "施工临时设施",,"temporary facilities for construction","3.224 "
    "施工力能供应",,"energy and gases supply for construction","3.225 "
    "施工物资供应计划",,"material supply plan for construction","3.226 "
    "施工机械管理",,"construction machine management","3.227 "
    "施工专业化",,"construction specialization","3.228 "
    "施工工厂化",,"construction industrialization","3.229 "
    "工程管理信息系统",,"project management information system","3.230 "
    "土建施工",,"civil construction","3.231 "
    "设备安装",,"equipment erection","3.232 "
    "调试",,"commissioning","3.233 "
    "分部试运",,"commissioning of individual equipment and subsystem","3.234 "
    "整套启动试运",,"unit start-up and commissioning","3.235 "
    "热工保护投入率",,"utilization factor of thermal protection system","3.236 "
    "热工保护正确动作率",,"correct actuation ratio of thermal protection system","3.237 "
    "达标投产",,"putting into operation in compliance with standard","3.238 "
    "试生产",,"trial production","3.239 "
    "机组性能试验",,"performance test of units","3.240 "
    "工程移交生产验收",,"project hand-over for operation","3.241 "
    "工程竣工验收",,"project final acceptance","3.242 "
    "电力系统",,"electric power system,power system","4.001 "
    "交流系统",,"alternating current system,AC system","4.002 "
    "直流系统",,"direct current system,DC system","4.003 "
    "交直流并联输电",,"AC and DC transmission in parallel","4.004 "
    "一次系统",,"primary system","4.005 "
    "二次系统",,"secondary system","4.006 "
    "互联电力系统",,"interconnected power systems","4.007 "
    "电力系统互联",,"interconnection of power systems","4.008 "
    "异步联接",,"asynchronous link","4.009 "
    "联网效益",,"benefit of interconnection","4.010 "
    "电力系统管理",,"power system management","4.011 "
    "工频",,"power frequency","4.012 "
    "系统标称电压",,"nominal voltage of a system","4.013 "
    "电压等级",,"voltage level","4.014 "
    "低压",,"low voltage,LV","4.015 "
    "高压",,"high voltage,HV","4.016 "
    "超高压",,"extra-high voltage,EHV","4.017 "
    "特高压",,"ultra-high voltage,UHV","4.018 "
    "高压直流",,"high voltage direct current,HVDC","4.019 "
    "特高压直流",,"ultra-high voltage direct current,UHVDC","4.020 "
    "系统运行电压",,"operating voltage in a system","4.021 "
    "系统最高运行电压",,"highest operating voltage of a system","4.022 "
    "系统最低运行电压",,"lowest operating voltage of a system","4.023 "
    "线电压",,"line-to-line voltage,phase-to-phase voltage","4.024 "
    "相电压",,"line-to-neutral voltage,phase-to-neutral voltage","4.025 "
    "线对地电压",,"line-to-earth voltage,phase-to-earth voltage","4.026 "
    "电力系统最大可能出力",,"maximum available output of power system","4.027 "
    "电力系统最大发电负荷",,"maximum generation load of power system","4.028 "
    "电力系统最小发电负荷",,"minimum generation load of power system","4.029 "
    "发电机可能出力",,"generator available output","4.030 "
    "发电厂最小出力",,"minimum output of power plant","4.031 "
    "发电计划",,"generation schedule","4.032 "
    "基荷机组",,"base load generating set","4.033 "
    "调节负荷机组",,"regulating load generating set","4.034 "
    "尖峰负荷机组",,"peak load generating set","4.035 "
    "交流输电",,"AC power transmission","4.036 "
    "直流输电",,"DC power transmission","4.037 "
    "灵活交流输电",,"flexible AC transmission system,FACTS","4.038 "
    "* 柔性交流输电",,"flexible AC transmission system,FACTS","4.038 "
    "超导输电",,"superconducting transmission","4.039 "
    "输电容量",,"transmission capacity","4.040 "
    "输电效率",,"transmission efficiency","4.041 "
    "电[力]网",,"electric power network,[electric power] grid","4.042 "
    "输电",,"transmission of electricity,power transmission","4.043 "
    "变电",,"transformation of electricity,power transformation","4.044 "
    "供电",,"power supply","4.045 "
    "电网结构",,"network structure,network configuration","4.046 "
    "电力系统图",,"power system diagram","4.047 "
    "系统连接方式",,"system connection pattern","4.048 "
    "系统运行结线方式",,"connection scheme of power system operation","4.049 "
    "系统单线图",,"one-line diagram","4.050 "
    "受端系统",,"receiving-end system","4.051 "
    "送端系统",,"sending-end system","4.052 "
    "* 网架",,"network frame","4.053 "
    "主干电网",,"main grid","4.053 "
    "电磁环网",,"electromagnetic looped network","4.054 "
    "网格系统",,"meshed system","4.055 "
    "地下[输电]系统",,"underground system","4.056 "
    "架空[输电]系统",,"overhead system","4.057 "
    "电力系统联络线",,"tie line","4.058 "
    "单电源供电",,"single supply","4.059 "
    "双电源供电",,"duplicate supply","4.060 "
    "备用电源",,"standby supply","4.061 "
    "馈线",,"feeder","4.062 "
    "单馈线",,"single feeder,radial feeder","4.063 "
    "支线",,"branch line","4.064 "
    "T接线路",,"tapped line,teed line","4.065 "
    "接户线路",,"supply service,line connection","4.066 "
    "分界点",,"delivery point","4.067 "
    "环形馈线",,"ring feeder","4.068 "
    "[三相系统]中性点",,"neutral point","4.069 "
    "中性点位移电压",,"neutral point displacement voltage","4.070 "
    "中性点接地方式",,"neutral point treatment,neutral point connection","4.071 "
    "中性点不接地系统",,"isolated neutral system,ungrounded neutral system","4.072 "
    "中性点直接接地系统",,"solidly earthed [neutral] system","4.073 "
    "中性点阻抗接地系统",,"impedance earthed [neutral] system","4.074 "
    "* 中性点消弧线圈接地系统",,"resonant earthed [neutral] systemarc-suppression-coil earthed [neutral] system","4.075 "
    "中性点谐振接地系统",,"resonant earthed [neutral] system,arc-suppression-coil earthed [neutral] system","4.075 "
    "网损",,"transmission loss","4.076 "
    "网损计算",,"calculation of transmission loss","4.077 "
    "厂用电率",,"rate of house power","4.078 "
    "电力系统储能",,"energy storage of power system","4.079 "
    "电力系统升级改造",,"reinforcement of a system","4.080 "
    "电力系统数学模型",,"mathematical model of power system","4.081 "
    "等效网络",,"equivalent network","4.082 "
    "有源等效网络",,"active equivalent network","4.083 "
    "无源等效网络",,"passive equivalent network","4.084 "
    "网络变换",,"network transformation,network conversion","4.085 "
    "星形-三角形变换",,"star-delta conversion,star-delta transformation","4.086 "
    "三角形-星形变换",,"delta-wye conversion,delta-star transformation","4.087 "
    "系统状态变量",,"system state variables","4.088 "
    "系统参数",,"system parameter","4.089 "
    "系统阻抗",,"system impedance","4.090 "
    "故障阻抗",,"fault impedance","4.091 "
    "同步电机数学模型",,"mathematical model of synchronous machine","4.092 "
    "同步电机参数",,"parameter of synchronous machine","4.093 "
    "同步电机相量图",,"phasor diagram of synchronous machine","4.094 "
    "派克方程",,"Park equation","4.095 "
    "* 摇摆方程",,"equation of rotor motion,swing equation","4.096 "
    "转子运动方程",,"equation of rotor motion,swing equation","4.096 "
    "同步电机坐标系统",,"coordinate system of synchronous machine","4.097 "
    "同步电机磁动势方程",,"magneto motive force equation of synchronous machine","4.098 "
    "同步电机电动势方程",,"electromotive force equation of synchronous machine","4.099 "
    "直轴同步电抗",,"direct-axis synchronous reactance","4.100 "
    "交轴同步电抗",,"quadrature-axis synchronous reactance","4.101 "
    "* 直轴瞬态电抗",,"direct-axis transient reactance","4.102 "
    "直轴暂态电抗",,"direct-axis transient reactance","4.102 "
    "* 交轴瞬态电抗",,"quadrature-axis transient reactance","4.103 "
    "交轴暂态电抗",,"quadrature-axis transient reactance","4.103 "
    "* 直轴超/次瞬态电抗",,"direct-axis subtransient reactance","4.104 "
    "直轴超/次暂态电抗",,"direct-axis subtransient reactance","4.104 "
    "* 交轴超/次瞬态电抗",,"quadrature-axis subtransient reactance","4.105 "
    "交轴超/次暂态电抗",,"quadrature-axis subtransient reactance","4.105 "
    "同步电机的时间常数",,"time constant of synchronous machine","4.106 "
    "机组惯性常数",,"inertia constant of a set","4.107 "
    "同步发电机暂态电势",,"voltage behind transient reactance of a synchronous generator","4.108 "
    "同步发电机超/次暂态电势",,"voltage behind subtransient reactance of synchronous generator","4.109 "
    "直轴暂态短路时间常数",,"direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant","4.110 "
    "直轴超/次暂态短路时间常数",,"direct-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant","4.111 "
    "直轴暂态开路时间常数",,"direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant","4.112 "
    "直轴超/次暂态开路时间常数",,"direct-axis subtransient open circuit time constant","4.113 "
    "交轴暂态短路时间常数",,"quadrature-axis transient short-circuit time constant","4.114 "
    "交轴超/次暂态短路时间常数",,"quadrature-axis subtransient short circuit time constant","4.115 "
    "交轴暂态开路时间常数",,"quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant","4.116 "
    "交轴超/次暂态开路时间常数",,"quadrature-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant","4.117 "
    "电枢时间常数",,"armature time constant","4.118 "
    "保梯电抗",,"Potier reactance","4.119 "
    "定子[绕组]电阻",,"stator [winding] resistance","4.120 "
    "短路比",,"short-circuit ratio","4.121 "
    "同步发电机功[率]角",,"power angle of synchronous generator","4.122 "
    "同步发电机静[态]稳定",,"steady state stability of synchronous generator","4.123 "
    "同步发电机动[态]稳定",,"dynamic stability of synchronous generator","4.124 "
    "同步发电机暂[态]稳定",,"transient stability of synchronous generator","4.125 "
    "同步电机参数测定",,"measurement of synchronous machine parameter","4.126 "
    "同步电机不平衡负荷承受能力",,"permissible unbalanced loading operation of synchronous machine","4.127 "
    "同步电机的振荡",,"oscillation of synchronous machine","4.128 "
    "同步电机的突然短路",,"sudden short-circuit of synchronous machine","4.129 "
    "同步电机的电枢反应",,"armature reaction of synchronous machine","4.130 "
    "励磁系统数学模型",,"mathematical model of excitation system","4.131 "
    "静止整流器励磁",,"stationary rectifier excitation","4.132 "
    "无刷励磁",,"brushless excitation","4.133 "
    "* 旋转整流器励磁系统",,"brushless excitation","4.133 "
    "复合[整流器]励磁",,"compound rectifier excitation","4.134 "
    "自并励静止励磁系统",,"potential source rectifier excitation","4.135 "
    "* 谐波辅助绕组励磁系统",,"harmonic excitation","4.136 "
    "谐波励磁",,"harmonic excitation","4.136 "
    "* 强励",,"forced exciting","4.137 "
    "强行励磁",,"forced exciting","4.137 "
    "顶值电压",,"ceiling voltage","4.138 "
    "励磁[调节]控制系统",,"excitation control system","4.139 "
    "自动电压调节器",,"automatic voltage regulator,AVR","4.140 "
    "高起始响应励磁系统",,"high initial response excitation system","4.141 "
    "系统稳态",,"steady state of a power system","4.142 "
    "电力网计算",,"electric power network calculation","4.143 "
    "潮流",,"power flow,load flow","4.144 "
    "潮流计算",,"load flow calculation","4.145 "
    "标幺制",,"per unit system","4.146 "
    "* 相对值",,"per unit system","4.146 "
    "有名制",,"system of unit","4.147 "
    "基准值",,"base value","4.148 "
    "无限大母线",,"infinite bus","4.149 "
    "参考节点",,"reference node","4.150 "
    "无源节点",,"passive bus","4.151 "
    "负荷节点",,"load bus,PQ bus","4.152 "
    "* PQ 节点",,"load bus,PQ bus","4.152 "
    "电压控制节点",,"voltage controlled bus,PV bus","4.153 "
    "* PV 节点",,"voltage controlled bus,PV bus","4.153 "
    "电压中枢点",,"voltage pilot node","4.154 "
    "* Vθ节点",,"balancing bus,Vθ bus","4.155 "
    "平衡节点",,"balancing bus,Vθ bus","4.155 "
    "* 松弛节点",,"slack bus","4.155 "
    "节点导纳矩阵",,"bus admittance matrix,Y bus matrix","4.156 "
    "节点阻抗矩阵",,"bus impedance matrix,Z bus matrix","4.157 "
    "高斯-赛德尔法",,"Gauss-Seidel method","4.158 "
    "牛顿-拉弗森法",,"Newton-Raphson method","4.159 "
    "* PQ分解法",,"fast decoupled method","4.160 "
    "快速分解法",,"fast decoupled method","4.160 "
    "潮流计算直流法",,"DC method of power flow calculation","4.161 "
    "状态估计",,"state estimation","4.162 "
    "量测冗余度",,"measurement redundancy","4.163 "
    "负荷数学模型",,"mathematical model of load","4.164 "
    "负荷电压特性",,"voltage characteristics of load","4.165 "
    "负荷频率特性",,"frequency characteristics of load","4.166 "
    "动态负荷特性",,"dynamic characteristics of load","4.167 "
    "静态负荷特性",,"steady state characteristics of load","4.168 "
    "[系统]短路",,"short-circuit","4.169 "
    "短路计算",,"short-circuit calculation","4.170 "
    "短路容量",,"short-circuit capacity","4.171 "
    "短路电流允许值",,"short-circuit current capability","4.172 "
    "远端短路",,"far-from generator short circuit","4.173 "
    "近端短路",,"near-to generator short-circuit","4.174 "
    "短路电流",,"short-circuit current","4.175 "
    "短路点电流",,"current at the short-circuit point","4.176 "
    "故障电流",,"fault current","4.177 "
    "故障点电流",,"current at the fault point","4.178 "
    "短路电流周期分量",,"periodic component of short-circuit current","4.179 "
    "预期短路电流",,"prospective short-circuit current","4.180 "
    "对称短路电流",,"symmetrical short-circuit current","4.181 "
    "对称短路电流初始值",,"initial symmetrical short-circuit current","4.182 "
    "对称短路视在功率初始值",,"initial symmetrical short-circuit [apparent] power","4.183 "
    "短路电流非周期分量",,"aperiodic component of short-circuit current","4.184 "
    "* 短路电流直流分量",,"aperiodic component of short-circuit current","4.184 "
    "* 短路冲击电流",,"peak short-circuit current","4.185 "
    "短路电流峰值",,"peak short-circuit current","4.185 "
    "稳态短路电流",,"steady state short-circuit current","4.186 "
    "暂态短路电流",,"transient short-circuit current","4.187 "
    "次暂态短路电流",,"subtransient short-circuit current","4.188 "
    "短路电流的热效应",,"heat effect of short-circuit current","4.189 "
    "[电力]系统事故",,"power system failure","4.190 "
    "[电力]系统事故处理",,"power system emergency control and restoration","4.191 "
    "[电力系统]故障",,"fault in power system","4.192 "
    "绝缘故障",,"insulation fault","4.193 "
    "损坏性故障",,"damage fault","4.194 "
    "非损坏性故障",,"non-damage fault","4.195 "
    "永久性故障",,"permanent fault","4.196 "
    "瞬时故障",,"transient fault","4.197 "
    "金属性短路",,"dead short","4.198 "
    "* 直接短路",,"dead short","4.198 "
    "线路故障",,"line fault","4.199 "
    "母线故障",,"busbar fault","4.200 "
    "负荷转移",,"load transfer","4.201 "
    "三相[对称]短路",,"three phase [symmetrical] fault","4.202 "
    "不对称短路",,"unsymmetrical short-circuit","4.203 "
    "单相接地故障",,"phase-to-earth fault,single line-to-ground fault","4.204 "
    "两相相间故障",,"phase-to-phase fault,line-to-line fault","4.205 "
    "两相对地故障",,"two phase-to-earth fault,double-line-to-ground fault","4.206 "
    "双重故障",,"double faults","4.207 "
    "多重故障",,"multiple faults","4.208 "
    "发展性故障",,"developing fault","4.209 "
    "故障清除",,"fault clearance","4.210 "
    "正序网络",,"positive sequence network","4.211 "
    "负序网络",,"negative sequence network","4.212 "
    "零序网络",,"zero sequence network","4.213 "
    "正序阻抗",,"positive sequence impedance","4.214 "
    "负序阻抗",,"negative sequence impedance","4.215 "
    "零序阻抗",,"zero sequence impedance","4.216 "
    "正序短路电流",,"positive sequence short-circuit current","4.217 "
    "负序短路电流",,"negative sequence short circuit current","4.218 "
    "零序短路电流",,"zero sequence short-circuit current","4.219 "
    "运算曲线法",,"calculation curve method","4.220 "
    "电力系统稳定性",,"power system stability","4.221 "
    "系统暂态",,"transient state of a power system","4.222 "
    "暂态过程",,"transient","4.223 "
    "小扰动",,"small disturbance","4.224 "
    "大扰动",,"large disturbance","4.225 "
    "功角稳定",,"power angle stability","4.226 "
    "电压稳定",,"voltage stability","4.227 "
    "[电力系统]电压崩溃",,"voltage collapse","4.228 "
    "频率稳定",,"frequency stability","4.229 "
    "[电力系统]频率崩溃",,"frequency collapse","4.230 "
    "* 小干扰稳定性",,"small signal stability,small disturbance stability","4.231 "
    "小扰动稳定性",,"small signal stability,small disturbance stability","4.231 "
    "大扰动稳定性",,"large disturbance stability","4.232 "
    "电力系统中长期稳定性",,"medium and long term stability","4.233 "
    "电力系统静态稳定性",,"steady state stability of a power system","4.234 "
    "电力系统静态不稳定性",,"steady state instability of a power system","4.235 "
    "电力系统动态稳定性",,"dynamic stability of a power system","4.236 "
    "* 大扰动功角稳定性",,"transient stability of a power system","4.237 "
    "电力系统暂态稳定性",,"transient stability of a power system","4.237 "
    "稳定储备系数",,"stability margin","4.238 "
    "稳定措施",,"stabilizing measure","4.239 "
    "电力系统稳定器",,"power system stabilizer,PSS","4.240 "
    "快速切除故障",,"fast fault-clearing","4.241 "
    "切负荷",,"load shedding,load rejection","4.242 "
    "快速励磁",,"high response excitation","4.243 "
    "系统稳定计算",,"system stability calculation","4.244 "
    "直接法",,"direct method","4.245 "
    "交流电机内角",,"internal angle of an alternator","4.246 "
    "两电动势间相角差",,"angle of deviation between two EMF","4.247 "
    "摇摆曲线",,"swing curve","4.248 "
    "* 电力系统仿真装置",,"power system simulator","4.249 "
    "电力系统模拟装置",,"power system simulator","4.249 "
    "电力系统动态模拟",,"dynamic simulation of power system","4.250 "
    "电力系统数字仿真",,"digital simulation of power system","4.251 "
    "暂态网络分析仪",,"transient network analyzer,TNA","4.252 "
    "电力系统振荡",,"power system oscillation","4.253 "
    "自持振荡",,"self-sustained oscillation","4.254 "
    "低频振荡",,"low frequency oscillation","4.255 "
    "同步摇摆",,"synchronous swing","4.256 "
    "次同步谐振",,"sub-synchronous resonance","4.257 "
    "次同步振荡",,"subsynchronous oscillation","4.258 "
    "非同步振荡",,"asynchronous oscillation","4.259 "
    "振荡周期",,"oscillation period","4.260 "
    "电力系统正常状态",,"normal state of power system","4.261 "
    "电力系统警戒运行状态",,"alert state of power system","4.262 "
    "电力系统紧急运行状态",,"emergency state of power system","4.263 "
    "电力系统恢复状态",,"restoration state of power system","4.264 "
    "电力系统瓦解",,"power system collapse","4.265 "
    "电力系统黑启动",,"power system black start","4.266 "
    "电力系统运行",,"power system operation","4.267 "
    "系统运行方式",,"system operating plan","4.268 "
    "正常运行方式",,"normal system operating plan","4.269 "
    "稳态运行",,"steady state operation","4.270 "
    "正常检修运行方式",,"normal maintenance operating plan","4.271 "
    "事故运行方式",,"emergency operating plan","4.272 "
    "事故后运行方式",,"operating plan after accident","4.273 "
    "最小运行方式",,"minimum operating plan","4.274 "
    "最大运行方式",,"maximum operating plan","4.275 "
    "季运行方式",,"seasonal operating plan","4.276 "
    "年运行方式",,"yearly operating plan","4.277 "
    "两相运行",,"two phase operation","4.278 "
    "同步时间",,"synchronous time","4.279 "
    "同步时间偏差",,"deviation of synchronous time","4.280 "
    "系统同步运行",,"synchronous operation of a system","4.281 "
    "发电机组计划运行",,"scheduled operation of a generating set","4.282 "
    "电机同步运行",,"synchronous operation of a machine","4.283 "
    "同步电机异步运行",,"asynchronous operation of synchronous machine","4.284 "
    "失步运行",,"out-of-step operation","4.285 "
    "失磁运行",,"loss of excitation","4.286 "
    "再同步",,"resynchronization","4.287 "
    "并联同步电机振荡",,"hunting of interconnected synchronous machines","4.288 "
    "两系统同步",,"synchronization of two systems","4.289 "
    "自同步并列",,"self-synchronization","4.290 "
    "准同步并列",,"quasi-synchronization","4.291 "
    "并列",,"interconnection","4.292 "
    "解列",,"splitting","4.293 "
    "电网解列",,"islanding,network splitting","4.294 "
    "解列点",,"splitting point","4.295 "
    "合环",,"ring closing","4.296 "
    "解环",,"ring opening","4.297 "
    "电网局部辐射运行",,"radial operation of a part of a network","4.298 "
    "电网局部环式运行",,"ring operation of a part of a network","4.299 "
    "孤立系统",,"isolated power system,island [in a power system]","4.300 "
    "孤立运行",,"isolated operation","4.301 "
    "互联运行",,"interconnected operation","4.302 "
    "分网运行",,"separate network operation","4.303 "
    "并联运行",,"interconnected operation","4.304 "
    "电力系统异常运行",,"abnormal operation of power system","4.305 "
    "电力系统频率异常运行",,"abnormal frequency operation of power system","4.306 "
    "周期性电压变化",,"cyclic voltage variation","4.307 "
    "不平衡运行",,"unbalanced operation","4.308 "
    "异步运行",,"asynchronous operation","4.309 "
    "* 断相运行",,"open phase operation","4.310 "
    "非全相运行",,"open phase operation","4.310 "
    "功率/频率调节",,"power /frequency control","4.311 "
    "调频方式",,"mode of frequency regulation","4.312 "
    "一次调频",,"primary control [of the speed of generating sets]","4.313 "
    "二次调频",,"secondary control [of active power in a system]","4.314 "
    "发电机组[二次]功率调节",,"[secondary] power control operation of a generating set","4.315 "
    "机组频率静特性",,"droop of a set","4.316 "
    "[电力]系统频率静特性",,"droop of a system","4.317 "
    "系统功率/频率[调节]特性",,"regulating energy of a system,power/frequency characteristics of a system","4.318 "
    "功率调节范围",,"controlling power range","4.319 "
    "发电机组的调节范围",,"control range of a generating set","4.320 "
    "调频容量",,"frequency regulating capacity","4.321 "
    "功[率]角",,"power angle","4.322 "
    "传输角",,"transmission angle","4.323 "
    "功角特性曲线",,"power angle characteristics","4.324 "
    "[电力]系统调峰",,"peak load regulating of power system","4.325 "
    "调峰方案",,"peak load regulating scheme","4.326 "
    "调峰容量",,"peak load regulating capacity","4.327 "
    "强送电",,"forced energization","4.328 "
    "线路过负荷能力",,"overload capacity of transmission line","4.329 "
    "联络线输送容量",,"transmission capacity of a link","4.330 "
    "电压监控点",,"voltage monitoring node","4.331 "
    "调压方式",,"voltage control method","4.332 "
    "逆调压",,"contrary control of voltage","4.333 "
    "顺调压",,"natural control of voltage","4.334 "
    "常调压",,"constant control of voltage","4.335 "
    "* 恒调压",,"constant control of voltage","4.335 "
    "纵向电压调节",,"in-phase voltage control","4.336 "
    "横向电压调节",,"quadrature voltage control","4.337 "
    "无功[功率]电压调节",,"reactive power voltage control","4.338 "
    "无功[功率]补偿",,"reactive power compensation","4.339 "
    "快速调节型无功补偿装置",,"fast response reactive power compensator","4.340 "
    "串联补偿",,"series compensation","4.341 "
    "并联补偿",,"shunt compensation","4.342 "
    "静止无功补偿装置",,"static var compensator,SVC","4.343 "
    "发电机调相运行",,"condenser operation of a generator","4.344 "
    "供电连续性",,"continuity of power supply","4.345 "
    "停电",,"interruption of power supply","4.346 "
    "负荷恢复",,"load recovery","4.347 "
    "缺供电量",,"energy not supplied","4.348 "
    "每千瓦时停电损失",,"cost of kWh not supplied,loss of power outage per kWh","4.349 "
    "负荷备用",,"load reserve","4.350 "
    "事故备用",,"emergency reserve","4.351 "
    "检修备用",,"maintenance reserve","4.352 "
    "热备用",,"hot reserve,spinning reserve","4.353 "
    "* 旋转备用",,"hot reserve,spinning reserve","4.353 "
    "冷备用",,"cold standby reserve","4.354 "
    "备用容量系数",,"reserve capacity factor","4.355 "
    "联络线负荷",,"connection line load,tie-line load","4.356 "
    "自动低频减负荷",,"automatic under frequency load shedding","4.357 "
    "负荷的功率调节系数",,"power regulation coefficient of load","4.358 "
    "系统需量控制",,"system demand control","4.359 "
    "电力系统安全分析",,"power system security analysis","4.360 "
    "电力系统安全控制",,"power system security control","4.361 "
    "电力系统继电保护",,"power system relay protection","4.362 "
    "电力系统继电保护配置",,"disposition of power system relay protection","4.363 "
    "反事故措施",,"anti-accident measure","4.364 "
    "切机和远方切机",,"tripping of unit and remote tripping of unit","4.365 "
    "电力平衡",,"power balance","4.366 "
    "电量平衡",,"energy balance","4.367 "
    "电力电量综合平衡",,"comprehensive balance of power and energy","4.368 "
    "电力系统有功功率平衡",,"active power balance of power system","4.369 "
    "电力系统无功功率平衡",,"reactive power balance of power system","4.370 "
    "* 负荷预测方法",,"load forecasting model,load forecasting method","4.371 "
    "负荷预测模型",,"load forecasting model,load forecasting method","4.371 "
    "时间序列分析法",,"time series analysis method","4.372 "
    "用电单耗法",,"electricity consumption per unit output method","4.373 "
    "回归分析法",,"regression analysis method","4.374 "
    "弹性系数法",,"elastic coefficient method","4.375 "
    "负荷密度法",,"load density method","4.376 "
    "[电力]负荷曲线",,"[power] load curve","4.377 "
    "日负荷曲线",,"daily load curve","4.378 "
    "周负荷曲线",,"weekly load curve","4.379 "
    "月[最大]负荷曲线",,"monthly [peak] load curve","4.380 "
    "年最大负荷曲线",,"annual peak load curve","4.381 "
    "年持续负荷曲线",,"annual load duration curve","4.382 "
    "有功负荷",,"active load","4.383 "
    "无功负荷",,"reactive load","4.384 "
    "低谷负荷",,"valley load","4.385 "
    "最低负荷",,"minimum load","4.386 "
    "基本负荷",,"base load","4.387 "
    "* 基荷",,"base load","4.387 "
    "* 峰荷",,"peak load","4.388 "
    "尖峰负荷",,"peak load","4.388 "
    "最高[大]负荷",,"top load,maximum load","4.389 "
    "腰荷",,"shoulder load","4.390 "
    "日[平均]负荷率",,"daily [average] load ratio","4.391 "
    "日[最小]负荷率",,"daily [minimum] load ratio","4.392 "
    "* 负荷分散系数",,"load diversity factor","4.393 "
    "负荷同时率",,"load coincidence factor","4.393 "
    "有功电能",,"active energy","4.394 "
    "冲击负荷",,"impact load","4.395 "
    "被切负荷",,"cut-off load","4.396 "
    "可控负荷",,"controllable load","4.397 "
    "负荷中心",,"load center","4.398 "
    "不对称负荷",,"unsymmetrical load","4.399 "
    "年利用小时数",,"annual utilization hours","4.400 "
    "削峰填谷",,"peak load shaving","4.401 "
    "电力短缺",,"power shortage","4.402 "
    "电能短缺",,"energy shortage","4.403 "
    "经济负荷",,"optimum load,economical load","4.404 "
    "功率损耗",,"power loss","4.405 "
    "电能损耗",,"energy loss","4.406 "
    "输电损耗",,"transmission loss","4.407 "
    "配电损耗",,"distribution loss","4.408 "
    "[电能]损耗因数",,"[energy] loss factor","4.409 "
    "损耗费用现在值",,"present value of cost loss","4.410 "
    "停电费用",,"supply interruption costs","4.411 "
    "电能质量",,"power quality","4.412 "
    "电能质量监测",,"power quality monitoring","4.413 "
    "电能质量评估",,"power quality evaluation","4.414 "
    "电能质量控制",,"power quality control","4.415 "
    "供电点",,"supply terminals","4.416 "
    "公共连接点",,"point of common coupling","4.417 "
    "供电质量",,"quality of supply","4.418 "
    "供电可靠性",,"power supply reliability,service reliability","4.419 "
    "用电质量",,"quality of consumption","4.420 "
    "频率偏差",,"deviation of frequency","4.421 "
    "频率合格率",,"frequency eligibility rate","4.422 "
    "供电电压",,"supply voltage","4.423 "
    "电压质量",,"voltage quality","4.424 "
    "电压偏差",,"deviation of supply voltage","4.425 "
    "电压合格率",,"voltage eligibility rate","4.426 "
    "欠电压",,"undervoltage","4.427 "
    "电压恢复",,"voltage recovery","4.428 "
    "电压消失",,"loss of voltage","4.429 "
    "电压调整",,"voltage regulating","4.430 "
    "三相电压不平衡",,"three phase voltage unbalance","4.431 "
    "三相电流不平衡",,"three phase current unbalance","4.432 "
    "电压波动",,"voltage fluctuation","4.433 "
    "闪变",,"flicker","4.434 "
    "公用电网谐波",,"harmonics in public supply network","4.435 "
    "波形畸变",,"waveform distortion","4.436 "
    "基波分量",,"fundamental component","4.437 "
    "谐波分量",,"harmonic component","4.438 "
    "间谐波成分",,"interharmonic component","4.439 "
    "谐波源",,"harmonic source","4.440 "
    "* 电压波形缺口",,"notching","4.441 "
    "陷波",,"notching","4.441 "
    "[直流]偏置",,"DC offset","4.442 "
    "电压暂降",,"voltage dip,voltage sag","4.443 "
    "电压暂升",,"voltage swell","4.444 "
    "短时间电压中断",,"short time interruption of voltage","4.445 "
    "微[型]电网",,"micro-grid","4.446 "
    "* 低电压穿越",,"low voltage ride through,LVRT,fault ride through,FRT","4.447 "
    "低电压过渡能力",,"low voltage ride through,LVRT,fault ride through,FRT","4.447 "
    "继电保护",,"relay protection","5.001 "
    "继电保护装置",,"relay protection equipment","5.002 "
    "继电保护系统",,"relay protection system","5.003 "
    "继电保护试验",,"relay protection test","5.004 "
    "保护区",,"protected section,protected zone","5.005 "
    "保护范围",,"reach of protection","5.006 "
    "保护重叠区",,"overlap of protection","5.007 "
    "欠范围",,"underreach","5.008 "
    "超范围",,"overreach","5.009 "
    "主保护",,"main protection","5.010 "
    "后备保护",,"backup protection","5.011 "
    "辅助保护",,"auxiliary protection","5.012 "
    "备用保护",,"standby protection","5.013 "
    "瞬时保护",,"instantaneous protection","5.014 "
    "延时保护",,"delayed protection,time-delayed protection","5.015 "
    "方向保护",,"directional protection","5.016 "
    "电路近后备保护",,"circuit local backup protection","5.017 "
    "变电站近后备保护",,"substation local backup protection","5.018 "
    "远后备保护",,"remote backup protection","5.019 "
    "断路器失灵保护",,"circuit-breaker failure protection","5.020 "
    "双重保护",,"duplicate protection","5.021 "
    "继电保护可靠性",,"reliability of relay protection","5.022 "
    "继电保护可信赖性",,"dependability of relay protection","5.023 "
    "继电保护安全性",,"security of relay protection","5.024 "
    "继电保护选择性",,"selectivity of relay protection","5.025 "
    "继电保护快速性",,"rapidity of relay protection","5.026 "
    "继电保护灵敏性",,"sensitivity of relay protection","5.027 "
    "电力系统异常",,"power system abnormality","5.028 "
    "电力系统故障",,"power system fault","5.029 "
    "简单故障",,"simple fault","5.030 "
    "复合故障",,"combination faults","5.031 "
    "短路故障",,"shunt fault,short-circuit fault","5.032 "
    "接地故障",,"ground fault","5.033 "
    "纵向故障",,"series fault,longitudinal fault","5.034 "
    "双回线故障",,"double circuit fault","5.035 "
    "系统间故障",,"intersystem fault","5.036 "
    "跨线故障",,"cross country fault,cross circuitry fault","5.037 "
    "区外故障",,"external fault","5.038 "
    "连锁故障",,"cascading faults of complicated","5.039 "
    "继电器",,"relay","5.040 "
    "功率继电器",,"power relay","5.041 "
    "电压继电器",,"voltage relay","5.042 "
    "电流继电器",,"current relay","5.043 "
    "电抗继电器",,"reactance relay","5.044 "
    "阻抗继电器",,"impedance relay","5.045 "
    "频率继电器",,"frequency relay","5.046 "
    "同步检查继电器",,"synchronism detection relay, synchrocheck relay","5.047 "
    "相位比较继电器",,"phase comparison relay","5.048 "
    "方向继电器",,"directional relay","5.049 "
    "时间继电器",,"time relay","5.050 "
    "定时限继电器",,"specified time relay","5.051 "
    "反时限继电器",,"inverse time relay","5.052 "
    "极化继电器",,"polarized relay","5.053 "
    "* 辅助继电器",,"auxiliary relay","5.054 "
    "中间继电器",,"auxiliary relay","5.054 "
    "气体继电器",,"gas relay,Buchholz relay","5.055 "
    "信号继电器",,"signal relay","5.056 "
    "接地继电器",,"earth fault relay","5.057 "
    "零序继电器",,"zero sequence relay,residual current relay","5.058 "
    "热继电器",,"thermal relay","5.059 "
    "晶体管继电器",,"transistor relay","5.060 "
    "差动继电器",,"differential relay","5.061 "
    "突变量继电器",,"sudden change relay","5.062 "
    "单稳态继电器",,"mono-stable relay","5.063 "
    "双稳态继电器",,"bi-stable relay","5.064 "
    "记数继电器",,"counter relay","5.065 "
    "整流式继电器",,"rectifying relay","5.066 "
    "微电子继电器",,"micro-processing relay","5.067 "
    "热脱扣器",,"thermal overload releaser","5.068 "
    "瞬时脱扣器",,"instantaneous releaser","5.069 "
    "过载脱扣器",,"overload releaser","5.070 "
    "电流元件",,"current component","5.071 "
    "阻抗元件",,"impedance component","5.072 "
    "功率元件",,"power component","5.073 "
    "启动元件",,"starting component","5.074 "
    "测量元件",,"measuring component","5.075 "
    "保护元件",,"protection component","5.076 "
    "时间元件",,"time component","5.077 "
    "方向元件",,"directional component","5.078 "
    "故障元件",,"fault component","5.079 "
    "电压元件",,"voltage component","5.080 "
    "执行元件",,"execute component","5.081 "
    "闭锁元件",,"blocking component","5.082 "
    "采样元件",,"sampling component","5.083 "
    "模拟量输入元件",,"analog input component","5.084 "
    "模拟量输出元件",,"analog output component","5.085 "
    "端子排",,"jumper board,terminal block","5.086 "
    "电压回路",,"voltage circuit","5.087 "
    "电流回路",,"current circuit","5.088 "
    "操作回路",,"operation circuit","5.089 "
    "逻辑回路",,"logical circuit","5.090 "
    "二次回路",,"secondary circuit","5.091 "
    "信号回路",,"signal circuit","5.092 "
    "电压形成回路",,"voltage forming circuit","5.093 "
    "机电型继电保护装置",,"electromechanical protection device","5.094 "
    "晶体管继电保护装置",,"transistor protection device","5.095 "
    "集成电路继电保护装置",,"integrated circuit protection device","5.096 "
    "微机继电保护装置",,"microprocessor based protection device","5.097 "
    "微机型继电保护试验装置",,"microprocessor based equipment for protection relay test","5.098 "
    "整定",,"setting","5.099 "
    "整定计算",,"setting calculation","5.100 "
    "误动作",,"unwanted operation of protection,mal-operation","5.101 "
    "拒[绝]动[作]",,"failure to operation of protection,failure to trip","5.102 "
    "延时动作",,"delay operation","5.103 "
    "潜动",,"creeping","5.104 "
    "复归",,"resetting","5.105 "
    "退出",,"disengage","5.106 "
    "死区",,"dead zone","5.107 "
    "动触点",,"moving contact","5.108 "
    "静触点",,"fixed contact","5.109 "
    "* 常开触点",,"normally open contact,make contact","5.110 "
    "动合触点",,"normally open contact,make contact","5.110 "
    "* 常闭触点",,"normally closed contact,break contact","5.111 "
    "动断触点",,"normally closed contact,break contact","5.111 "
    "触点耐久性",,"contact endurance","5.112 "
    "触点负载",,"contact load","5.113 "
    "触点间隙",,"contact gap","5.114 "
    "触点抖动",,"contact chatter","5.115 "
    "触点失效",,"contact failure","5.116 "
    "特性量",,"characteristic quantity","5.117 "
    "特性量的整定值",,"setting value of the characteristic quantity","5.118 "
    "特性量的整定范围",,"setting range of the characteristic quantity","5.119 "
    "特性角",,"characteristic angle","5.120 "
    "动作时限",,"operation time limit","5.121 "
    "给定误差",,"assigned error","5.122 "
    "平均误差的变差",,"variation of the mean error","5.123 "
    "动作值的变差",,"variation of operating value","5.124 "
    "启动值",,"starting value","5.125 "
    "整定值",,"setting value","5.126 "
    "切换值",,"switching value","5.127 "
    "释放值",,"releasing value","5.128 "
    "不释放值",,"non-releasing value","5.129 "
    "复归值",,"resetting value","5.130 "
    "动作值",,"operating value","5.131 "
    "不动作值",,"non-operating value","5.132 "
    "动作时间",,"operate time","5.133 "
    "过渡时间",,"bridging time","5.134 "
    "* 桥接时间",,"bridging time","5.134 "
    "回跳时间",,"bouncing time","5.135 "
    "返回系数",,"resetting ratio","5.136 "
    "* 复归系数",,"resetting ratio","5.136 "
    "动断触点的闭合时间",,"closing time of a break contact","5.137 "
    "动合触点的闭合时间",,"closing time of a make contact","5.138 "
    "[触点]接触时差",,"contact time difference","5.139 "
    "返回时间",,"return time","5.140 "
    "采样频率",,"sampling frequency","5.141 "
    "频率混叠",,"frequency transfer confusion","5.142 "
    "量化误差",,"A/D transfer error","5.143 "
    "* 时间窗",,"time window","5.144 "
    "数据窗",,"data window","5.145 "
    "差模干扰电压",,"differential mode disturbance voltage","5.146 "
    "共模干扰电压",,"common mode disturbance voltage","5.147 "
    "电磁兼容设计",,"design of electromagnetic compatibility","5.148 "
    "容错",,"toleration error","5.149 "
    "故障自动检测",,"fault automatic diagnosis","5.150 "
    "校验周期",,"check cycle","5.151 "
    "模数变换器",,"analog-digital converter","5.152 "
    "数字滤波器",,"digital filter","5.153 "
    "噪声滤波器",,"noise filter","5.154 "
    "电流保护",,"current protection","5.155 "
    "电压保护",,"voltage protection","5.156 "
    "阻抗保护",,"impedance protection","5.157 "
    "零序保护",,"zero sequence protection","5.158 "
    "负序保护",,"negative sequence protection","5.159 "
    "频率保护",,"frequency protection","5.160 "
    "温度保护",,"temperature protection","5.161 "
    "气体保护",,"gas protection,Buchholz protection","5.162 "
    "工频变化量保护",,"deviation of power-frequency component protection","5.163 "
    "行波保护",,"traveling wave protection","5.164 "
    "单元式保护",,"unit protection","5.165 "
    "非单元式保护",,"non-unit protection","5.166 "
    "分相保护",,"phase segregated protection","5.167 "
    "不分相保护",,"non-phase segregated protection","5.168 "
    "允许式保护",,"permissive protection","5.169 "
    "闭锁式保护",,"blocking protection","5.170 "
    "远方跳闸式保护",,"remote trip-out protection","5.171 "
    "智能继电保护",,"intelligent relay protection","5.172 "
    "广域保护",,"wide-area protection","5.173 "
    "发电机保护系统",,"generator protection system","5.174 "
    "定子接地保护",,"stator ground fault protection","5.175 "
    "发电机低频率保护",,"generator under frequency protection","5.176 "
    "发电机电动机运行保护",,"generator motoring protection","5.177 "
    "发电机负序电流保护",,"generator protection for negative sequence current","5.178 "
    "失步保护",,"out-of-step protection","5.179 "
    "[发电机]失磁保护",,"loss-of-field protection","5.180 "
    "过负荷保护",,"overload protection","5.181 "
    "零序电流保护",,"zero sequence current protection","5.182 "
    "零序电压保护",,"zero sequence voltage protection","5.183 "
    "[发电机]逆功率保护",,"reverse power protection","5.184 "
    "[发电机]异步运行保护",,"asynchronous operation protection","5.185 "
    "纵联差动保护",,"longitudinal differential protection","5.186 "
    "发电机短路保护",,"generator protection for short-circuit","5.187 "
    "发电机接地保护",,"generator protection for earthing","5.188 "
    "外壳漏电保护系统",,"frame leakage protection,case ground protection","5.189 "
    "过励磁保护",,"over-excitation protection","5.190 "
    "发电机-变压器单元保护",,"generator-transformer unit protection","5.191 "
    "振荡闭锁",,"power swing blocking","5.192 "
    "微机发电机保护",,"microprocessor based generator protection","5.193 "
    "高阻抗型母线差动保护",,"high-impedance type busbar differential protection","5.194 "
    "中阻抗型母线差动保护",,"middle-impedance type busbar differential protection","5.195 "
    "内联回路",,"interconnected circuit","5.196 "
    "微机母线保护",,"microprocessor based busbar protection","5.197 "
    "变压器电流差动保护",,"transformer current differential protection","5.198 "
    "定时限保护",,"definite time protection,independent time-lag protection","5.199 "
    "反时限保护",,"inverse time protection","5.200 "
    "过电流保护",,"over-current protection","5.201 "
    "低电压保护",,"under voltage protection","5.202 "
    "过电压保护",,"overvoltage protection","5.203 "
    "微机变压器保护",,"microprocessor based transformer protection","5.204 "
    "微机电动机保护",,"microprocessor base motor protection","5.205 "
    "失电压保护",,"loss-of-voltage protection","5.206 "
    "功率方向保护",,"directional power protection","5.207 "
    "方向比较式纵联保护",,"direction comparison protection system","5.208 "
    "* 相差保护",,"phase comparison protection system","5.209 "
    "相位比较式纵联保护",,"phase comparison protection system","5.209 "
    "电流差动式纵联保护",,"current differential protection","5.210 "
    "纵联保护",,"pilot protection,line longitudinal protection","5.211 "
    "横联差动保护",,"transverse differential protection","5.212 "
    "超范围式纵联保护",,"overreach pilot protection","5.213 "
    "欠范围式纵联保护",,"underreach pilot protection","5.214 "
    "允许式纵联保护",,"permissive mode pilot protection","5.215 "
    "闭锁式纵联保护",,"blocking mode pilot protection","5.216 "
    "多段式距离保护",,"multi-stage distance protection,multi-zone distance protection","5.217 "
    "过范围闭锁式距离保护",,"overreach blocking distance protection","5.218 "
    "过范围允许式距离保护",,"permissive overreach distance protection","5.219 "
    "欠范围允许式距离保护",,"permissive underreach distance protection","5.220 "
    "光纤纵联保护系统",,"optical link pilot protection system","5.221 "
    "微波纵联保护系统",,"microwave pilot protection system","5.222 "
    "线载波纵联保护系统",,"power line carrier pilot protection system","5.223 "
    "方向电流保护",,"directional current protection","5.224 "
    "方向距离保护",,"directional distance protection","5.225 "
    "导引线保护",,"pilot wire protection","5.226 "
    "电流速断保护",,"instantaneous current protection,current quick-breaking protection","5.227 "
    "后加速保护",,"accelerated protection after fault","5.228 "
    "微机线路保护",,"microprocessor based transmission line protection","5.229 "
    "单相自动重合",,"single phase automatic reclosing","5.230 "
    "三相自动重合",,"three phase automatic reclosing","5.231 "
    "延时自动重合",,"delayed automatic reclosing","5.232 "
    "同步检定",,"synchronous verification","5.233 "
    "同步并列",,"synchronization","5.234 "
    "综合重合",,"composite auto-reclosing","5.235 "
    "快速自动重合",,"high speed automatic reclosing","5.236 "
    "顺序重合",,"sequential reclosing","5.237 "
    "闭锁重合",,"lockout reclosing","5.238 "
    "禁止重合",,"inhibit reclosing","5.239 "
    "重合失败",,"unsuccessful reclosing","5.240 "
    "一次重合闸",,"single shot reclosing","5.241 "
    "多次重合闸",,"multiple shot reclosing","5.242 "
    "无电压检定",,"non-voltage verification","5.243 "
    "无电压时间",,"dead time","5.244 "
    "自动重合断开时间",,"auto-reclose open time","5.245 "
    "复归时间",,"reclaim time","5.246 "
    "自动重合中断时间",,"auto-reclose interruption time","5.247 "
    "自动切换装置",,"automatic switching control equipment","5.248 "
    "自动重合闸装置",,"automatic reclosing equipment","5.249 "
    "微机型重合闸装置",,"microprocessor based auto-reclosing equipment","5.250 "
    "自动控制装置",,"automatic control equipment","5.251 "
    "自动失步控制装置",,"automatic out of step control equipment","5.252 "
    "电力系统安全自动装置",,"power system automatic safety control device,special protection system","5.253 "
    "自动同步装置",,"automatic synchronizing unit","5.254 "
    "同步装置",,"synchronizer unit","5.255 "
    "备用电源自动投入装置",,"automatic bus transfer equipment","5.256 "
    "预告信号装置",,"alert signal device,alarm signal device","5.257 "
    "故障自动记录装置",,"automatic fault recording device","5.258 "
    "自动低频减载装置",,"automatic under frequency load shedding device","5.259 "
    "同步检查装置",,"synchronism detection unit,synchrocheck unit","5.260 "
    "自动失压跳闸装置",,"automatic loss of voltage tripping equipment","5.261 "
    "故障定位器",,"fault locator","5.262 "
    "故障记录器",,"fault recorder","5.263 "
    "故障录波器",,"fault oscillograph","5.264 "
    "动态系统监测",,"dynamic system monitoring","5.265 "
    "按电压降低自动减负荷",,"automatic under voltage load shedding","5.266 "
    "* 低压自动减载",,"automatic under voltage load shedding","5.266 "
    "自动负荷恢复装置",,"automatic load restoration equipment","5.267 "
    "微机型自动准同步装置",,"microprocessor based auto-quasi-synchronizing equipment","5.268 "
    "直流输电系统保护",,"protection of HVDC system","5.269 "
    "换流器保护",,"convertor protection","5.270 "
    "直流电压异常保护",,"DC voltage abnormality protection","5.271 "
    "直流线路故障定位装置",,"DC transmission line fault locator","5.272 "
    "电力系统通信",,"power system communication","6.001 "
    "电力线载波通信",,"power line carrier communication","6.002 "
    "光纤通信",,"optic-fiber communication","6.003 "
    "微波[中继]通信",,"microwave relay communication","6.004 "
    "无线电通信",,"radio communication","6.005 "
    "数字通信",,"digital communication","6.006 "
    "卫星通信",,"satellite communication","6.007 "
    "电力调度通信系统",,"power dispatching communication system","6.008 "
    "电力系统调度信息",,"information for power system dispatching","6.009 "
    "电力系统调度管理",,"dispatching management of power system","6.010 "
    "电力系统分层控制",,"hierarchical control of power system","6.011 "
    "控制中心",,"control center","6.012 "
    "调度管理体制",,"dispatching management institution","6.013 "
    "电力系统负荷预测",,"load forecast of power system","6.014 "
    "调度命令",,"dispatching command","6.015 "
    "电力系统经济调度",,"economic dispatching of power system","6.016 "
    "互联电力系统经济调度",,"economic dispatching of interconnected power systems","6.017 "
    "电力系统调度模拟屏",,"power system dispatching mimic board","6.018 "
    "电力系统调度自动化",,"automation of power system dispatching","6.019 "
    "电力系统负荷曲线",,"load curve of power system","6.020 "
    "等微增率调度",,"equal incremental dispatching","6.021 "
    "* 控制站",,"master station,controlling station","6.022 "
    "主站",,"master station,controlling station","6.022 "
    "从站",,"outstation,controlled station","6.023 "
    "* 子站",,"outstation,controlled station","6.023 "
    "远动",,"telecontrol","6.024 "
    "遥信",,"teleindication,telesignalization","6.025 "
    "* 远程信号",,"teleindication,telesignalization","6.025 "
    "遥测",,"telemetering","6.026 "
    "* 远程测量",,"telemetering","6.026 "
    "遥控",,"telecommand","6.027 "
    "* 远程命令",,"telecommand","6.027 "
    "遥调",,"teleadjusting","6.028 "
    "* 远程调节",,"teleadjusting","6.028 "
    "远动配置",,"telecontrol configuration","6.029 "
    "多点共线配置",,"multipoint-partyline configuration","6.030 "
    "远程监视",,"telemonitoring","6.031 "
    "远程切换",,"teleswitching","6.032 "
    "远程指令",,"teleinstruction","6.033 "
    "电力系统远动技术",,"telecontrol technique for power system","6.034 "
    "事故追忆",,"post disturbance review","6.035 "
    "调度规程",,"dispatching regulation","6.036 "
    "调度自动化计算机系统",,"computer system of dispatching automation","6.037 "
    "集中站",,"concentrator station","6.038 "
    "电力系统状态信息",,"state information of power system","6.039 "
    "监控与数据采集系统",,"supervisory control and data acquisition,SCADA","6.040 "
    "数据完整性",,"data integrity","6.041 "
    "数据通信",,"data communication","6.042 "
    "启停式远动传输",,"start-stop telecontrol transmission","6.043 "
    "* 异步远动传输",,"asynchronous telecontrol transmission","6.043 "
    "同步远动传输",,"synchronous telecontrol transmission","6.044 "
    "模拟通信",,"analogue communication","6.045 "
    "远程累计",,"telecounting,transmission of integrated total","6.046 "
    "肯定认可",,"positive acknowledgement","6.047 "
    "否定认可",,"negative acknowledgement","6.048 "
    "监视信息",,"monitored information","6.049 "
    "状态信息",,"state information","6.050 "
    "双态信息",,"binary state information","6.051 "
    "事件信息",,"event information","6.052 "
    "返回信息",,"return information","6.053 "
    "增量信息",,"incremental information","6.054 "
    "单点信息",,"single-point information","6.055 "
    "双点信息",,"double-point information","6.056 "
    "中间状态信息",,"intermediate state information","6.057 "
    "故障状态信息",,"fault state information","6.058 "
    "* 瞬间信息",,"fleeting information,transient information","6.059 "
    "速变信息",,"fleeting information,transient information","6.059 "
    "持续信息",,"persistent information","6.060 "
    "组合告警",,"group alarm","6.061 "
    "总告警",,"common alarm","6.062 "
    "远动命令",,"command in telecontrol","6.063 "
    "单命令",,"single command","6.064 "
    "双命令",,"double command","6.065 "
    "脉冲命令",,"pulse command","6.066 "
    "保持命令",,"maintained command","6.067 "
    "持续命令",,"persistent command","6.068 "
    "调节命令",,"adjusting command","6.069 "
    "设定命令",,"set-point command","6.070 "
    "步进调节命令",,"regulating step command,step-by-step adjusting command","6.071 "
    "* 增量命令",,"incremental command","6.071 "
    "选择命令",,"selection command","6.072 "
    "组命令",,"group command","6.073 "
    "广播命令",,"broadcast command","6.074 "
    "* 标准命令",,"instruction command,standard command","6.075 "
    "指示命令",,"instruction command,standard command","6.075 "
    "功能命令",,"function command","6.076 "
    "选择并执行命令",,"select and execute command","6.077 "
    "传输差错警报",,"transmission error alarm","6.078 "
    "信号质量检测",,"signal quality detection","6.079 "
    "事件分辨力",,"separating capacity,discrimination","6.080 "
    "绝对时标",,"absolute chronology,time tagging","6.081 "
    "* 时标",,"absolute chronology,time tagging","6.081 "
    "集中绝对时标",,"centralized absolute chronology","6.082 "
    "自发传输",,"spontaneous transmission","6.083 "
    "循环传输",,"cyclic transmission","6.084 "
    "按请求传输",,"transmission on demand","6.085 "
    "判决反馈传输",,"transmission with decision feedback","6.086 "
    "信息反馈传输",,"transmission with information feedback","6.087 "
    "静态远动系统",,"quiescent telecontrol system","6.088 "
    "* 查询式远动系统",,"polling telecontrol system,interrogative telecontrol system","6.089 "
    "问答式远动系统",,"polling telecontrol system,interrogative telecontrol system","6.089 "
    "* 共用电路远动系统",,"channel selecting telecontrol system,common diagram telecontrol system","6.090 "
    "通道可选远动系统",,"channel selecting telecontrol system,common diagram telecontrol system","6.090 "
    "比特差错率",,"bit error rate","6.091 "
    "块差错率",,"block error rate","6.092 "
    "无功功率与电压最优控制",,"reactive power and voltage optimized control","6.093 "
    "信息丢失率",,"rate of information loss","6.094 "
    "信息传送率",,"information transfer rate","6.095 "
    "信息传送效率",,"information transfer efficiency","6.096 "
    "信息容量",,"information capacity","6.097 "
    "总响应时间",,"overall response time","6.098 "
    "总传送时间",,"overall transfer time","6.099 "
    "远动传送时间",,"telecontrol transfer time","6.100 "
    "平均传送时间",,"average transfer time","6.101 "
    "更新时间",,"updating time,refresh time","6.102 "
    "* 刷新时间",,"updating time,refresh time","6.102 "
    "安全性",,"security","6.103 "
    "安全约束调度",,"security constrained dispatch","6.104 "
    "能量管理系统",,"energy management system,EMS","6.105 "
    "* 负荷频率控制",,"load-frequency control","6.106 "
    "自动发电控制",,"automatic generation control,AGC","6.106 "
    "一致性测试",,"conformance testing","6.107 "
    "电力系统元件",,"power system element","6.108 "
    "电力系统事故",,"contingency in power system","6.109 "
    "状态估计器",,"state estimator","6.110 "
    "在线静态安全分析",,"on-line steady state security analysis","6.111 "
    "告警",,"alarm","6.112 "
    "自适应频率控制",,"adaptive control of frequency","6.113 "
    "残留差错率",,"residual error rate","6.114 "
    "启动时间",,"start time","6.115 "
    "再启动时间",,"restart time","6.116 "
    "通信运行管理",,"operation management of communication","6.117 "
    "部分电量竞争模式",,"partial energy competition","6.118 "
    "* 有限电量竞争模式",,"limited energy competition","6.118 "
    "差价合同",,"contract for difference","6.119 "
    "垂直垄断模式",,"vertically integrated monopoly","6.120 "
    "单向差价合同",,"unidirectional contract for difference","6.121 "
    "单一购买者模式",,"single-buyer","6.122 "
    "电力交易",,"power trading","6.123 "
    "电力金融交易",,"financial power trading","6.124 "
    "电力联营[机构]",,"power pool","6.125 "
    "电力实物交易",,"physical power trading","6.126 "
    "电力市场",,"electricity market","6.127 "
    "电力市场模式",,"electricity market model","6.128 "
    "多边交易",,"multilateral trading","6.129 "
    "发电竞争模式",,"generation competition","6.130 "
    "发电权转让交易",,"generation right transfer trading","6.131 "
    "* 发电侧市场",,"generation market","6.132 "
    "发电市场",,"generation market","6.132 "
    "分次竞价",,"sequential bidding","6.133 "
    "分时竞价",,"time period bidding","6.134 "
    "合同交易",,"contract trading","6.135 "
    "交易方式",,"trading manner","6.136 "
    "交易类型",,"trading classification","6.137 "
    "竞价",,"bidding","6.138 "
    "可中断远期合同",,"interruptible forward contract","6.139 "
    "灵活电力合同",,"flexible power contract","6.140 "
    "零售竞争模式",,"retail competition","6.141 "
    "批发竞争模式",,"wholesale competition","6.142 "
    "区域电力市场",,"regional electricity market","6.143 "
    "全电量竞争模式",,"whole energy competition","6.144 "
    "现货交易",,"spot trading","6.145 "
    "日前交易",,"day-ahead trading","6.146 "
    "* 日前现货交易",,"day-ahead trading","6.146 "
    "时前交易",,"hour-ahead trading","6.147 "
    "* 小时前交易",,"hour-ahead trading","6.147 "
    "交易时段",,"trading period","6.148 "
    "实时交易",,"real-time trading","6.149 "
    "授权差价合同",,"authorized contract for difference","6.150 "
    "双边差价合同",,"bilateral contract for difference","6.151 "
    "双边交易",,"bilateral trading","6.152 "
    "双向差价合同",,"bidirectional contract for difference","6.153 "
    "物理输电权",,"physical transmission right","6.154 "
    "大用户",,"large customer","6.155 "
    "电力零售商",,"power retailer","6.156 "
    "电力经纪人",,"power broker","6.157 "
    "独立发电商",,"independent power producer,IPP","6.158 "
    "配电商",,"power distributor","6.159 "
    "* 电力交易中心",,"market operator","6.160 "
    "市场运营机构",,"market operator","6.160 "
    "市场主体",,"market entity","6.161 "
    "* 电力系统调度机构",,"power system operator","6.162 "
    "系统运行机构",,"power system operator","6.162 "
    "用户",,"customer","6.163 "
    "报价曲线",,"bid curve","6.164 "
    "出清电量",,"clearing energy","6.165 "
    "撮合",,"make a match","6.166 "
    "单部投标",,"single-part bidding","6.167 "
    "单次投标",,"one-off bidding,static bidding","6.168 "
    "* 静态投标",,"one-off bidding,static bidding","6.168 "
    "单段报价",,"single-block bidding,continuous bidding","6.169 "
    "* 连续报价",,"single-block bidding,continuous bidding","6.169 "
    "电力转运",,"power wheeling","6.170 "
    "调度价格",,"dispatching price","6.171 "
    "调度时段",,"dispatch interval","6.172 "
    "迭代投标",,"iterative bidding,dynamic bidding","6.173 "
    "* 动态投标",,"iterative bidding,dynamic bidding","6.173 "
    "多部投标",,"multi-part bidding","6.174 "
    "多段报价",,"multi-block bidding","6.175 "
    "* 发电调整计划",,"generation re-scheduling","6.176 "
    "发电再计划",,"generation re-scheduling","6.176 "
    "非竞价机组",,"non-bidding units","6.177 "
    "非竞争电量",,"non-competition energy","6.178 "
    "高低匹配法",,"high and low matching method","6.179 "
    "合同电量分解",,"contract energy decomposition","6.180 "
    "机组启动费用",,"cost of unit start-up","6.181 "
    "计划合同电量",,"scheduled contract energy","6.182 "
    "竞价机组",,"bidding unit","6.183 "
    "* 竞价电量",,"bidding energy","6.184 "
    "竞价空间",,"bidding energy","6.184 "
    "竞争电量",,"competition energy","6.185 "
    "可用输电容量",,"available transfer capacity,ATC","6.186 "
    "年度合同上网电量",,"annual contract on-grid energy","6.187 "
    "强制运行机组",,"must-run unit","6.188 "
    "上网电量",,"on-grid energy","6.189 "
    "下网电量",,"off-grid energy","6.190 "
    "输电阻塞",,"transmission congestion","6.191 "
    "阻塞费用",,"congestion cost","6.192 "
    "阻塞管理",,"congestion management","6.193 "
    "阻塞盈余",,"congestion surplus","6.194 "
    "网络安全校核",,"grid security check","6.195 "
    "网络安全约束",,"grid security constraint","6.196 "
    "网损分摊",,"loss allocation","6.197 "
    "网损系数",,"loss factor","6.198 "
    "* 网损因子",,"loss factor","6.198 "
    "* 网损换算",,"loss conversion","6.199 "
    "网损折算",,"loss conversion","6.199 "
    "无约束交易计划",,"un-constrained trading schedule","6.200 "
    "有约束交易计划",,"constrained trading schedule","6.201 "
    "预调度计划",,"pre-dispatching schedule","6.202 "
    "约束增出力机组",,"constrained-on unit","6.203 "
    "约束减出力机组",,"constrained-off unit","6.204 "
    "备用服务",,"reserve service","6.205 "
    "辅助服务",,"ancillary service","6.206 "
    "黑启动服务",,"black start service","6.207 "
    "基本辅助服务",,"elementary ancillary service","6.208 "
    "可中断服务",,"interruptible service","6.209 "
    "无功调节服务",,"reactive power service","6.210 "
    "* 无功支持服务",,"reactive power service","6.210 "
    "有偿辅助服务",,"commercial ancillary service","6.211 "
    "按报价结算",,"pay-as-bid settlement,PAB","6.212 "
    "按边际价格结算",,"settlement based on system marginal price","6.213 "
    "边际成本定价",,"marginal cost pricing","6.214 "
    "长期边际成本定价",,"long-run marginal cost pricing","6.215 "
    "边界潮流法",,"boundary flow method","6.216 "
    "短期边际成本定价",,"short-run marginal cost pricing","6.217 "
    "潮流跟踪法",,"power flow tracing method","6.218 "
    "内部收益率",,"internal rate of return,IRR","6.219 "
    "电费",,"electricity fee","6.220 "
    "电网有效资产",,"valid grid assets","6.221 "
    "电价",,"electricity price","6.222 "
    "* 电度电价",,"energy price","6.223 "
    "电量电价",,"energy price","6.223 "
    "丰枯电价",,"flood season-dry season price","6.224 "
    "峰谷电价",,"peak-valley price","6.225 "
    "* 峰谷分时电价",,"peak-valley price","6.225 "
    "辅助服务费",,"ancillary service charge","6.226 "
    "可靠性电价",,"reliability price","6.227 "
    "高可靠性电价",,"high-reliability price","6.228 "
    "可中断电价",,"interruptible price","6.229 "
    "* 可中断负荷电价",,"interruptible price","6.229 "
    "共用网络服务价格",,"common transmission service tariff","6.230 "
    "合同电价",,"contract price","6.231 "
    "* 合约电价",,"contract price","6.231 "
    "合同路径法",,"contract-path method","6.232 "
    "互供电价",,"interchange price","6.233 "
    "还本付息电价",,"capital and interest price","6.234 "
    "* 财务成本定价",,"embedded cost pricing","6.235 "
    "会计成本定价",,"embedded cost pricing","6.235 "
    "季节电价",,"seasonal price","6.236 "
    "经营期电价",,"return rate price","6.237 "
    "加权平均资本成本",,"weighted average cost of capital,WACC","6.238 "
    "交易保证金",,"security deposit","6.239 "
    "交易服务费",,"trading service charges","6.240 "
    "节点电价法",,"nodal pricing","6.241 "
    "区域电价法",,"zonal pricing","6.242 "
    "结算清单",,"invoice","6.243 "
    "结算账户",,"settlement account","6.244 "
    "结算质疑",,"settlement inquiry","6.245 "
    "结算周期",,"settlement interval","6.246 "
    "可用发电容量",,"available capacity","6.247 "
    "一部制电价",,"one-part tariff","6.248 "
    "两部制电价",,"two-part tariff","6.249 "
    "配电电价",,"distribution price","6.250 "
    "平衡账户",,"balancing account","6.251 "
    "容量电价",,"capacity price","6.252 "
    "上网电价",,"on-grid price","6.253 "
    "实时电价",,"real-time price","6.254 "
    "市场出清电价",,"market clearing price","6.255 "
    "输电电价",,"transmission price","6.256 "
    "输配电价",,"transmission-distribution price","6.257 "
    "现货价格",,"spot price","6.258 "
    "销售电价",,"retail price","6.259 "
    "邮票法",,"postage stamp method","6.260 "
    "兆瓦公里法",,"MW-kilometer method","6.261 "
    "逐线计算法",,"line-by-line calculation method","6.262 "
    "专项服务价格",,"exclusive service tariff","6.263 "
    "电网接入价",,"grid access tariff","6.264 "
    "专用输电工程服务价",,"service tariff of exclusive transmission project","6.265 "
    "联网价",,"interconnection tariff","6.266 "
    "准许收入",,"permitted revenue","6.267 "
    "报表及电子杂志服务器",,"report and electronic magazine server","6.268 "
    "报价数据",,"bidding process data","6.269 "
    "报价员名称",,"bidder's name","6.270 "
    "报价员权限",,"privilege of bidder","6.271 "
    "报价员通信信息",,"contact information of bidder","6.272 "
    "报价员有效期",,"bidder's duration of validity","6.273 "
    "报价员注册信息",,"register information of bidder","6.274 "
    "长期交易计划数据",,"long-term transaction schedule data","6.275 "
    "长期交易子系统",,"long-term trade subsystem,LTS","6.276 "
    "短期交易子系统",,"short-term trade subsystem,STS","6.277 "
    "电力市场运营系统",,"electricity market operation system,EMOS","6.278 "
    "电力市场运营系统故障恢复时间",,"restoration time after system failure","6.279 "
    "电能量计量系统",,"tele-meter reading system,TMRS","6.280 "
    "调度管理信息系统",,"dispatching management information system,DMIS","6.281 "
    "FTP服务器",,"file transfer protocol server","6.282 "
    "合同管理子系统",,"contract management subsystem,CMS","6.283 "
    "结算管理子系统",,"settlement & billing subsystem,SBS","6.284 "
    "竞价机组注册信息",,"register information of bidding unit","6.285 "
    "历史数据服务器",,"historical data server","6.286 "
    "日前交易子系统",,"day-ahead trade subsystem,DATS","6.287 "
    "实时交易子系统",,"real-time trade subsystem,RTS","6.288 "
    "实时数据服务器",,"real-time data server","6.289 "
    "市场成员注册信息",,"register information of market participant","6.290 "
    "市场分析子系统",,"market analysis subsystem,MAS","6.291 "
    "数据申报子系统",,"data process subsystem,DPS","6.292 "
    "系统正常情况下备份周期",,"backup cycle in normal condition of the system","6.293 "
    "信息发布更新时间",,"data release update time","6.294 "
    "信息发布子系统",,"information publishing subsystem,IPS","6.295 "
    "用户接入时间",,"user connection time","6.296 "
    "用户浏览响应时间",,"response time for user browsing","6.297 "
    "保密信息",,"confidential information","6.298 "
    "贝恩指数",,"Bain index","6.299 "
    "被动监管",,"passive regulation","6.300 "
    "边际机组形成率",,"formation rate of marginal generation unit","6.301 "
    "单个电厂形成最高限价的比率",,"formation rate of price cap by single power plant","6.302 "
    "不可抗力",,"irresistible force","6.303 "
    "串谋",,"collusion","6.304 "
    "电力监管机构",,"power regulation agency","6.305 "
    "电力市场监管",,"electricity market regulation","6.306 "
    "电力业务许可证制度",,"license system for electric power business","6.307 "
    "非法投机行为",,"illegal speculation","6.308 "
    "高价中标率",,"high price winning ratio","6.309 "
    "公开信息",,"public information","6.310 "
    "供给剩余系数",,"residual supply index,RSI","6.311 "
    "价格边际成本指数",,"price cost margin index","6.312 "
    "价格监管",,"price regulation","6.313 "
    "价格上限监管法",,"price cap regulation","6.314 "
    "价格听证",,"public price hearing","6.315 "
    "价格指数监管法",,"price index regulation","6.316 "
    "勒纳指数",,"Lerner index","6.317 "
    "强制运行率",,"must-run ratio","6.318 "
    "熵系数指标",,"entropy coefficient","6.319 "
    "申报充足率",,"bid sufficiency,BS","6.320 "
    "申报价格策略指标",,"price bidding strategy index","6.321 "
    "申报容量策略指标",,"capacity bidding strategy index","6.322 "
    "申报最高限价时的中标率",,"bid-winning rate for price cap bidding","6.323 "
    "市场出清价的上下限",,"ceiling and floor of market clearing price","6.324 "
    "市场干预",,"market intervention","6.325 "
    "市场供需比",,"supply-demand ratio","6.326 "
    "* 赫氏指数",,"Herfindahl-Hirschman index,HHI","6.327 "
    "市场集中度指数",,"Herfindahl-Hirschman index,HHI","6.327 "
    "市场竞争度指标",,"market competition rate","6.328 "
    "市场有序性指标",,"orderly index","6.329 "
    "* 市场操纵力",,"market power","6.330 "
    "市场力",,"market power","6.330 "
    "市场中止",,"market suspension","6.331 "
    "市场准入制度",,"market entry certification system","6.332 "
    "私有信息",,"private information","6.333 "
    "Top-m份额",,"Top-m share","6.334 "
    "投标竞价的上下限",,"ceiling and floor of bidding price","6.335 "
    "投资回报率监管法",,"regulation of rate of return on investment","6.336 "
    "信息不对称",,"information asymmetry","6.337 "
    "信息披露",,"information disclosure","6.338 "
    "质量监管",,"quality regulation","6.339 "
    "最高限价到达率",,"ceiling price topping ratio","6.340 "
    "最小/最大市场份额比",,"min/max index","6.341 "
    "[市场]风险",,"risk","6.342 "
    "套期保值",,"hedging","6.343 "
    "期货合同",,"futures contract","6.344 "
    "远期合同",,"forward contract","6.345 "
    "期权交易",,"option trading","6.346 "
    "期权合同",,"option contract","6.347 "
    "保证金制度",,"margin rule","6.348 "
    "初始保证金",,"initial margin","6.349 "
    "价格变动保证金",,"variation margin","6.350 "
    "维持保证金",,"maintenance margin","6.351 "
    "基差风险",,"basis risk","6.352 "
    "日最大负荷利用小时",,"daily maximum load utilization hours","6.353 "
    "日最大负荷",,"maximum daily load","6.354 "
    "日最小负荷",,"minimum daily load","6.355 "
    "最大负荷出现时间",,"occurrence time of maximum load","6.356 "
    "最小负荷出现时间",,"occurrence time of minimum load","6.357 "
    "检修间隔",,"maintenance interval","6.358 "
    "事故检修",,"outage repair","6.359 "
    "机组经济运行参数",,"unit economic parameter","6.360 "
    "机组技术数据",,"unit technical data","6.361 "
    "机组启停时间",,"start-up & shutdown time of generation unit","6.362 "
    "可调小时",,"feasible hours","6.363 "
    "可调出力",,"feasible capacity","6.364 "
    "零起升压",,"stepping up from zero voltage","6.365 "
    "实际有功出力曲线",,"actual active power output curve","6.366 "
    "实际无功出力曲线",,"actual reactive power output curve","6.367 "
    "备用容量曲线",,"reserve capacity curve","6.368 "
    "火力发电机组",,"thermal power generating units","7.001 "
    "蒸汽动力发电机组",,"steam power generating units","7.002 "
    "低压机组",,"low pressure units","7.003 "
    "中压机组",,"medium pressure units","7.004 "
    "高压机组",,"high pressure units","7.005 "
    "超高压机组",,"superhigh pressure units","7.006 "
    "亚临界压力机组",,"subcritical pressure units","7.007 "
    "超临界压力机组",,"supercritical pressure units","7.008 "
    "超超临界压力机组",,"ultra-supercritical pressure units","7.009 "
    "发电厂",,"power plant,power station","7.010 "
    "* 火电厂",,"thermal power plant,fossil-fired power plant","7.011 "
    "火力发电厂",,"thermal power plant,fossil-fired power plant","7.011 "
    "* 热电厂",,"co-generation power plant,combined heat and power station","7.012 "
    "热电联产电厂",,"co-generation power plant,combined heat and power station","7.012 "
    "燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电厂",,"gas-steam combined cycle power plant","7.013 "
    "分散式发电装置",,"distributed power generation facilities","7.014 "
    "* 坑口电厂",,"pithead power plant","7.015 "
    "矿口电厂",,"pithead power plant","7.015 "
    "路口电厂",,"power plant on railway hub","7.016 "
    "港口电厂",,"port power plant","7.017 "
    "垃圾电厂",,"garbage-burning power plant","7.018 "
    "基荷电厂",,"base load power plant","7.019 "
    "峰荷电厂",,"peak load power plant","7.020 "
    "孤立电厂",,"isolated power plant","7.021 "
    "移动电站",,"portable power plant","7.022 "
    "发电车",,"truck-mounted power plant","7.023 "
    "船舶电站",,"ship-mounted power plant,floating power station","7.024 "
    "煤电基地",,"coal and electricity production base","7.025 "
    "煤电联营",,"coal and electricity production joint venture","7.026 "
    "发电厂厂用电率",,"service power rate of power plant,auxiliary power consumption rate of power plant","7.027 "
    "标准煤",,"standard coal","7.028 "
    "* 发电煤耗",,"gross coal consumption rate","7.029 "
    "发电煤耗率",,"gross coal consumption rate","7.029 "
    "* 供电煤耗",,"net coal consumption rate","7.030 "
    "供电煤耗率",,"net coal consumption rate","7.030 "
    "火力发电厂热效率",,"thermal efficiency of fossil-fired power plant","7.031 "
    "* 发电热耗",,"heat consumption rate of electricity generation","7.032 "
    "发电热耗率",,"heat consumption rate of electricity generation","7.032 "
    "发电热效率",,"thermal efficiency of electricity generation","7.033 "
    "* 供电热耗",,"heat consumption rate of electricity supply","7.034 "
    "供电热耗率",,"heat consumption rate of electricity supply","7.034 "
    "供电热效率",,"thermal efficiency of electricity supply","7.035 "
    "发电厂供电成本",,"cost of power supply of power plant","7.036 "
    "发电厂供热成本",,"cost of heat supply of power plant","7.037 "
    "火力发电机组动态特性",,"dynamic characteristics of thermal generating units","7.038 "
    "设计工况",,"design condition","7.039 "
    "经济工况",,"economic condition","7.040 "
    "两班制运行",,"two-shift cycling operation","7.041 "
    "间断运行",,"intermittent operation","7.042 "
    "火力发电厂设计",,"thermal power plant engineering and design","7.043 "
    "火力发电厂标准设计",,"standard design of thermal power plant","7.044 "
    "火力发电厂建厂条件",,"thermal power plant site condition","7.045 "
    "火力发电厂总体规划",,"overall plot plan of thermal power plant","7.046 "
    "火力发电厂厂区规划",,"site plot plan of thermal power plant","7.047 "
    "厂前区",,"plant front area","7.048 "
    "火力发电厂总平面布置",,"general layout of thermal power plant","7.049 "
    "横向布置",,"transverse arrangement of turbogenerator unit","7.050 "
    "纵向布置",,"longitudinal arrangement of turbogenerator unit","7.051 "
    "露天布置",,"open-air arrangement,outdoor arrangement","7.052 "
    "半露天布置",,"semi-enclosed arrangement,semi-outdoor arrangement","7.053 "
    "火力发电厂生产建筑物",,"power production building of thermal power plant","7.054 "
    "火力发电厂主厂房",,"main power building of thermal power plant","7.055 "
    "火力发电厂主厂房布置",,"main power building arrangement of thermal power plant","7.056 "
    "主厂房结构设计",,"structure design of main power building","7.057 "
    "主厂房建筑设计",,"architecture design of main power building","7.058 "
    "主厂房基础",,"foundation of main power building","7.059 "
    "主厂房抗震",,"anti-seismic design of main power building","7.060 "
    "火力发电厂自动化",,"automation of thermal power plant","7.061 "
    "保温和防冻",,"thermal insulation and antifreeze","7.062 "
    "采暖通风和空气调节",,"heating,ventilation and air conditioning","7.063 "
    "母管制系统",,"common header system","7.064 "
    "火力发电厂施工",,"construction of thermal power plant","7.065 "
    "保温混凝土",,"thermal insulation concrete","7.066 "
    "耐火混凝土",,"refractory concrete","7.067 "
    "耐火材料",,"refractory material","7.068 "
    "烟囱工程",,"chimney works","7.069 "
    "冷却塔工程",,"cooling tower works","7.070 "
    "起重机械",,"hoisting machine","7.071 "
    "地基处理",,"subsoil improvement","7.072 "
    "桩基施工",,"pile foundation construction","7.073 "
    "混凝土施工",,"concrete work","7.074 "
    "主厂房结构施工",,"main power building structure construction","7.075 "
    "取水构筑物",,"water intake structure","7.076 "
    "钢筋混凝土循环水管",,"reinforced concrete circulating water pipe","7.077 "
    "岸边水泵房",,"bank side pump house","7.078 "
    "输煤建筑物",,"coal handling structure","7.079 "
    "火力发电厂辅助厂房和构筑物",,"auxiliary building and structure of thermal power plant","7.080 "
    "火力发电厂附属建筑物",,"supplementary buildings of thermal power plant","7.081 "
    "集中控制室装修施工",,"central control room finishing installation","7.082 "
    "火力发电厂运行",,"operation of thermal power plant","7.083 "
    "火力发电厂状态检修",,"condition based of thermal power plant","7.084 "
    "火电工程开工条件",,"condition for starting thermal power construction","7.085 "
    "火电工程建设准备",,"preparation for thermal power construction","7.086 "
    "火电工程施工准备",,"preparation for starting thermal power construction","7.087 "
    "火力发电厂生产准备",,"preparation for production of thermal power plant","7.088 "
    "设备寿命管理",,"equipment life management","7.089 "
    "设备诊断技术",,"equipment diagnosis technique","7.090 "
    "设备更新改造",,"equipment rehabilitation","7.091 "
    "设备全过程管理",,"whole process management of equipment","7.092 "
    "电,热产品成本分析",,"cost analysis of heat and electricity production","7.093 "
    "电,热产品成本分摊",,"cost sharing between heat and electricity production","7.094 "
    "燃料",,"fuel","8.001 "
    "化石燃料",,"fossil fuel","8.002 "
    "动力燃料",,"fuel for power generation","8.003 "
    "固体燃料",,"solid fuel","8.004 "
    "煤",,"coal","8.005 "
    "原煤",,"raw coal","8.006 "
    "褐煤",,"lignite,brown coal","8.007 "
    "烟煤",,"bituminous coal","8.008 "
    "无烟煤",,"anthracite","8.009 "
    "贫煤",,"meager coal","8.010 "
    "硬煤",,"hard coal","8.011 "
    "* 油母页岩",,"oil shale","8.012 "
    "油页岩",,"oil shale","8.012 "
    "煤矸石",,"gangue,refuse in coal","8.013 "
    "精煤",,"cleaned coal","8.014 "
    "中煤",,"middling coal","8.015 "
    "高品位煤",,"high grade coal","8.016 "
    "中品位煤",,"medium grade coal","8.017 "
    "低品位煤",,"low grade coal","8.018 "
    "特大块煤",,"ultra large coal","8.019 "
    "大块煤",,"large coal","8.020 "
    "中块煤",,"medium-sized coal","8.021 "
    "小块煤",,"small coal","8.022 "
    "粒煤",,"pea coal","8.023 "
    "混块煤",,"mixed lump coal","8.024 "
    "混中块煤",,"mixed medium sized coal","8.025 "
    "混煤",,"mixed coal","8.026 "
    "末煤",,"slack coal","8.027 "
    "选煤",,"washed coal","8.028 "
    "筛选煤",,"screened coal","8.029 "
    "煤泥",,"slime coal","8.030 "
    "煤粉",,"coal fines","8.031 "
    "含矸率",,"refuse content","8.032 "
    "燃料管理",,"fuel management","8.033 "
    "燃料质量监督",,"fuel quality supervision","8.034 "
    "煤质分析",,"coal analysis","8.035 "
    "工业分析",,"proximate analysis","8.036 "
    "元素分析",,"ultimate analysis,elementary analysis","8.037 "
    "全水分",,"total moisture","8.038 "
    "外在水分",,"surface moisture","8.039 "
    "内在水分",,"inherent moisture","8.040 "
    "最高内在水分",,"moisture holding capacity","8.041 "
    "挥发分",,"volatile matter","8.042 "
    "灰分",,"ash content","8.043 "
    "固定碳",,"fixed carbon","8.044 "
    "燃料比",,"fuel ratio","8.045 "
    "弹筒发热量",,"bomb calorific value,calorific value determination in a bomb calorimeter","8.046 "
    "低位发热量",,"net calorific value,low heating value","8.047 "
    "高位发热量",,"gross calorific value,high heating value","8.048 "
    "灰熔融性",,"ash fusion characteristic,ash fusibility","8.049 "
    "变形温度",,"deformation temperature","8.050 "
    "软化温度",,"softening temperature","8.051 "
    "半球温度",,"hemispherical temperature","8.052 "
    "流动温度",,"flow temperature","8.053 "
    "收到基",,"as received basis","8.054 "
    "* 应用基",,"as received basis","8.054 "
    "空气干燥基",,"air dried basis","8.055 "
    "干[燥]基",,"dry basis","8.056 "
    "干燥无灰基",,"dry ash-free basis","8.057 "
    "干燥无矿物质基",,"dry mineral-free basis","8.058 "
    "恒湿无灰基",,"moist ash-free basis","8.059 "
    "恒湿无矿物质基",,"moist mineral matter-free basis","8.060 "
    "全硫",,"total sulfur","8.061 "
    "有机硫",,"organic sulfur","8.062 "
    "无机硫",,"inorganic sulfur,mineral sulfur","8.063 "
    "硫酸盐硫",,"sulfate sulfur","8.064 "
    "硫铁矿硫",,"pyritic sulfur","8.065 "
    "煤灰成分分析",,"ash analysis of coal","8.066 "
    "灰黏度",,"ash viscosity","8.067 "
    "煤质特性分析",,"coal characteristic analysis","8.068 "
    "煤可磨性指数",,"grindability index of coal","8.069 "
    "哈氏可磨性指数",,"Hardgrove grindability index","8.070 "
    "煤非常规[特性]分析",,"unconventionality analysis of coal","8.071 "
    "煤磨损指数",,"coal abrasiveness index","8.072 "
    "结焦性",,"coking property","8.073 "
    "结渣性",,"clinkering property","8.074 "
    "碱酸比",,"alkali/acid ratio","8.075 "
    "着火温度",,"ignition temperature","8.076 "
    "堆密度",,"bulk density","8.077 "
    "视相对密度",,"apparent relative density","8.078 "
    "真相对密度",,"true relative density","8.079 "
    "商品煤",,"commercial coal","8.080 "
    "商品煤样",,"sample for commercial coal","8.081 "
    "批",,"lot","8.082 "
    "采样单元",,"sampling unit","8.083 "
    "采样",,"sampling","8.084 "
    "分样",,"partial coal sample","8.085 "
    "多份采样",,"reduplicate sampling","8.086 "
    "系统抽样",,"systematic sampling","8.087 "
    "棋盘法",,"chessboard","8.088 "
    "人工采样",,"manual sampling","8.089 "
    "机械采样",,"mechanical sampling","8.090 "
    "发电用煤机械采制样装置",,"mechanical power coal sampling equipment","8.091 "
    "* 机械采制样装置",,"mechanical power coal sampling equipment","8.091 "
    "自动采煤样装置",,"automatic coal sampling device","8.092 "
    "随机采样",,"random sampling","8.093 "
    "采样工具",,"sampling instrument","8.094 "
    "采样器",,"sampler","8.095 "
    "煤样",,"coal sample","8.096 "
    "总样",,"gross coal sample","8.097 "
    "子样",,"increment","8.098 "
    "分析煤样",,"coal sample for general analysis","8.099 "
    "实验室煤样",,"coal sample for laboratory","8.100 "
    "全水分煤样",,"coal sample for determining total moisture","8.101 "
    "入厂煤样",,"coal sample as received","8.102 "
    "入炉煤样",,"coal sample as fired","8.103 "
    "标准煤样",,"certified reference coal","8.104 "
    "煤样破碎",,"coal sample crush","8.105 "
    "煤样筛分",,"coal sample sieving","8.106 "
    "煤样缩分",,"coal sample division","8.107 "
    "堆锥四分法",,"coning and quartering","8.108 "
    "九点取样法",,"nine point picking out","8.109 "
    "条带截取法",,"strip intercepting","8.110 "
    "二分器",,"riffle","8.111 "
    "煤样制备",,"coal sample preparation","8.112 "
    "留样",,"reserved coal sample","8.113 "
    "存查样",,"coal sample for back-check","8.114 "
    "弃样",,"rejected coal sample","8.115 "
    "煤场",,"coal yard","8.116 "
    "煤场设备",,"coal yard equipment","8.117 "
    "输煤系统",,"coal handling system","8.118 "
    "翻车机",,"car tippler","8.119 "
    "螺旋卸车机",,"screw unloader","8.120 "
    "卸煤槽",,"coal discharging chute","8.121 "
    "缝式煤槽",,"slot type coal hopper","8.122 "
    "解冻室",,"thawing room","8.123 "
    "链斗卸车机",,"bucket chain unloader","8.124 "
    "堆取料[煤]机",,"stacker-reclaimer","8.125 "
    "门式抓煤机",,"gate type coal grab","8.126 "
    "桥式抓煤机",,"bridge type coal grab","8.127 "
    "履带式抓煤机",,"crawler grab","8.128 "
    "带式输送机",,"belt conveyer,coal conveyer belt","8.129 "
    "* 皮带输煤机",,"belt conveyer,coal conveyer belt","8.129 "
    "输煤栈桥",,"coal transporting trestle","8.130 "
    "输煤隧道",,"coal transporting tunnel","8.131 "
    "干煤棚",,"indoor coal storage yard,dry coal shed","8.132 "
    "落地煤仓",,"ground coal bin","8.133 "
    "全封闭圆形煤场",,"hermetic circular coal storage","8.134 "
    "圆形煤场堆取料机",,"stacker-reclaimer for circular coal storage","8.135 "
    "筒仓",,"silo","8.136 "
    "储煤",,"coal storage","8.137 "
    "* 存煤",,"coal storage","8.137 "
    "振动筛",,"vibrating screen","8.138 "
    "碎煤机",,"coal crusher,crusher","8.139 "
    "锤式碎煤机",,"hammer crusher","8.140 "
    "辊式碎煤机",,"roll crusher","8.141 "
    "环锤式碎煤机",,"ring hammer crusher","8.142 "
    "刮板给煤机",,"scraper feeder","8.143 "
    "圆盘给煤机",,"disc coal feeder","8.144 "
    "振动给煤机",,"vibrating coal feeder","8.145 "
    "磁铁分离器",,"magnetic separator","8.146 "
    "* 电磁分离器",,"magnetic separator","8.146 "
    "木块分离器",,"wood block separator","8.147 "
    "木屑分离器",,"wood scrap separator","8.148 "
    "入厂煤",,"coal as received","8.149 "
    "入炉煤",,"coal as fired","8.150 "
    "输煤耗电率",,"power consumption rate of coal handling","8.151 "
    "煤仓",,"coal bunker","8.152 "
    "* 原煤仓",,"coal bunker","8.152 "
    "配煤",,"fuel blending","8.153 "
    "配煤合格率",,"qualified rate of coal blending","8.154 "
    "燃料计量",,"fuel measurement","8.155 "
    "电子皮带秤",,"electronic belt scale","8.156 "
    "轨道衡",,"weigh bridge","8.157 "
    "检车率",,"rate of railway car inspection","8.158 "
    "煤尘",,"coal dust","8.159 "
    "煤自燃",,"spontaneous combustion of coal","8.160 "
    "煤尘爆炸",,"coal dust explosion","8.161 "
    "燃料系统粉尘治理",,"dust management of coal handling system","8.162 "
    "自卸式底开门车",,"bottom dump hopper car","8.163 "
    "煤驳",,"coal barge","8.164 "
    "管道水力输煤",,"pipeline transport of coal slurry","8.165 "
    "液体燃料",,"liquid fuel","8.166 "
    "气体燃料",,"gas fuel","8.167 "
    "燃料油",,"fuel oil","8.168 "
    "* 轻油",,"light fuel oil","8.169 "
    "轻质燃料油",,"light fuel oil","8.169 "
    "* 重油",,"heavy fuel oil","8.170 "
    "重质燃料油",,"heavy fuel oil","8.170 "
    "天然气",,"natural gas","8.171 "
    "高炉煤气",,"blast furnace gas","8.172 "
    "焦炉煤气",,"coke oven gas","8.173 "
    "液化天然气",,"liquefied natural gas,LNG","8.174 "
    "水煤浆",,"coal water slurry,CWS","8.175 "
    "油煤浆",,"coal oil mixture,COM","8.176 "
    "燃油设备",,"fuel oil equipment","8.177 "
    "储油罐",,"oil tank","8.178 "
    "* 油库",,"oil tank","8.178 "
    "燃油加热器",,"fuel oil heater","8.179 "
    "燃油过滤器",,"fuel oil filter","8.180 "
    "回油系统",,"recirculating system of fuel oil","8.181 "
    "凝点",,"solidifying point","8.182 "
    "闪点",,"flash point","8.183 "
    "燃油燃点",,"fire point of oil","8.184 "
    "锅炉",,"boiler","9.001 "
    "蒸汽锅炉",,"steam boiler,steam generator","9.002 "
    "锅炉机组",,"boiler unit","9.003 "
    "电站锅炉",,"power plant boiler,utility boiler","9.004 "
    "固定式锅炉",,"stationary boiler","9.005 "
    "自然循环锅炉",,"natural circulation boiler","9.006 "
    "锅筒锅炉",,"drum boiler","9.007 "
    "* 汽包锅炉",,"drum boiler","9.007 "
    "直流锅炉",,"once-through boiler","9.008 "
    "* 辅助循环锅炉",,"assisted circulation boiler","9.009 "
    "控制循环锅炉",,"controlled circulation boiler","9.009 "
    "* 强制循环锅炉",,"forced circulation boiler","9.009 "
    "复合循环锅炉",,"combined circulation boiler","9.010 "
    "低循环倍率锅炉",,"low circulation ratio boiler","9.011 "
    "低压锅炉",,"low pressure boiler","9.012 "
    "中压锅炉",,"medium pressure boiler","9.013 "
    "高压锅炉",,"high pressure boiler","9.014 "
    "超高压锅炉",,"superhigh pressure boiler","9.015 "
    "亚临界压力锅炉",,"subcritical pressure boiler","9.016 "
    "超临界压力锅炉",,"supercritical pressure boiler","9.017 "
    "固体燃料锅炉",,"solid fuel-fired boiler","9.018 "
    "液体燃料锅炉",,"liquid fuel-fired boiler","9.019 "
    "燃煤锅炉",,"coal-fired boiler","9.020 "
    "煤粉锅炉",,"pulverized coal-fired boiler","9.021 "
    "燃油锅炉",,"oil-fired boiler","9.022 "
    "燃气锅炉",,"gas-fired boiler","9.023 "
    "混烧锅炉",,"multi-fuel-fired boiler","9.024 "
    "* 废热锅炉",,"waste heat boiler","9.025 "
    "余热锅炉",,"heat recovery boiler","9.025 "
    "固态排渣锅炉",,"boiler with dry-bottom furnace","9.026 "
    "液态排渣锅炉",,"boiler with slag-tap furnace,wet bottom boiler","9.027 "
    "旋风炉",,"cyclone fired boiler","9.028 "
    "平衡通风锅炉",,"balanced draft boiler","9.029 "
    "微正压锅炉",,"pressurized boiler","9.030 "
    "增压锅炉",,"supercharged boiler","9.031 "
    "П型锅炉",,"П-type boiler,two-pass boiler","9.032 "
    "T型锅炉",,"T-type boiler","9.033 "
    "塔式锅炉",,"tower boiler","9.034 "
    "启动锅炉",,"auxiliary boiler","9.035 "
    "露天锅炉",,"outdoor boiler","9.036 "
    "半露天锅炉",,"semi-outdoor boiler","9.037 "
    "垃圾锅炉",,"refuse boiler,garbage-fired boiler","9.038 "
    "U型火焰锅炉",,"U-flame boiler","9.039 "
    "W型火焰锅炉",,"W-flame boiler","9.040 "
    "基本负荷锅炉",,"base load boiler","9.041 "
    "尖峰负荷锅炉",,"peak load boiler","9.042 "
    "设计煤种",,"design coal","9.043 "
    "校核煤种",,"check coal","9.044 "
    "煤粉的着火特性",,"ignition characteristic of pulverized coal,ignitability of coal","9.045 "
    "煤粉气流着火温度",,"ignition temperature of pulverized coal-air mixture flow","9.046 "
    "煤粉的燃尽特性",,"burning-out characteristic of pulverized coal","9.047 "
    "* 煤的结渣特性",,"slagging characteristics of coal ash","9.048 "
    "煤灰的结渣特性",,"slagging characteristics of coal ash","9.048 "
    "炉膛结渣倾向",,"furnace slagging tendency","9.049 "
    "给水温度",,"feedwater temperature","9.050 "
    "额定蒸汽压力",,"rated steam pressure","9.051 "
    "额定蒸汽温度",,"rated steam temperature","9.052 "
    "* 额定蒸发量",,"rated capacity","9.053 "
    "锅炉额定出力",,"boiler rating,boiler rated load,BRL","9.053 "
    "锅炉经济连续出力",,"economical continuous rating,ECR","9.054 "
    "* 经济连续蒸发量",,"economical continuous rating,ECR","9.054 "
    "锅炉最大连续出力",,"boiler maximum continuous rating,BMCR","9.055 "
    "* 锅炉最大连续蒸发量",,"boiler maximum continuous rating,BMCR","9.055 "
    "锅炉输入热功率",,"boiler heat input","9.056 "
    "锅炉设计性能",,"boiler design performance","9.057 "
    "炉膛设计压力",,"furnace enclosure design pressure","9.058 "
    "燃料消耗量",,"fuel consumption","9.059 "
    "计算燃料消耗量",,"calculated fuel consumption","9.060 "
    "炉膛出口烟气温度",,"furnace exit gas temperature","9.061 "
    "热风温度",,"hot air temperature","9.062 "
    "炉膛",,"furnace","9.063 "
    "炉膛轮廓尺寸",,"furnace configuration dimension","9.064 "
    "* 炉膛容积",,"effective furnace volume","9.065 "
    "炉膛有效容积",,"effective furnace volume","9.065 "
    "炉膛断面积",,"furnace cross-section area","9.066 "
    "炉膛特征参数",,"furnace characteristic parameter","9.067 "
    "燃烧器区炉壁面积",,"furnace wall area around the burner zone","9.068 "
    "炉膛容积放热强度",,"furnace volume heat release rate","9.069 "
    "* 炉膛容积热负荷",,"furnace volume heat release rate","9.069 "
    "炉膛断面放热强度",,"furnace cross-section heat release rate,furnace plan heat release rate","9.070 "
    "* 炉膛断面热负荷",,"furnace cross-section heat release rate,furnace plan heat release rate","9.070 "
    "* 炉膛断面热强度",,"furnace cross-section heat release rate,furnace plan heat release rate","9.070 "
    "燃烧器区域壁面放热强度",,"burner zone wall heat release rate","9.071 "
    "* 燃烧器区域壁面热负荷",,"burner zone wall heat release rate","9.071 "
    "炉膛辐射受热面放热强度",,"heat release rate of furnace radiant heating surface","9.072 "
    "承压部件",,"pressure part,pressure element","9.073 "
    "* 受压元件",,"pressure part,pressure element","9.073 "
    "设计压力",,"design pressure","9.074 "
    "最高允许工作压力",,"maximum allowable working pressure","9.075 "
    "最高允许壁温",,"maximum allowable metal temperature","9.076 "
    "锅炉承压部件强度",,"strength of pressure part of boiler","9.077 "
    "炉膛设计瞬态承受压力",,"furnace enclosure transient design pressure","9.078 "
    "* 一次风份额",,"primary air ratio","9.079 "
    "一次风率",,"primary air ratio","9.079 "
    "* 二次风份额",,"secondary air ratio","9.080 "
    "二次风率",,"secondary air ratio","9.080 "
    "* 三次风份额",,"exhaust air rate","9.081 "
    "三次风率",,"exhaust air rate","9.081 "
    "额定供热量",,"rated heat capacity","9.082 "
    "热水温度",,"hot water temperature","9.083 "
    "回水温度",,"return water temperature","9.084 "
    "锅炉本体",,"boiler proper,boiler body","9.085 "
    "锅炉基础",,"boiler foundation","9.086 "
    "锅炉炉墙",,"boiler setting,boiler wall","9.087 "
    "敷管炉墙",,"tube-lined boiler wall","9.088 "
    "锅炉膨胀中心",,"expansion center of boiler","9.089 "
    "膨胀指示器",,"expansion indicator","9.090 "
    "膨胀节",,"expansion joint,expansion piece","9.091 "
    "外护板",,"outer casing","9.092 "
    "锅炉构架",,"boiler structure","9.093 "
    "支吊架",,"suspension and support","9.094 "
    "悬吊式锅炉构架",,"suspended boiler structure","9.095 "
    "支承式锅炉构架",,"supported boiler structure","9.096 "
    "刚性梁",,"buckstay","9.097 "
    "* 燃烧带",,"wall with refractory lining,refractory belt","9.098 "
    "卫燃带",,"wall with refractory lining,refractory belt","9.098 "
    "受热面",,"heating surface","9.099 "
    "对流受热面",,"convection heating surface","9.100 "
    "辐射受热面",,"radiant heating surface","9.101 "
    "蒸发受热面",,"evaporating heating surface","9.102 "
    "上升管",,"riser","9.103 "
    "水冷壁",,"water cooled wall","9.104 "
    "膜式水冷壁",,"membrane wall","9.105 "
    "鳍片管",,"finned tube","9.106 "
    "内螺纹管",,"riffled tube","9.107 "
    "锅炉管束",,"boiler tube bundle","9.108 "
    "管屏",,"tube panel","9.109 "
    "垂直上升管屏",,"riser tube panel","9.110 "
    "水平围绕管圈",,"spirally wound tube","9.111 "
    "* 分配集箱",,"distributing header","9.112 "
    "* 汇集集箱",,"collecting header","9.112 "
    "集箱",,"header","9.112 "
    "* 联箱",,"header","9.112 "
    "下降管",,"downcomer,downtake pipe","9.113 "
    "集中下降管",,"common downcomer","9.114 "
    "下降管流动阻力",,"flow resistance in downcomer","9.115 "
    "防渣管",,"slag screen","9.116 "
    "* 费斯顿管",,"slag screen","9.116 "
    "* 凝渣管",,"slag screen","9.116 "
    "锅筒",,"drum","9.117 "
    "* 汽包",,"drum","9.117 "
    "蛇形管",,"loops","9.118 "
    "过热蒸汽系统",,"superheated steam system","9.119 "
    "过热器",,"superheater,SH","9.120 "
    "对流过热器",,"convection superheater","9.121 "
    "辐射过热器",,"radiant superheater","9.122 "
    "半辐射式过热器",,"semi-radiant superheater","9.123 "
    "包墙管过热器",,"steam cooled wall superheater","9.124 "
    "顶棚过热器",,"steam cooled roof superheater","9.125 "
    "屏式过热器",,"platen superheater","9.126 "
    "* 壁式过热器",,"wall superheater","9.127 "
    "墙式过热器",,"wall superheater","9.127 "
    "再热蒸汽系统",,"reheating steam system","9.128 "
    "再热器",,"reheater,RH","9.129 "
    "汽温调节",,"steam temperature control","9.130 "
    "减温器",,"attemperator,desuperheater","9.131 "
    "面式减温器",,"surface type attemperator","9.132 "
    "汽-汽热交换器",,"biflux heat exchanger","9.133 "
    "* 混合式减温器",,"contact attemperator","9.134 "
    "喷水减温器",,"spray type attemperator,spray type desuperheater","9.134 "
    "省煤器",,"economizer","9.135 "
    "光管省煤器",,"plain tube economizer","9.136 "
    "鳍片管省煤器",,"finned tube economizer","9.137 "
    "肋板省煤器",,"plate gilled economizer","9.138 "
    "* 环状肋片省煤器",,"spiral-finned tube economizer","9.139 "
    "螺旋肋片省煤器",,"spiral-finned tube economizer","9.139 "
    "膜式省煤器",,"membrane economizer","9.140 "
    "安全阀",,"safety valve","9.141 "
    "旁路挡板",,"by-pass damper","9.142 "
    "除灰渣系统",,"ash and slag handling system","9.143 "
    "吹灰器",,"soot blower","9.144 "
    "冷灰斗",,"bottom ash hopper","9.145 "
    "锅炉密封",,"boiler seal","9.146 "
    "除渣设备",,"slag removal equipment","9.147 "
    "锅水循环泵",,"circulating pump","9.148 "
    "* 炉水循环泵",,"circulating pump","9.148 "
    "悬吊管",,"suspend tube","9.149 "
    "双面露光水冷壁",,"division wall","9.150 "
    "启动系统",,"start-up system","9.151 "
    "启动分离器",,"start-up flash tank,vapor liquid separator","9.152 "
    "动力排放阀",,"power control valve,PCV","9.153 "
    "安全泄放阀",,"safety relief valve","9.154 "
    "水位计",,"water level indicator","9.155 "
    "燃烧系统",,"combustion system","9.156 "
    "燃烧方式",,"combustion mode","9.157 "
    "旋风燃烧",,"cyclone-furnace firing,cyclone combustion","9.158 "
    "角式燃烧",,"corner firing,tangential firing","9.159 "
    "* 切向燃烧",,"corner firing,tangential firing","9.159 "
    "* 火室燃烧",,"suspension combustion","9.160 "
    "悬浮燃烧",,"suspension combustion","9.160 "
    "墙式燃烧",,"wall firing,horizontally firing","9.161 "
    "对冲燃烧",,"opposed firing","9.162 "
    "拱式燃烧",,"arch firing","9.163 "
    "* 下射式燃烧",,"down-shot firing","9.163 "
    "* W火焰燃烧",,"W-flame firing","9.164 "
    "双拱燃烧",,"double-arch firing","9.164 "
    "浓淡燃烧",,"dense-lean combustion","9.165 "
    "低氧燃烧",,"low oxygen combustion","9.166 "
    "低氮氧化物燃烧",,"low NOx combustion","9.167 "
    "分级燃烧",,"staged combustion","9.168 "
    "空气分级",,"air staging","9.169 "
    "燃料分级",,"fuel staging","9.170 "
    "燃料分级燃烧",,"fuel staged burning","9.171 "
    "炉膛整体空气分级",,"air staging over burner zone","9.172 "
    "燃烧器",,"burner","9.173 "
    "主燃烧器",,"main burner","9.174 "
    "煤粉燃烧器",,"pulverized coal burner","9.175 "
    "双调风旋流燃烧器",,"dual register burner","9.176 "
    "直流煤粉燃烧器",,"straight-through pulverized coal burner","9.177 "
    "旋流煤粉燃烧器",,"vortex burner,swirl pulverized coal burner","9.178 "
    "* 圆形燃烧器",,"circular burner","9.178 "
    "摆动式燃烧器",,"tilting burner","9.179 "
    "一次风交换旋流燃烧器",,"dual register burner with primary air exchange","9.180 "
    "油燃烧器",,"oil burner","9.181 "
    "气体燃烧器",,"gas burner","9.182 "
    "假想切圆",,"imaginary circle","9.183 "
    "烟气比例调节挡板",,"gas proportioning damper,gas-by-pass damper","9.184 "
    "燃烧器喷口",,"burner nozzle","9.185 "
    "一次风喷口",,"primary air nozzle","9.186 "
    "二次风喷口",,"secondary air nozzle","9.187 "
    "* 乏气喷口",,"exhaust gas nozzle","9.188 "
    "三次风喷口",,"tertiary air nozzle","9.188 "
    "宽调节比一次风喷口",,"wide-range primary air nozzle","9.189 "
    "直[平]流式配风器",,"jet air register","9.190 "
    "旋流式配风器",,"swirl air register","9.191 "
    "燃尽风",,"overfire air,OFA","9.192 "
    "* 燃烧器出力",,"burner heat input rate","9.193 "
    "燃烧器热功率",,"burner heat input rate","9.193 "
    "燃烧效率",,"combustion efficiency","9.194 "
    "燃烧器调节比",,"turndown ratio,burner regulation ratio","9.195 "
    "稳燃器",,"firing stabilizer","9.196 "
    "预燃室",,"precombustion chamber","9.197 "
    "氧化性气氛",,"oxidizing atmosphere","9.198 "
    "还原性气氛",,"reducing atmosphere","9.199 "
    "燃烧设备",,"combustion equipment","9.200 "
    "烟风系统",,"flue gas and air system","9.201 "
    "飞灰复燃装置",,"fly ash reinjection system","9.202 "
    "烟气再循环[调温]",,"gas recirculation","9.203 "
    "风箱",,"wind box","9.204 "
    "[燃油]雾化",,"atomization","9.205 "
    "雾化细度",,"atomized particle size","9.206 "
    "* 机械雾化",,"pressure atomization,mechanical atomization","9.207 "
    "压力雾化",,"pressure atomization,mechanical atomization","9.207 "
    "喷油嘴",,"oil atomizer","9.208 "
    "回油式喷油嘴",,"return flow type oil atomizer","9.209 "
    "介质雾化喷油嘴",,"medium atomized oil nozzle","9.210 "
    "平衡通风",,"balanced draft","9.211 "
    "自然通风",,"natural draft","9.212 "
    "负压通风",,"induced draft","9.213 "
    "正压通风",,"forced draft","9.214 "
    "调风器",,"air register","9.215 "
    "送风机",,"forced draft fan,FDF","9.216 "
    "风道",,"air duct","9.217 "
    "通风阻力",,"draft loss","9.218 "
    "自生通风压头",,"stack draft","9.219 "
    "空气预热器",,"air preheater","9.220 "
    "管式空气预热器",,"tubular air preheater","9.221 "
    "热管空气预热器",,"heat pipe air preheater","9.222 "
    "* 回转式空气预热器",,"regenerative air preheater,rotary air heater","9.223 "
    "再生式回转空气预热器",,"regenerative air preheater,rotary air heater","9.223 "
    "* 容克式空气预热器",,"Ljungstr m-type air heater","9.224 "
    "受热面回转式空气预热器",,"rotating-rotor air heater","9.224 "
    "风罩回转式空气预热器",,"stationary-plate type regenerative air preheater","9.225 "
    "三分仓回转式空气预热器",,"tri-sector air heater","9.226 "
    "直接泄漏",,"direct leakage,infiltration leakage","9.227 "
    "间接泄漏",,"by-pass leakage,entrained leakage","9.228 "
    "* 携带泄漏",,"by-pass leakage,entrained leakage","9.228 "
    "暖风器",,"steam air heater,air heater","9.229 "
    "* 前置预热器",,"steam air heater,air heater","9.229 "
    "一次风",,"primary air","9.230 "
    "一次风机",,"primary air fan,PAF","9.231 "
    "二次风",,"secondary air","9.232 "
    "三次风",,"tertiary air","9.233 "
    "周界风",,"surrounding air","9.234 "
    "* 吸风机",,"induced draft fan,IDF","9.235 "
    "引风机",,"induced draft fan,IDF","9.235 "
    "热风再循环",,"hot air recirculation","9.236 "
    "折焰角",,"furnace arch,furnace nose","9.237 "
    "烟道",,"gas pass,gas flue","9.238 "
    "水平烟道",,"horizontal gas pass","9.239 "
    "垂直烟道",,"vertical gas pass","9.240 "
    "* 锅炉尾部烟道",,"vertical gas pass","9.240 "
    "对流烟道",,"convection gas pass","9.241 "
    "烟气再循环风机",,"gas recirculation fan","9.242 "
    "锅炉汽水系统",,"boiler steam and water circuit","9.243 "
    "锅炉水循环",,"boiler water circulation","9.244 "
    "水循环计算",,"water circulation calculation","9.245 "
    "* 水动力特性试验",,"water circulation test","9.246 "
    "水循环试验",,"water circulation test","9.246 "
    "循环回路",,"circulation circuit","9.247 "
    "循环水速",,"circulation water velocity","9.248 "
    "质量流速",,"mass velocity","9.249 "
    "汽水阻力",,"pressure drop","9.250 "
    "有效净压头",,"available net head","9.251 "
    "运动压头",,"available static head","9.252 "
    "强制循环",,"forced circulation","9.253 "
    "热偏差",,"thermal deviation","9.254 "
    "管间脉动",,"pulsation among tubes","9.255 "
    "临界热流密度",,"critical heat flux density","9.256 "
    "* 流量分配不均匀性",,"hydraulic deviation","9.257 "
    "水力偏差",,"hydraulic deviation","9.257 "
    "锅筒内部装置",,"drum internals","9.258 "
    "* 汽包内部装置",,"drum internals","9.258 "
    "汽水分离",,"steam-water separation","9.259 "
    "机械携带",,"mechanical carry-over","9.260 "
    "溶解携带",,"vaporous carry-over","9.261 "
    "蒸汽净化",,"steam purification","9.262 "
    "蒸汽清洗",,"steam washing","9.263 "
    "给水",,"feedwater","9.264 "
    "补给水",,"make-up water","9.265 "
    "补给水率",,"make-up water rate","9.266 "
    "锅水",,"boiler water","9.267 "
    "* 炉水",,"boiler water","9.267 "
    "水位",,"water level","9.268 "
    "锅内过程",,"inter-boiler process","9.269 "
    "炉内过程",,"combustion process","9.270 "
    "汽水两相流",,"steam-water two phase flow","9.271 "
    "水动力特性",,"hydrodynamic property","9.272 "
    "循环倍率",,"circulation ratio","9.273 "
    "汽塞",,"steam binding,steam blanketing","9.274 "
    "汽水分层",,"separation of two phase fluid","9.275 "
    "循环倒流",,"circulation flow reversal","9.276 "
    "循环停滞",,"circulation flow stagnation","9.277 "
    "沸腾换热恶化",,"boiling crisis","9.278 "
    "汽水共腾",,"priming","9.279 "
    "膜态沸腾",,"film boiling","9.280 "
    "核态沸腾",,"nucleate boiling","9.281 "
    "泡沫共腾",,"foaming","9.282 "
    "质量含汽率",,"steam quality by mass","9.283 "
    "容积含汽率",,"steam quality by volume","9.284 "
    "截面含汽率",,"steam quality by section","9.285 "
    "临界含汽率",,"critical steam content","9.286 "
    "最高壁温处含汽率",,"steam quality at minimum heat transfer coefficient","9.287 "
    "蒸汽湿度",,"steam moisture","9.288 "
    "蒸汽质量",,"steam quality","9.289 "
    "蒸汽质量合格率",,"qualified steam quality ratio","9.290 "
    "再热蒸汽",,"reheat steam","9.291 "
    "再热蒸汽温度",,"reheat steam temperature","9.292 "
    "再热蒸汽压力",,"reheat steam pressure","9.293 "
    "疏水管道坡度",,"drainage pipe slope","9.294 "
    "气固两相流",,"gas-solid two phase flow","9.295 "
    "燃料制备系统",,"fuel preparation system","9.296 "
    "煤粉仓",,"pulverized coal bunker","9.297 "
    "中间储仓式热风送粉系统",,"storage pulverizing system with hot air used as primary air","9.298 "
    "中间储仓式乏气送粉系统",,"storage pulverizing system with exhaust air used as primary air","9.299 "
    "开式制粉系统",,"open pulverizing system","9.300 "
    "半开式制粉系统",,"partial open pulverizing system","9.301 "
    "直吹式制粉系统",,"direct-fired pulverizing system","9.302 "
    "半直吹式制粉系统",,"semi-direct-fired pulverizing system","9.303 "
    "磨煤机基本出力",,"basic capacity of pulverizer","9.304 "
    "* 磨煤机铭牌出力",,"basic capacity of pulverizer","9.304 "
    "* 磨煤机计算出力",,"design capacity of pulverizer,calculated mill capacity","9.305 "
    "磨煤机设计出力",,"design capacity of pulverizer,calculated mill capacity","9.305 "
    "磨煤机通风出力",,"aerated capacity of pulverizer","9.306 "
    "磨煤机干燥出力",,"drying capacity of pulverizer","9.307 "
    "制粉电耗",,"power consumption of pulverizing system","9.308 "
    "双进双出钢球磨煤机",,"double-ended ball mill","9.309 "
    "最大钢球装载量",,"maximum charge of balls","9.310 "
    "最佳钢球装载量",,"optimum charge of balls","9.311 "
    "* 钢球磨煤机",,"tubular ball mill,ball-tube mill","9.312 "
    "筒式磨煤机",,"tubular ball mill,ball-tube mill","9.312 "
    "* 立轴式磨煤机",,"vertical spindle mill","9.313 "
    "中速磨煤机",,"medium speed mill","9.313 "
    "高速磨煤机",,"attrition mill,high speed pulverizer","9.314 "
    "风扇磨煤机",,"fan mill","9.315 "
    "锤击磨煤机",,"hammer mill","9.316 "
    "给煤机",,"coal feeder","9.317 "
    "粗粉分离器",,"mill classifier,classifier","9.318 "
    "惯性分离器",,"inertia separator","9.319 "
    "离心分离器",,"centrifugal separator","9.320 "
    "细粉分离器",,"cyclone collector","9.321 "
    "* 旋风分离器",,"cyclone collector","9.321 "
    "* 动态分离器",,"dynamic mill classifier","9.322 "
    "回转式分离器",,"rotary mill classifier,rotating classifier","9.322 "
    "给粉机",,"pulverized coal feeder","9.323 "
    "煤粉分配器",,"pulverized coal distributor","9.324 "
    "密封风机",,"seal air fan","9.325 "
    "锁气器",,"flap valve,clapper","9.326 "
    "煤粉混合器",,"pulverized coal mixer","9.327 "
    "排粉风机",,"exhauster","9.328 "
    "抽炉烟风机",,"flue gas fan","9.329 "
    "石子煤",,"pulverizer rejects,pyrites","9.330 "
    "煤粉细度",,"fineness","9.331 "
    "煤粉均匀性指数",,"pulverized coal uniformity index","9.332 "
    "流化床",,"fluidized bed","9.333 "
    "流化床燃烧",,"fluidized bed combustion,FBC","9.334 "
    "流化床[燃烧]锅炉",,"fluidized bed combustion boiler","9.335 "
    "循环流化床燃烧",,"circulating fluidized bed combustion,CFBC","9.336 "
    "* 循环床锅炉",,"circulating fluidized bed boiler,CFBB","9.337 "
    "循环流化床锅炉",,"circulating fluidized bed boiler,CFBB","9.337 "
    "常压流化床锅炉",,"atmospheric fluidized bed boiler,AFBB","9.338 "
    "增压流化床锅炉",,"pressurized fluidized bed boiler,PFBB","9.339 "
    "密相区",,"dense-phase zone,emulsion zone","9.340 "
    "稀相区",,"lean-phase zone,splash zone","9.341 "
    "临界流化速度",,"critical fluidized velocity","9.343 "
    "流化速度",,"fluidized velocity","9.344 "
    "炉底布风板",,"air distributor","9.345 "
    "风帽",,"air button,bubbling cap","9.346 "
    "流化床点火装置",,"warm-up facility for FBC boiler","9.347 "
    "回料控制阀",,"loop seal","9.348 "
    "排渣控制阀",,"bottom ash discharge valve","9.349 "
    "惯性分离器",,"inertia separator","9.350 "
    "高温分离器",,"high temperature separator","9.351 "
    "中温分离器",,"medium temperature separator","9.352 "
    "低温分离器",,"low temperature separator","9.353 "
    "水冷旋风分离器",,"water-cooled cyclone separator","9.354 "
    "汽冷旋风分离器",,"steam-cooled cyclone separator","9.355 "
    "* 外置床",,"external heat exchanger,EHE","9.356 "
    "外置床热交换器",,"external heat exchanger,EHE","9.356 "
    "* 外置流化床热交换器",,"external fluidized bed heat exchanger,EFBHE","9.356 "
    "整体化循环物料热交换器",,"integrated recycle heat exchanger bed,INTREX","9.357 "
    "冷渣器",,"bottom ash cooler","9.358 "
    "锅炉机组安装",,"erection of boiler unit","9.359 "
    "锅炉组合安装",,"erection of boiler with pre-assembled pieces","9.360 "
    "锅炉安装组合率",,"rate of pre-assembled pieces in boiler erection","9.361 "
    "通球试验",,"ball-passing test","9.362 "
    "锅炉钢架安装",,"erection of boiler steel structure","9.363 "
    "锅炉本体安装",,"erection of boiler proper","9.364 "
    "锅炉组件吊装[开]口",,"lift opening of assembled pieces","9.365 "
    "锅炉受热面组合件吊装",,"lifting and erection of assembled pieces of boiler heating surface","9.366 "
    "锅筒就位",,"drum erection","9.367 "
    "保温施工",,"construction of thermal insulation","9.368 "
    "锅炉化学清洗",,"chemical cleaning of boiler","9.369 "
    "锅炉蒸汽严密性试验",,"steam leakage test of boiler","9.370 "
    "燃烧系统调整",,"testing of combustion system","9.371 "
    "输灰管线",,"ash transportation piping line","9.372 "
    "锅炉运转层",,"operation level of boiler","9.373 "
    "[锅炉]启动",,"[boiler] start-up","9.374 "
    "启动流量",,"start-up flow rate","9.375 "
    "启动压力",,"start-up pressure","9.376 "
    "冷态启动",,"cold start-up","9.377 "
    "热态启动",,"hot start-up","9.378 "
    "温态启动",,"warm start-up","9.379 "
    "极热态启动",,"very hot start-up","9.380 "
    "上水",,"filling with water","9.381 "
    "炉膛吹扫",,"furnace purge","9.382 "
    "锅炉点火",,"boiler lighting up,ignition","9.383 "
    "点火能量",,"ignition energy","9.384 "
    "点火器",,"igniter","9.385 "
    "电火花点火器",,"electric spark igniter","9.386 "
    "点火装置",,"flame igniter","9.387 "
    "等离子点火",,"plasma igniting","9.388 "
    "点火油枪",,"torch oil gun","9.389 "
    "启动油枪",,"warm-up oil gun","9.390 "
    "点火水位",,"initial water level","9.391 "
    "升压",,"raising pressure","9.392 "
    "滑参数启动",,"sliding pressure/temperature start-up","9.393 "
    "定压启动",,"constant pressure start-up","9.394 "
    "定压-滑压复合运行",,"modified sliding pressure operation","9.395 "
    "升压速度",,"rate of pressure rise","9.396 "
    "* 升温率",,"temperature rise rate","9.397 "
    "升温速度",,"temperature rise rate","9.397 "
    "暖管",,"pipe warm-up","9.398 "
    "锅炉负荷调节范围",,"load range of boiler","9.399 "
    "锅炉经济运行",,"economic operation of boiler","9.400 "
    "最低不投油稳燃负荷",,"boiler minimum stable load without auxiliary fuel support","9.401 "
    "最低稳燃负荷率",,"boiler minimum combustion stable load rate,BMLR","9.402 "
    "喷水量",,"injection flow [rate]","9.403 "
    "锅炉排污",,"boiler blowdown","9.404 "
    "定期排污",,"periodical blowdown","9.405 "
    "连续排污",,"continuous blowdown","9.406 "
    "排污量",,"blowdown flow rate","9.407 "
    "疏水",,"drain","9.408 "
    "吹灰",,"soot blowing","9.409 "
    "安全阀校验",,"safety valve operating test,safety valve adjustment","9.410 "
    "整定压力",,"set pressure","9.411 "
    "起座压力",,"popping pressure","9.412 "
    "回座压力",,"reseating pressure","9.413 "
    "回座压差",,"blowdown","9.414 "
    "前泄压力",,"start-to-discharge pressure","9.415 "
    "排汽量",,"discharge capacity","9.416 "
    "停炉",,"boiler shutdown","9.417 "
    "滑参数停运",,"sliding pressure shutdown","9.418 "
    "停炉保护",,"laying-up protection of boiler","9.419 "
    "充气法养护",,"gas filled boiler protection","9.420 "
    "干法养护",,"dried out boiler protection","9.421 "
    "湿法养护",,"water filled boiler protection","9.422 "
    "煮炉",,"boiling-out","9.423 "
    "烘炉",,"drying-out","9.424 "
    "钝化",,"passivating","9.425 "
    "放水",,"blow-off","9.426 "
    "冲管",,"flushing","9.427 "
    "蒸汽吹管",,"steam line blowing","9.428 "
    "蒸汽加氧吹洗",,"steam purging with oxygen","9.429 "
    "给水质量",,"feedwater condition","9.430 "
    "锅水浓度",,"boiler water concentration","9.431 "
    "* 炉水浓度",,"boiler water concentration","9.431 "
    "液态排渣临界负荷",,"slag tapping critical load in wet bottom furnace","9.432 "
    "水灰比",,"water ash ratio","9.433 "
    "锅炉[热]效率",,"boiler efficiency,boiler thermal efficiency","9.434 "
    "锅炉[热]效率试验",,"boiler efficiency test","9.435 "
    "锅炉正平衡试验",,"boiler direct heat balance test","9.436 "
    "锅炉反平衡试验",,"boiler indirect heat balance test","9.437 "
    "锅炉输入热量",,"boiler heat input","9.438 "
    "锅炉有效利用热量",,"heat output of boiler,effective heat utilization of boiler","9.439 "
    "热损失",,"heat loss","9.440 "
    "排烟温度",,"exhaust gas temperature","9.441 "
    "散热损失",,"heat loss due to radiation","9.442 "
    "排烟热损失",,"heat loss due to exhaust gas,sensible heat loss in exhaust flue gas","9.443 "
    "* 化学未完全燃烧热损失",,"heat loss due to unburned gas,unburned gas heat loss in flue gas","9.444 "
    "气体未完全燃烧热损失",,"heat loss due to unburned gas,unburned gas heat loss in flue gas","9.444 "
    "固体未完全燃烧热损失",,"heat loss due to unburned carbon,unburned carbon heat loss in residue","9.445 "
    "* 机械未完全燃烧热损失",,"heat loss due to unburned carbon,unburned carbon heat loss in residue","9.445 "
    "灰渣物理热损失",,"heat loss due to sensible heat in slag,sensible heat loss in residue","9.446 "
    "* 飞灰含碳量",,"unburned combustible in fly ash,unburned carbon in fly ash","9.447 "
    "飞灰可燃物含量",,"unburned combustible in fly ash,unburned carbon in fly ash","9.447 "
    "* 炉渣含碳量",,"unburned combustible in slag,unburned carbon in slag","9.448 "
    "炉渣可燃物含量",,"unburned combustible in slag,unburned carbon in slag","9.448 "
    "漏煤可燃物含量",,"unburned combustible in sifting","9.449 "
    "燃烧调整试验",,"boiler combustion adjustment test","9.450 "
    "* 燃烧优化试验",,"combustion optimization test","9.450 "
    "锅炉性能试验",,"boiler performance test","9.451 "
    "* 性能考核试验",,"guaranteed performance test","9.451 "
    "* 性能验收试验",,"performance acceptance test","9.451 "
    "锅炉性能鉴定试验",,"boiler performance certificate test","9.452 "
    "炉膛空气动力场试验",,"furnace aerodynamic test","9.453 "
    "制粉系统冷态风平衡试验",,"cold air flow test of pulverizing system","9.454 "
    "漏风试验",,"air leakage test","9.455 "
    "风压试验",,"pressure decay test","9.456 "
    "水压试验",,"hydrostatic test","9.457 "
    "过热器,再热器试验",,"thermal test of superheater & reheater","9.458 "
    "负荷试验",,"load test","9.459 "
    "烟气分析",,"flue gas analysis","9.460 "
    "飞灰",,"fly ash","9.461 "
    "飞灰取样器",,"fly ash sampler","9.462 "
    "奥氏[烟气]分析仪",,"Orsat gas analyzer","9.463 "
    "翼型测风装置",,"aerofoil flow measuring element","9.464 "
    "文丘里测风装置",,"Venturi flow measuring element","9.465 "
    "理论空气量",,"theoretical air","9.466 "
    "理论燃烧温度",,"theoretical combustion temperature,adiabatic combustion temperature","9.467 "
    "过量空气系数",,"excess air ratio","9.468 "
    "漏风系数",,"air leakage factor","9.469 "
    "锅炉灰平衡",,"boiler ash balance","9.470 "
    "漏风率",,"air leakage rate","9.471 "
    "沉降灰",,"saltation ash","9.472 "
    "炉底渣",,"bottom ash","9.473 "
    "炉膛爆燃",,"furnace puff","9.474 "
    "炉膛爆炸",,"furnace explosion","9.475 "
    "炉膛内爆",,"furnace implosion","9.476 "
    "* 灭火",,"flameout,furnace loss of fire","9.477 "
    "熄火",,"flameout,furnace loss of fire","9.477 "
    "脱火",,"blow-off","9.478 "
    "锅炉满水",,"high drum water level","9.479 "
    "锅炉缺水",,"boiler water shortage","9.480 "
    "超温",,"overtemperature","9.481 "
    "爆管",,"tube burst","9.482 "
    "* 四管爆漏",,"tube burst","9.482 "
    "积灰",,"ash deposition","9.483 "
    "堵灰",,"ash clogging","9.484 "
    "结焦",,"coking","9.485 "
    "结渣",,"slagging","9.486 "
    "制粉系统爆炸",,"explosion of pulverized coal preparation system","9.487 "
    "* 尾部二次燃烧",,"flue dust reburning,flue dust secondary combustion","9.488 "
    "尾部烟道再燃烧",,"flue dust reburning,flue dust secondary combustion","9.488 "
    "析铁",,"formation of iron","9.489 "
    "氢爆",,"hydrogen explosion","9.490 "
    "烟气侧沉积物",,"external deposit","9.491 "
    "汽水侧沉积物",,"internal deposit","9.492 "
    "结垢",,"scale formation","9.493 "
    "炉膛出口烟气能量不平衡",,"gas side energy imbalance at furnace exit","9.494 "
    "* 炉膛出口烟气热偏差",,"gas side energy imbalance at furnace exit","9.494 "
    "风机叶轮腐蚀",,"corrosion of draft fan impeller","9.495 "
    "风机叶轮积灰",,"ash deposit on draft fan impeller","9.496 "
    "余热锅炉节点温差",,"heat recovery boiler node difference in temperature","9.497 "
    "* 窄点温差",,"heat recovery boiler node difference in temperature","9.497 "
    "余热锅炉接近点温差",,"heat recovery boiler approach point difference in temperature","9.498 "
    "汽轮机",,"steam turbine","10.001 "
    "凝汽式汽轮机",,"condensing steam turbine","10.002 "
    "背压式汽轮机",,"back pressure steam turbine","10.003 "
    "调节抽汽式汽轮机",,"regulated extraction steam turbine","10.004 "
    "中间再热式汽轮机",,"reheating steam turbine","10.005 "
    "冲动式汽轮机",,"impulse steam turbine","10.006 "
    "反动式汽轮机",,"reaction steam turbine","10.007 "
    "轴流式汽轮机",,"axial flow steam turbine","10.008 "
    "辐流式汽轮机",,"radial flow steam turbine","10.009 "
    "单轴[系]汽轮机",,"tandem compound steam turbine","10.010 "
    "双轴[系]汽轮机",,"cross compound steam turbine","10.011 "
    "前置式汽轮机",,"topping steam turbine","10.012 "
    "高压汽轮机",,"high pressure steam turbine","10.013 "
    "超高压汽轮机",,"superhigh pressure steam turbine","10.014 "
    "亚临界压力汽轮机",,"subcritical pressure steam turbine","10.015 "
    "超临界压力汽轮机",,"supercritical pressure steam turbine","10.016 "
    "空冷式汽轮机组",,"dry [air] cooling steam turbine","10.017 "
    "饱和蒸汽汽轮机",,"saturated steam turbine,wet steam turbine","10.018 "
    "* 湿蒸汽汽轮机",,"saturated steam turbine,wet steam turbine","10.018 "
    "多压式汽轮机",,"multi-pressure steam turbine","10.019 "
    "热电联产汽轮机",,"steam turbine for co-generation","10.020 "
    "地热汽轮机",,"geothermal steam turbine","10.021 "
    "联合循环汽轮机",,"combined cycle steam turbine","10.022 "
    "额定蒸汽参数",,"rated steam condition","10.023 "
    "再热蒸汽参数",,"reheated steam condition","10.024 "
    "排汽参数",,"exhaust steam condition","10.025 "
    "* 蒸汽终参数",,"exhaust steam condition","10.025 "
    "* 额定出力",,"rated power,rated output","10.026 "
    "额定功率",,"rated power,rated output","10.026 "
    "经济功率",,"economic output","10.027 "
    "汽轮机最大连续功率",,"turbine maximum continuous rating,TMCR","10.028 "
    "汽阀全开容量",,"valves wide open capability,VWO","10.029 "
    "最大过负荷容量",,"maximum overload capability","10.030 "
    "汽轮机汽耗率",,"steam rate,specific steam consumption","10.031 "
    "汽轮机净热耗率",,"net heat rate","10.032 "
    "汽轮机-发电机组热效率",,"turbine-generator thermal efficiency","10.033 "
    "主蒸汽流量",,"initial steam flow rate","10.034 "
    "变工况",,"off-design condition","10.035 "
    "汽轮机通流部分",,"flow passage of steam turbine","10.036 "
    "通流部分热力计算",,"flow passage thermodynamic calculation","10.037 "
    "* 汽轮机膨胀过程线",,"thermodynamic process curve,steam turbine condition line","10.038 "
    "热力过程曲线",,"thermodynamic process curve,steam turbine condition line","10.038 "
    "级的热力计算",,"thermodynamic calculation of stage","10.039 "
    "焓降分配",,"distribution of enthalpy drop","10.040 "
    "等熵焓降",,"isentropic enthalpy drop,ideal enthalpy drop","10.041 "
    "* 理想焓降",,"isentropic enthalpy drop,ideal enthalpy drop","10.041 "
    "理想功率",,"ideal power","10.042 "
    "实际焓降",,"actual enthalpy drop","10.043 "
    "速度三角形",,"velocity triangle","10.044 "
    "轮周功率",,"wheel power","10.045 "
    "轴端功率",,"shaft power","10.046 "
    "内功率",,"internal power","10.047 "
    "内效率",,"internal efficiency","10.048 "
    "机械效率",,"mechanical efficiency","10.049 "
    "级",,"stage","10.050 "
    "反动度",,"degree of reaction","10.051 "
    "冲动级",,"impulse stage","10.052 "
    "反动级",,"reaction stage","10.053 "
    "调节级",,"governing stage","10.054 "
    "复速级",,"velocity compounded stage,Curtis stage","10.055 "
    "压力级",,"pressure stage","10.056 "
    "调节级的热力计算",,"thermodynamic calculation of governing stage","10.057 "
    "配汽机构",,"steam distributing gear","10.058 "
    "全周进汽",,"full-arc admission","10.059 "
    "部分进汽",,"partial-arc admission","10.060 "
    "部分进汽度",,"partial-arc admission degree","10.061 "
    "理想速度",,"ideal velocity","10.062 "
    "速比",,"velocity ratio","10.063 "
    "最佳速比",,"optimum velocity ratio","10.064 "
    "流量系数",,"flow coefficient","10.065 "
    "汽轮机级内损失",,"steam turbine stage loss","10.066 "
    "叶栅损失",,"blade cascade loss","10.067 "
    "型面损失",,"profile loss","10.068 "
    "端部损失",,"blade end loss","10.069 "
    "余速损失",,"leaving velocity loss","10.070 "
    "叶轮摩擦损失",,"disc friction loss","10.071 "
    "鼓风损失",,"windage loss","10.072 "
    "弧端损失",,"arc end loss","10.073 "
    "漏汽损失",,"leakage loss","10.074 "
    "湿汽损失",,"moisture loss","10.075 "
    "汽轮机热力系统",,"steam turbine thermodynamic system,steam turbine thermal power system","10.076 "
    "主蒸汽系统",,"main steam system","10.077 "
    "单元制系统",,"unit system","10.078 "
    "切换母管制系统",,"transfer piping main system","10.079 "
    "抽汽系统",,"extraction steam system","10.080 "
    "汽轮机旁路系统",,"steam turbine by-pass system","10.081 "
    "* 一级旁路系统",,"integral by-pass system,one-stage by-pass system","10.082 "
    "整体旁路系统",,"integral by-pass system,one-stage by-pass system","10.082 "
    "高压旁路系统",,"high pressure by-pass system","10.083 "
    "低压旁路系统",,"low pressure by-pass system","10.084 "
    "二级旁路系统",,"two-stage by-pass system","10.085 "
    "高压或整体旁路系统容量",,"capacity of high pressure or integral by-pass system","10.086 "
    "低压旁路系统容量",,"capacity of low pressure by-pass system","10.087 "
    "主凝结水系统",,"main condensate system","10.088 "
    "给水系统",,"feedwater system","10.089 "
    "* 厂用蒸汽系统",,"auxiliary steam system","10.090 "
    "辅助蒸汽系统",,"auxiliary steam system","10.090 "
    "抽空气系统",,"air extraction system","10.091 "
    "供热系统",,"heating supply system","10.092 "
    "汽轮机本体疏水系统",,"drainage system of steam turbine main body","10.093 "
    "汽水管道",,"steam and water piping","10.094 "
    "汽水管道附件",,"steam and water pipe fittings","10.095 "
    "汽轮机本体",,"steam turbine main body","10.096 "
    "汽轮机汽缸",,"steam turbine cylinder","10.097 "
    "排汽缸",,"steam exhaust chamber,steam exhaust hood","10.098 "
    "* 排汽室",,"steam exhaust chamber,steam exhaust hood","10.098 "
    "筒形汽缸",,"barrel type cylinder","10.099 "
    "汽缸的配置",,"cylinder configuration","10.100 "
    "汽缸铸件",,"cylinder casting","10.101 "
    "汽缸组装",,"assembly of cylinder","10.102 "
    "汽缸找正",,"alignment of cylinder","10.103 "
    "汽缸载荷分配",,"load distribution of cylinder","10.104 "
    "汽缸螺栓热紧",,"heating tightening of cylinder flange bolts","10.105 "
    "汽轮机进汽部分",,"steam turbine admission part","10.106 "
    "高压进汽部分",,"high pressure admission parts","10.107 "
    "中压进汽部分",,"intermediate pressure admission parts","10.108 "
    "低压进汽部分",,"low pressure admission parts","10.109 "
    "蒸汽室",,"steam chest","10.110 "
    "喷嘴",,"nozzle","10.111 "
    "喷嘴室",,"nozzle chamber","10.112 "
    "主汽阀",,"main stop valve","10.113 "
    "调节[汽]阀",,"governing valve,control valve","10.114 "
    "再热主汽阀",,"reheat stop valve","10.115 "
    "再热调节[汽]阀",,"intercept valve","10.116 "
    "联合汽阀",,"combined valve","10.117 "
    "调节抽汽阀",,"regulating extraction steam valve","10.118 "
    "再热联合汽阀",,"combined reheat valve","10.119 "
    "预启阀",,"equalizing valve","10.120 "
    "抽汽逆止阀",,"extraction check valve","10.121 "
    "隔板",,"diaphragm","10.122 "
    "焊接式隔板",,"welded diaphragm","10.123 "
    "旋转式隔板",,"rotating diaphragm","10.124 "
    "隔板套",,"diaphragm carrier ring","10.125 "
    "去湿装置",,"moisture removal device,moisture catcher","10.126 "
    "静叶环",,"stator blade ring","10.127 "
    "静叶环套",,"stator blade carrier ring","10.128 "
    "动静部分碰磨",,"collision between rotary and static parts","10.129 "
    "隔板损坏",,"diaphragm damage","10.130 "
    "汽缸法兰结合面变形处理",,"repair of deformed surface of turbine cylinder flange","10.131 "
    "汽缸裂纹处理",,"repair of cylinder cracks","10.132 "
    "支承方式",,"type of supports","10.133 "
    "滑销系统",,"sliding key system","10.134 "
    "* 固定点",,"anchor point,dead point","10.135 "
    "死点",,"anchor point,dead point","10.135 "
    "* 机组死点",,"absolute anchor point","10.136 "
    "绝对死点",,"absolute anchor point","10.136 "
    "相对死点",,"relative anchor point","10.137 "
    "汽轮机转子",,"steam turbine rotor","10.138 "
    "转子体",,"rotor without blades","10.139 "
    "套装转子",,"shrunk-on rotor","10.140 "
    "整锻转子",,"integral rotor,monoblock rotor","10.141 "
    "焊接转子",,"welded disc rotor","10.142 "
    "鼓形转子",,"drum rotor","10.143 "
    "* 转鼓",,"drum rotor","10.143 "
    "刚性转子",,"rigid rotor","10.144 "
    "挠性转子",,"flexible rotor","10.145 "
    "转子临界转速",,"rotor critical speed","10.146 "
    "转子共振转速",,"rotor vibration resonance speed","10.147 "
    "转子轴向推力",,"rotor axial thrust","10.148 "
    "振动频谱",,"vibration spectrum","10.149 "
    "转子寿命",,"life of rotor","10.150 "
    "转子温度场",,"rotor temperature field","10.151 "
    "转子应力场",,"rotor stress field","10.152 "
    "动频系数",,"dynamic frequency factor","10.153 "
    "汽轮机-发电机组轴系",,"turbine-generator shaft system","10.154 "
    "轴系扭振",,"torsional vibration of shaft system","10.155 "
    "轴系稳定性",,"shafting stability","10.156 "
    "汽轮机-发电机组振动",,"vibration of turbine-generator set","10.157 "
    "油膜振荡",,"oil whip","10.158 "
    "* 汽流涡动",,"steam flow excited vibration,steam whirl","10.159 "
    "蒸汽激振",,"steam flow excited vibration,steam whirl","10.159 "
    "转子静平衡",,"rotor static balancing","10.160 "
    "转子动平衡",,"rotor dynamic balancing","10.161 "
    "热跑试验",,"hot running test,heat indication test","10.162 "
    "转子找中心",,"alignment of rotor","10.163 "
    "转子裂纹处理",,"treatment of crack in rotor","10.164 "
    "超速",,"overspeed","10.165 "
    "水冲击",,"water induction","10.166 "
    "主轴弯曲",,"shaft distortion","10.167 "
    "断轴",,"rupture and wreck of rotor","10.168 "
    "直轴",,"shaft straightening","10.169 "
    "叶轮",,"bladed disk","10.170 "
    "叶轮强度",,"strength of bladed disk","10.171 "
    "* 轮系振动",,"bladed disk vibration","10.172 "
    "叶轮振动",,"bladed disk vibration","10.172 "
    "平衡孔",,"balancing hole","10.173 "
    "* 平衡活塞",,"balance piston,dummy piston","10.174 "
    "平衡盘",,"balance piston,dummy piston","10.174 "
    "叶轮裂飞",,"disk cracking and bursting-off","10.175 "
    "叶轮应力腐蚀",,"stress corrosion of disk","10.176 "
    "叶轮脆性断裂",,"brittle cracking of disk","10.177 "
    "叶栅",,"blade cascade","10.178 "
    "直叶片",,"straight blade","10.179 "
    "扭叶片",,"twisted blade","10.180 "
    "弯曲叶片",,"bowed blade","10.181 "
    "复合弯扭叶片",,"compound bowed and twisted blade","10.182 "
    "* 倾斜叶片",,"sideling placed blade","10.183 "
    "斜置叶片",,"sideling placed blade","10.183 "
    "后加载叶片",,"aft-loading blade","10.184 "
    "* 末叶片",,"locking blade,final blade","10.185 "
    "锁口叶片",,"locking blade,final blade","10.185 "
    "* 拉金",,"lacing wire","10.186 "
    "拉筋",,"lacing wire","10.186 "
    "* 覆环",,"shroud","10.187 "
    "围带",,"shroud","10.187 "
    "自由叶片",,"free-standing blade","10.188 "
    "整体围带叶片",,"integral shroud blade","10.189 "
    "* 自带冠叶片",,"integral shroud blade","10.189 "
    "叶片振动",,"blade vibration","10.190 "
    "叶片振动类型",,"mode of blade vibration","10.191 "
    "叶片切向弯曲振动",,"blade tangential bending vibration","10.192 "
    "叶片轴向弯曲振动",,"blade axial bending vibration","10.193 "
    "叶片扭转振动",,"blade twist vibration","10.194 "
    "叶片静频率和动频率",,"static frequency and dynamic frequency of blade","10.195 "
    "汽轮机叶片振动强度安全准则",,"safety criteria of blade vibration strength of steam turbine","10.196 "
    "叶片强度",,"strength of blade","10.197 "
    "叶片振动强度",,"vibration strength of blade","10.198 "
    "蒸汽[静]弯应力",,"steam [static] bending stress","10.199 "
    "叶片[离心]拉应力",,"blade centrifugal tensile stress","10.200 "
    "叶片偏心弯应力",,"blade centrifugal bending stress","10.201 "
    "叶片调频",,"blade vibration frequency tuning","10.202 "
    "叶片共振",,"blade resonant vibration","10.203 "
    "叶片疲劳",,"blade fatigue","10.204 "
    "叶片高周疲劳",,"high cycle fatigue of blade","10.205 "
    "叶片低周疲劳",,"low cycle fatigue of blade","10.206 "
    "叶片腐蚀疲劳",,"corrosion fatigue of blade","10.207 "
    "叶片疲劳寿命预估",,"fatigue life prediction of blade","10.208 "
    "末级叶片强度与振动",,"last stage blade strength and vibration","10.209 "
    "叶片损坏及处理",,"blade failure and repair","10.210 "
    "汽封",,"gland and steam sealing system","10.211 "
    "叶片汽封",,"blade seal","10.212 "
    "隔板汽封",,"diaphragm seal","10.213 "
    "轴端汽封",,"shaft gland,shaft end seal","10.214 "
    "* 轴封",,"shaft gland,shaft end seal","10.214 "
    "* 曲径汽封",,"labyrinth gland,labyrinth seal","10.215 "
    "梳齿状迷宫汽封",,"labyrinth gland,labyrinth seal","10.215 "
    "蜂窝式汽封",,"beehive gland,beehive seal","10.216 "
    "自调整汽封",,"self-adjusting gland","10.217 "
    "轴封冷却器",,"gland steam condenser","10.218 "
    "轴封抽汽器",,"gland steam exhauster","10.219 "
    "支承轴承",,"journal bearing","10.220 "
    "* 轴颈轴承",,"journal bearing","10.220 "
    "多油楔轴承",,"multi-oil wedge bearing","10.221 "
    "可倾瓦轴承",,"tilting bearing","10.222 "
    "* 米切尔式径向轴承",,"tilting bearing","10.222 "
    "* 轴承箱",,"bearing pedestal,bearing housing","10.223 "
    "轴承座",,"bearing pedestal,bearing housing","10.223 "
    "推力轴承",,"thrust bearing","10.224 "
    "* 止推轴承",,"thrust bearing","10.224 "
    "可倾瓦块推力轴承",,"tilting pad thrust bearing","10.225 "
    "* 米切尔推力轴承",,"Michell thrust bearing","10.225 "
    "* 推力径向轴承",,"thrust journal bearing","10.226 "
    "推力-轴颈联合轴承",,"thrust journal bearing","10.226 "
    "推力盘",,"thrust collar","10.227 "
    "盘车装置",,"turning gear","10.228 "
    "螺旋轴式盘车装置",,"screw spindle type turning gear","10.229 "
    "链轮-蜗轮蜗杆盘车装置",,"sprocket-worm gear type turning gear","10.230 "
    "高压油顶轴装置",,"high pressure oil jacking equipment","10.231 "
    "* 靠背轮",,"coupling","10.232 "
    "联轴器",,"coupling","10.232 "
    "刚性联轴器",,"rigid coupling","10.233 "
    "半挠性联轴器",,"semi-flexible coupling","10.234 "
    "挠性联轴器",,"flexible coupling","10.235 "
    "联轴器螺栓",,"coupling bolts","10.236 "
    "汽轮机调节系统",,"steam turbine governing system","10.237 "
    "凝汽式汽轮机调节系统",,"condensing steam turbine governing system","10.238 "
    "调节抽汽式汽轮机调节系统",,"regulated extraction turbine governing system","10.239 "
    "背压式汽轮机调节系统",,"back pressure turbine governing system","10.240 "
    "变速汽轮机调节系统",,"variable speed turbine governing system","10.241 "
    "再热式汽轮机调节系统",,"reheating steam turbine governing system","10.242 "
    "机械液压调节系统",,"mechanical hydraulic control system,MHC","10.243 "
    "电气液压调节系统",,"electro-hydraulic control system,EHC","10.244 "
    "电液转换器",,"electro-hydraulic servo valve","10.245 "
    "数字式电液调节系统",,"digital electro-hydraulic control system,DEH","10.246 "
    "模拟式电液调节系统",,"analogical electro-hydraulic control system,AEH","10.247 "
    "汽轮机调速器",,"steam turbine speed governor","10.248 "
    "机械离心式调速器",,"mechanical-centrifugal speed governor","10.249 "
    "液压式调速器",,"hydraulic speed governor","10.250 "
    "* 脉冲泵",,"governor impeller","10.251 "
    "调速泵",,"governor impeller","10.251 "
    "旋转阻尼",,"rotating damper","10.252 "
    "* 旋转阻尼调速器",,"rotating damper","10.252 "
    "电气式调速器",,"electrical speed governor","10.253 "
    "磁阻发生器",,"speed pulser","10.254 "
    "放大器",,"amplifier","10.255 "
    "* 液压伺服装置",,"hydraulic servo-motor","10.256 "
    "油动机",,"hydraulic servo-motor","10.256 "
    "错油门",,"pilot valve","10.257 "
    "* 滑阀",,"pilot valve","10.257 "
    "同步器",,"synchronizer,speed changer","10.258 "
    "* 转速变换器",,"synchronizer,speed changer","10.258 "
    "* 调速马达",,"synchronizer motor","10.259 "
    "同步器电动机",,"synchronizer motor","10.259 "
    "自复位装置",,"automatic runback device","10.260 "
    "负荷限制器",,"load limiter","10.261 "
    "* 功率限制器",,"load limiter","10.261 "
    "调压器",,"pressure regulator","10.262 "
    "主蒸汽压力调节器",,"main steam pressure regulator","10.263 "
    "抽汽压力调节器",,"extraction pressure regulator","10.264 "
    "背压调节器",,"back pressure regulator","10.265 "
    "进汽节流调节",,"steam admission throttle governing","10.266 "
    "进汽喷嘴调节",,"steam admission nozzle governing","10.267 "
    "调节特性",,"governing characteristics","10.268 "
    "静态特性",,"static characteristics","10.269 "
    "动态特性",,"dynamic characteristics","10.270 "
    "转速不等率",,"speed governing droop","10.271 "
    "局部转速不等率",,"incremental speed governing droop","10.272 "
    "迟缓率",,"dead-band","10.273 "
    "汽轮机油系统",,"steam turbine oil system","10.274 "
    "调节油系统",,"control oil system","10.275 "
    "润滑油系统",,"lubricating oil system","10.276 "
    "高压抗燃油系统",,"high-pressure fire resistant oil system","10.277 "
    "主油泵",,"main oil pump","10.278 "
    "启动油泵",,"start-up oil pump,AC stand-by oil pump","10.279 "
    "交流辅助油泵",,"AC auxiliary oil pump","10.280 "
    "直流事故润滑油泵",,"DC emergency oil pump","10.281 "
    "顶轴油泵",,"jacking oil pump","10.282 "
    "* 油涡轮泵",,"booster oil pump","10.283 "
    "增压油泵",,"booster oil pump","10.283 "
    "液压蓄能器",,"hydraulic accumulator","10.284 "
    "注油器",,"oil ejector","10.285 "
    "油箱",,"oil tank","10.286 "
    "油箱排气装置",,"oil tank gas exhauster","10.287 "
    "油位指示器",,"oil level indicator","10.288 "
    "冷油器",,"oil cooler","10.289 "
    "套装油管",,"set of oil piping","10.290 "
    "* 事故油箱",,"emergency tank","10.291 "
    "危急油箱",,"emergency tank","10.291 "
    "汽轮机保安系统",,"steam turbine protection system","10.292 "
    "自动主汽阀",,"automatic main stop valve","10.293 "
    "危急保安器",,"overspeed governor,emergency governor","10.294 "
    "* 危急遮断器",,"overspeed governor,emergency governor","10.294 "
    "手动跳闸装置",,"manual tripping device","10.295 "
    "电超速保护装置",,"electric overspeed tripping device","10.296 "
    "微分加速器",,"differential accelerator","10.297 "
    "窜轴保护",,"axial shaft displacement protection","10.298 "
    "* 轴向位移保护",,"axial shaft displacement protection","10.298 "
    "低油压保护",,"oil failure trip","10.299 "
    "低真空保护",,"low vacuum trip","10.300 "
    "真空破坏器",,"vacuum breaker","10.301 "
    "轴向位移监视器",,"axial shaft displacement monitor","10.302 "
    "胀差监视器",,"differential expansion monitor","10.303 "
    "转子偏心度监视器",,"rotor eccentricity monitor","10.304 "
    "轴/轴承振动监视器",,"shaft/bearing vibration monitor","10.305 "
    "防进水保护",,"anti-water protection","10.306 "
    "低压缸喷水装置",,"low pressure casing spray","10.307 "
    "给水回热系统",,"regenerative feedwater heating system","10.308 "
    "给水加热器",,"feedwater heater","10.309 "
    "混合式加热器",,"mixing heater,direct contact heater","10.310 "
    "* 接触式加热器",,"mixing heater,direct contact heater","10.310 "
    "表面式加热器",,"surface heater","10.311 "
    "管板式加热器",,"tube-in-sheet heater","10.312 "
    "联箱式加热器",,"header type heater","10.313 "
    "螺旋管联箱式加热器",,"coil-tube header type heater","10.314 "
    "蛇形管联箱式加热器",,"serpentine-tube header type heater","10.315 "
    "加热器过热蒸汽冷却区",,"heater desuperheating zone","10.316 "
    "加热器凝汽区",,"heater condensing zone","10.317 "
    "加热器疏水冷却区",,"heater drain cooling zone","10.318 "
    "低压加热器",,"low pressure feedwater heater","10.319 "
    "高压加热器",,"high pressure feedwater heater","10.320 "
    "加热器保护系统",,"protective system of heater","10.321 "
    "疏水调节阀",,"regulated drain valve","10.322 "
    "危急疏水系统",,"emergency drain system","10.323 "
    "给水自动旁路系统",,"automatic feedwater by-pass system","10.324 "
    "超压保护装置",,"overpressure protection device","10.325 "
    "加热器疏水系统",,"heater drain system","10.326 "
    "除氧器",,"deaerator","10.327 "
    "大气式除氧器",,"atmospheric deaerator","10.328 "
    "高压式除氧器",,"high pressure deaerator","10.329 "
    "* 压力式除氧器",,"high pressure deaerator","10.329 "
    "喷雾填料式除氧器",,"spray stuffing type deaerator","10.330 "
    "无除氧头喷雾沸腾式除氧器",,"spray-bubbling [without deaerating head] type deaerator","10.331 "
    "除氧器定压运行",,"fixed pressure operation of deaerator","10.332 "
    "除氧器滑压运行",,"sliding pressure operation of deaerator","10.333 "
    "除氧器额定出力",,"deaerator rated output","10.334 "
    "除氧器瞬时运行工况",,"transient operation condition of deaerator","10.335 "
    "给水泵",,"feedwater pump","10.336 "
    "电动调速给水泵",,"motor-driven variable speed feedwater pump","10.337 "
    "汽动给水泵",,"steam turbine-driven feedwater pump","10.338 "
    "前置泵",,"booster pump","10.339 "
    "汽蚀余量",,"net positive suction head","10.340 "
    "液力联轴器",,"hydraulic coupling,fluid drive coupling","10.341 "
    "* 液力耦合器",,"hydraulic coupling,fluid drive coupling","10.341 "
    "最小流量再循环系统",,"minimum flow recirculating system","10.342 "
    "热网",,"heating network","10.343 "
    "热网加热器",,"heater for heating network","10.344 "
    "* 冷凝器",,"condenser","10.345 "
    "凝汽器",,"condenser","10.345 "
    "表面式凝汽器",,"surface condenser","10.346 "
    "混合式凝汽器",,"mixing condenser","10.347 "
    "* 接触式凝汽器",,"mixing condenser","10.347 "
    "多压式凝汽器",,"multi-pressure condenser","10.348 "
    "* 冷端系统",,"heat sink,cool end system","10.349 "
    "排热系统",,"heat sink,cool end system","10.349 "
    "凝汽器喉部",,"condenser throat","10.350 "
    "冷却水管",,"cooling water tube","10.351 "
    "* 管簇",,"tube bundle","10.352 "
    "管束",,"tube bundle","10.352 "
    "水室",,"water chamber","10.353 "
    "* 凝结水汇集箱",,"hot well","10.354 "
    "热井",,"hot well","10.354 "
    "* 凝结区",,"condensing zone,cooling zone","10.355 "
    "凝汽区",,"condensing zone,cooling zone","10.355 "
    "空气冷却区",,"air cooling zone","10.356 "
    "冷却面积",,"cooling surface area","10.357 "
    "流程数",,"number of pass","10.358 "
    "冷却倍率",,"cooling rate","10.359 "
    "管板",,"tube plate","10.360 "
    "胀管",,"tube expanding","10.361 "
    "真空",,"vacuum","10.362 "
    "真空度",,"vacuum degree","10.363 "
    "凝汽器初始温差",,"initial temperature difference of condenser","10.364 "
    "* 凝汽器端差",,"terminal temperature difference of condenser","10.365 "
    "凝汽器终端温差",,"terminal temperature difference of condenser","10.365 "
    "过冷度",,"supercooling degree","10.366 "
    "凝汽器热力特性",,"thermal characteristics of condenser","10.367 "
    "凝汽器胶球清洗装置",,"sponge ball cleaning device of condenser","10.368 "
    "凝汽器检漏",,"condenser leakage detection","10.369 "
    "抽气设备",,"air extraction equipment","10.370 "
    "射汽抽气器",,"steam jet air ejector","10.371 "
    "射水抽气器",,"water jet air ejector","10.372 "
    "水环式真空泵",,"water ring vacuum pump","10.373 "
    "真空系统严密性检查",,"tightness inspection of vacuum system","10.374 "
    "循环水泵",,"circulating water pump","10.375 "
    "集中供水",,"centralized water supply","10.376 "
    "单元供水",,"unit system water supply","10.377 "
    "凝结水泵",,"condensate pump","10.378 "
    "凝结水升压泵",,"condensate booster pump","10.379 "
    "冷却水系统",,"cooling water system","10.380 "
    "直流冷却水系统",,"once-through cooling water system","10.381 "
    "循环冷却水系统",,"recirculating cooling water system","10.382 "
    "冷却塔",,"cooling tower","10.383 "
    "自然通风冷却塔",,"natural draft cooling tower","10.384 "
    "横流式冷却塔",,"transverse flow cooling tower","10.385 "
    "机械通风冷却塔",,"mechanical draft cooling tower","10.386 "
    "冷却池",,"cooling pond","10.387 "
    "取[地表]水设施",,"surface water intake facilities","10.388 "
    "岸边式取水",,"riparian type water intake","10.389 "
    "河床式取水",,"riverbed type water intake","10.390 "
    "低坎式取水",,"low dam type water intake","10.391 "
    "取地下水设施",,"groundwater intake facilities","10.392 "
    "取水构筑物施工",,"water intake structure construction","10.393 "
    "旋转滤网",,"revolving filter screen","10.394 "
    "二次滤网",,"secondary filter screen","10.395 "
    "反冲洗装置",,"backwashing device","10.396 "
    "干式冷却系统",,"dry cooling system","10.397 "
    "直接干式冷却系统",,"direct dry cooling system","10.398 "
    "* 直接空冷系统",,"direct dry cooling system","10.398 "
    "间接干式冷却系统",,"indirect dry cooling system","10.399 "
    "* 间接空冷系统",,"indirect dry cooling system","10.399 "
    "带混合式凝汽器的间接干式冷却系统",,"indirect dry cooling system with mixed condenser","10.400 "
    "* 海勒系统",,"Heller system","10.400 "
    "带表面式凝汽器的间接干式冷却系统",,"indirect dry cooling system with surface condenser","10.401 "
    "干湿式联合冷却系统",,"dry/wet hybrid cooling system","10.402 "
    "启动调整试验",,"commissioning test","10.403 "
    "汽轮机首次通汽启动",,"initial start-up of steam turbine","10.404 "
    "整套启动试运行",,"commissioning and trial operation of complete unit","10.405 "
    "暖机",,"warm-up","10.406 "
    "[汽轮机]启动",,"[turbine] start-up","10.407 "
    "[汽轮机]冷态启动",,"cold start-up","10.408 "
    "[汽轮机]温态启动",,"warm start-up","10.409 "
    "[汽轮机]热态启动",,"hot start-up","10.410 "
    "[汽轮机]极热态启动",,"very hot start-up","10.411 "
    "高,中压缸联合启动",,"hybrid start-up of high-medium pressure cylinders complex","10.412 "
    "中压缸启动",,"start-up through intermediate pressure cylinder","10.413 "
    "汽轮机启动特性曲线",,"starting characteristic curve of steam turbine","10.414 "
    "胀差",,"differential expansion","10.415 "
    "真空试验",,"vacuum test","10.416 "
    "空负荷试运行",,"trial no-load operation","10.417 "
    "带负荷试运行",,"trial load operation","10.418 "
    "满负荷试运行",,"trial full load operation","10.419 "
    "汽轮机定期运行试验",,"periodic operating test of steam turbine","10.420 "
    "汽轮机超速试验",,"overspeed test of steam turbine","10.421 "
    "汽轮机甩负荷试验",,"load rejection test of steam turbine,load dump test of steam turbine","10.422 "
    "汽轮机停运",,"shutdown of steam turbine","10.423 "
    "冷却停机",,"cooling shutdown","10.424 "
    "破坏真空停机",,"vacuum break shutdown","10.425 "
    "汽轮机滑参数启停",,"sliding parameter start-up and shutdown of steam turbine","10.426 "
    "惰转时间",,"idle time","10.427 "
    "惰走曲线",,"idle curve","10.428 "
    "停机保养",,"maintenance of shutdown steam turbine","10.429 "
    "机组运行方式",,"operating mode of units","10.430 "
    "定压运行",,"constant pressure operation","10.431 "
    "变压运行",,"variable pressure operation","10.432 "
    "[汽轮机]基本负荷运行",,"base load operation","10.433 "
    "寿命",,"life","10.434 "
    "安全运行寿命",,"safe operation life","10.435 "
    "老化",,"ageing","10.436 "
    "汽轮机寿命预测",,"life prediction of steam turbine","10.437 "
    "* 化装板",,"cover enclosure,lagging enclosure","10.438 "
    "罩壳",,"cover enclosure,lagging enclosure","10.438 "
    "保温层",,"lagging,heat insulation layer","10.439 "
    "* 隔热层",,"lagging,heat insulation layer","10.439 "
    "燃气轮机",,"gas turbine","10.440 "
    "燃气轮机发电机组",,"gas turbine-generator set","10.441 "
    "燃气轮机安装",,"gas turbine erection","10.442 "
    "开式循环燃气轮机",,"open-cycle gas turbine","10.443 "
    "闭式循环[燃]气轮机",,"closed-cycle gas turbine","10.444 "
    "简单循环燃气轮机",,"simple cycle gas turbine","10.445 "
    "复杂循环燃气轮机",,"complex cycle gas turbine","10.446 "
    "单轴燃气轮机",,"single-shaft gas turbine","10.447 "
    "多轴燃气轮机",,"multi-shaft gas turbine","10.448 "
    "固定式燃气轮机",,"stationary gas turbine","10.449 "
    "重型燃气轮机",,"heavy-duty gas turbine","10.450 "
    "* 快装式燃气轮机",,"packaged gas turbine","10.451 "
    "箱装式燃气轮机",,"packaged gas turbine","10.451 "
    "注蒸汽燃气轮机",,"steam injection gas turbine,SIGT","10.452 "
    "湿空气透平循环燃气轮机",,"humid air turbine cycle gas turbine,HAT","10.453 "
    "压缩空气蓄能燃气轮机",,"compressed air energy storage gas turbine,CAES","10.454 "
    "自由活塞燃气轮机机组",,"free piston gas turbine","10.455 "
    "微型燃气轮机",,"micro gas turbine","10.456 "
    "先进燃气轮机系统",,"advanced turbine system,ATS","10.457 "
    "燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组",,"gas-steam combined cycle unit","10.458 "
    "无补燃式联合循环机组",,"un-fired combined cycle unit","10.459 "
    "补燃式联合循环机组",,"supplementary fired combined cycle unit","10.460 "
    "排气全燃式联合循环机组",,"fully fired combined cycle unit","10.461 "
    "给水加热式联合循环机组",,"feedwater heating type heat recovery combined cycle unit","10.462 "
    "增压锅炉式联合循环机组",,"supercharged boiler and gas turbine combined cycle unit","10.463 "
    "增压流化床燃烧联合循环机组",,"pressurized fluidized bed combustion combined cycle units,PFBC-CC","10.464 "
    "单轴联合循环机组",,"single-shaft type combined cycle unit","10.465 "
    "多轴联合循环机组",,"multi-shaft type combined cycle unit","10.466 "
    "单压蒸汽循环联合循环机组",,"combined cycle unit with single pressure level steam cycle","10.467 "
    "多压蒸汽循环联合循环机组",,"combined cycle unit with multi-pressure level steam cycle","10.468 "
    "整体煤气化联合循环机组",,"integrated gasification combined cycle,IGCC","10.469 "
    "老厂的联合循环增容改造",,"retrofitting and repowering old steam power plant with combined cycle","10.470 "
    "蒸汽空气比",,"steam-air ratio","10.471 "
    "蒸燃功比",,"steam-gas power ratio","10.472 "
    "燃气轮机额定输出功率",,"rated output of gas turbine","10.473 "
    "新和清洁状态",,"new and clean condition","10.474 "
    "标准参考条件",,"standard reference condition","10.475 "
    "燃气轮机标准额定输出功率",,"standard rated output of gas turbine","10.476 "
    "燃气轮机最大连续功率",,"maximum continuous power of gas turbine","10.477 "
    "燃气轮机现场额定输出功率",,"site rated output of gas turbine","10.478 "
    "燃气轮机尖峰负荷额定输出功率",,"peak load rated output of gas turbine","10.479 "
    "燃气轮机备用尖峰负荷额定输出功率",,"reserve peak load rated output of gas turbine","10.480 "
    "燃气轮机基本负荷额定输出功率",,"base load rated output of gas turbine","10.481 "
    "燃气轮机半基本负荷额定输出功率",,"semi-base load rated output of gas turbine","10.482 "
    "燃气轮机输出功率限制",,"output limit of gas turbine","10.483 "
    "燃气轮机修正输出功率",,"corrected output of gas turbine","10.484 "
    "燃气轮机热力性能试验",,"gas turbine thermodynamic performance test","10.485 "
    "燃气轮机输出功率性能图",,"gas turbine output performance diagram","10.486 "
    "燃气轮机运行点",,"gas turbine operating point","10.487 "
    "燃气轮机变工况",,"gas turbine off-design condition","10.488 "
    "燃气轮机关键部位检查",,"gas turbine major parts inspection","10.489 "
    "燃气轮机启动",,"gas turbine start","10.490 "
    "正常启动",,"normal start","10.491 "
    "快速启动",,"fast start","10.492 "
    "黑启动",,"black start","10.493 "
    "清吹",,"purging","10.494 "
    "[燃气轮机]点火",,"ignition","10.495 "
    "点火转速",,"ignition speed","10.496 "
    "* 起燃",,"light-off","10.497 "
    "着火",,"light-off","10.497 "
    "热悬挂",,"thermal blockage","10.498 "
    "自持转速",,"self-sustaining speed","10.499 "
    "启动机脱扣",,"starter cut-off","10.500 "
    "空负荷转速",,"idling speed","10.501 "
    "临界转速",,"critical speed","10.502 "
    "启动特性试验",,"starting characteristic test","10.503 "
    "启动特性图",,"starting characteristic diagram","10.504 "
    "燃气轮机应急运行",,"gas turbine emergency operation","10.505 "
    "燃气轮机尖峰负荷运行",,"gas turbine peak load operation","10.506 "
    "燃气轮机基本负荷运行",,"gas turbine base load operation","10.507 "
    "燃气轮机恒温运行",,"constant temperature operation","10.508 "
    "燃气轮机恒功率运行",,"constant power operation","10.509 "
    "燃气轮机控制和保护",,"gas turbine control and protection","10.510 "
    "燃气温度控制",,"gas temperature control","10.511 "
    "启/停自动控制",,"start and stop automatic control","10.512 "
    "超温保护",,"overtemperature protection","10.513 "
    "燃料压力过低保护",,"low fuel pressure protection","10.514 "
    "点火失败",,"ignition failure","10.515 "
    "熄火保护",,"flameout protection","10.516 "
    "[燃气]透平",,"[gas] turbine","10.517 "
    "* 涡轮",,"[gas] turbine","10.517 "
    "轴流式透平",,"axial flow turbine","10.518 "
    "径流式透平",,"radial flow turbine","10.519 "
    "冲动式透平",,"impulse turbine","10.520 "
    "反动式透平",,"reaction turbine","10.521 "
    "透平进口温度",,"turbine entry temperature","10.522 "
    "透平转子进口温度",,"turbine rotor inlet temperature","10.523 "
    "透平进气压力",,"turbine inlet pressure","10.524 "
    "透平出口参数",,"turbine outlet parameter","10.525 "
    "透平膨胀[压]比",,"turbine pressure ratio","10.526 "
    "透平排气流量",,"turbine exhaust gas flow","10.527 "
    "压气机透平",,"compressor turbine","10.528 "
    "气体膨胀透平",,"gas expander turbine","10.529 "
    "动力透平",,"power turbine","10.530 "
    "燃气发生器",,"gas generator","10.531 "
    "透平输出功率",,"turbine power output","10.532 "
    "扩压器",,"diffuser","10.533 "
    "可调静叶片",,"variable stator blade","10.534 "
    "空心叶片",,"hollow blade","10.535 "
    "冷却叶片",,"cooled blade","10.536 "
    "对流冷却",,"convection cooling","10.537 "
    "气膜冷却",,"air film cooling","10.538 "
    "发散冷却",,"transpiration cooling","10.539 "
    "冲击冷却",,"impingement cooling","10.540 "
    "透平冷却系统",,"turbine cooling system","10.541 "
    "透平特性线",,"turbine characteristic curve","10.542 "
    "热冲击",,"thermal shock","10.543 "
    "热疲劳",,"thermal fatigue","10.544 "
    "[燃气轮机]燃烧室",,"[gas turbine] combustion chamber","10.545 "
    "筒形燃烧室",,"silo combustor","10.546 "
    "分管形燃烧室",,"can-type combustor","10.547 "
    "环形燃烧室",,"annular combustor","10.548 "
    "环管燃烧室",,"can annular combustor","10.549 "
    "顺流式燃烧室",,"straight flow combustor","10.550 "
    "逆流式燃烧室",,"counter flow combustor","10.551 "
    "干式低氮燃烧室",,"dry low NOx combustor,DLN","10.552 "
    "浓掺稀燃烧室",,"rich quench lean combustor,RQL","10.553 "
    "再热[燃烧]室",,"reheat combustor","10.554 "
    "燃烧室检修",,"combustor overhaul","10.555 "
    "高温燃气通道检修",,"high temperature gas path overhaul","10.556 "
    "积炭",,"carbon deposit","10.557 "
    "火焰稳定器",,"flame holder","10.558 "
    "旋流器",,"swirler","10.559 "
    "燃气轮机燃料",,"gas turbine fuel","10.560 "
    "燃油雾化喷嘴",,"fuel oil atomizer","10.561 "
    "气体燃料喷嘴",,"gas fuel nozzle","10.562 "
    "双燃料喷嘴",,"dual fuel nozzle","10.563 "
    "火焰检测",,"flame detecting","10.564 "
    "燃料空气比",,"fuel-air ratio","10.565 "
    "* 热容强度",,"volumetric heat release rate","10.566 "
    "容积热强度",,"volumetric heat release rate","10.566 "
    "面积热强度",,"area heat release rate","10.567 "
    "燃烧稳定性",,"combustion stability","10.568 "
    "熄火极限",,"flame failure limit","10.569 "
    "蒸汽和/或水的喷注",,"steam and/or water injection","10.570 "
    "钒腐蚀的抑制",,"inhibition of vanadium corrosion","10.571 "
    "压气机",,"compressor","10.572 "
    "轴流[式]压气机",,"axial flow compressor","10.573 "
    "* 径流[式]压气机",,"radial flow compressor","10.574 "
    "离心[式]压气机",,"radial flow compressor","10.574 "
    "压气机进气参数",,"compressor inlet parameter","10.575 "
    "压气机排气参数",,"compressor outlet parameter","10.576 "
    "压比",,"pressure ratio","10.577 "
    "进口空气流量",,"inlet air flow","10.578 "
    "进气道",,"air intake duct","10.579 "
    "排气道",,"exhaust duct","10.580 "
    "比功率",,"specific power","10.581 "
    "抽气",,"bleed air,extraction air","10.582 "
    "放气",,"blow-off","10.583 "
    "阻塞极限",,"choking limit","10.584 "
    "进气缸",,"inlet casing","10.585 "
    "排气缸",,"exhaust casing,discharge casing","10.586 "
    "通流部分清洗",,"flow path washing","10.587 "
    "在线清洗",,"on-line washing","10.588 "
    "离线清洗",,"off-line washing","10.589 "
    "空气过滤器",,"air filter","10.590 "
    "进气处理",,"inlet air treatment","10.591 "
    "防喘装置",,"surge-preventing device","10.592 "
    "压气机输入功率",,"compressor input power","10.593 "
    "压气机等熵功率",,"compressor isentropic power","10.594 "
    "[压气机]等熵效率",,"isentropic efficiency","10.595 "
    "失速",,"stall","10.596 "
    "喘振",,"surge","10.597 "
    "喘振裕度",,"surge margin","10.598 "
    "压气机特性线",,"compressor characteristic curve","10.599 "
    "回热器",,"regenerator,recuperator","10.600 "
    "回转[再生]式回热器",,"rotating [regenerative] regenerator","10.601 "
    "预冷器",,"precooler","10.602 "
    "中间冷却器",,"intercooler","10.603 "
    "蓄热体",,"matrix","10.604 "
    "温度有效度",,"temperature effectiveness","10.605 "
    "回热度",,"regenerator effectiveness","10.606 "
    "紧凑系数",,"compactness factor","10.607 "
    "汽轮发电机",,"turbine-generator","11.001 "
    "永磁发电机",,"permanent magnet generator","11.002 "
    "发电机定子",,"generator stator","11.003 "
    "铁心",,"core","11.004 "
    "[铁心]压板",,"pressure plate,core end plate","11.005 "
    "* 齿压板",,"pressure finger","11.006 "
    "[铁心]压指",,"pressure finger","11.006 "
    "定子绕组",,"stator winding","11.007 "
    "定子线圈",,"stator coil","11.008 "
    "定子线棒",,"stator coil bar","11.009 "
    "电枢绕组",,"armature winding","11.010 "
    "叠绕组",,"lap winding","11.011 "
    "绕组绝缘",,"winding insulation","11.012 "
    "绕组固定结构",,"winding fixed construction","11.013 "
    "电磁屏蔽",,"electromagnetic shield","11.014 "
    "电屏蔽",,"electrical shield","11.015 "
    "磁屏蔽",,"magnetic shield","11.016 "
    "定子机座",,"stator frame","11.017 "
    "空心导线",,"hollow conductor","11.018 "
    "罗贝尔换位",,"Roebel transposition","11.019 "
    "罗贝尔线棒",,"Roebel coil bar","11.020 "
    "埋入式测温计",,"embedded temperature detector","11.021 "
    "接头焊接",,"joint soldering","11.022 "
    "真空浸渍",,"vacuum impregnation","11.023 "
    "固化",,"curing","11.024 "
    "电晕防护",,"corona protection","11.025 "
    "防电晕层",,"anti-corona coating","11.026 "
    "起晕电压试验",,"corona inception test","11.027 "
    "端盖式轴承",,"end bracket type bearing","11.028 "
    "座式轴承",,"pedestal bearing","11.029 "
    "轴承绝缘",,"bearing insulation","11.030 "
    "发电机转子",,"generator rotor","11.031 "
    "凸极电机",,"salient pole generator","11.032 "
    "隐极电机",,"non-salient pole generator","11.033 "
    "圆柱形转子电机",,"cylindrical rotor generator","11.034 "
    "转子轴及本体",,"rotor shaft and proper","11.035 "
    "励磁绕组",,"excitation winding,rotor winding","11.036 "
    "* 转子绕组",,"excitation winding,rotor winding","11.036 "
    "* 滑环",,"collector ring,slip ring","11.037 "
    "集电环",,"collector ring,slip ring","11.037 "
    "护环",,"retaining ring","11.038 "
    "* 套箍",,"retaining ring","11.038 "
    "中心环",,"center ring","11.039 "
    "风扇",,"rotor fan","11.040 "
    "阻尼绕组",,"damping winding,amortisseur winding","11.041 "
    "全阻尼绕组",,"integral damping winding","11.042 "
    "半阻尼绕组",,"incomplete damping winding","11.043 "
    "本体半月形平衡槽",,"groove for balancing rotor","11.044 "
    "本体上风斗",,"bucket type gas duct on rotor body","11.045 "
    "转子用钢",,"steel for rotor","11.046 "
    "护环用钢",,"steel for generator retaining ring","11.047 "
    "铁心用钢",,"steel for stator core","11.048 "
    "感应电动势",,"induced electromotive force,induced voltage","11.049 "
    "旋转磁动势",,"rotating magneto-motive force","11.050 "
    "电枢反应",,"armature reaction","11.051 "
    "特性曲线",,"characteristic curve","11.052 "
    "电磁制动转矩",,"electromagnetic braking torque","11.053 "
    "电磁负荷",,"electromagnetic loading","11.054 "
    "电磁功率",,"electromagnetic power","11.055 "
    "* 比整步功率",,"synchronizing power","11.056 "
    "整步功率",,"synchronizing power","11.056 "
    "不平衡电流",,"unbalanced current","11.057 "
    "电压正弦波畸变率",,"voltage waveform aberration","11.058 "
    "电话谐波因数",,"telephone harmonic factor","11.059 "
    "极化指数",,"polarization index","11.060 "
    "机械稳定性",,"mechanical stability against short circuit","11.061 "
    "热稳定性",,"thermal stability against short circuit","11.062 "
    "绝缘耐热等级",,"thermal class for electric machine insulation","11.063 "
    "[发电机]额定容量",,"rated capacity","11.064 "
    "最大连续容量",,"maximum continuous capacity","11.065 "
    "发电机出力图",,"generator capability diagram,generator P-Q chart","11.066 "
    "* 发电机P-Q曲线",,"generator capability diagram,generator P-Q chart","11.066 "
    "饱和特性",,"saturation characteristics","11.067 "
    "V形曲线特性",,"V-curve characteristics","11.068 "
    "铁心及机座振动",,"stator core and frame vibration","11.069 "
    "定子端部绕组振动",,"vibration of stator end winding","11.070 "
    "发电机效率",,"generator efficiency","11.071 "
    "铜损耗",,"copper loss","11.072 "
    "铁耗",,"iron loss","11.073 "
    "杂散负载损耗",,"stray load loss","11.074 "
    "摩擦通风损耗",,"friction and windage loss","11.075 "
    "负序电流承载能力",,"negative sequence current carrying capacity","11.076 "
    "发电机冷却",,"generator cooling","11.077 "
    "冷却介质",,"coolant","11.078 "
    "冷却方式",,"cooling technique","11.079 "
    "密闭式冷却",,"closed circuit cooling","11.080 "
    "开启式冷却",,"open circuit cooling","11.081 "
    "定子绕组冷却",,"cooling of stator winding","11.082 "
    "转子绕组冷却",,"cooling of rotor winding","11.083 "
    "铁心冷却",,"cooling of iron core","11.084 "
    "径向通风",,"radial ventilation","11.085 "
    "轴向通风",,"axial ventilation","11.086 "
    "氢气系统",,"hydrogen system","11.087 "
    "氢爆炸",,"hydrogen explosion","11.088 "
    "氢气置换",,"hydrogen substitution","11.089 "
    "氢气监测控制",,"hydrogen system monitoring and control","11.090 "
    "氢气干燥",,"hydrogen drying","11.091 "
    "氢干燥器",,"hydrogen dryer","11.092 "
    "氢站",,"hydrogen plant","11.093 "
    "氢气来源",,"hydrogen source","11.094 "
    "氢气罐",,"hydrogen container","11.095 "
    "机座隔振",,"vibration isolation for stator frame","11.096 "
    "低频谐振",,"low frequency resonance","11.097 "
    "* 倍频共振",,"super-synchronous resonance","11.099 "
    "超同步谐振",,"super-synchronous resonance","11.099 "
    "轴电流",,"shaft current","11.100 "
    "接地电刷",,"grounding brush","11.101 "
    "电腐蚀",,"electro-erosion","11.102 "
    "定子端部绕组绝缘磨损",,"wearing of stator end winding insulation","11.103 "
    "铁心松弛",,"loosening of core lamination","11.104 "
    "[发电机]引出线和有关设备",,"main leads and associated equipment","11.105 "
    "[发电机]中性点消弧线圈接地方式",,"neutral point grounding with arc-suppression coil","11.106 "
    "允许启动次数",,"permissible number of starting times for generator","11.107 "
    "[发电机]并网运行",,"paralleling operation","11.108 "
    "定相同步试验",,"phasing and synchronizing test","11.109 "
    "允许的频率和电压偏离额定值运行",,"permissible operation with frequency and voltage deviated from rated value","11.110 "
    "频率异常情况下的运行",,"operation with frequency abnormally deviated from rated value","11.111 "
    "空载特性",,"no-load characteristics,open circuit characteristics","11.112 "
    "短路特性",,"short-circuit characteristics","11.113 "
    "负载特性",,"load characteristics","11.114 "
    "调相运行",,"phasing operation","11.115 "
    "过励磁运行",,"over-excitation operation","11.116 "
    "欠励磁运行",,"under excitation operation","11.117 "
    "进相运行",,"leading power factor operation","11.118 "
    "迟相运行",,"lagging power factor operation","11.119 "
    "空-空冷却发电机",,"air to air cooled generator","11.120 "
    "空-水冷却发电机",,"air to water cooled generator","11.121 "
    "空气冷却系统",,"air cooling system","11.122 "
    "空气冷却器",,"air cooler","11.123 "
    "灭火装置",,"fire-extinguishing device","11.124 "
    "* 水内冷发电机",,"direct water cooled generator,water inner cooled generator","11.125 "
    "水直接冷却发电机",,"direct water cooled generator,water inner cooled generator","11.125 "
    "双水内冷发电机",,"dual water cooled generator","11.126 "
    "水冷却系统",,"cooling water system for water cooled generator","11.127 "
    "水-水冷却器",,"water to water cooler","11.128 "
    "内冷水水质",,"quality of inner cooling water","11.129 "
    "[内冷]水电导率",,"conductivity of inner cooling water","11.130 "
    "[内冷]水的pH值",,"pH value of inner cooling water","11.131 "
    "转子汇水箱[环]",,"water distributor for inner cooling rotor","11.132 "
    "聚四氟乙烯管",,"teflon tube","11.133 "
    "复合绝缘引水管",,"composite insulated water leads","11.134 "
    "水电接头",,"composite water-electric joint","11.135 "
    "检漏器",,"water leakage detector","11.136 "
    "水冷系统密封性试验",,"tightness test for inner water cooling system","11.137 "
    "水冷系统水流通试验",,"water flow test for inner water cooling system","11.138 "
    "氢冷发电机",,"hydrogen cooled generator","11.139 "
    "氢气压力",,"hydrogen pressure","11.140 "
    "氢水冷却器",,"hydrogen-water cooler","11.141 "
    "氢气纯度",,"hydrogen purity","11.142 "
    "氢气湿度",,"hydrogen humidity","11.143 "
    "漏氢量",,"hydrogen leakage value","11.144 "
    "出线套管",,"lead-out bushing","11.145 "
    "气隙隔板",,"air gap diaphragm","11.146 "
    "氢密封性试验",,"hydrogen tightness test","11.147 "
    "密封油系统",,"sealing oil system","11.148 "
    "单流环密封油系统",,"sealing oil ring system with single oil flow","11.149 "
    "双流环密封油系统",,"sealing oil ring system with dual oil flow","11.150 "
    "三流环密封油系统",,"sealing oil ring system with triple oil flow","11.151 "
    "[油压]平衡阀",,"oil pressure equalizing valve","11.152 "
    "[氢油]压差阀",,"hydrogen-oil differential pressure valve","11.153 "
    "水氢氢冷发电机",,"water-hydrogen-hydrogen cooled generator","11.154 "
    "气隙取气",,"hydrogen intake from air gap","11.155 "
    "副槽通风",,"sub-slot ventilation","11.156 "
    "发电机异常运行",,"abnormal operation of generator","11.157 "
    "发电机特殊运行",,"special operation of generator","11.158 "
    "定子短时过电流",,"stator over-current for a short time","11.159 "
    "功率因数偏离额定值运行",,"operation with power factor deviated from rated value","11.160 "
    "带不平衡负荷运行",,"unbalanced loading operation","11.161 "
    "低励及失磁运行",,"under excitation and loss of excitation","11.162 "
    "冷却条件偏离额定值",,"cooling condition deviated from normal","11.163 "
    "带励磁失步运行",,"out-of-step operation with excitation","11.164 "
    "水冷发电机断水",,"loss of cooling water supply","11.165 "
    "发电机故障",,"generator failure","11.166 "
    "定子绕组绝缘故障",,"stator winding insulation failure","11.167 "
    "定子线棒接头开焊",,"soldering joint failure","11.168 "
    "定子线棒导线断股",,"broken conductor strand of stator coil bar","11.169 "
    "定子端部绕组匝间短路",,"inter-turn short circuit in stator end winding","11.170 "
    "水冷电机定子绕组漏水",,"water leakage from water cooled stator winding","11.171 "
    "空心导线堵塞",,"clogging-up of hollow conductor","11.172 "
    "铁心故障",,"core failure","11.173 "
    "负序电流烧坏转子",,"rotor damaged by negative sequence current","11.174 "
    "机组主轴磁化",,"main shaft magnetized","11.175 "
    "护环开裂",,"retaining ring fracture","11.176 "
    "水冷转子漏水",,"water leakage from water cooled rotor","11.177 "
    "转子绕组接地",,"rotor winding earth fault","11.178 "
    "转子绕组匝间短路",,"rotor winding inter-turn short circuit","11.179 "
    "氢内冷转子通风孔堵塞",,"blocking of ventilation hole on hydrogen inner cooled rotor","11.180 "
    "励磁系统故障",,"excitation system fault","11.181 "
    "氢系统故障",,"hydrogen system trouble","11.182 "
    "水系统故障",,"cooling water system trouble","11.183 "
    "油系统故障",,"oil system trouble","11.184 "
    "发电机运行监测",,"operational monitoring of generator","11.185 "
    "温度监测",,"temperature monitoring","11.186 "
    "发电机工况监测器",,"generator condition monitor,GCM","11.187 "
    "轴电压监测器",,"shaft grounding monitor","11.188 "
    "定子槽放电监测器",,"stator slot [partial discharge] coupler","11.189 "
    "无线电频率监测器",,"radio frequency [partial discharge] monitor,RFM","11.190 "
    "转子匝间短路监测器",,"rotor shorted turn detector","11.191 "
    "轴系扭振监测器",,"shaft torsional oscillation monitor","11.192 "
    "电刷工况监测器",,"brush condition monitor","11.193 "
    "定子绕组端部振动监测器",,"stator end winding vibration monitor","11.194 "
    "氢气露点监测器",,"hydrogen dew point monitor,HDM","11.195 "
    "定子冷却水电导率计",,"stator cooling water conductivity cell","11.196 "
    "定子铁心机座振动监测器",,"stator core/frame vibration monitor","11.197 "
    "定子铁心叠片振动声频监测器",,"audio detector for core lamination vibration","11.198 "
    "补氢量测量器",,"hydrogen make-up rate monitor","11.199 "
    "定子内冷水含氢量监测器",,"hydrogen into water leakage monitor","11.200 "
    "氢气纯度分析仪",,"hydrogen purity analyzer","11.201 "
    "轴颈振动分析仪",,"journal vibration [orbit] analyzer","11.202 "
    "二极管击穿探测仪",,"diode breakdown detector","11.203 "
    "负序电流监测报警装置",,"alarm annunciator for negative sequence current monitoring","11.204 "
    "发电机电气预防性试验",,"electrical preventive test for generator","11.205 "
    "定,转子绕组直流电阻测量",,"DC resistance measurement for stator and rotor winding","11.206 "
    "定,转子绕组绝缘电阻测量",,"insulation resistance measurement for stator and rotor winding","11.207 "
    "铁心故障探测",,"stator core fault detection,ELCD","11.208 "
    "定子绕组直流耐压试验和泄漏电流试验",,"DC withstand voltage test and leakage current measurement for stator winding","11.209 "
    "定,转子绕组交流耐压试验",,"AC withstand voltage test for stator and rotor winding","11.210 "
    "转子绕组交流阻抗测定",,"AC impedance test for rotor winding","11.211 "
    "转子绕组匝间短路测定",,"inter-turn short circuit test for rotor winding","11.212 "
    "氢内冷转子通风孔试验",,"test of ventilation hole on hydrogen inner cooled rotor","11.213 "
    "发电机性能试验",,"generator performance test","11.214 "
    "定子铁心的损耗发热试验",,"stator core loss and temperature rise test","11.215 "
    "转子动平衡及超速试验",,"dynamic balance and over speed test for rotor","11.216 "
    "耐电压试验",,"withstand voltage test","11.217 "
    "空载特性的测定",,"measurement of open circuit [no-load] characteristics","11.218 "
    "稳态短路特性的测定",,"measurement of short circuit characteristics under stable condition","11.219 "
    "效率测定",,"efficiency test","11.220 "
    "突然短路机械强度试验",,"mechanical strength verification under sudden short circuit","11.221 "
    "正弦性畸变率测定",,"sinuousness aberration test for generator voltage wave form","11.222 "
    "电压波形电话谐波因数测定",,"telephone harmonic factor test for generator voltage","11.223 "
    "发电机主要电抗测定",,"measurement of principal reactance for generator","11.224 "
    "发电机时间常数测定",,"measurement of generator time constant","11.225 "
    "短时电压升高试验",,"short time voltage rising test","11.226 "
    "噪声测定",,"noise level measurement","11.227 "
    "温升试验",,"temperature rise test","11.228 "
    "短时过电流试验",,"short time over-current test","11.229 "
    "额定励磁电流及电压调整率测定",,"measurement of rated excitation current and voltage regulation","11.230 "
    "定子铁心和机座振动测定",,"vibration measurement for core and stator frame","11.231 "
    "定子绕组端部模态及固有振动频率测定",,"test of modal and natural vibration frequency for stator end winding","11.232 "
    "安装后交接试验",,"acceptance test","11.233 "
    "发电机冷却系统试验",,"generator cooling system test","11.234 "
    "轴电压测定",,"shaft voltage measurement","11.235 "
    "发电机的特殊继电保护",,"special relay protection for generator","11.236 "
    "断路器误合闸保护",,"breaker mal-closing protection","11.237 "
    "启停机保护",,"protection of generator during starting and shut-down","11.238 "
    "轴电流保护",,"shaft current protection","11.239 "
    "水冷发电机断水保护",,"protection of loss of cooling water supply for water cooled generator","11.240 "
    "高电压发电机",,"high voltage generator","11.241 "
    "超导发电机",,"superconducting generator","11.242 "
    "全液冷发电机",,"liquid cooled generator","11.243 "
    "蒸发冷却发电机",,"evaporation cooled generator","11.244 "
    "无槽发电机",,"generator without coil slot","11.245 "
    "核电站用发电机",,"generator for nuclear power station","11.246 "
    "超临界机组发电机",,"generator with supercritical turbine sets","11.247 "
    "火力发电厂热工自动化",,"thermal process automation of thermal power plant","12.001 "
    "自动化水平",,"automation level","12.002 "
    "控制方式",,"control mode","12.003 "
    "单元控制室",,"unit control room","12.004 "
    "电缆夹层",,"cable vault","12.005 "
    "电子设备间",,"electronics room","12.006 "
    "* 热工配电柜",,"power supply cabinet for electric-drive valve","12.007 "
    "热工配电箱",,"power supply cabinet for electric-drive valve","12.007 "
    "保温箱",,"warm-box","12.008 "
    "控制盘台",,"control panel and console","12.009 "
    "单元集中控制",,"unit centralized control","12.010 "
    "就地控制",,"local control","12.011 "
    "车间无人值班控制",,"non-operator control for department","12.012 "
    "热工检测",,"thermal parameter measurement","12.013 "
    "热工检测仪表",,"thermal parameter measuring instrument","12.014 "
    "一次仪表",,"primary instrument","12.015 "
    "二次仪表",,"secondary instrument","12.016 "
    "炉膛火焰检测",,"furnace flame scanning","12.017 "
    "火焰检测器",,"flame detector","12.018 "
    "工业电视",,"industrial television","12.019 "
    "炉管泄漏监测系统",,"monitoring system of boiler tube leakage","12.020 "
    "烟气连续监测系统",,"continuous emission monitoring system of flue gas,CEMS","12.021 "
    "煤量检测",,"coal weight measurement","12.022 "
    "水,汽品质监测仪表",,"water and steam quality monitoring instrument","12.023 "
    "* 在线化学监测仪表",,"water and steam quality monitoring instrument","12.023 "
    "* 闭环控制系统",,"modulating control system,MCS","12.024 "
    "模拟量控制系统",,"modulating control system,MCS","12.024 "
    "* 自动调节系统",,"modulating control system,MCS","12.024 "
    "自动调度系统",,"automatic dispatch system,ADS","12.025 "
    "单元机组协调控制系统",,"unit coordinated control system,CCS","12.026 "
    "锅炉跟踪方式",,"boiler follow mode,BF","12.027 "
    "汽轮机跟踪方式",,"turbine follow mode,TF","12.028 "
    "协调控制方式",,"coordinated control mode","12.029 "
    "锅炉模拟量控制系统",,"boiler modulating control system","12.030 "
    "直流锅炉模拟量控制系统",,"modulating control system of once-through boiler","12.031 "
    "给水控制系统",,"feedwater control system","12.032 "
    "过热汽温度控制系统",,"superheat steam temperature control system","12.033 "
    "再热汽温度控制系统",,"reheat steam temperature control system","12.034 "
    "燃烧控制系统",,"combustion control system","12.035 "
    "燃料量控制系统",,"fuel control system","12.036 "
    "送风量控制系统",,"air flow control system","12.037 "
    "炉膛压力控制系统",,"furnace pressure control system","12.038 "
    "磨煤机出口温度控制系统",,"pulverizer outlet temperature control system","12.039 "
    "一次风压力控制系统",,"primary air pressure control system","12.040 "
    "石灰石量控制系统",,"limestone control system","12.041 "
    "床温控制系统",,"furnace temperature control system","12.042 "
    "床压控制系统",,"furnace pressure difference control system","12.043 "
    "汽轮机控制系统",,"steam turbine control system","12.044 "
    "* 数字电调",,"digital electro-hydraulic control system,DEH","12.045 "
    "数字式电液控制系统",,"digital electro-hydraulic control system,DEH","12.045 "
    "给水泵汽轮机数字式电液控制系统",,"micro -electro hydraulic control system,MEH","12.046 "
    "转速控制",,"speed control","12.047 "
    "负荷控制",,"load control,load governing","12.048 "
    "负荷限制",,"load limit","12.049 "
    "主汽压力控制",,"main steam pressure control","12.050 "
    "阀门管理",,"valve management","12.051 "
    "* 进汽方式切换",,"valve management","12.051 "
    "旁路控制系统",,"by-pass control system,BPC","12.052 "
    "汽轮机背压控制系统",,"turbine back pressure control system","12.053 "
    "冷却水温度控制系统",,"circulating water temperature control system","12.054 "
    "总压力控制系统",,"circulating water pressure control system","12.055 "
    "燃气轮机控制系统",,"gas turbine unit control system","12.056 "
    "联合循环机组协调控制",,"coordinated control of combined cycle unit","12.057 "
    "燃气温度控制系统",,"gas temperature control system","12.058 "
    "压气机入口导叶控制",,"air compressor inlet statorblade control","12.059 "
    "自动调节装置",,"automatic regulating equipment","12.060 "
    "基地式调节仪表",,"local control device","12.061 "
    "单元组合式调节仪表",,"aggregated unit control instrument","12.062 "
    "组装式调节仪表",,"packaged electronic modular control instrument","12.063 "
    "数字式调节仪表",,"digital regulating instrument","12.064 "
    "开关量控制系统",,"on-off control system,OCS,binary control system","12.065 "
    "联锁控制",,"interlock control","12.066 "
    "顺序控制系统",,"sequence control system","12.067 "
    "单元机组自启停控制",,"automatic control for unit start-up and shutdown","12.068 "
    "功能组级控制",,"function group control","12.069 "
    "子功能组级控制",,"function subgroup control","12.070 "
    "单个操作",,"one-to-one control","12.071 "
    "汽轮机热应力监控系统",,"turbine stress supervisory system","12.072 "
    "汽轮机自启停控制系统",,"automatic turbine start-up or shutdown control system","12.073 "
    "给水泵顺序控制",,"sequence control of boiler feedwater pump","12.074 "
    "锅炉点火系统顺序控制",,"sequence control of boiler ignition system","12.075 "
    "煤粉制备系统顺序控制",,"sequence control of pulverizing coal system","12.076 "
    "辅机顺序控制",,"sequence control of auxiliary equipment","12.077 "
    "水处理系统顺序控制",,"sequence control of water treatment system","12.078 "
    "锅炉吹灰系统顺序控制",,"sequence control of boiler soot blowing system","12.079 "
    "输煤系统顺序控制",,"sequence control of coal handling system","12.080 "
    "热工报警系统",,"alarm system","12.081 "
    "* 光字牌",,"annunciator","12.082 "
    "信号器",,"annunciator","12.082 "
    "首出原因",,"first-out","12.083 "
    "报警抑制",,"alarm cut out","12.084 "
    "热工保护",,"thermal process protection,thermal equipment protection","12.085 "
    "单元机组保护",,"boiler-turbine-generator unit protection","12.086 "
    "炉膛安全监控系统",,"furnace safety supervisory system,FSSS","12.087 "
    "炉膛安全系统",,"furnace safety system,FSS","12.088 "
    "燃烧器控制系统",,"burner control system,BCS","12.089 "
    "炉膛外爆保护",,"furnace explosion protection","12.090 "
    "炉膛内爆保护",,"furnace implosion protection","12.091 "
    "全炉膛火焰丧失保护",,"loss-of-all flame protection","12.092 "
    "点火失败保护",,"ignition failure protection","12.093 "
    "总燃料跳闸",,"master fuel trip,MFT","12.094 "
    "油燃料跳闸",,"oil fuel trip,OFT","12.095 "
    "稳定火焰",,"stable flame","12.096 "
    "火焰",,"flame","12.097 "
    "火焰包络",,"flame envelope","12.098 "
    "单燃烧器火焰检测",,"individual burner flame detection","12.099 "
    "全炉膛火焰检测",,"full furnace flame detection","12.100 "
    "临界火焰",,"critical flame","12.101 "
    "角火焰消失",,"loss of flame to a corner","12.102 "
    "全炉膛火焰丧失",,"loss of all flame","12.103 "
    "吹扫风量",,"purge rate","12.104 "
    "吹洗",,"scavenging","12.105 "
    "锅炉汽包水位保护",,"boiler drum water level protection","12.106 "
    "直流锅炉给水流量过低保护",,"low feedwater flow protection of once-through boiler","12.107 "
    "辅机故障减负荷",,"runback,RB","12.108 "
    "机组快速切负荷",,"fast cutback,FCB","12.109 "
    "瞬间甩负荷快控保护",,"fast valving protection during transient load cutback","12.110 "
    "超速保护控制",,"overspeed protection control,OPC","12.111 "
    "超速跳闸保护",,"overspeed protection trip,OPT","12.112 "
    "汽轮机紧急跳闸系统",,"emergency trip system,ETS","12.113 "
    "润滑油压力过低保护",,"lubricating oil excessive low pressure protection","12.114 "
    "凝汽器真空过低保护",,"excessive low vacuum protection of condenser","12.115 "
    "发电机冷却系统故障保护",,"generator cooling system failure protection","12.116 "
    "汽轮机监视仪表",,"turbine supervisory instrument,TSI","12.117 "
    "瞬态数据管理系统",,"transient data management system,TDM","12.118 "
    "分散控制系统",,"distributed control system,DCS","12.119 "
    "* 集散控制系统",,"distributed control system,DCS","12.119 "
    "工程师站",,"engineer station","12.120 "
    "操作员站",,"operator station","12.121 "
    "历史数据存储",,"historical data memory","12.122 "
    "定时打印",,"periodic logging","12.123 "
    "追忆打印",,"post-trip logging","12.124 "
    "事件顺序记录",,"sequence of event,SOE","12.125 "
    "扫描速率",,"scan rate","12.126 "
    "采样周期",,"sampling period","12.127 "
    "过程控制级",,"process control level","12.128 "
    "监控级",,"supervision level","12.129 "
    "厂级信息系统",,"information system for plant level","12.130 "
    "厂级监控信息系统",,"supervisory information system for plant level,SIS","12.131 "
    "厂级监控信息系统功能站和客户机",,"function computer and client computer","12.132 "
    "寿命在线监测",,"on-line residual life monitoring","12.133 "
    "工艺设备状态监测",,"status monitoring of process equipment","12.134 "
    "机组性能计算",,"unit performance calculation","12.135 "
    "厂级性能计算",,"plant performance calculation","12.136 "
    "机组运行优化指导",,"guidance of unit optimized operation","12.137 "
    "负荷优化分配",,"optimization of dispatching load","12.138 "
    "管理信息系统",,"management information system,MIS","12.139 "
    "工业控制系统用现场总线",,"field bus","12.140 "
    "自动化系统电源",,"power supply of automation system","12.141 "
    "自动化系统气源",,"air supply of automation system","12.142 "
    "热工自动化设计",,"design of thermal process automation","12.143 "
    "仪表控制系统安装",,"installation of instrument and control system","12.144 "
    "仪表管路敷设",,"instrument tube routing","12.145 "
    "仪表管连接",,"connection of instrument tube","12.146 "
    "仪表管固定",,"fixing of instrument tube","12.147 "
    "伴热",,"heat tracing","12.148 "
    "管路严密性试验",,"leakage test for instrument tube","12.149 "
    "顺序控制系统调整试验",,"commissioning test for sequence system","12.150 "
    "联锁保护试验",,"testing of interlock protection","12.151 "
    "模拟量控制系统调整试验",,"commissioning test of modulating control system","12.152 "
    "调节品质",,"control quality","12.153 "
    "模拟量控制系统投入率",,"operational rate of modulating control system","12.154 "
    "保护系统投入率",,"operational rate of protection system","12.155 "
    "输入输出点接入率",,"installation rate of input/output point","12.156 "
    "输入输出点完好率",,"availability of input/output point","12.157 "
    "仪表完好率",,"instrument availability","12.158 "
    "仪表准确率",,"percentage of instrument with allowable accuracy","12.159 "
    "仪表故障率",,"instrument fault rate","12.160 "
    "周期检验率",,"percentage of instrument undergone periodical calibration","12.161 "
    "热工技术监督",,"technical supervision of instrument and control","12.162 "
    "热工量值传递",,"dissemination of the value of a mechanical quantity","12.163 "
    "标准计量仪器",,"standard measuring instrument","12.164 "
    "标准计量设备",,"standard measuring device","12.165 "
    "[计量器具的]检验",,"inspection [of a measuring instrument]","12.166 "
    "火电厂仿真机",,"simulator for thermal power plant","12.167 "
    "全范围高逼真度仿真机",,"full scope,high realism simulator","12.168 "
    "* 全仿真",,"full scope,high realism simulator","12.168 "
    "通用型仿真机",,"generic simulator","12.169 "
    "教练员台",,"instructor station","12.170 "
    "就地操作站",,"local operating station","12.171 "
    "天然水",,"natural water","12.172 "
    "水质分析",,"water quality analysis","12.173 "
    "悬浮物",,"suspended substance","12.174 "
    "胶体物",,"colloidal substance","12.175 "
    "有机物",,"organic matter,organic compound","12.176 "
    "浊度",,"turbidity","12.177 "
    "沉积物",,"deposit","12.178 "
    "沉渣",,"sludge","12.179 "
    "碱度",,"alkalinity","12.180 "
    "酸度",,"acidity","12.181 "
    "溶解氧",,"dissolved oxygen","12.182 "
    "化学需氧量",,"chemical oxygen demand,COD","12.183 "
    "* pNa计",,"sodium ion analyzer","12.184 "
    "钠度计",,"sodium ion analyzer","12.184 "
    "电导仪",,"conductometer,conductivity meter","12.185 "
    "水预处理",,"pretreatment of water","12.186 "
    "D值",,"D value","12.187 "
    "pH值",,"pH value","12.188 "
    "加氯处理",,"chlorination","12.189 "
    "除有机物",,"organic matter removal","12.190 "
    "污染密度指数",,"silt density index,SDI","12.191 "
    "澄清预处理",,"clarifying pretreatment","12.192 "
    "澄清器",,"clarifier","12.193 "
    "过滤预处理",,"filtering pretreatment","12.194 "
    "过滤器",,"filter","12.195 "
    "覆盖过滤器",,"precoated filter","12.196 "
    "电磁过滤器",,"electromagnetic filter","12.197 "
    "离子交换技术",,"ion exchange technology","12.198 "
    "离子交换树脂",,"ion exchange resin","12.199 "
    "阴离子交换树脂",,"anion exchange resin","12.200 "
    "阳离子交换树脂",,"cation exchange resin","12.201 "
    "树脂传输系统",,"resin transfer system","12.202 "
    "树脂再生",,"resin regeneration","12.203 "
    "对流再生",,"counter current regeneration","12.204 "
    "碱耗",,"alkaline consumption","12.205 "
    "酸耗",,"acid consumption","12.206 "
    "再生剂用量",,"regenerant consumption","12.207 "
    "氨化混床",,"aminate mixed bed","12.208 "
    "总硬度",,"total hardness","12.209 "
    "软化",,"water softening","12.210 "
    "软化器",,"softener","12.211 "
    "软化水",,"softened water","12.212 "
    "苏打石灰法",,"soda lime process","12.213 "
    "反洗",,"backwashing","12.214 "
    "* 浮床",,"floating bed","12.215 "
    "浮动床",,"floating bed","12.215 "
    "* 混床",,"mixed bed","12.216 "
    "混合床",,"mixed bed","12.216 "
    "双层床",,"stratified bed","12.217 "
    "三层床",,"tribed","12.218 "
    "双室床",,"lifted bed,double cell bed","12.219 "
    "除硅",,"desiliconization","12.220 "
    "超滤",,"ultrafiltration","12.221 "
    "微滤",,"microfiltration","12.222 "
    "纳滤",,"nanofiltration","12.223 "
    "总含盐量",,"total dissolved salt,TDS","12.224 "
    "除盐水",,"demineralized water","12.225 "
    "海水淡化",,"sea water desalination","12.226 "
    "反渗透",,"reverse osmosis,RO","12.227 "
    "透过性",,"permeability","12.228 "
    "卷式反渗透膜元件",,"spiral-wound RO cartridge","12.229 "
    "复合膜",,"thin film composite","12.230 "
    "中空纤维渗透器",,"hollow fiber permeator","12.231 "
    "电渗析",,"electrodialysis,ED","12.232 "
    "电除盐",,"electrodeionization,EDI","12.233 "
    "倒极电渗析",,"electrodialysis reversal,EDR","12.234 "
    "蒸馏法海水淡化",,"distillation seawater desalination","12.235 "
    "* 多级闪蒸",,"multi-stage distillation","12.236 "
    "* 扩容蒸发",,"flash distillation","12.236 "
    "闪蒸",,"flash distillation","12.236 "
    "多效蒸发",,"multiple effect distillation,MED","12.237 "
    "压汽蒸馏",,"vapor compression distillation","12.238 "
    "太阳能蒸馏",,"solar distillation","12.239 "
    "锅炉给水处理",,"boiler feedwater treatment","12.240 "
    "锅内水处理",,"internal boiler water treatment,internal boiler water conditioning","12.241 "
    "联氨处理",,"hydrazine treatment","12.242 "
    "磷酸盐处理",,"phosphate treatment","12.243 "
    "零固形物处理",,"zero solid matter treatment,all volatile conditioning","12.244 "
    "凝结水精处理",,"condensate polishing","12.245 "
    "化学监督",,"chemical supervision","12.246 "
    "化学监督仪表",,"instrument for chemical supervision","12.247 "
    "排污率",,"blowdown rate","12.248 "
    "汽水损失",,"loss of steam and water","12.249 "
    "选择性携带",,"selective carryover","12.250 "
    "锅水质量",,"boiler water quality","12.251 "
    "水垢",,"scale","12.252 "
    "水垢分析",,"scale analysis","12.253 "
    "防垢处理",,"scale prevention treatment","12.254 "
    "化学清洗",,"chemical cleaning","12.255 "
    "化学清洗介质",,"chemical cleaning medium","12.256 "
    "酸洗",,"acid cleaning","12.257 "
    "酸洗缓蚀剂",,"inhibitor in acid cleaning","12.258 "
    "钝化剂",,"passivator","12.259 "
    "水汽取样",,"water and steam sampling","12.260 "
    "* 盐类隐藏现象",,"hideout of salts","12.261 "
    "盐类暂时消失",,"hideout of salts","12.261 "
    "氧腐蚀",,"oxygen corrosion","12.262 "
    "防腐蚀处理",,"anti-corrosion treatment","12.263 "
    "油务监督",,"oil management","12.264 "
    "变压器油",,"transformer oil","12.265 "
    "汽轮机油",,"steam turbine oil","12.266 "
    "* 透平油",,"steam turbine oil","12.266 "
    "油样分析",,"analysis of oil sample","12.267 "
    "界面张力",,"interfacial tension","12.268 "
    "游离碳",,"free carbon","12.269 "
    "机械杂质",,"mechanical impurities","12.270 "
    "酸值",,"acid value","12.271 "
    "[油中]水溶性酸",,"water soluble acid in oil","12.272 "
    "抗氧化剂",,"oxidation inhibitor","12.273 "
    "氧化稳定性",,"oxidation stability","12.274 "
    "油质老化",,"oil ageing","12.275 "
    "油质老化试验",,"ageing test of oil","12.276 "
    "可燃气体分析",,"analysis of combustible gas","12.277 "
    "连续再生装置",,"continuous regeneration set","12.278 "
    "薄膜密封",,"elastic membrane seal","12.279 "
    "充氮保护",,"nitrogen filled protection","12.280 "
    "防锈剂",,"anti-rust additive,rust inhibitor","12.281 "
    "油净化",,"oil purification","12.282 "
    "油再生",,"oil regeneration","12.283 "
    "油中含气量",,"dissolved gas content of oil","12.284 "
    "油析气性",,"gassing properties of insulating oil","12.285 "
    "* 红外分析",,"infrared spectrum analysis","12.286 "
    "红外光谱分析",,"infrared spectrum analysis","12.286 "
    "油中水分",,"water content in oil","12.287 "
    "高压液相色谱分析",,"high pressure liquid chromatographic analysis","12.288 "
    "油净化装置",,"oil polishing device","12.289 "
    "油中颗粒度",,"particle counting and size distribution in oil","12.290 "
    "油系统泄漏试验",,"leakage test of oil system","12.291 "
    "油压装置",,"oil pressure supply unit","12.292 "
    "油系统清洗",,"oil system cleaning","12.293 "
    "金属性能",,"performance of metal","12.294 "
    "抗拉强度",,"tensile strength","12.295 "
    "屈服强度",,"yield strength","12.296 "
    "金属韧性",,"toughness of metal","12.297 "
    "断裂韧度",,"fracture toughness","12.298 "
    "冲击韧性",,"impact toughness","12.299 "
    "断面收缩率",,"contraction of cross sectional area","12.300 "
    "缺口敏感性",,"notch sensitivity","12.301 "
    "脆性转变温度",,"fracture appearance transition temperature,FATT","12.302 "
    "* 韧脆转化温度",,"ductile-brittle transition temperature","12.302 "
    "金属硬度",,"metal hardness","12.303 "
    "蠕变",,"creep","12.304 "
    "蠕变变形",,"creep deformation","12.305 "
    "蠕变断裂",,"creep fracture","12.306 "
    "蠕变试验",,"creep test","12.307 "
    "蠕变速度",,"creep rate","12.308 "
    "持久强度",,"rupture life strength","12.309 "
    "* 持久强度极限",,"rupture life strength","12.309 "
    "持久塑性",,"rupture ductility","12.310 "
    "应力松弛",,"stress relaxation","12.311 "
    "疲劳",,"fatigue","12.312 "
    "疲劳断裂",,"fatigue fracture","12.313 "
    "低周疲劳",,"low cycle fatigue","12.314 "
    "* 应变疲劳",,"low cycle fatigue","12.314 "
    "疲劳曲线",,"stress endurance curve,fatigue curve","12.315 "
    "σ-Ν曲线",,"stress endurance curve,fatigue curve","12.315 "
    "疲劳极限",,"fatigue limit","12.316 "
    "[金属]热疲劳",,"thermal fatigue","12.317 "
    "腐蚀疲劳",,"corrosion fatigue","12.318 "
    "蠕变疲劳",,"creep fatigue","12.319 "
    "金属宏观检验",,"macroscopic structure inspection of metal","12.320 "
    "金属电子显微技术",,"electron microscopic examination","12.321 "
    "光学金相显微分析",,"optical microscopic structure inspection","12.322 "
    "定量金相技术",,"quantitative metallography technique","12.323 "
    "合金相分析",,"alloy phase analysis","12.324 "
    "金属化学成分分析",,"chemical composition analysis of metal","12.325 "
    "金属碳化物分析",,"carbide analysis","12.326 "
    "X射线衍射技术",,"X-ray diffraction technique","12.327 "
    "金属热处理",,"heat treatment of metal","12.328 "
    "退火",,"annealing","12.329 "
    "正火",,"normalizing","12.330 "
    "淬火",,"hardenning,quenching","12.331 "
    "回火",,"tempering","12.332 "
    "调质",,"hardening and tempering","12.333 "
    "形变热处理",,"thermomechanical treatment","12.334 "
    "金属化学热处理",,"thermo-chemical treatment of metal","12.335 "
    "表面处理",,"surface treatment","12.336 "
    "金属监督",,"metal supervision","12.337 "
    "蠕胀测点",,"creep measurement point","12.338 "
    "蠕胀监察段",,"creep supervision section","12.339 "
    "石墨化",,"graphitization","12.340 "
    "珠光体球化",,"spheroidization of pearlite","12.341 "
    "时效",,"ageing","12.342 "
    "新相形成",,"precipitation","12.343 "
    "失效分析",,"failure analysis","12.344 "
    "* 损坏分析",,"failure analysis","12.344 "
    "断口分析",,"fractography","12.345 "
    "断裂力学",,"fracture mechanics","12.346 "
    "断裂力学试验",,"fracture mechanics test","12.347 "
    "脆性断裂",,"brittle fracture","12.348 "
    "韧性断裂",,"ductile fracture","12.349 "
    "* 白点",,"hydrogen embrittlement","12.350 "
    "氢脆",,"hydrogen embrittlement","12.350 "
    "氢脆断裂",,"hydrogen embrittlement fracture","12.351 "
    "应力腐蚀断裂",,"stress corrosion fracture","12.352 "
    "[金属]磨损",,"wear of metal","12.353 "
    "腐蚀",,"corrosion","12.354 "
    "低温腐蚀",,"low temperature corrosion","12.355 "
    "高温腐蚀",,"high temperature corrosion","12.356 "
    "应力腐蚀",,"stress corrosion","12.357 "
    "点腐蚀",,"pitting attack","12.358 "
    "* 孔蚀",,"pitting attack","12.358 "
    "垢下腐蚀",,"underdeposit corrosion","12.359 "
    "无损检测",,"nondestructive testing,NDT,nondestructive evaluating,NDE","12.360 "
    "无损探伤",,"nondestructive examination","12.361 "
    "射线探伤",,"radiography testing,RT","12.362 "
    "超声波检测",,"ultrasonic testing,UT","12.363 "
    "磁粉探伤",,"magnetic particle testing,MT","12.364 "
    "涡流探伤",,"eddy current test","12.365 "
    "渗透探伤",,"penetrant testing,PT","12.366 "
    "超声测厚",,"ultrasonic thickness measurement","12.367 "
    "红外线检测",,"infrared inspection","12.368 "
    "裂纹深度测量",,"crack depth measurement","12.369 "
    "焊接",,"welding","12.370 "
    "熔焊",,"fuse welding","12.371 "
    "压焊",,"press welding","12.372 "
    "钎焊",,"braze welding","12.373 "
    "电弧焊",,"electric arc welding","12.374 "
    "* 弧焊",,"electric arc welding","12.374 "
    "氩弧焊",,"argon arc weld","12.375 "
    "焊接接头",,"welding joint","12.376 "
    "焊缝",,"weld","12.377 "
    "焊接材料",,"welding material","12.378 "
    "焊缝金属",,"welding metal","12.379 "
    "焊接工艺",,"welding procedure","12.380 "
    "焊接残余应力",,"welding residual stress","12.381 "
    "焊后热处理",,"postweld heat treatment","12.382 "
    "焊接缺陷",,"welding defect","12.383 "
    "焊接裂纹",,"welding crack","12.384 "
    "焊接网",,"network for arc welding","12.385 "
    "寿命管理",,"life management","12.386 "
    "设计寿命",,"design life","12.387 "
    "寿命预测",,"life prediction","12.388 "
    "寿命诊断技术",,"diagnosis technique for residual life","12.389 "
    "电厂延寿",,"power plant life extension","12.390 "
    "高温蒸汽管道寿命",,"lifetime of steam piping","12.391 "
    "珠光体耐热钢",,"pearlitic heat resistant steel","12.392 "
    "奥氏体耐热钢",,"austenitic heat resistant steel","12.393 "
    "马氏体耐热钢",,"martensitic heat resistant steel","12.394 "
    "铁素体耐热钢",,"ferritic heat resistant steel","12.395 "
    "核能",,"nuclear energy","13.009 "
    "* 原子能",,"nuclear energy","13.009 "
    "[核]裂变",,"nuclear fission","13.010 "
    "自发裂变",,"spontaneous fission","13.011 "
    "[核]聚变",,"nuclear fusion","13.012 "
    "核素",,"nuclide","13.013 "
    "同位素",,"isotope","13.014 "
    "同位素丰度",,"isotopic abundance","13.015 "
    "放射性",,"radioactivity","13.016 "
    "放射性同位素",,"radioactive isotope","13.017 "
    "放射性衰变",,"radioactive decay","13.018 "
    "* 衰变",,"radioactive decay","13.018 "
    "同质异能跃迁",,"isometric transition","13.019 "
    "[放射性]衰变常数",,"[radioactive] decay constant","13.020 "
    "半衰期",,"half-life","13.021 "
    "衰变链",,"decay chain","13.022 "
    "衰变热",,"decay heat","13.023 "
    "射线",,"ray","13.024 "
    "核反应",,"nuclear reaction","13.027 "
    "活化产物",,"activation products","13.030 "
    "[核裂变]反应堆",,"nuclear [fission] reactor","13.032 "
    "反应堆分类",,"classification of reactor","13.033 "
    "裂变中子",,"fission neutron","13.034 "
    "瞬发中子",,"prompt neutron","13.035 "
    "缓发中子",,"delayed neutron","13.036 "
    "缓发中子份额",,"delayed neutron fraction","13.037 "
    "链式反应",,"chain reaction","13.038 "
    "可裂变核素",,"fissionable nuclide","13.039 "
    "易裂变核素",,"fissile nuclide","13.040 "
    "可转换核素",,"fertile nuclide","13.041 "
    "中子核反应微观截面",,"nuclear reaction microscopic cross section of neutron","13.042 "
    "中子核反应宏观截面",,"nuclear reaction macroscopic cross section of neutron","13.043 "
    "中子数密度",,"neutron number density","13.044 "
    "* 中子通量",,"neutron fluence rate","13.045 "
    "中子注量率",,"neutron fluence rate","13.045 "
    "中子注量率分布",,"neutron fluence rate distribution","13.046 "
    "中子注量率分布测量",,"measurement of neutron fluence rate distribution","13.047 "
    "* 中子积分通量",,"neutron fluence","13.048 "
    "中子注量",,"neutron fluence","13.048 "
    "中子与核反应率密度",,"reaction rate density of neutron with nuclide","13.049 "
    "快中子",,"fast neutron","13.050 "
    "中能中子",,"moderate energy neutron","13.051 "
    "热中子",,"thermal neutron","13.052 "
    "放射性中子源",,"radioactive neutron source","13.053 "
    "次级中子源",,"secondary neutron source","13.054 "
    "* 二次中子源",,"secondary neutron source","13.054 "
    "中子吸收",,"neutron absorption","13.055 "
    "辐射俘获",,"radioactive capture","13.056 "
    "* 共振俘获",,"resonance absorption","13.057 "
    "共振吸收",,"resonance absorption","13.057 "
    "中子散射",,"neutron scattering","13.058 "
    "* 非弹性碰撞",,"inelastic scattering","13.059 "
    "非弹性散射",,"inelastic scattering","13.059 "
    "弹性散射",,"elastic scattering","13.060 "
    "平均自由程",,"mean free path","13.061 "
    "总截面",,"total cross section","13.062 "
    "中子慢化",,"neutron moderation","13.063 "
    "费米年龄方程",,"Fermi age equation","13.064 "
    "* 年龄扩散方程",,"Fermi age equation","13.064 "
    "慢化面积",,"slowing-down area","13.065 "
    "慢化长度",,"slowing-down length","13.066 "
    "平均对数能降",,"average logarithmic energy loss","13.067 "
    "* 平均对数能量损失",,"average logarithmic energy loss","13.067 "
    "慢化剂",,"moderator","13.068 "
    "慢化能力",,"moderation power","13.069 "
    "慢化比",,"moderation ratio","13.070 "
    "中子扩散",,"neutron diffusion","13.071 "
    "中子扩散方程",,"neutron diffusion equation","13.072 "
    "扩散长度",,"diffusion length","13.073 "
    "每次吸收的中子产额",,"neutron yield per absorption","13.074 "
    "* 有效裂变中子产额",,"effective fission neutron yield","13.074 "
    "* 快中子裂变因数",,"fast neutron breeding factor","13.075 "
    "快中子增殖因数",,"fast neutron breeding factor","13.075 "
    "逃脱共振俘获概率",,"resonance escape probability","13.076 "
    "* 逃脱共振吸收概率",,"resonance escape probability","13.076 "
    "热中子利用因数",,"thermal neutron utilization factor","13.077 "
    "* 热中子利用因子",,"thermal neutron utilization factor","13.077 "
    "四因子公式",,"four-factor formula","13.078 "
    "* 中子寿命循环",,"neutron cycle","13.079 "
    "中子循环",,"neutron cycle","13.079 "
    "无限介质[中子]增殖因数",,"infinite medium [neutron] multiplication factor","13.080 "
    "中子不泄漏概率",,"neutron non-leakage probability","13.081 "
    "有效[中子]增殖因数",,"effective [neutron] multiplication factor","13.082 "
    "中子输运方程",,"neutron transport equation","13.083 "
    "[中子]能量分群法",,"neutron energy grouping method","13.084 "
    "多群扩散法",,"multi-group diffusion method","13.085 "
    "反应堆物理计算",,"reactor physics calculation","13.086 "
    "反应堆临界方程",,"reactor critical equation","13.087 "
    "反应堆临界",,"reactor criticality","13.088 "
    "临界质量",,"critical mass","13.089 "
    "临界尺寸",,"critical dimension","13.090 "
    "* 临界体积",,"critical volume","13.090 "
    "反应堆超临界",,"reactor super-criticality","13.091 "
    "次临界",,"sub-criticality","13.092 "
    "反应堆栅格",,"reactor lattice","13.093 "
    "稠密栅格",,"tight lattice,dense lattice","13.094 "
    "慢化剂-燃料比",,"moderator-to-fuel ratio","13.095 "
    "中子能谱",,"neutron spectrum","13.096 "
    "[中子]能谱硬化",,"neutron spectral hardening","13.097 "
    "栅元",,"lattice cell","13.098 "
    "栅距",,"lattice distance","13.099 "
    "[反应堆]堆芯",,"reactor core","13.100 "
    "初始堆芯",,"initial reactor core","13.101 "
    "* 初装堆芯",,"initial reactor core","13.101 "
    "堆芯等效直径",,"equivalent core diameter","13.102 "
    "堆芯高度",,"core height","13.103 "
    "反应堆动态学",,"reactor kinetics","13.104 "
    "单组点堆动态学",,"one group point reactor kinetics","13.105 "
    "点堆模型",,"point reactor model","13.106 "
    "反应性",,"reactivity","13.107 "
    "后备反应性",,"build-in reactivity,excess reactivity","13.108 "
    "* 剩余反应性",,"build-in reactivity,excess reactivity","13.108 "
    "停堆深度",,"shutdown margin","13.109 "
    "* 停堆裕量",,"shutdown margin","13.109 "
    "反应性仪",,"reactivity meter","13.110 "
    "堆周期",,"reactor period","13.111 "
    "* 反应堆时间常数",,"reactor period","13.111 "
    "反应堆倍增周期",,"reactor double period","13.112 "
    "倒时方程",,"in-hour equation","13.113 "
    "* 反应性方程",,"in-hour equation","13.113 "
    "反应堆传递函数",,"reactor transfer function","13.114 "
    "中子微扰理论",,"neutron perturbation theory","13.115 "
    "中子平均寿命",,"neutron mean life","13.116 "
    "超瞬发临界",,"super prompt criticality","13.117 "
    "缓发临界",,"delayed criticality","13.118 "
    "反应性系数",,"reactivity coefficient","13.119 "
    "反应性温度系数",,"reactivity temperature coefficient","13.120 "
    "* 温度系数",,"reactivity temperature coefficient","13.120 "
    "* 多普勒反应性系数",,"fuel temperature coefficient","13.121 "
    "燃料温度系数",,"fuel temperature coefficient","13.121 "
    "多普勒效应",,"Doppler effect","13.122 "
    "* 多普勒展宽",,"Doppler effect","13.122 "
    "慢化剂温度系数",,"moderator temperature coefficient","13.123 "
    "反应性压力系数",,"reactivity pressure coefficient","13.124 "
    "反应性空泡系数",,"reactivity void coefficient","13.125 "
    "反应性功率系数",,"reactor power coefficient","13.126 "
    "* 反应性微分功率系数",,"reactor power coefficient","13.126 "
    "* 反应性积分功率系数",,"power defect","13.127 "
    "功率亏损",,"power defect","13.127 "
    "反应堆自稳定性",,"reactor self-stability","13.128 "
    "氙中毒",,"xenon poisoning","13.129 "
    "碘坑",,"iodine well","13.130 "
    "氙振荡",,"xenon oscillation","13.131 "
    "钐中毒",,"samarium poisoning","13.132 "
    "裂变产物中毒",,"fission products poisoning","13.133 "
    "燃耗",,"burn up","13.134 "
    "卸料燃耗[深度]",,"discharge burn up","13.135 "
    "堆芯寿期",,"reactor core lifetime","13.136 "
    "* 换料周期",,"reactor core lifetime","13.136 "
    "堆芯燃料管理",,"reactor core fuel management","13.137 "
    "反应性控制",,"reactivity control","13.138 "
    "控制棒",,"control rod","13.139 "
    "安全棒",,"safety control rod","13.140 "
    "补偿棒",,"compensation control rod","13.141 "
    "调节棒",,"regulation control rod","13.142 "
    "灰棒",,"gray control rod","13.143 "
    "控制棒价值",,"control rod worth","13.144 "
    "控制棒自屏效应",,"control rod shielding effect","13.145 "
    "控制棒干涉效应",,"control rod interference","13.146 "
    "化学补偿控制",,"chemical shimming control","13.147 "
    "可燃毒物",,"burnable poison","13.148 "
    "控制毒物的价值",,"control poison worth","13.149 "
    "* 控制毒物反应性当量",,"control poison worth","13.149 "
    "反应性控制方法",,"reactivity control approach","13.150 "
    "中子注量率分布不均匀因子",,"neutron fluence distribution peaking factor","13.151 "
    "中子注量率展平",,"neutron fluence flattening","13.152 "
    "反射层",,"reflector","13.153 "
    "反射层节省",,"reflector economy","13.154 "
    "反应堆物理实验",,"reactor physics experiment","13.155 "
    "零功率反应堆",,"zero power reactor","13.156 "
    "临界装置",,"critical assembly","13.157 "
    "反应堆物理启动",,"reactor physical start-up","13.158 "
    "零功率试验",,"zero power experiment","13.159 "
    "首次临界实验",,"first critical experiment","13.160 "
    "临界棒栅",,"control rod lattice for criticality","13.161 "
    "[反应堆]无源启动",,"reactor start-up without neutron source","13.162 "
    "* 盲区启动",,"reactor start-up without neutron source","13.162 "
    "控制棒刻度",,"control rod calibration","13.163 "
    "硼微分价值",,"boron differential worth","13.164 "
    "停堆硼浓度",,"shutdown boron concentration","13.165 "
    "临界硼浓度",,"critical boron concentration","13.166 "
    "反应堆噪声",,"reactor noise","13.167 "
    "中子探测器",,"neutron detector","13.168 "
    "自给能探测器",,"self-powered detector","13.169 "
    "核功率测量",,"nuclear power instrumentation","13.170 "
    "燃料转换",,"fuel conversion","13.171 "
    "转换比",,"conversion ratio,CR","13.172 "
    "燃料增殖",,"fuel breeding","13.173 "
    "增殖比",,"breeding ratio,BR","13.174 "
    "倍增时间",,"doubling time","13.175 "
    "* 加倍时间",,"doubling time","13.175 "
    "核燃料",,"nuclear fuel","13.176 "
    "铀资源",,"uranium resources","13.177 "
    "钍资源",,"thorium resources","13.178 "
    "聚变能资源",,"fusion energy resources","13.179 "
    "反应堆燃料性能要求",,"performance requirement for reactor fuel","13.193 "
    "金属燃料",,"metallic fuel","13.194 "
    "氧化物陶瓷燃料",,"ceramic oxide fuel","13.195 "
    "碳化物和氮化物燃料",,"fissionable nuclide carbide and nitride fuel","13.196 "
    "弥散体燃料",,"dispersion fuel","13.197 "
    "燃料芯块",,"fuel pellet","13.198 "
    "燃料包壳",,"fuel cladding","13.199 "
    "燃料棒",,"fuel rod","13.200 "
    "燃料元件",,"fuel element","13.201 "
    "可燃毒物棒",,"burnable poison rod","13.202 "
    "燃料组件",,"fuel assembly","13.203 "
    "压水堆燃料组件",,"pressurized water reactor fuel assembly","13.204 "
    "板形燃料组件",,"plate type fuel assembly","13.205 "
    "包覆燃料颗粒",,"coated fuel particle","13.206 "
    "球形燃料元件",,"spherical fuel element","13.207 "
    "棱柱形燃料组件",,"prismatic fuel element","13.208 "
    "CANDU型重水堆燃料组件",,"CANDU type HWR fuel assembly","13.209 "
    "快中子增殖堆燃料组件",,"FBR fuel assembly","13.210 "
    "MOX燃料组件",,"mixed oxide fuel assembly","13.211 "
    "铀钚燃料循环",,"uranium-plutonium fuel cycle","13.212 "
    "* 钍基核燃料循环",,"thorium-uranium fuel cycle","13.213 "
    "钍铀燃料循环",,"thorium-uranium fuel cycle","13.213 "
    "燃料组件堆外性能试验",,"out-of-reactor test of fuel assembly","13.214 "
    "燃料组件辐照考验",,"fuel assembly irradiation test","13.215 "
    "先导组件随堆考验",,"irradiation test of leading assemblies in existing power reactor","13.216 "
    "辐照容器",,"irradiation capsule","13.217 "
    "辐照考验回路",,"irradiation test loop","13.218 "
    "辐照后检验",,"post-irradiation examination","13.219 "
    "芯块与包壳相互作用",,"pellet-cladding interaction,PCI","13.220 "
    "材料检验热实验室",,"hot laboratory for material examination","13.221 "
    "* 热室",,"hot laboratory for material examination","13.221 "
    "屏蔽工作箱",,"shielded box","13.222 "
    "手套箱",,"glove box","13.223 "
    "新燃料组件运输容器",,"new fuel assembly transport cask","13.224 "
    "新燃料组件储存",,"new fuel assembly storage","13.225 "
    "核燃料循环",,"nuclear fuel cycle","13.226 "
    "* 开式循环",,"once-through nuclear fuel cycle","13.227 "
    "一次通过式核燃料循环",,"once-through nuclear fuel cycle","13.227 "
    "* 闭合循环",,"closed nuclear fuel cycle","13.228 "
    "核燃料闭合循环",,"closed nuclear fuel cycle","13.228 "
    "乏燃料",,"spent fuel,irradiated fuel","13.229 "
    "乏燃料组件运输容器",,"spent fuel assembly transport cask","13.230 "
    "乏燃料组件运输",,"spent fuel assembly transport","13.231 "
    "乏燃料组件储存设施",,"irradiated fuel assembly storage facility","13.232 "
    "[乏燃料]后处理",,"irradiated fuel reprocessing","13.233 "
    "反应堆材料",,"material for nuclear reactor","13.234 "
    "反应堆材料辐照效应",,"irradiation effect of reactor material","13.235 "
    "反应堆控制材料",,"material for reactor control","13.236 "
    "反应堆压力容器材料",,"material for reactor pressure vessel","13.237 "
    "辐照监督管",,"irradiation monitoring tube","13.238 "
    "* 脆性转变温度",,"temperature of nil-ductility transition,TND","13.239 "
    "无延性转变温度",,"temperature of nil-ductility transition,TND","13.239 "
    "反应堆结构材料",,"structural m
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