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    國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 2007-10-16T08:41:04Z 2007-10-16T09:00:10Z 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 11.5606 對照資料區 330 9 300 300 False False False 9450 18180 480 15 False False

    [器物 - 銅器、金屬器]  
    內言卣 Nei-yen yu vessel
    史尊 Shih tsun vessel
    圓口方足觚 Square-footed ku vessel with round mouth
    夔紋方尊 Squarish tsun vessel with dragon decoration
    守官遺範銅印 Official's bronze seal
    弓形器 Bow-shaped object
    弦紋觶 Chih vessel with string decoration
    敬一主人圓鼎 Round cauldron of the Ching-i Master
    文王方鼎 Wen-wang rectangular cauldron
    沖耳乳足銅爐 Bronze censer with raised handles and stubby feet
    浮雕龍鳳紋銅鎏金雙管瓶 Gilt bronze dual double-vase with raised dragon-and-phoenix carved decoration
    澡豆罐 Tou container
    熊足鐓 Bear-footed tun
    獸面紋壺尊 Hu-tsun vessel with animal-mask decoration
    獸面紋方鼎 Rectangular cauldron with animal-mask decoration
    獸面紋銅爐 Bronze censer with animal-mask decoration
    獸首銅如意 Animal-head bronze ju-i scepter
    盟盨 Meng hsu vessel
    直內戈 Dagger-axe with straight shafting-plate
    竊曲紋簋 Kuei with curled pattern decoration
    蟠龍紋壺 Hu vase with interlaced dragon design
    蟬紋卮 Chih vessel with cicada decoration
    蟾蜍硯滴 Toad-shaped water dropper
    豹形錯金銀鎮紙 Leopard-shaped paperweight with gold and silver inlay
    銀槎杯 Silver raft cup
    銅宣德爐 Bronze censer in Hsuan-te type
    銅方爐 Squarish bronze censer
    銅雙管盃 Bronze double-tube cup
    錯金虎匜 Tiger-shaped i vessel with gold inlay
    錯金銀圓鼎 Round cauldron with gold and silver inlay
    錯金銀夔鳳紋觶 Chih vessel inlaid with bird-dragon decoration
    錯金銀天雞尊 "Heavenly fowl"-shaped tsun vessel with gold and silver inlay
    錯金銀帶輪羊尊 Wheeled goat tsun vessel with gold and silver inlay
    錯金銀提梁盉 Handled ho vessel with gold and silver inlay
    錯金銀犧尊 Animal-shaped tsun vessel with gold and silver inlay
    錯金銀獸耳方壺 Animal-handled squarish hu vessel with gold and silver inlay
    錯金銀獸面紋方罍 Squarish lei vessel inlaid with animal-mask decoration
    錯金銀獸面紋罍 Lei vessel inlaid with animal-mask decoration
    錯金銀獸面紋角 Chiao vessel inlaid with animal-mask decoration
    錯金銀獸面紋觚 Ku vessel inlaid with animal-mask decoration
    錯金銀蟠龍盉 Ho vessel inlaid with curled dragon decoration
    錯金銀車飾銅硯滴 Bronze water dropper made from a chariot fitting with gold and silver inlay
    錯金銀銅天雞尊水注 Bronze water dropper with gold and silver inlay shaped as a "heavenly fowl" tsun vessel
    錯金銀雙羊尊 Inlaid joined-sheep tsun vessel
    錯金銀雲紋提梁卣 Inlaid handled yu vessel with cloud pattern
    錯金銀雲紋犧尊 Sacrificial animal-shaped tsun vessel inlaid with cloud pattern
    錯金銀雲雷紋壺 Hu vessel inlaid with cloud-and-thunder pattern
    錯金銀鳥紋扁足鼎 Flat-legged cauldron inlaid with bird decoration
    錯金銀鳧尊 Water fowl-shaped tsun vessel with gold and silver inlay
    錯金銀龍紋圓壺 Round hu vessel inlaid with dragon decoration
    鎏金鼎形香爐 Gilded incense censer in the shape of a cauldron
    鐘式瓶 Bell-shaped vase
    鑲嵌獸紋壺 Hu vessel inlaid with animal pattern
    鑾鈴 Chariot bell
    靈芝紋銅如意 Bronze ju-i scepter with spirit fungi decoration
    非鼎 Fei cauldron
    鳩車 Pigeon-form with vase and wheels
    [器物 - 玉石器]  
    『長陵東當』瓦當硯 Roof tile from the Ch'ang-ling Mausoleum made into an inkstone
    九螭玉小方爐 Small squarish nine-dragon jade censer
    九螭角杯形玉薰具 Horn-shaped jade censer with nine dragons
    仿古六硯 Six archaistic ink stones
    六文韞古玉印 Six-script archaic jade seals
    劍飾玉硯滴 Jade water dropper made from a sword fitting
    圈把玉高腳杯 Tall-stemmed jade cup with round handle
    壺形玉薰具 Jade incense censer in the shape of a hu vase
    嵌玉墨床 Ink stick rest with jade inlay
    嵌玉紫檀壓尺 Sandalwood weighted ruler with jade inlay
    嵌玉紫檀錯銀墨床 Sandalwood ink stick rest with jade and silver inlay
    弦紋缸形玉香爐 Kang-shaped jade incense censer with string decoration
    御製西湖名勝詩墨 Set of nine inksticks with imperial poems and scenes of West Lake
    松花石梅花圖硯 Sung-hua inkstone with lid featuring plum blossom
    玉劍飾 Jade sword fitting
    玉卮杯 Jade chih cup
    玉大雁帶飾 Jade belt ornament with goose d'ecor
    玉戚 Jade notched axe
    玉扁壺 Jade flat hu vesse
    玉牛 Jade ox
    玉牛首角 Jade horn cup with ox head
    玉獸面紋方鼎 Jade rectangular cauldron with animal mask decoration
    玉盃 Jade cup
    玉蟠龍紋扁壺 Jade flat hu vessel with interlaced dragon design
    玉觚 Jade ku vessel
    玉雙管盃 Jade double-tube cup
    玉高腳杯 Tall-footed jade cup
    玉鰲魚花插 Jade vase in the shape of a horned fish
    玉鳩車 Jade pigeon-like cart
    玉龍紋盤 Jade dish with openwork dragon design
    琭玉硯 Ink stone with Wen Cheng-ming mark
    琮形玉薰具 Jade incense censer in the shape of a ts'ung
    異獸玉鎮紙 Beast-shaped jade paperweight
    碧玉瓜瓣杯 Half-gourd-shaped jade cap
    簋形玉爐 Jade censer in the shape of a kuei vessel
    絡紋白玉水盛 Water container in white jade with striated decoration
    翠玉白菜 Jadeite cabbage with insects
    肉形石 Banded jasper resembling a slab of meat
    蚩尤環 Jade ch'ih-yu huan
    螭把海棠式玉盃 Begonia-type jade cup with dragon handle
    螭把玉匜 Jade i vessel with dragon handle
    螭紋子岡款青玉圓盒 Round green jade box with dragon decoration and "Tzu-kang" mark
    螭紋白玉水盛附匙 White jade water container with dragon decoration and ladle
    蟠螭玉方杯 Jade coiled-dragon square cup
    蟠螭玉雙管瓶 Coiled-dragon double tube-jade vase
    辟邪玉硯滴 Jade water dropper in the shape of an "evil-averting" beast
    鏤雕回紋卮形玉薰具 Chih-shaped jade censer with openwork carving of meander decoration
    雞血石 赤壁圖未刻印 Uncut Chicken-blood stone seal illustrating the Red Cliff
    雲紋琥 Hu jade ornament with cloud decoration
    風字硯 Ink stone shaped as the character "feng (wind)"
    龍鳳紋玉單把杯 Single-handle jade cup with dragon-and-phoenix decoration
    龍鳳紋玉筆筒 Jade brush holder with dragon-and-phoenix design
    [器物 - 陶瓷器]  
    「大雅齋」款紫地花卉瓷盒 Box with overglaze flower and bird design on purple ground, Ta-ya-chai mark
    五彩花鳥蒜頭瓶 Garlic-head vase with birds and flowers in wu-ts'ai enamels
    仿官釉 灰青匜式洗 Washer in imitation of Kuan-ware glaze
    仿官釉 筆山 Brush rest in imitation of Kuan-ware glaze
    仿官釉 粉青靈芝洗 Fungus washer in imitation of Kuan-ware glaze
    仿官釉 蒜頭瓶 Garlic-head vase in imitation of Kuan-ware glaze
    仿定白瓷 印花花口方碟 Engraved squarish dish with flowers and floral rim in imitation of Ting-ware
    仿汝釉 三犧尊 Tsun vessel in imitation of Ju-ware glaze
    仿汝釉 奉華尊 Tsun vessel with imitation Ju-ware glaze and "feng-hua" inscription
    仿汝釉 粉青三足爐 Three-footed censer in imitation of Ju-ware glaze
    仿銅獸面紋方鼎 Porcelain rectangular cauldron with animal-mask decoration in imitation of bronze
    古銅釉 宣德爐 Hsüan-te type censer in archaic bronze glaze
    古銅釉 雙耳尊 Tsun vessel in imitation of Ju-ware glaze
    哥窯 米色三足爐 Ko-ware censer with three legs
    哥窯 米色魚耳爐 Ko-ware cream-colored censer with fish handles
    哥窯 米黃釉鼎式爐 Ko-ware cauldron-type censer in cream-yellow glaze
    哥窯 青瓷葵花式盤 Dish with hibiscus rim in crackled glaze
    哥釉 三足爐 Three-legged censer in Ko-ware glaze
    哥釉 膽瓶 Vase with imitation Ko-ware glaze
    哥釉 葉形洗 Leaf-shaped washer in imitation of Ko-ware glaze
    哥釉 雙蓮房水注 Joined-lotus water dropper in imitation of Ko-ware glaze
    哥釉 鼓式洗 Drum-type washer in imitation of Ko-ware glaze
    墨梅瓷盤 Porcelain dish with plum blossom motif
    嬌黃凸雕九龍方盂 Bright yellow squarish basin with nine dragons carved in relief
    嬌黃簋式爐 Bright yellow kuei-type censer
    嬌黃錐拱獸面紋鼎 Bright yellow cauldron with animal-mask decoration
    孔雀藍錐拱蕉葉夔紋觚 Ku vessel with plantain-leaf and dragon-décor in peacock blue glaze
    官窯 簋式爐 Kuan-ware kuei-style censer
    官窯 青瓷尊 Tsun vessel with light bluish-green glaze
    官窯 青瓷葵花式洗 Hibiscus-shaped washer with light bluish-green glaze
    定窯 印花花口碗 Ting-ware bowl with impressed flowers and floral rim
    定窯 牙白弦紋簋式爐 Ting-ware ivory white kuei-style censer with string decoration
    定窯 白瓷劃花蓮塘雙鳧碗 Bowl with incised waterfowl and lotus pond design in white glaze
    定窯 白瓷劃花蓮紋梅瓶 Mei-ping vase with incised lotus pattern in white glaze
    定窯 白瓷嬰兒枕 White-glazed pillow in the shape of a recumbent child
    寶石紅僧帽壺 Monk's cap jug with copper red glaze
    廠官釉 貫耳小瓶 Ch'ang-Kuan glaze small vase with tubular lug
    德化窯 夔紋三足蔥管鼎 White porcelain dragon-décor censer with three legs
    德化窯 夔紋筒式弦紋爐 White porcelain dragon-décor censer with string pattern
    德化窯 夔紋簋式爐 White porcelain kuei-style censer with dragon decoration
    景德鎮窯 青白瓷菊瓣盒 Box with chrysanthemum petal décor in bluish-white glaze
    汝窯 奉華碟 Ju-ware dish with "feng-hua" inscription
    汝窯 橢圓小洗 Ju-ware oval dish
    汝窯 紙槌瓶 Ju-ware vase in the shape of a paper mallet
    汝窯 青瓷奉華碟 "Feng-hua" mallet-shped vase with greenish-blue glaze
    汝窯 青瓷橢圓洗 Oval wash basin with greenish-blue glaze
    汝窯 青瓷水仙盆 Narcissus planter with greenish-blue glaze
    汝窯 青瓷洗 Round wash basin with greenish-blue glaze
    汝窯 青瓷無紋水仙盆 Plain narcissus Basin with greenish-blue glaze
    汝窯 青瓷盤 Plate with greenish-blue glaze
    汝窯 青瓷紙槌瓶 Mallet-shaped vase in light bluish-green glaze
    汝窯 青瓷蓮花式溫碗 Bowl in the shape of a lotus with light bluish-green glaze
    汝窯 青瓷蓮花式碗 Lotus-shaped warming bowl with greenish-blue glaze
    琺瑯花鳥圖碗 Porcelain bowl with decoration of flowers and birds painted in fa-lang-ts'ai enamels
    白瓷劃紋柳編魚簍瓶 White porcelain vase with incised willow fish-basket decoration
    白瓷獸面紋方鼎 Porcelain rectangular cauldron with animal-mask decoration
    白瓷獸面紋雙耳方壺 Two-handled white porcelain squarish hu vessel with animal-mask decoration
    番蓮包袱瓶 Fen-ts'ai vase with wrapped bundle design and Indian lotus motif
    粉青印花轉足碗 Bowl in light-greenish glaze with impressed fish design and rotating foot
    紅地黃彩龍紋罐 Red-glazed jar with yellow dragon décor
    綠地魚龍圖花式瓶 Flower-shaped vase with fish and dragon design on apple-green ground
    耀州窯 青瓷劃花牡丹碗 Bowl with incised peony design in yellowish-green glaze
    耀州窯 青瓷印花菊花碗 Bowl with impressed chrysanthemum design in yellowish-green glaze
    越窯 秘色瓷洗 Celadon "secret-color" water container
    釉裏紅瑞獸瓶 Vase with auspicious animals in underglaze red
    釉裏紅龍紋梅瓶 Mei-p'ing vase with dragon design in underglaze red
    鈞窯 天藍丁香紫渣斗式花盆 Cha-tou planter with azure and lilac glaze
    鈞窯 天藍渣斗式花盆 Cha-tou planter with azure glaze
    鈞窯 天藍紫斑如意枕 Ju-i pillow with azure glaze and purple splashes
    鈞窯 天藍葡萄紫蓮花式盆托 Lotus-shaped pot stand with azure and aubergine glaze
    鈞窯 天青圓洗 Brush washer with bluish-green glaze
    鈞窯 天青紫斑碗 Bowl with greenish-blue glaze and reddish-purple splashes
    鈞窯 月白出戟尊 Tsun vase with moon-white glaze
    鈞窯 月白葵花式花盆 Hibiscus-shaped planter with moon-white glaze
    鈞釉 蟠桃水注 Peach-shaped water dropper in imitation of Chün-ware glaze
    青瓷拱花天祿瓶 Celadon vase with interlaced dragon design
    青花「海棠」詩意仕女圖高足碗 Stem bowl with underglaze blue illustrating the poem "Begonias"
    青花「秋夕」詩意仕女圖碗 Bowl with underglaze blue illustration of the poem "Autumn Night"
    青花山水瓶 Vase decorated with a landscape in underglaze blue
    青花菊瓣花澆 Ewer with chrysanthemum petal design in underglaze blue
    青花阿拉伯文番蓮七孔花插 Vase with lotus flower decoration and Arabic-characters in underglaze blue
    青花點高士杯 Cup with underglaze blue and overglaze enamel illustration of scholars
    青花龍紋扁壺 Flask with dragon decoration in underglaze blue
    花鳥高足盃 Stem cup with flower-and-bird motif in tou-ts'ai enamels
    葡萄盃 Cup with grape vine in tou-ts'ai enamels
    黃釉 粉八卦如意轉心套瓶 Porcelain vase decorated in fen-ts'ai enamels against a yellow ground, with rotating interior and openwork eight trigram and ju-i motifs
    黑陶繭式壺 Black pottery jar in the shape as a cocoon
    龍泉窯 青瓷蓮瓣碗 Celadon bowl with lotus petal décor
    龍泉窯 青瓷鬲式爐 Celadon censer in the form of a li tripod
    [器物 - 木竹漆器]  
    剔紅問童寶盒 Carved red lacquer box with figures
    壼廬文字筆筒 Molded gourd brush holder
    嵌玉竹編壓尺 Bamboo-woven weighted ruler with jade inlay
    嵌玉紫檀筆床 Sandalwood brush rest with jade inlay
    木雕蟬紋尊 Carved wood tsun vessel with cicada decoration
    竹雕獸面紋貫耳壺 Carved bamboo hu vessel with animal-mask decoration and tubular lugs
    雕竹赤壁圖筆筒 Carved bamboo brush holder illustrating the Red Cliff
    雕紫檀多寶格方匣 Square treasure box containing 30 items, carved tzu-t'an wood
    [器物 - 牙骨角蚌皮器]  
    犀角杯 Rhinoceros horn cup
    雕牙魚形珮 Tusk fish-shaped pendant
    雕竹鏤空七賢過關香熏 Openwork carved bamboo censer with the Seven Sages
    雕角彩繪回紋鑣 Horn curb chain with painted spirals
    雕象牙九層塔 Ivory nine-story pagoda
    雕象牙人物小舟(附白玉兔盒) Carved ivory boat with figures (with rabbit-shaped jade box)
    雕象牙蘭亭脩禊小插屏 Carved ivory screen with decor of land-scape and figures
    雕象牙透花人物套球 Set of concentric ivory balls with human figures in openwork relief
    雕象牙鏤空人物筆筒 Openwork carved ivory brush-holder
    [器物 - 琺瑯器、玻璃器]  
    內填琺瑯獸面紋方尊 Squarish tsun vessel in champlevé enamel with animal-mask decoration
    掐絲琺瑯天雞尊 Cloisonné "heavenly fowl"- shaped tsun vessel
    掐絲琺瑯犧尊 Cloisonné animal-shaped tsun vessel
    掐絲琺瑯獸面紋方鼎 Cloisonné rectangular cauldron with animal-mask decoration
    掐絲琺瑯龍鳳紋觚 Cloisonné ku vessel with dragon-and-phoenix decoration
    畫琺瑯蟠龍瓶 Painted enamel vase decorated with coiled dragons
    銅鍍金畫琺瑯懷錶 Pair of gilded bronze pocket watches decorated with painted enamels
    [器物 - 其他]  
    吉笵流輝多寶格 Curio box containing ten bronzes and an illustrated catalogue album
    埏埴流光 "Yen-chih liu-kuang" album
    燔功彰色圖冊 Fan-kung chang-se Album
    百子圖墨 Ink cake with hundred-children image
    范金作則圖冊 Fan-chin tso-tse illustrated album
    范金作則多寶格 Fan-chin tso-tse curio box
    雕橄欖核小舟 Olive stone with poem "Ode to the Red Cliff"carved on the bottom
    [書畫 - 繪畫]  
    七賢過關圖 Seven Sages Going Through a Pass
    三顧草廬 Three Visits to a Thatched Cottage
    中山圖 A Mountain Among Mountains
    丹書受戒圖 Transmitting the Book of Immortality
    丹楓呦鹿圖 Herd of Deer in a Maple Grove
    乘龍圖 Riding a Dragon
    九珠峰翠圖 Nine Pearl-like Verdant Peaks
    九老圖 The Nine Elders
    五清圖 The Five Purities
    五王醉歸圖 Drunken Return of the Five Princes
    五瑞圖 The Five Blessings Attributed
    京劇人物 Three photographs of Chinese opera characters
    人物 Child Flying a Kite
    人物 Scholar
    仕女 Ladies
    仙萼長春(櫻桃) Cherries
    仿仇英漢宮春曉圖 After Ch'iu Ying's "Spring Morning in the Han Palace"
    仿墨井道人山水孟錫玨書詩 Landscape after Wu Li
    仿宋人畫天王像 After a Sung Painting of a Heavenly King (Devarāja)
    仿李咸熙群峰雪霽 After Li Ch'eng's Mountains Covered in Snow
    仿郎世寧花卉 Imitation of Lang Shih-ning's "Flowers"
    仿韓滉七才子過關圖 Imitating Han Huang's "Seven Sages Through a Pass"
    仿龍眠 三高圖 After Li Kung-lin's Three Scholars
    佛像 Buddha
    倣王蒙山水 Landscape After Wang Meng
    倪瓚王蒙合作山水 Ni Tsan & Wang Meng Collaborative Landscape
    元世祖 Portrait of Emperor Shih-tsu (Khubilai Khan)
    元世祖后 Portrait of Khubilai Khan's Consort (Chabi)
    元太祖 Tai-tsu
    元文宗 Wen-tsung
    元順宗后 Shun-tsung's Consort
    內府騶虞圖 Illustrated Album of the Miao People
    八達春遊 Eight Princes on a Spring Excursion
    八達春遊圖 Eight Princes on a Spring Excursion
    具區林屋 Forest Chamber Grotto at Chü-ch'ü
    冬日嬰戲 Children at Play on a Winter's Day
    冰心僊品 Work of Purity and Remoteness
    出獵圖 Out to the Hunt
    函關雪霽圖 Clearing After Snow in the Han Pass
    剡溪訪戴 Calling on Tai at Yen Stream
    勘書圖 Collating Texts
    匡廬圖 Mt. K'uang-lu
    十全報喜 Ten Perfections Bringing Joy
    十八應真像 Painting of the Eighteen Lohans
    卻坐圖 Telling the Concubine Where to Sit
    叢巖密樹 Crowded Hills and Clustered Trees
    古壑雲松圖 Clouds and Pines in an Ancient Valley
    古木寒鴉 Withered Trees and Wintry Crows
    吉祥喜金剛(原題 元緙絲嘛噶喇佛像) Hevajra (originally ascribed as a Yüan Mahakala tapestry)
    吉祥金剛大黑 Pabjara Mahakala
    同胞一氣 Festivities All Together
    周處擊蛟圖 Li T'ieh-kuai Sharpening a Sword
    品茶圖 Tasting Tea
    唐太宗立像 Standing Portrait of Emperor T'ai-tsung
    問喘圖 Concern for a Water Buffalo
    嘉禾 Auspicious Grain
    嘉禾八景 The Eight Views of Chia-ho
    嚴陵釣臺圖 Angling Terrace at Yen-ling
    四仙拱壽圖 Four Immortals Pay Homage to the God of Longevity
    四季平安圖 Bamboo of Peace Through the Year
    回獵圖 Returning from the Hunt
    園居圖王寵題 Garden Dwelling Inscribed by Wang Ch'ung
    圯上授書 Chang Liang Receiving the Text
    坐石看雲 Sitting on Rocks Gazing at the Mist
    墨梅圖 Plum Blossoms in Monochrome Ink
    墨竹 Bamboo in Monochrome Ink
    墨蘭 Orchids in Monochrome Ink
    夏山過雨 Summer Mountains After Rain
    夏日山居 Mountain Dwelling on a Summer Day
    夜坐圖 Night Vigil
    大士像 Great Master, Kuan-yin
    大江浮玉 Mountain of Jade Floating in the Great River
    大理國描工張勝溫畫梵像 Buddhist Images
    太上渡關圖 The Supreme One Crossing the Pass
    太湖石 Decorative Rocks
    太簇始和 Peace for the New Year
    奇峰萬木 Strange Peaks and Myriad Trees
    如來 (佛) 說法圖 The Buddha Preaching the Law
    如來像 Tathagata Buddha
    如來頂髻尊勝佛母壇城 Usnisavijaya Mandala
    嫦娥 Ch'ang-o
    嫦娥奔月 Ch'ang-o Ascending to the Moon
    嬰戲圖 Child Playing with a Puppet
    宋仁宗后坐像 Seated Portrait of Sung Jen-tsung's Empress
    宋代帝后半身像(第九幅)宋高宗皇后 Sung Kao-tsung's Empress (Leaf 9 from "Half-length Portraits of Sung Emperors and Empresses")
    宋太祖坐像 Portrait of Emperor Sung T'ai-tsu
    宋徽宗坐像 Seated Portrait of Sung Hui-tsung
    宋神宗半身像 Half Portrait of Sung Shen-tsung
    宋緙絲蓉塘戲鷺 Egrets Frolicking in a Pond
    宋高宗皇后坐像 Seated Portrait of Sung Kao-tsung's Empress
    宣梵雨花圖 Reading Sanskrit in a Rain of Blossoms
    宣統大婚戲單 Drama List of the Hsüan-t'ung Emperor's (r. 1908-1911) Wedding
    宮樂圖 A Palace Concert
    富春山居圖 Dwelling in the Fu-ch'un Mountains
    富貴花狸 Calico Cat and Peonies
    寒原野燒圖 Prairie Wildfire
    寒林圖 A Wintry Forest
    寒林樓觀 Pavilions amid Winter Trees
    寫意人物 Sketched-style Figures
    寫生冊 Sketching from Life
    寶繪堂圖 Treasured Paintings Hall
    射雁圖 Hunting Geese
    射騎圖 Archer and Horse
    對月圖 Drinking in the Moonlight
    小寒林圖 Small Scene of Wintry Trees
    小山竹樹 Hillock Rock with Bamboo and Trees
    屏風 Screens
    層巖叢樹圖 Storied Mountains and Dense Forests
    山中夜雨 Night Rain in the Mountains
    山水八幀 Eight Leaves of Landscape
    山水冊 Landscapes
    山水畫冊 Album of Landscape Paintings
    山水(圖) Landscape
    山腰樓觀 Buildings on a Mountainside
    山莊圖 Mountain Villa
    山西草堂古松並題 Old Pines at West Mountain
    山閣晴嵐 Mountain Buildings in Clearing Mist
    山鷓棘雀圖 Blue Magpie and Thorny Shrubs
    山鷓棘鵲圖 Blue Magpie and Thorny Shrubs
    岷山晴雪 Clearing After Snow in the Min Mountains
    巖關古寺 Ancient Temple in a Mountain Pass
    工筆人物 Fine-style Figures
    巨然雪圖 Chü-jan's "Snowscape"
    市擔嬰戲圖 The Knick-knack Peddler
    布袋羅漢 Lohan Pu-tai
    帝王道統萬年圖 Orthodoxy of Rule Through the Ages
    平定回疆圖 Poem and Illustration on "Battle Breaking the Defense of Hei-shui"
    庾子山詩意圖 After the Poetry of Yu Hsin
    張大千自作畫像 Chang Dai-chien Self-Portrait Begging
    影翠軒圖 Emerald-shaded Studio
    後赤壁賦 Illustration to the Second Prose Poem on the Red Cliff
    徵聘圖 Inviting a Hermit to Court
    德重降龍 Virtue Conquers the Dragon
    成陀羅造觀世音菩薩像 Avalokite?vara Bodhisattva Commissioned by Ch'eng-t'o-lo
    折檻圖 Chu Yün Breaking the Balustrade
    拜石圖 Bowing to the Rock
    指畫老虎 Finger Painting of a Tiger
    揭缽圖 Lifting the Alms Bowl
    摹顧愷之蘭亭讌集圖 Copy of Ku K'ai-chih's Orchid Pavilion Gathering
    擣衣圖 Making Clothes
    文姬歸漢圖 Lady Wen-chi's Return to China
    文房集錦 Precious Objects from the Scholar's Studio
    文會圖 Literary Gathering
    文殊大士像 Great Master, Manjusri
    文殊菩薩 Manjusri Bodhisattva
    新刻出像官板大字西遊記 New Large Print Illustrated Official Edition of Journey to the West
    方壺圖 Fang-hu Mountain
    早春圖 Early Spring
    明皇幸蜀圖 Emperor Ming-huang's Flight to Szechwan
    春山晴雨 Spring Mountains after Rain
    春遊晚歸 Returning Home Late from a Spring Outing
    春郊遊騎圖 Horseback Riding in Spring
    時苗留犢圖 Leaving Behind the Calf
    普賢大士像 Great Master, Samantabhadra
    普賢菩薩 Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
    景德四圖 Four Events of the Ching-teh Reign
    晴厓蒼鬣 Pure Cliffs and Verdant Vegetation
    書女孝經馬和之補圖 The Ladies' Book of Filial Piety
    書妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品 The Kuan-yin Chapter from the "Lotus Sutra"
    書畫女孝經 The Ladies' Book of Filial Piety
    書金剛經仇英畫佛 The Diamond (Vajracchedikā-praj?āpāramitā) Sutra and Buddha
    書金剛經塔 Calligraphing The Diamond (Vajracchedikā-praj?āpāramitā) Sutra Pagoda
    曹大家授書圖 Ts'ao Ta-ku Teaching
    會景堂(圖) Hui-ching Hall
    東方朔負桃 Plum Blossoms in Monochrome Ink
    東林圖 Eastern Grove
    東籬高士圖 The Gentleman of the Eastern Fence
    松下賞月 Admiring the Moon Beneath a Pine
    松亭會友圖 Meeting Friends in a Pavilion Among Pines
    松月圖 Moon and Pines
    松林亭子 Kiosk Among Pines
    松澗橫琴 Playing the Zither Among Pines and by a River
    松谿敞榭 Spacious Pavilion by Pines and Streams
    松間吟月 Reciting to the Moon among Pines
    枇杷猿戲圖 Gibbons Playing in a Loquat Tree
    林下鳴琴 Strumming the Zither Under Trees
    桃枝松鼠 Squirrel on a Peach Branch
    桃花 Peach Blossoms
    梅影圖 Shadows of Plum Blossoms
    梅竹 Plum Blossoms and Bamboo
    梅竹聚禽圖 Plum Tree, Bamboo, and a Gathering of Birds
    梅花 Plum Blossoms
    梅花山鳥 Plum Blossoms and Wild Bird
    樹色平遠 Old Trees, Level Distance
    樹蔭垂釣 Fishing in the Shade
    橙黃橘綠 Yellow Oranges and Green Tangerines
    橫月 Traversing the Moon
    橫琴高士圖 Lofty Scholar Playing a Zither
    歲朝歡慶圖 Joy at the New Year
    毛人 "Ape-men" from Unusual Records of the T'ai-p'ing Reign
    水墨牡丹 Peonies in Monochrome Ink
    江亭山色圖 Riverside Pavilion by Mountains
    江山小景 Landscape
    江帆山市 River Boats and Mountain Town
    江帆樓閣 Sailing Boats and a Riverside Mansion
    江行初雪圖 Early Snow on the River
    池塘秋晚圖 Autumn Colors on the Shore
    洞天山堂圖 Mansions in the Mountains of Paradise
    海怪圖記 Illustrated Album of Sea Oddities
    海錯圖 Illustrated Album of Sea Ornaments
    淵明愛菊圖 T'ao Yüan-ming Appreciating Chrysanthemums
    清任頤和合雙仙 Han-shan and Shih-te
    清溪晚渡 Late Crossing over a Clear River
    清華嵒花鳥 Birds and Flowers
    渭濱垂釣 Fishing on the Banks of the Wei River
    湯王徵尹圖 King T'ang Calling on I-yin
    準提菩薩 Cundi
    溪山暮雪 Snow at Dusk over Mountains and Streams
    溪山樓觀 Buildings Among Mountains and Streams
    溪山清遠 Pure Distance of Mountains and Streams
    溪山秋色圖 Autumn Colors on Mountains and Streams
    溪岸圖 Riverbank
    滄浪 Azure Waters
    漁父圖 Fishermen's Evening Song
    漢宮圖 The Han Palace
    漢宮春曉圖 Spring Morning in the Han Palace
    漢苑圖 A Han Dynasty Place, A Han Palace
    潑墨仙人 Immortal in Splashed Ink
    為霖圖 To Have Abundant Rain
    煙江待渡 Waiting for a Ferry Along a Misty River
    煙波釣艇 Angling on a Skiff by Misty Waves
    牡丹花卉 Peony Blossoms
    牧馬圖 Two Horses and a Groom
    狸奴圖 Cats
    猴貓圖 Monkey and Cats
    王羲之玩鵝圖 Wang Hsi-chih Viewing Geese
    玩古圖 Enjoying Antiquities
    甯戚飯牛圖 Ning Ch'i Feeding an Ox
    畫交趾果然 Kuo-jan (Lemur) from Cochin
    畫仙萼長春 Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring
    畫十六羅漢像:第十一租查巴納塔嘎尊者 Cudapanthaka Lohan
    畫十六臂大士像 Sixteen-armed Kuan-yin Bodhisattva
    畫古榦梅 Old Plum Tree
    畫土爾扈特白鷹 Tuerhute White Falcon
    畫壽星 The Star God of Longevity
    畫山水 Landscape
    畫御製冰嬉賦圖 Illustration of Imperial Prose on Ice Games
    畫愛烏罕四駿 Four Afghan Horses
    畫梵像 Scroll of Buddhist Images
    畫猿 Macaque
    畫玉花鷹 Jade-Blossom Falcon
    畫瑞麅 Auspicious Roe Deer
    畫瑤池獻壽 Offerings for Longevity at Gem Pond
    畫白猿 White Gibbon
    畫白衣大士像 White-robed Kuan-yin
    畫竹 Bamboo
    畫第十喇呼拉尊者 Rāhula, the Tenth Lohan
    畫花鳥 Birds-and-Flowers
    畫蓮座文殊像 Manju?ri on a Lotus Pedestal
    畫觀世音菩薩 Avalokite?vara Bodhisattva
    畫貍奴小影 Small Rendering of a Kitten
    畫閒看兒童捉柳花 句意 After the Line "Idly Watching Children Catch Willow Flowers"
    畫阿玉錫持矛蕩寇圖 Ayusi Scattering Rebels with Upraised Spear
    畫額摩鳥軸 E-mo Bird
    畫風猩 Feng-hsing (Slow Loris)
    畫馬冊 horses
    畫魚籃觀音 Kuan-yin of the Fish Basket
    畫鷹 Falcon
    畫麒麟沈度頌 Ch'i-lin (Giraffe) Painting Eulogized by Shen Tu
    疏林秀石 Sparse Trees and Elegant Rock
    疏林遠山 Sparse Trees and Distant Mountains
    白岳圖 Mount Pai-yüeh
    石榴山雀 Pomegranates and Waxwing
    神嶽瓊林圖 Sacred Mountains and Precious Groves
    祭姪文稿 Draft of a Requiem to My Nephew
    秉燭夜遊圖 Waiting for Guests by Lamplight
    秋塘雙雁 Pair of Rustic Geese on an Autumn Islet
    秋塘鳧雁 Wild Geese on a Bank in Autumn
    秋墅聯吟圖 Reciting Together at an Autumnal Villa
    秋山晚翠 Late Greenery of Autumn Mountains
    秋山群雁 Flock of Geese and Autumn Mountains
    秋庭戲嬰圖 Children at Play in an Autumn Garden
    秋林群鹿 Herd of Deer in an Autumnal Grove
    秋江漁艇 Fishing Skiff on an Autumn Rive
    秋浦蓉賓 Hibiscus on an Autumn Bank and Geese
    秋瓜圖 Autumn Melons
    端陽戲嬰圖 Children Playing on the Dragon Boat Festival
    竹林鵓鴿圖 Doves by a Bamboo Grove
    竹枝 Bamboo
    竹石 Bamboo and Rock
    竹石鳩子圖 Bamboo, Rocky Slope, and Doves
    竹雀 Bamboo and Sparrow
    策杖圖 Walking with a Staff
    紀行圖 Album of Travel Illustrations
    緙絲青牛老子圖 Lao-tzu Riding a Blue Ox
    羅漢、畫羅漢 Lohan
    群峰雪霽 Mountain Peaks Covered in Snow
    翠竹翎毛 Green Bamboo and Feathered Guests
    老子騎牛 Lao-tzu Riding an Ox
    職貢圖 Foreign Envoys with Tribute Bearers
    脅侍菩薩與羅漢高僧像 Usnisavijaya Mandala
    脩禊圖 The Annual Ceremony of Ablution
    臨宋元六景冊 Scenes Done in Sung and Yüan Styles
    臨明人書華嚴經心鏡圖 Copy of "Mirror of the Mind" from The Hua-yen (Avatamsaka) Sutra Calligraphed by a Ming Artist
    臨流獨坐圖 Sitting Alone by a Stream
    臨石濤自寫小像 Copying Shih-t'ao's Small Self-Portrait
    臨范安仁魚藻圖 After Fan An-jen's "Fish and Waterplants"
    臨趙孟頫空巖琴思 Copying Chao Meng-fu's "Thoughts of a Zither on an Empty Precipice"
    芙蓉 Hibiscus Blossoms
    芙蓉白鷺 Egrets and Hibiscus
    芭蕉 Plantain
    花卉冊 Album of Flowers
    花卉十二員 (第五幅) Flowers, No. 5
    花卉十二員 (第四幅) Flowers, No. 4
    花卉四屏(紫薇 繡球 凌霄 牡丹) Four Panels of Flowers (crape myrtle, hydrangea, trumpet flower, peony)
    花底仙尨 Dog Under Flowers
    花溪書屋 Studio by the Cha River
    花溪漁隱圖 Fishing in Reclusion at Cha-hsi
    花蝶 Butterflies and Flowers
    花間行龍 Dragon Among Flowers
    花間行龍緙絲 Tapestry of Dragon among Flowers
    花陰雙鶴圖 Flowers and a Pair of Cranes
    花鳥 Birds and Flowers
    苗蠻圖 Illustrated Official Tribute to the Imperial Ch'ing
    茅亭松籟 Thatched Pavilion Under Rustling Pines
    茶事圖 Tea Matters
    荔枝 Lychees
    荔枝山雀 Lychee Branch and Wild Bird
    荷塘納涼 Cooling Off by a Lotus Pond
    菊花 Chrysanthemums
    華燈侍宴圖 Attending an Imperial Banquet
    萬國職貢 Official Tribute from Ten Thousand States
    萬壑松風圖 Windy Pines Among a Myriad Valleys
    落花圖并詩 Poetic Contemplation on Falling Blossoms
    落花詩意圖 Falling Blossoms Painting with Poetry
    蓮社圖 The Lotus Society
    蓮華大士像 Kuan-yin of the Lotuses
    蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 Hsiao I Trying to Swipe the Lan-t'ing Scroll
    薔薇喻長霖臨書譜 Roses
    蘆舟 Skiff and Reeds
    蘇李別意 The Parting of Su Wu and Li Ling
    虎溪三笑圖 The Three Laughers at Tiger Creek
    螔蝓 Snail
    蟠桃仙會 Peach Assembly of Immortals
    蟠桃圖 The Peach Immortal
    蠟梅山禽 Chimonanthus and Birds
    行旅圖 Travelers
    袁安臥雪圖 Yüan An Freezing in the Snow
    西湖圖 West Lake
    西遊記冊 Album on Journey to the West
    觀世音菩薩普門品經像 Kuan-yin Bestowing Children
    觀瀑圖 Viewing a Waterfall
    觀碑圖 Viewing a Stele
    觀音(圖) Kuan-yin Bodhisattva
    設色山水 Landscape in Color
    護國天王像 Heavenly King (Devarāja) National Protector
    谷口春耕圖 Spring Plowing at the Mouth of a Valley
    谿山行旅圖 Travelers Among Mountains and Streams
    貢獒圖 Ao (Large Dog) Tribute
    貨郎圖 Knick-knack Peddler
    赤壁圖 The Red Cliff
    趙孟頫鮮于樞墨蹟合冊 Album of Calligraphy
    達壟寺第四任住持桑杰溫 Onpo Lama Rimpoche (Fourth Abbot of the Taklung Monastery)
    邃谷仙儔 Accompanied by an Immortal in a Deep Valley
    酒柿圖 Wine and Persimmons
    釋迦牟尼佛 Shakyamuni Buddha
    野燒圖 Wildfire
    金門應詔 Summoned to Golden Gate
    鍾進士圖 Chung K'uei, the Demon Queller
    長松五鹿 Pines and Deer
    關山行旅 Traveling in a Mountain Pass
    阿彌陀佛 Amitabha Buddha
    院本十二月令圖(六月) Activities of the Months: The Sixth Month
    院本獵犬圖 Hunting Dog
    陶榖贈詞 T'ao Ku Presenting a Lyric to Ch'in Jo-lan
    雙喜圖 Magpies and Hare
    雙松圖 Two Pines
    雙松(槐) Twin Pines (Junipers)
    雙駿圖 Pair of Horses
    雜畫 Miscellaneous Paintings
    雨意圖 Thoughts About Rain
    雨竹圖 Bamboo in Rain
    雪景、雪圖 Snowscape
    雪灘雙鷺 Egrets on a Snowy Bank
    雪霽江行圖 Traveling on a River in Snow
    雲樹山村 Mountain Residence Among Clouds and Trees
    雲橫秀嶺 Cloud-Girdled Peaks
    霜浦歸漁圖 Fishermen Returning on a Frosty Bank
    青鐙課讀圖 Studies by Lamplight
    靜聽松風圖 Listening Quietly to Soughing Pines
    韓熙載夜宴圖 Han Hsi-tsai's Night Revels
    香象皈依圖 Elephant Making an Offering to a Bodhisattva
    駿馬圖 Five Horses
    高士圖 Lofty Scholars
    魚籃大士像 Great Master of the Fish Basket, Kuan-yin
    魚藻圖 Fish-and-Waterplants
    鳥譜 Manual of Birds
    鵲華秋色 Autumn Colors on the Ch'iao and Hua Mountains
    麻姑仙壇記 Record of the Ma-ku Immortal's Altar
    龍宿郊民圖 Residents on the Outskirts of Dragon Abode
    龍池競渡圖 A Dragon Boat Regatta
    龍舟競渡圖 A Dragon Boat Regatta
    (畫)元世祖出獵圖 Khubilai Khan Hunting
    (畫)千手千眼觀世音菩薩 Kuan-yin of a Thousand Arms and Eyes
    [書畫 - 書法]  
    七月都下二帖 "Seventh Month" and "The Capital"
    七言律詩 Regulated Verse in Seven Characters
    七言絕句 Truncated Verse in Seven-characters
    七言詩 Seven-character Regulated Verse
    七言詩(花氣薰人帖) Seven-character Verse ("Scent of Flowers Wafting")
    三吳帖 On the Three Places in Wu
    丹陽帖 Tan-yang
    九成宮醴泉銘 Inscription on the Sweet Spring at Chiu-ch'eng Palace
    伯修帖 Letter to Po-hsiu
    來戲帖 In Jest Letter
    倣顏真卿書 Imitation of Yen Chen-ch'ing's Calligraphy
    八思巴文銅印「王」銅印(姓氏印 ) Bronze Seal with the Surname Wang in Phagspa Script
    初月帖 New Moon
    前赤壁賦 Former Ode on the Red Cliff
    北遊帖 Letter ("On Traveling North")
    司隸校尉楊孟文石門頌 Shih-men Eulogy by Metropolitan Commandant Yang Meng-wen
    吳江舟中詩 Poem Written in a Boat on the Wu River
    四言詩 Four-character Regulated Verse
    天曆之寶 T'ien-li chih pao
    宋人摹褚冊 Copying Ch'u Sui-liang's Calligraphy
    定武蘭亭真本 Ting-wu Rubbing of the Lan-t'ing Preface
    宣文閣寶 Hsüan-wen ko pao
    寒食帖(書黃州寒食詩) The Cold Food Observance
    尺牘 Letter
    尺牘(渡海帖) Letter ("Crossing the Seas")
    尺牘(澄心堂帖) Letter ("Ch'eng-hsin Hall")
    尺牘(私誠帖) Letter ("Personal Sincerity")
    尺牘(陶生帖) Letter ("Mr. T'ao")
    平安何如奉橘三帖 Three Passages: P'ing-an, Ho-ju, and Feng-chü
    弊居帖 My Humble Dwelling
    快雪堂法帖 Calligraphy of the K'uai-hsüeh Hall
    快雪時晴帖 Clearing After Snowfall
    戲成呈司諫台座 Playfully Submitted to the Remonstrator
    手札二帖 Two Letters
    摹褉帖 Tracing "The Orchid Pavilion Preface"
    晉紙帖 Chin Paper Letter
    晉紙帖 On Chin Paper
    晚節堂詩(元人法書冊3) Poetry on the Wan-chieh Hall (leaf 3 from "Album of Works by Yüan Calligraphers")
    晚節堂詩(元人翰墨冊8) Poetry on the Wan-chieh Hall (leaf 8 from "Album by Yüan Calligraphers")
    書七言律詩 Seven-character Regulated Verse
    書三體陰符經 Rubbing of the Scripture of the Hidden Talisman in Three Scripts
    書中峰和尚作懷淨土詩 Poetry on the Pure Land Sect
    書五言律詩 Five-character Regulated Verse
    書倪寬傳贊 Eulogy on the Chronicle of Ni K'uan
    書司馬光拜左僕射告身 Ssu-ma Kuang's Appointment as Left Vice Director
    書唐人絕句 T'ang Dynasty Quatrain Verse
    書妙法蓮華經塔 Pagoda of "The Lotus Sutra"
    書孝經 Calligraphing "The Classic of Filial Piety"
    書寒山子龐居士詩 Poetry of Han-shan and Recluse P'ang
    書急就章 Calligraphing "Model Essay of Draft Cursive"
    書易繫辭 Commentary to The Book of Changes
    書朱巨川告身 The Appointment of Chu Chü-ch'uan
    書歸去來辭 Calligraphing "The Homecoming Ode"
    書法 Calligraphy
    書牡丹詩 Poetry on Peonies
    書論書 On Calligraphy
    書諮(土母帖) Consultation ("T'u-mu" Letter)
    書識語(紫金研帖) Inscription ("Purple-and-Gold Inkstone" Album)
    書譜 Essay on Calligraphy
    書離騷經 The Classic Encountering Sorrow
    李師太帖 On Grand Preceptor Li
    楷書五言詩 Five-character Verse in Regular Script
    次辯才韻詩 Harmonizing Pien-ts'ai's Verse
    永受嘉福文瓦當拓片 Tile End Rubbing Inscribed "Eternal Blessings"
    淳化祖帖 Original Model Calligraphies of the Ch'un-hua Era
    清乾隆三希堂法帖 Calligraphy of the Three Rarities Hall
    清和帖 On Pleasant Harmony
    瀧岡阡表 Rubbing of the Shuang-kang Engraving
    烝徒帖 On Soldiering
    爨寶子碑 Ts'uan Pao-tzu Stele Inscription
    王略帖 On Wang Lüeh
    甲骨文七言聯 Seven-Character Couplet in Oracle Bone Script
    畫文勤公像王闓運贊 Portrait of Tann Chung-lin and Inscription of Praise by Wang K'ai-yün
    畫梅並題 Painting of Plum Blossoms with Inscription
    皇姊圖書 Huang-mei t'u-shu
    真草千文 Standard and Cursive Script "Thousand-character Essay"
    知府帖 To the Administrator of K'ai-feng
    篆書七言聯 Seven-character Couplet in Seal Script
    篆書八言聯 Eight-character Couplet in Seal Script
    篋中帖 In a Satchel
    精楷小幅 Fine Standard Script
    紫金研帖 On a Purple-gold Inkstone
    聖教序 Preface to Sagacious Teachings
    臨中嶽嵩高靈廟碑 Copying the Mt. Sung Spirit Temple Stele
    臨張遷碑屏 Copy of the Chang Ch'ien Stele on Panels
    臨王獻之飛鳥帖 Copying Wang Hsien-chih's "Flying Birds" Modelbook
    臨王羲之父子四帖 Copy of 4 Works by Wang Hsi-chih and Son
    臨董其昌書栖真志 Copying Tung Ch'i-ch'ang from "Ch'i-chen Gazetteer"
    自敘帖 Autobiography
    自書五憶歌 The "Wu-i ko" Poems
    自書松風閣詩 Poem on the Hall of Pines and Wind
    至坐主久上人尺(北游帖) Letter to Master Abbot Chiu ("Traveling North Letter")
    致中峰和尚尺牘 Letter to Monk Chung-feng
    致伯修老兄尺牘(伯修帖) Letter to Fellow Po-hsiu ("Po-hsiu" Letter)
    致四兄相公尺牘 Letter to Fourth Elder Brother, the Prime Minister
    致夢得祕校尺牘(渡海帖) Letter to Library Editor Meng-te ("Crossing the Seas" Letter)
    致希聲尺牘並詩 Letter to Hsi-sheng and Poetry
    致彥中尺牘 Correspondence with Yen-chung
    致景文隰公尺牘 Letter to Honorable Hsi Ching-wen
    致景文隰公尺牘(篋中帖) Letter to Ching-wen ("In a Satchel")
    致景道十七使君尺牘 Letter to Commissioner Ching-tao
    致杜君長官尺牘(離都帖) Letter to Officer-Gentleman ("Leaving the City" Letter)
    苦筍賦 Poem on Bitter Bamboo Shoots
    草書 Calligraphing Poetry
    草書七言詩 Seven-character Verse in Cursive Script
    草書五言詩 Five-character Poem in Cursive Script
    葛君德忱帖 To Gentleman Ko Teh-ch'en
    蘭亭八柱帖 Eight-column Modelbook of "The Orchid Pavilion"
    蜀素帖 On Szechwan Silk
    蜀素帖.入境寄集賢林舍人 Sent upon Arrival to the Master of Gathering Sages (in "On Szechwan Silk")
    蜀素帖.吳江垂虹亭作 Ch'ui-hung Pavilion at the Wu River (in "On Szechwan Silk")
    蜀素帖.和林公峴山之作 Done in Harmony with Master Lin at Hsien-shan (in "On Szechwan Silk")
    蜀素帖.擬古詩 Drafting Archaic Verse (in "On Szechwan Silk")
    蜀素帖.送王渙之彥舟 For Yen-chou, Wang Huan-chih (in "On Szechwan Silk")
    蜀素帖.重九會郡樓 Meeting at the Prefecture Tower on the Double Ninth Festival (in "On Szechwan Silk")
    行書 Running Script
    行書〈鶴林玉露〉 "Forest of Cranes, Dew of Jade" Selection in Running Script
    行書七言聯(軸) Seven-character Couplet in Running Script
    行書七言詩 Seven-character Poetry in Running Script
    行書五言詩 Five-character Verse in Running Script
    行書四屏 Four Panels of Running Script
    行書杜詩 Poetry of Tu Fu in Running Script
    行書臨蘇石脾帖 Copy of the Shih-p'i Text by Su Shih
    行楷書〈岳陽樓記〉 "Record of the Yüeh-yang Tower" in Semi-regular Script
    行楷書七言詩 Seven-character Poem in Semi-Regular Script
    行楷書七言詩 Seven-character Verse in Semi-regular Script
    行楷書五言詩 Five-character Poem in Semi-Regular Script
    行穰帖 "Hsing-jang" Modelbook
    行草書五言詩 Five-character Verse in Semi-cursive Script
    詛楚文巫咸 Text Cursing the State of Ch'u
    詩帖 Poem
    論書 Discourse on Calligraphy
    遠宦帖 Yüan Huan T'ieh: Sending Regards to a Friend
    隸書 Clerical Script
    隸書〈歸去來辭〉 "The Homecoming Ode" in Clerical Script
    隸書以俟知奧四字 Four Characters in Clerical Script
    集古錄跋 Colophon to "Catalogue of Antiquities"
    雜書卷 Miscellaneous Calligraphy
    面諭帖 On Verbal Orders
    魯公書鮮于氏離堆記 Hsien-yü's Li-tui Record
    [圖書文獻 - 善本]  
    一個筆下寫幽情 A Pensive Mood under a Brush
    一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 The Amitabha Sutra
    一切經音義 Yi-ch'ieh-ching yin-yi
    三十三劍客圖 Portraits of Thirty-three Swordsmen
    三才圖會 Assembled Illustrations of the Three Realms
    中秋望月 蘭干露溼人猶憑 Gazing at the Moon on Mid-Autumn's Night Leaning against the balustrades even as it is dampened by the evening dew
    乞丐尋夫 The Beggar's Search for Her Husband
    事林廣記 Vast Record of Varied Matters
    二十八將圖 Portraits of Twenty-eight Generals
    二十四孝弟詩圖合刊 Illustrated Poetry of Twenty-Four Examples of Filial Piety
    五倫書 On the Five Relationships
    付托嬰孩 Entrusting Care of the Child (t'uo fu ying hai)
    佛說天地神咒鎮宅八陽經 The Kuan-yin (Avalokite?vara) Sutra
    佛說阿彌陀經 The Amitabha Sutra
    佛頂心觀世音菩薩大陀羅尼經 Svaraga-bhūmyasta-rajas-riddhi-mantra-sūtra
    儀禮要義 Principal Meaning to the Book of Etiquette and Ceremony
    元朝秘史 Secret History of the Mongols
    元順帝夜走大都城 Emperor Shun of Yuan Escapes from Ta-Tu at Night (yuan shun ti yeh tsou ta-tu ch'eng)
    入夢 Dreaming
    全唐詩 Imperially Approved Complete Poetry of the T'ang
    六家文選 Selected Writings of Six Masters
    六郎怒斬野龍 Liu-lang Slaying the Wild Dragon in a Fury
    冊府元龜 Encyclopedia of the Sung Dynasty (Ts'e-fu yuan-kuei)
    凜烈萬古:明代楊忠烈公劾魏忠賢二十四罪疏稿 Moral Integrity and Righteousness that Transcends Time: Draft on the 24 Offenses of Wei Chung-hsien
    劉賓客文集 The Literary Collection of Liu Yü-hsi
    北堂書鈔 Encyclopedia of the T'ang Dynasty (Pei-t'ang shu-ch'ao)
    千手千眼觀世音菩薩大慈心陀羅尼經 The Kuan-yin (Avalokite?vara) Sutra
    千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無量大延壽陀羅尼經 Buddhosnisa-hridaya-avalokit?vara-mahārani-sūtra
    南巡盛典 The Grand Occasion of the Southern Inspection
    博古圖錄考正 Verified Illustrated Catalogue of Antiquities
    古今圖書集成 Completed Collection of Graphs and Writings of Ancient and Modern Times
    史記 Records of the Grand Historian
    吉祥喜金剛集輪甘露泉 Sri Hevajra Tantra
    周禮 The Rites of Chou
    周禮疏 Commentaries on the Rites of Chou
    嚲著香肩將花笑撚 She Inclines Her Shoulders to Pick a Flower
    四庫全書 Complete Collection of the Four Treasuries
    國朝諸臣奏議 Memorials by Officials of the Dynasty
    在茲堂列仙傳 Biographies of Fifty-five Immortals
    增修互註禮部韻略 Abridged Rhymes of the Ministry of Rites with Additions and Annotations
    大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 The Shuragama Sutra
    大元大一統志 Complete Gazetteer of the Yuan
    大元聖政國朝典章 Yuan Dynastic Statutes of Government
    大寶積經 Mahāratnakūta-sūtra
    大方廣佛華嚴經 The Avatamsaka (Hua-yen) Sutra
    大清穆宗毅皇帝聖訓 Sacred Teachings of Emperor I, Mu-tsung (T'ung-chih), of the Great Ch'ing
    天都閣藏書 Collection of Books in the T'ien-tu Library
    太祖受禪登基 Enthronement of the First Emperor
    如來頂髻尊勝佛母現證儀 Usnisavijayā Tantra
    妙法蓮華經 The Lotus Sutra
    妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品附心經 The Lotus (Saddharmapundarika) Sutra, with The Heart (Praj?āpāramitā-hr?daya) Sutra Attached
    婺本點校重言重意互註尚書 Wu-edition Punctuated and Annotated Edition of the Book of Documents with Repeated and Similar Phrases
    孟子註疏解經 Exegeses on the Book of Mencius
    宋恭伯姬 The Duke of Sung and Po-chi
    宣和奉使高麗圖經 Illustrated Text of the Hsüan-ho Emissary to Korea
    宣德鼎彝譜 Manual of Hsuan-te Vessels
    寫本苗蠻圖 Illustrations of the Miao Peoples of Kweichow
    屈子行吟圖 Ch'utzu in Recital
    峨山圖志 An Illustrated Gazetteer of E-shan Mountain
    帝學 Imperial Learning
    帝範 Models of Ruling
    帝鑑圖說 Illustrated Lessons from Imperial History
    常建詩集 Collected Poetry of Ch'ang Chien
    平定準噶爾回部得勝圖 Victory in the Pacification of Muslim Dzungars
    張道陵 Chang Tao-ling
    彃烏解羽 Trimming the Wings of Crows
    彩色套印本文美齋詩箋譜 An Album of Poetry-Writing Papers from the Wen-mei-chai studio
    影印本榮寶齋詩箋譜 An Album of Poetry-Writing Papers from the Jung-pao-chai Art Studio
    御定康熙字典 Imperially Approved K'ang-hsi Dictionary
    御筆詩經圖 Illustrated Edition of the Book of Odes
    御製圓明園四十景詩 Imperially Poetry on the Forty Views at the Garden of Perfect Brilliance
    御製數理精蘊 Sum of Essential Mathematical Principles
    御製文初集 Initial Collection of Imperial Literary Works
    御製文淵閣記 Imperial Notes of the Wen-yuan Pavilion
    御製耕織圖詩 Imperially Produced Poems on Agriculture and Sericulture with Illustrations
    御選唐宋詩醇 Imperially Selected Distillation of T'ang and Sung Poetry
    御題棉花圖 Illustrations of Cotton Cultivation and Textile Production with Imperial Inscriptions
    文選 Literary Anthology
    新刊校定集注杜詩 New Revised Imprint of Tu Fu's Poetry with Annotations
    新鐫工師雕斲正式魯班木經匠家鏡 Reprint of Master Artisan Lu Pan's Manual for Carpenters
    施註蘇詩 Annotated on the Poems of Su Shih
    明史 Dynastic History of the Ming
    明解增和千家詩註 A Children's Reader of Poems from One Thousand Authors
    春秋公羊經傳解詁 Kung-yang's Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals
    春秋穀梁傳集解 Ku-liang Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals with Collected Annotations
    木桂英活擒六郎 Mu Kuei-Ying's Live Capture of Liu-Lang (mu kuei ying huo ch'in liu lang)
    木雕版 Printing Woodblock
    李卓吾批評幽閨記 Li Cho-wu's Critique on the Yu-kuei Record
    杯渡和尚 Pei Tu Monk
    東坡先生和陶淵明詩 The Poetry of Su Shih and T'ao Yüan-ming
    東坡書傳 Su Shih's Commentary on the Book of Documents
    東坡樂府 Yüeh-fu Poetry of Su Shih
    楊宗保大破天門奏凱 Yang Tsung-pao's Victory over the Heavenly Gates
    欽定剿平粵匪方略 Imperially Commissioned Strategy for the Suppression of the Yüeh Bandits
    欽定古今圖書集成 Completed Collection of Graphs and Writings of Ancient and Modern Times
    欽定四庫全書總目 Imperially Endorsed Catalogue of Complete Collections of the Four Treasuries
    欽定大清會典圖 Imperially Endorsed Statutes of the Great Ch'ing with Illustrations
    欽定秘殿珠林石渠寶笈續編 Imperially Endorsed Sequel to the Treasured Cases of Art in the Palaces
    武英殿聚珍版叢書 Collections of Wu-ying Palace Imprints
    歷代名醫蒙求 Primer on Famous Doctors Through the Ages
    毛延壽改畫儀容 Mao Yen Shuo's Alteration of the Portrait (mao yen shuo kai hua yi jung)
    永樂大典 Yung-lo Encyclopedia
    沈玉 Shen Yu
    沈香亭舞霓裳 Dance at the Pavilion of Scents
    泊如齋重修考古圖 Revised Illustrated Research of Antiquities from the Po-ju Studio
    淮海集 Collected Works of Ch'in Kuan
    清文全藏經 Tripitakas in Manchu (Manju hergen I ubaliyabuha g'anjur nomun)
    湘君 Hsiang-chun
    滿文大藏經 Tripitaka in Manchu
    滿院梨花啼杜鵑 Pear blossoms fill the gardens as the cuckoo sings
    漢書 Book of the Han
    漱玉詞 Collection of Poems of Li Ch'ing-chao
    爾雅 Erh-ya
    王荊文公詩 The Poetry of Wang An-shih
    王質 Wang Chi
    玩真 Preoccupation with the Portrait (wan chen)
    琵琶記 Tale of the Pipa
    田單火牛 T'ien Tan's Fire Bulls
    百川學海 Collectania by Tsuo Kuei (Pai-ch'uan hsueh-hai)
    皇朝禮器圖式 Ritual Implements of the Imperial Dynasty in Illustrated Form
    皇清開國方略 Overview of the Founding of the Imperial Ch'ing
    真禪內印頓證虛凝法界金剛智經 Vajra-Wisdom Tantra of Deep Meditation
    禮記 The Book of Rites
    秦淮八豔圖詠 Portraits of Famouse Beauty in Chin-huai River
    程氏墨苑 Ch'eng's Garden of Ink Cakes
    窺柬 Reading a Letter
    繡像翻症 Illustrated Miao Medical Textbook of Fan Illnesses
    繩技 Rope Trick
    纂圖互注毛詩 The Compiled, Illustrated, and Reciprocally Annotated of Mao Poems
    老子 Laotzu
    考古圖 Illustrated Research of Antiquities
    考古正文印藪 Research and Text of Assembled Seals
    聖朝混一方輿聖覽 Tour of the Land Unified in the Yuan
    聖諭像解 Pictorial Texts of Imperial Edicts
    至大重修宣和博古圖錄 Revised Illustrated Catalogue of Hsüan-ho Antiquities from the Chih-ta Reign
    芥子園畫傳 Chieh-tzu Garden Painting Primer
    菩薩瓔珞本業經 Sutra of the Fundamental Vows of the Jeweled Bodhisattva
    萬壽盛典初集 First Anthology on the Grand Occasion of the Imperial Birthday
    薛濤詩集 Collected Poems of Hsueh T'ao
    藏文甘珠爾 The Tibetan Tripitakas (Bkav-vgyur)
    蘇文忠公詩集 Collected Works of Su Shin
    西廂記 Romance of the Western Chamber
    西清古鑑 Hsi-ch'ing Antiquities
    西清硯譜 The Hsi-ch'ing Inkstone Manual
    西遊真詮 A Complete Narrative of Journey to the West
    解圍 Lifting of the Siege
    貞觀政要 The Essence of Government in the Chen-kuan Era
    賈寶玉 Chia Pao-Yu
    跋葉鼎隸書鈔本金剛經 Colophon to Yeh Ting's "Diamond Sutra in Clarical Script"
    農書 The Book of Agriculture
    通志堂經解 T'ung-chih-t'ang ching-chieh
    通鑑紀事本末 Narratives from Beginning to End in Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government
    金光明最勝王經 A Vision of the Suvar?a-prabhāsa Sūtra
    金剛般若波羅蜜經 The Diamond (Vajracchedikā-praj?āpāramitā) Sutra
    銅活字 Bronze Movable Type Block
    附釋文尚書注疏 Explanatory Book of Documents with Commentaries
    陶侃母 Mother of T'ao Kan
    隨園圖說附題辭 Illustrations of Sui Garden with Poetic Inscriptions
    雅尚齋遵生八牋 Eight Discourses on Healthy Living
    雙文小像 Small Portraits of Shuang-wen
    題嬌娘像 Portrait of Chiao-Niang
    飲膳正要 Proper Habits of Food and Drink
    養正圖解 Illustrated Explanation on Cultivating Propriety
    [圖書文獻 - 輿圖]  
    克復金陵圖 Reconquest of Chin-ling
    十三經注疏 The Thirteen Classics with Annotations and Commentary
    嘉峪關關門圖 Illustration of the Gate at Chia-yü-kuan
    攻克斗六門之戰圖 The Capture of Tou-liu-men
    臺灣地圖 Taiwan map
    蒙城周圍官軍紮營形勢圖 Diagram of Military Forces Encircling Meng-ch'eng
    開墾阿齊烏蘇地畝渠道全圖 Diagram of Irrigation Canals for Creating Farmland in Sinkiang, New Territories
    閩江馬尾海戰潮汐圖 Illustration of Engagement Between French and Chinese Naval Forces
    集字號大同安梭船圖 Illustration of the Chi-tzu Class Patrol Ship
    [圖書文獻 - 文獻]  
    一號同安梭船圖 T'ung-an No. 1 Battleship
    劉壯勇公事績冊 Compiled Biographical Data on Liu Ming-chuan
    同治親政詔 Edict for the Personal Rule of the T'ung-chih Emperor
    和碩睿忠親王多爾袞列傳 "Biography of Prince Regent Dorgon"
    咸豐皇帝遺詔 Imperial Mandate of the Hsien-feng Emperor
    多爾袞母子撤出廟享詔 Imperial Decree Proclaiming the Removal of Prince Regent Dorgon and his Mother from the Imperial Shrine
    大清國致英國國書 Diplomatic Credentials from the Ch'ing Court to Great Britain
    大清太宗文皇帝實錄 "Veritable Records of Emperor Wen, T'ai-tsung, of the Great Ch'ing"
    大清太祖高皇帝本紀 "Annals of Emperor Kao, T'ai-tsu, of the Great Ch'ing"
    大清聖祖仁皇帝本紀 Imperial Annals of the Great Ch'ing Emperor Sheng-tsu (K'ang-hsi, r. 1662-1722)
    奏報查勘永陵神樹要工告竣並呈保護神樹圖示 Memorial on surveying the completion of construction for the sacred tree at the Yung-ling imperial tombs along with supplementary illustration
    奏報永陵神樹發葉萌芽並呈神樹圖式 Memorial Report on New Sprouts from the Sacred Tree at the Yung-ling Imperial Tombs
    奏報遵旨敬赴永陵告祭並查驗永陵神樹摺 Memorial on the Status of the Sacred Tree at the Yung-ling Imperial Tombs
    姚瑩傳稿 Draft Biography on Yao-ying
    安南國王悼輓乾隆皇帝金箋 Gold "Chien" from the Kingdom of Annam Mourning the Death of the Ch'ien-lung Emperor
    封贈沈鐸續順公世襲罔替誥 Imperial Patent Bestowing Posthumous Title on Shen To
    平定林爽文事件戰役圖 Illustration of the Battle at Ta-li (in Taiwan)
    平定林爽文戰役 Victory Illustration - The Pacification of Taiwan
    廣東八排傜圖 Map of the Pa-p'ai Yao Minority Ethnic Group in Kwangtung Province
    徐宗幹列傳 Compiled Biographical Data on Hsu Tsung-kan
    方維甸列傳 Draft Biography on Fang Wei-tien
    暹羅國鄭昭貢單 Tribute List from Taksin the Great of the Kingdom of Siam
    暹羅國金葉表 Gold Foil "Piao" from the Kingdom of Siam
    月摺檔 Monthly Memorials
    永陵神樹圖式 Illustration of Preserving the Sacred Tree at the Yung-ling Imperial Tombs
    永陵神樹發葉萌芽圖式 Illustration of the Sacred Tree at the Yung-ling Imperial Tombs
    河工圖 Illustration of River Maintenance
    為恭進外夷及番眾形像圖冊 The submitting of the illustrations on foreigners and aboriginals
    為遵旨履勘水沙連六社原住民土地墾種情形摺 Reporting on the reclamation of the land located in six aboriginal communities of Shuishalien
    白瀛傳稿 Draft Biography on Pai-ying
    皇太子胤礽滿文請安奏事摺 Memorial in Manchu by the Crown Prince Inceng
    皇清職貢圖 Tributes to the Imperial Ch'ing
    直隸提督劉銘傳奏摺附條陳 Memorial with Details Submitted by Liu Ming-ch'uan, Military Commander of Chih-li Province
    福建巡撫覺羅滿保滿文摺 Memorial in Manchu by Gioro Manbo, Governor of Fukien
    繪高宗御題農具十詠 Illustration of Kao-tsung's Ten Songs on Agricultural Implements
    羅馬教皇諭來華傳教之傳教士及中國 天主教 The Pope's Instructions to Missionaries in China and Chinese Catholics to Follow Vatican "Prohibitions"
    職貢圖卷 Illustration of Tribute Missions
    起居注冊 Court Diary Volumes
    軍機處奏摺錄副 Grand Council Copies of Palace Memorials
    重修臺郡各建築圖說 Diagram Showing the Reconstruction of Various Structures in the Prefecture of Taiwan
    鈐「御賞」與「同道堂」章諭旨 Edict Bearing the "Yü-shang" and "T'ung-tao T'ang" Imperial Seals
    閩浙總督覺羅滿保滿文摺 Memorial in Manchu by Gioro Manbo, Governor-general of Fukien-Chekiang
    雨水糧價清單 Lists of Rainfall and Grain Prices
    韓國致清廷國書 Credentials from Korea to the Ch'ing Court
    黃叔璥傳稿 Draft Biography on Huang Shu-ching
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