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  • 《[经验交流]英语日常口语、习惯语1500句(高级 ...

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    发表日期:2011-07-16 00:18:36
      描述大脑活动相关词汇有think, thought, thinking, reason, sense, imagine, imagination, will, nerve, mental, will power等等。
      首先来看thought and thinking,这两个词汇都是“思想”、“想法”,有时候可以互换,但有什么不同呢?1. thought是那种比较固定的思想,可以类比哲学,而thinking是现在的想法。a 17 year old boy’s thought on democracy,一个十七岁少年对民主的认识。What is your thinking on this subject?  你对这个题目是如何想的?2. thought可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词,thinking一般不用复数,虽然前面可以有a。
      It is important to learn how to think, what to think and most importantly, what not to think. 很重要的一点是,学会如何思考,如何选择思考的内容,更重要的是,知道那些是不必思考的内容。
      a penny for your thought 请问你的高见,Come, a penny for your thoughts. 来吧,谈谈你的看法。
      2741.	So, you think you know where you stand, politically. Think again. The result from this short test may surprise you and give you some food for thought.  你以为你真知道自己的政治立场吗?再想想吧。这个调查结果会让你大吃一惊,会让你好好想一阵。Here is some food for thought: how to stimulate students’ learning appetite? 这是一个有益的思考题:如何提供学士的学习兴趣?
      2742.	I have to reorganize my thoughts. 我必须再整理一下我的思路。 
      2743.	Anne stopped to collect her thoughts before calling back the customer.安放下手头的活,她要在给顾客回电前整理好想要说的话。
      2744.	与thought搭配的一些词:
      a)	Usually, random thoughts race through our brain without rhyme or reason. 我们的思想常常是杂乱无章地涌现在我们的脑海。
      b)	The problem arises when thoughts become negative and repetitive.当我们的思想变得消极或是翻来覆去,这时问题就产生了。
      c)	Thought一般有positive thought积极的思维,或negative thought消极思维。我们应该学会积极的思维方式。
      d)	It's time for you to think about thinking.你现在该想想如何思想了。
      e)	Did you know that your thoughts are so powerful they create physical reactions in your body? It's true. Your thoughts not only alter your brain-wave patterns, heart rate, muscle tension, and many other functions but also affect you on an emotional level. When you experience bad, mad, sad, hopeless, or helpless thoughts, your body releases chemicals that make you feel bad. These negative thoughts make your brain work less effectively — and can throw you into an emotional slump. Even worse . . . Your Thoughts Lie That's right. Just having a thought doesn't mean it's true. Dr. Daniel Amen, medical editor of our newsletter Brain Health Report, says your thoughts frequently lie to you. And once you begin to understand that thoughts are just thoughts — not facts — you start to understand that you don't need to believe them. You can discover how to challenge and correct the negative, lying thoughts easily — and take away their power to hurt or control you. Dr. Amen calls these not-so-good thoughts ANTs: automatic negative thoughts. He admits he has them, and so do you. And he wants to show you how to . . . Banish Most ANTs From Your Mind Forever 


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