• androidfilebrowser > C:\IIM\imacrosexe
  • C:\IIM\imacrosexe

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PPT   更新时间:2010-06-02   下载次数:0   点击次数:1
    Simple but powerful set of commands
    Detailed error handling
    Windows OS includes Windows Scripting Host (WSH)
    Easy database access
    The six most important commands:
    set iim1= CreateObject ("iMacros")
    i = iim1.iimInit ("")
    i = iim1.iimDisplay("This is a test")
    i = iim1.iimSet("-var_name1", "Tom Tester")
    i = iim1.iimPlay("Test1")
    If i > 0 Then s = "Everything OK"
    Else s = iim1.iimGetLastError()
    MsgBox s
    i = iim1.iimExit
    Error Return Codes
    All functions return a value > 0 if they succeed, and an error code < 0 in case of problems.
    Error codes below -100 are error codes generated during the macro replay. Same code as when macro is run manually.
    -1 Macro timeout (Macro takes too long to run)
    -2 IIM Interface timeout (IM browser does not respond)
    -3 User pressed STOP button
    -4 Communication error (should not happen)
    -5 Browser closed (User pressed EXIT button)
    VB6 with Intellisense Support
    In order to enable Intellisense support, you need to add the IInternetMacros" component to your project ( Early binding").
    The alternative is to use CreateObject ( Late Binding", no Intellisense support)
    Intellisense in action…
    Add iMacros COM object
    Demo Projects
    Performance Monitoring
    Create response time measurement macro, and return the data to your script for further processing. Use {{!STOPWATCHTIME}} to return the measured time.
    Use a script to alert you when response time is above threshold
    Create Google News Extractor:
    Submit keyword search to Google News
    Extract headlines from returned search results
    Store headlines in text file
    Click NEXT link until all results are extracted
    Example: imacros -macro CmdLineTest -var1 Hello[SP]World!
    After completing the macro, the program automatically stops and closes. Note that in command lines you need to use the square brackets instead of the usual '' ones to denote a space [SP] or break [BR] otherwise Windows does not execute the command line correctly.


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