• 2011杭电EDA试卷 > 本课程手册对香港演艺学院及任何人士并不构成合约效力...
  • 本课程手册对香港演艺学院及任何人士并不构成合约效力...

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2010-11-02   下载次数:2   点击次数:106
    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    This prospectus is issued on the condition that it shall not constitute part of any contract between the Academy and any person. The information in this Prospectus is correct at the time of printing (November 2010) but is subject to continuous revision. The Academy reserves the right to alter or not to offer any or parts of the academic programmes described in this Prospectus without prior notice. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without permission from the Academy. 本课程手册对香港演艺学院及任何人士并不构成合约效力. 课程手册内容定稿於二○一○年十一月,可能会有所修订.香港演艺学院保留更改或取消手册 内容所刊载的课程或部份课程的权利,恕不另行通知. 版权所有,非经同意,不得转载.
    Cover Photo 封面摄影: Carmen So@ Right Eyeball Studio
    Message from the Director
    Welcome! I am delighted to welcome you to this prospectus introducing the Academy's taught Master's degree programmes. The Academy Master's degree programmes are practice-based and practiceled for those with a first degree, or with corresponding experience, who have thought through the opportunity of strengthening and extending their practice and artistry. The Academy Master's degree programmes present a singular prospect to learn together with some of the best practitioners in the business. The setting is quite unique, a vibrant and artistic community of practitioner-teachers, a professional faculty and a faculty of professionals, an international faculty and a faculty internationally engaged. The Academy Master's programmes look East and West, are both Hong Kong focused and international in outlook. Amongst these pages are explanations to perhaps a few of the many questions you might have been asking yourself, in terms of your suitability for the programme. Of course, the only truly illuminating way of assessing your potential is to come and see, discuss with us your ambitions and your determination for success at Master's degree level. We promise you a very warm welcome. 我很高兴可以为你介绍这本有关演艺学院硕士课程的手册.本院的硕士课程以实践为主导,为一 些拥有学士学位或持有相关经验,并有志扩展其学习与艺术领域的人士提供深造进修机会. 演艺学院的硕士课程拥有最优秀的师资,导师均为表现卓越的艺术从业者及学者.学院的学习环 境独特,汇聚充满干劲的艺术从业者,并由专业的教职员组成专业的学院及部门;所有导师均来 自世界各地,及活跃於国际性的表演艺术范畴.演艺是一所国际化,贯穿中西文化,并具香港特 色的学院. 这本课程手册为你提供一些有关学院及课程的基本资料.惟我们相信最能够帮助你评估自己的潜 能,就是在申请入学过程中,透过会面,让我们了解你对艺术的热忱及修读硕士课程的决心. 热烈欢迎你加入演艺学院的大家庭.


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