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  • 关于台词的备注

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    BBC Learning English –Real English About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here.
    关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件.本文稿可能没有体现录制,编辑过程中对节目做 出的改变.
    Authentic Real English: Oops! 感叹词:惊讶 Diarmuid: Feifei: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Diarmuid. 大家好,我是冯菲菲.在地道英语里你会学到英国人日常生活中常用到,而且通 常在字典和课本里找不到的单词和短语. That's right. Feifei, could you pass me my cup of tea please Sure. Here you are… Oops! Oh, I'm so sorry I've dropped it. 我刚刚没拿好茶杯,所以把茶洒了 一地.唉! Diarmuid: Feifei: Diarmuid: Feifei: Diarmuid: Feifei: No, my tea is all over the floor! I'm really sorry Diarmuid. Never mind. It's only a cup of tea. And anyway, something good has come out of this accident. What's that You have already introduced today's new word: oops! Oops. O.O.P.S. Oops. Oops. 这是一个感叹词,表示惊讶或遗憾.当我们范 了一个小错误是,比方说像刚才把茶洒了一地,或是在电脑上打字敲错了一个字 母,这种时候我们就用 oops. Yes, whenever you make a small mistake such as knocking something over, you can say the word oops.
    Diarmuid: Feifei:
    Example A: B: A: B: Be careful moving that pile of books. Oops! Now look! Those books are all over the place. Don't worry. I'll soon pick them up.
    Feifei: Diarmuid: Feifei: Diarmuid: Feifei: Diarmuid: Feifei: Diarmuid: Feifei: Diarmuid:
    不过要记住这个词一般只适用于犯小错误的时候 . Yes, if you use oops when something serious has happened, it could appear that you are not taking the situation seriously. Are there any other words in English that we can use instead of oops Of course, there are always alternatives in English. Some people say whoops instead of oops. Whoops. And some people might even say whoops-a-daisy, although that is a little old-fashioned now. Well it's the end of the programme. Remember to listen to more Real Authentic English… oops! I got the name of the programme wrong! Whoops-a-daisy! I think you meant Authentic Real English from the BBC. I certainly did. 可以登陆我们每天更新的网站学习更多的地道英语 www.bbcchina.com.cn. Bye for now. Join us again soon.
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