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  • half-Ironman-distance

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    Home Overview Training Programs Latest News Junior Training Training Camps About Nick Croft Nick for Hire Merchandise Success Stories Fitness Calculators Multisport FAQ Multisport Links Privacy / Indemnity
    The business end of our season downunder is upon us. At the end of this month the Australian Triathlon Series is wrapped up and the final Australian team named for the Triathlon World Championships in Canada in June. The Australian Ironman also is only just around the corner. Over the years MSC has had athletes represent at many championship races and this year is no different with some of the experienced campaigners going around again but also a handful of first time competitors lining up also. The key with this sport is to hang in there and you will find a progression from season to season. The experts tell up the magic number is 7 years - that is 7 years of consistent, smart and progressive systematic training and you will find your endurance potential to some wanting a quick fix this can be a scary number but the need to encompass this sport or any endurance pursuit as a lifestyle means that the time will pass quite quickly if you make it fun and are realistic with your expectations and actually make the process enjoyable. "Never, War II Train smart Nick Never, Never Quit!" Winston
    Churchill, British prime minister during World
    MSC has a masters training feature in the current edition if Australian Triathlete magazine. The article can be downloaded from the MSC home page or the hard copy of the magazine is available at newsagents now
    MSC and Incline Sports form Alliance
    Incline Sports and Multisport Consultants have formed an alliance that will see a number of joint initiatives take place over the next 12 months. Training camps, clinics and event management are but a few projects in the planning stages - not to mention some great discounts and savings for all MSC squad athletes for the various products that Incline Sport distributes. Peter Nimmo - Managing Director of Incline is pleased to me working with MSC and Nick and together have the aim to introduce some innovative concepts to the multisport market place. Accelerade Gel special exclusive for MSC squad athletes 24 box of gels - Chocolate - Vanilla - Citrus Orange Normally $84.00 With MSC coaches partnership – now $55.00 delivered. (email Nick if you want to purchase and you will be put in contact with Incline Sports to proceed with your purchase)


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