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  • 幼稚园简介powerpoint 简报

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    苏浙小学幼稚园於1953年创办,是香港历史悠久,规模宏大的 幼稚园之一.苏浙小学是一所非牟利小学,现设本地课程小学部, 幼稚园部(於08年12月经过教育局学前机构质素评核),幼儿 园及国际部(幼稚园和小学).幼儿园学生可报读幼稚园(非直升 制).幼稚园学生可报读小学一年级(非直升制),录取与否分别 视幼稚园及小学部学额而定. Introduction:
    Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School Kindergarten, one of the largest and longest established schools in Hong Kong, is founded in 1953. The non-profit-making school has 4 sections: Primary Section, Kindergarten Section (Our section has passed the Pre-schools Quality Review from EDB), Nursery Section and International Section (Primary and Kindergarten). Nursery students may apply to study in the kindergarten section upon graduation but places are limited and are not guaranteed. Kindergarten students may apply to study in the Primary Section but have to meet admission criteria.
    香港苏浙沪同乡会办学宗旨以校训「整齐严肃」四字 涵盖,即认真办学,培育下一代. 对苏浙小学幼稚园部而言,就是学童在轻松愉快的游 戏环境中产生浓厚学习兴趣,热衷学习及初步学会如 何学习. 幼稚园部同时重视在儿童学习的萌芽阶段建立全人教 育的基础及两文三语的发展.
    Education Mission and Speciality:
    The mission of KCPS is 'Orderly and Respectful'. We use Chinese Mandarin to teach the children. The aim of the school is that children have interesting to learn and how to learn in a relaxing environment. We lay emphasis on allowing children to learn and use English and Chinese Mandarin naturally.
    本校将西方的知,情,意,行和中国的德,智,体,群,美五 育的全人教育观结合起来,透过有趣,启发性的游戏活动结合 起来,提升幼儿学习能力.
    The school provides a whole-person education which integrates Chinese and Western morals, intellectual, physical, communal, aesthetic developments in regards of knowledge, attitudes and skills. Also, our teaching is based on activities
    which stimulate and encourage learning.
    本园根据教育局学前教育课程指引,「以儿 童为中心」,结合儿童的生活经验,配合儿 童能力之发展,并运用「主题教学」及「方 案课程」之教学模式,编排综合课程,更积 极推动资讯科技教育等,使学生享受学校生 活的乐趣,促进儿童社会性发展.每日有40 分钟以上由外籍教师教授英语,以故事,游 戏方式进行,使儿童获得两文三语的发展.
    Curriculum Planning and Aims According to the guideline "Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum" from the EDB, teachers' planning are child-centered. To develop the children's learning ability, we use the Integrated Curriculum and the Project Approach. Our day is interesting and full of various activities. The children have more than 40 minutes of English every day with native English teachers. They play games, tell stories and integrate the EDB curriculum in their lessons. The school provides an environment for children to learn and use English naturally.


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