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  • 世界华人消化杂志

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    世界华人消化杂志 2010年8月18日; 18(23): 2472-2477 ISSN 1009-3079 CN 14-1260/R
    血清低相对分子质量差异蛋白质组在食管癌诊断和分期 中的作用
    任兴军, 谭小林, 杨成虎, 李小琼, 冯 峰, 胡琼英, 丁银环, 戴天阳, 王开正
    patients and healthy controls were detected using the surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (SELDITOF-MS). Differential protein peaks between EC patients and controls were analyzed using the Biomarker Pattern Software, and a model for early diagnosis of EC was developed and validated using an artificial neural network (ANN). Differential protein peaks between early and advanced EC patients were analyzed to establish a model for staging of EC. RESULTS: Five differential serum proteins were identified between EC patients and controls, and three differential serum proteins were found between early and advanced EC. The diagnostic model established based on the five differential serum proteins between EC patients and controls had a sensitivity of 87.88%, a specificity of 91.43%, and an accuracy of 89.71%. The blind test generated a sensitivity of 95.83%, a specificity of 89.13%, and an accuracy of 91.43%. The staging model established based on the three differential serum proteins between early and advanced EC had a sensitivity of 75.76%, a specificity of 79.17%, and an accuracy of 77.19%. CONCLUSION: SELDI-TOF-MS in combination with ANN is simple and feasible for the diagnosis and staging of EC.
    Key Words: Esophageal cancer; Proteomics; Staging; Diagnostic model; Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
    Ren XJ, Tan XL, Yang CH, Li XQ, Feng F, Hu QY, Ding YH, Dai TY, Wang KZ. Detection of differentially expressed low molecular weight serum proteins for diagnosis and staging of esophageal cancer. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 2010; 18(23): 2472-2477
    食管癌早期诊断 和分期诊断对食 管癌的研究具有 重要价值, 目前急 需寻找能够诊断 早期食管癌的方 法, 以提高食管癌 患者的生存率; 急 需寻找可以在术 前明确分期的方 法, 利于手术方式 的选择和术前的 治疗. SELDI蛋白 芯片技术在这方 面研究上有其显 著的优势.


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