• feelmyworld > james@joinmycultorg
  • james@joinmycultorg

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    备注:报告名称:《2009-2010年中国原油加工及石油制品制造行业发展趋势及授信策略研究分析报告》 报告编号:131352 咨询电话:400-612-8668、010-60877066、010-60877067、010-60877068 网址:http://www.BaoGaoBaoGao.com/2009-06/2009_2010yuanyoujiagongjishi212BaoGao/
    Author: James Curcio (Agent 139) Co-Authors: Jason Stackhouse (Agent 506), Ken Schaefer (Agent 888), Sarah Dudzic, Ayun Holliday. Cover art: agent139 & Keosworks Cover Photograph: Judith Curcio Co-conspirators and editorial: Agent 506, Agent 79, Agent 444, Agent 242, Agent 156, Agent 140, Agent 036, LAAR, Agent 888, Eianorange, Pesky, Shifty, Ylang-Ylang the Helpful Bonobo & the ZenseiderZ Foundation Special Thanks: Jason Wyse, Kate Penna, Christie Casey, Sol Amoun, Frater Gazebo & the Psion Project The Author(s) may be contacted at james@joinmycult.org
    Table of Contents
    000. The Boundless Light............................................................................ 7 00. Intention Abstract: It is Learned by Walking (Gabrael's Prologue) ..... 8 I. You'll Never See Him Coming .............................................................. 12 0. A Fleet of Shards (Alexi's Prologue) .................................................... 18 Chapter 1, Grid 1: If You're Falling, Jump ................................................21 Chapter 2, Grid 2: Mother Hive Brain Unveiled ....................................... 32 Chapter 3, Grid 1: A Crush Proof Box ...................................................... 46 Chapter 4, Grid 1: A Visitor ...................................................................... 61 Chapter 5, Grid 2: IT ................................................................................. 70 Interlude I: Alexi's Dreams: The Myth of Orpheus .................................. 89 Chapter 6, Grid 1: The Lost Night............................................................. 96 Chapter 7, Grid 1: Meredith..................................................................... 117 Chapter 8, Grid 2: A GOOD Fish is a DEAD Fish (Exception: Cod) ..... 123 Chapter 9, Grid 2: Save the World, Burn it Down .................................. 129 Birth Pains: (Agent 139's Introduction) .................................................. 139 Interlude II: The Myth of Orpheus .......................................................... 146 Chapter 10, Grid 1: The Journey ............................................................. 152 Interlude III: The Myth of Orpheus ......................................................... 166 Chapter 11, Grid 2: PG. (Pig Without an 'I') .......................................... 180 Chapter 12, Grid 2: The Cartesian Mystery Cook; .................................. 198 Chapter 13, Grid 1: The Downward Spiral.............................................. 222 Chapter 14, Grid 1: Anti-Climax ............................................................. 231 Chapter 15, Grid 2: The Labyrinth .......................................................... 243 Appendix: The Mother Hive Brain Documents ...................................... 274


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