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    测绘工程专业本科培养方案 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Surveying and Mapping 一、修业年限及授予学位名称 Ⅰ、Length of Schooling and Degree 四年;工学学士 Four-year program, bachelor of engineering 二、培养目标 Ⅱ、Educational Objectives 本专业培养德、智、体全面发展的,具备空间信息采集、处理、表达与应用等方面的知识,能在国民经济各部门从事国家基础测绘建设、城市和工程建设、国土资源调查与管理等方面的测绘工作者,并能从事地理信息系统的开发与应用工作以及有关的科研、设计、教学等方面工作的高级专门人才. The educational objective of this specialty is to train successors having following capabilities: mastering the knowledge of collecting, processing and application the spatial information; can undertake jobs such as basic national surveying construction, city and project construction, country resource investigation and management, etc.; can be a high successor in application and development of GIS, and relative scientific research, design, teaching, etc. 三、培养规格及要求 III、Skills Profile 本专业学生主要学习测绘学科的基本理论、基本方法和基本技能,掌握空间信息采集、处理、表达与利用的基本方法,以及各类工程建设的勘测设计、施工及运营各阶段的测绘理论与技术,具有一定的摄影测量及遥感技术方面的知识.同时,还有较强的计算机应用能力和一定的专业外语水平.毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力: 1.掌握空间信息采集、处理、表达与利用的基本理论和基础知识; 2.有较强的计算机运用能力,掌握地理信息系统开发与应用的理论和方法; 3.具有从事工程控制网的建立、数字测图,各类工程建设的测绘工作以及变形观测,地理信息系统建立与应用等方面的基本能力; 4.具有阅读外语专业文献的初步能力; 5.了解测绘学科的理论前沿及发展动态; 6.具有文献检索的基本方法和一定的科学研究和创新能力; 7.熟悉各种测绘方针、政策和法规. The students in this specialty majors on basic theory, methods and skills of surveying and mapping, mastering the methods of collecting, processing, expressing and application of spatial information, techniques of reconnaissance, design and management of various projects construction, and possessing knowledge about photogrammetry and remote sensing. Meanwhile, the abilities of computer skills and specialty English will be cultivated. The graduate students should have following capabilities: 1. Basic theories of spatial information collecting, processing, expressing and application; 2. Strong ability in computer programming, mastering the theory and methods in GIS application and development; 3. Establishing the controlling net, digital mapping, deformation monitoring and GIS application; 4. Elementary ability of reading specialty articles in English; 5. Grasping the development and up-to-date theory in this discipline; 6. Documentary indexing, scientific research and innovation; 7. Knowing very well about various guidelines and rules of surveying and mapping. 四、主干学科和主要课程 IV、Major Disciplines and Courses 主干学科:测绘科学与技术 主要课程:测量学、数字化测图原理与方法、误差理论与平差基础、摄影测量基础、大地测量学基础、空间定位技术及应用、地理信息系统原理及应用、工程测量学 Central subject: surveying and mapping science and techniques Central courses: Surveying, Principles & Methods of Digital Mapping, Theory of Errors & Fundamentals of Surveying Adjustment, Fundamentals of Geodetic Surveying, Technique and Application of Global Positioning System, Principle & Application of Geographical Information System(Bilingual), Engineering Surveying 五、研讨型课程 V、Seminer Courses 新生研讨课,现代测量技术应用 Freshman Seminars, Application of modern Surveying Techniques 六、全英文课程 VI、Foreign Language Taught Courses 测绘工程专业英语 English for Geomatics Engineering 七、课程体系的构成及学分、学时分配和最低毕业学分 Ⅶ、Hours/Credits of Course system and Minimum Graduate Credits 课程类别 学时/周数 学分 学时比例 必修通识教育基础 936 58.5 36.11% 学科大类基础 432 27.0 16.67% 专业主干 120 7.5 4.63% 集中实践环节 36周32 19.75% 选修文化素质 96 6 3.70% 通识教育基础 96 6 3.70% 学科大类基础 208 13 8.02% 专业选修 192 12 7.41% 专业方向/模块课 0 0 0 最低毕业学分 162 Type of Course Hours/Weeks Credits Percentage (%) Required Courses Basic Course in General Education 936 58.5 36.11% Basic Course in General Discipline 432 27.0 16.67% Major Courses in Specialty 120 7.5 4.63% Internship and Practical Training 36周32 19.75% Elective Courses Culture Elective Courses 96 6 3.70% Basic Course in General Education 96 6 3.70% Basic Course in General Discipline 208 13 8.02% Selective Courses in Specialty 192 12 7.41% Specialty-Oriented/Module Course 0 0 0 Minimum Graduate Credits 162 八、集中实践环节及要求 Ⅷ、Practical Training and Requirement 1.地形图测绘实习、摄影测量实习、控制测量实习、GPS测量实习、工程测量实习 、数字测图实习. 2.控制测量课程设计、GPS课程设计、工程测量课程设计. 3.毕业实习 、毕业论文(设计). 4.安排37周. 1. Practice of Surveying, Practice of Photographic Surveying, Practice of Controllable Surveying, Practice of GPS, Practice of Engineering Surveying, Practice of Digital Surveying Mapping 2. Design Practice of Controllable Surveying, Design Practice of GPS, Design Practice of Engineering Surveying 3. Practice of Graduation, Graduation Design & Pleading 4. Arranging 37 weeks for this part. 九、教学安排指导表 Ⅸ、Table of Teaching Arrangement (一)必修课Required Courses 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Spec ialty 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总学分Credits 总学时Hours 课内学时 Hours 课外 实践 Practice 开课 学期 Semester 理论 课Theory 实验 课Experiment 上机 Operating 通识教育基础课程 Basic Courses in General Education 测绘工程 Surveying Engineering 67000625 "形势与政策"教育 Studies of Current Social Situations 2 32 32 20023110 新生研讨课 Freshman Seminars 1 16 16 1 1000920 中国近代史纲要 Essentials of Modern History for Chinese 2 32 32 1 4033330 大学英语(1) College English(1) 3 48 40 16 1 10019750 高等数学(Ⅱ-1) Higher Mathematics(Ⅱ-1) 5 80 80 1 18012625 大学计算机基础 Fundamentals of Computer 2.5 40 24 32 1 25000110 体育(1) Physical Education(1) 1 16 32 1 67001420 军事课(含军事训练、军事理论) Military Course (Including Training and Theories) 2 32 32 3周14033430 大学英语(2) College English(2) 3 48 40 16 2 10001060 高等数学(Ⅱ-2) Higher Mathematics(Ⅱ-2) 6 96 96 2 1000220 思想道德修养与法律基础 Ethics and Rudiments of Law 2 32 32 2 10025520 线性代数(Ⅱ) Linear Algebra(II)2 32 32 2 10019035 大学物理(Ⅱ-1) College Physics(Ⅱ-1) 3.5 56 56 2 10020815 大学物理实验 The Experiment of College Physics 1.5 24 48 2 25000710 体育(2) Physical Education(2) 1 16 32 2 1021230 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Overview of Theoretical System of Maoism and Chinese Characteristics Socialism 3 48 48 3 4033530 大学英语(3) College English(3) 3 48 40 16 3 10002040 大学物理(Ⅱ-2) College Physics(Ⅱ-2) 4 64 64 3 10020730 概率论与数理统计(I) Probability & Mathematical Statistics(I) 3 48 48 3 25000810 体育(3) Physical Education(3) 1 16 32 3 1001030 马克思主义基本原理 Marxism Basic Principle 3 48 48 4 4033630 大学英语(4) College English(4) 3 48 40 16 4 25000910 体育(4) Physical Education(4) 1 16 32 4 通识教育基础课程小计 Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Education 58.5 936 800 240 3周 学科大类基础课程 Basic Courses in General Discipline 测绘工程 Surveying Engineering 20000310 测绘学概论 Introduction Topography 1 16 16 1 20009940 测量学 Surveying 4 64 56 16 2 20010140 误差理论与平差基础Theory of Errors & Fundamentals of Surveying Adjustment 4 64 58 12 4 20010235 摄影测量基础 Fundamentals of Geodetic Surveying 3.5 56 56 5 20010340 大地测量学基础 Fundamentals of Geodesy 4 64 56 16 5 20019125 遥感技术基础Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Technique 2.5 40 32 16 5 20010430 地理信息系统原理及应用 Principle & Application of Geographical 3 48 40 16 5 20022225 数字化测图原理与方法 Principles & Methods of Digital Mapping 2 32 28 8 6 20010630 空间定位技术及应用 Technique and Application of Global Positioning System 3 48 48 6 学科大类基础课程小计 Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Discipline 27 432 390 40 44 专业主干课程 Major Courses in Specialty 20012235 测绘工程专业英语 English for Topography Engineering 3.5 56 56 5 20010835 工程测量学 Engineering Surveying 4 64 64 7 专业主干课程小计 Sub-total of Major Courses in Specialty 7.5 120 120 必修课程学分合计 Total of Required Courses 93 1488 1310 280 76 48 (二)选修课Elective Courses 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Speci alty 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总学分Credits 总学时Hours 课内学时 Hours 课外 实践 Prac tice 开课 学期 Semester 理论 课Theory 实验 课Experiment 上机 Operating 文化素质Culture 文化素质教育选修课 Culture Elective Courses 6 96 96 通识教育选修 Basic Elective Courses in General Education 测绘工程 Surveying Engineering 18012735 C程序设计技术 C Programming Technology 3.5 56 40 32 16 2 10006220 数值计算 Numerical 2 32 26 12 3 18007225 计算机信息管理基础Fundamentals of Computer information mangement 2.5 40 32 16 16 4 18013225 C++程序设计技术 C++ Programming Technology 2.5 40 32 16 16 5 通识教育基础选修课程小计 Subtotal of Basic Elective Courses in General Education 10.5 168 132 72 48 通识教育基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为 Minimum Credits of Basic Elective Courses in General Education 6 96 72 48 32 学科大类基础选修 Basic Elective Courses in General Discipline 测绘工程 Surveying Engineering 20020930 画法几何 Descriptive Geometry 3 48 48 1 20024140 工程制图与计算机绘图 Engineering Drawing and Coputer Aid Drawing. 4 64 48 32 2 20011135 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics 3.5 56 54 4 3 20011720 地图数据库 Map Database 2.5 40 34 12 4 20003920 工程地质 Engineering Geology 2 32 32 4 学科大类基础选修课程小计 Subtotal of Basic Elective Courses in General Discipline 15 240 216 4 44 学科大类基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为 Minimum Credits of Basic Elective Courses in General Discipline 13 208 专业选修 Selective Courses in Specialty 测绘工程 Surveying Engineering 20010020 地图学 Cartography 2.0 32 32 4 20011925 测量数据处理理论 Processing of Surveying Data 3.0 48 48 5 20011625 建筑施工技术与组织计划 Building Construction Technique & Organization Plan 2.5 40 40 6 20013525 变形观测分析及数据处理 Analysis of Deformation Measurement & Data Processing 2.5 40 40 6 20032740 现代测量技术应用(研讨课) Application of modern Surveying Techniques 4.0 64 64 7 20019220 边坡工程学 Slope Engineering 2 32 32 7 专业选修课程小计 Subtotal of Selective Courses in Specialty 16 256 256 专业选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为 Minimum Credits of Selective Courses in Specialty 12 192 192 选修课程的最低学分要求合计 Total of Minimum Credits for Selective Courses 37 592 548 4 48 (三)集中实践环节 Practical Training 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Speci alty 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总学分Credits 总周数 Weeks 课外 实践 Practice 开课 学期 Semester 必修 Required Courses 测绘工程 Surveying Engineering 01000110 思想道德修养与法律基础实践 Ethics and Principles of Law in Practice 1 1 1 2 01001230 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想 概论实践 Maoism, Deng Xiaoping & "Three Represents" Theories in Practice 3 3 3 3 20000530 地形图测绘实习 Practice of Surveying 3 3 3 20012310 摄影测量实习 Practice of Photographic Surveying 1 1 5 20012420 控制测量实习 Practice of Controllable Surveying 2 2 5 20012510 控制测量课程设计 Design Practice of Controllable Surveying 1 1 5 20013130 数字测图实习 Practice of Digital Surveying Mapping 3 3 6 20012620 GPS测量实习 Practice of GPS 2 2 6 20029120 GIS实习 Practice of GIS 2 2 7 20012910 工程测量实习 Practice of Engineering Surveying 1 2 7 20013010 工程测量课程设计 Design Practice of Engineering Surveying 1 1 7 20013240 毕业实习 Practice of Graduation 2 2 8 20021812 毕业设计及答辩 Graduation Design & Pleading 10 14 8 必修课程小计 Subtotal of Required Courses 32 37 4 选修 Selective Courses 20008205 工程地质实习 0.5 1 1 4 选修课程小计 Subtotal of Selective Courses 0.5 1 1 实践环节学分要求合计 Total of Minimum Credits for Practical Training 32 37 5 培养方案制订人:刘星 培养方案审核人:阴可测绘工程专业辅修、第二专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Minor/Second Specialty in Engineering of surveying and mapping 一、专业名称 I、Specialty 测绘工程 Engineering of surveying and mapping 二、培养目标 II、Educational Objectives 本专业辅修/第二专业培养适应社会主义现代化建设,掌握空间信息采集处理的基本原理、方法和技能,具备测绘专业知识,能在国民经济部门从事国家基础测绘建设、城市和工程建设、国土资源调查与管理等测量工作的复合型技术人才. Students studying in this specialty will master the basic theory of spatial information acquisition and management, and relative methods and skills of it. They will equip with specialized expertise of surveying and mapping can be engaged in such work as basic construction of country, city and project construction, land resource investigation and management, etc. 三、培养规格及学分要求 III、Skills Profile and Minimum Credits 攻读本专业辅修、第二专业的学生应先行修读:英语(四级)、高等数学、线性代数、画法几何、概率论与数理统计、大学计算机基础、程序设计技术、测量学等课程. 通过测绘工程辅修、第二专业的培养,学生能系统的掌握测量工程的基本理论、基本方法和基本技能;并能从事各种工程的勘测设计、施工和运营各阶段的测量工作. 本专业学生应具有从事工程测量控制网的建立、数字测图,各类工程建设的测绘工作以及变形观测的能力;熟悉各种测绘方针、政策和法规;了解测绘学科领域的理论前沿发展动态;掌握文献检索的基本方法和一定的科学研究能力. 辅修要求修满30学分. 第二专业要求修满56学分. Students who read for minor/second specialty in engineering of surveying should already had such courses or capabilities as CET4 English, higher mathematics, linear algebra, graphic geometry, Probability and Mathematical Statistics,Fundamentals of Computer,Programming Technology,surveying, and so on. By education of this specialty, students will master the basic theory, methods and skills of surveying engineering, and can engaged reconnaissance and design, construction of various projects. Students of this specialty should have capabilities of setting controlling net for engineering surveying, digital mapping, deformation monitoring, surveying and mapping in various engineering constructions. Additionally, they should be familiar with policies, rules of surveying, acquaint themselves with development of surveying disciplines, mastering basic method of reading and indexing materials, and scientific research abilities. 30 Credits are required for Minor. 56 Credits are required for Second Specialty. 四、课程设置 IV、Curriculum 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Specialty 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总学分Credits 总学时Hours 课内学时 Hours 课外 实践 Prac tice 开课 学期 Semester 理论 课Theory 实验 课Experiment 上机 Operating 理论课 Theoretical Courses 测绘工程 Surveying Engineering 20010020 地图学 Cartography 2 32 32 4 20010140 误差理论与平差基础 Theory of Errors & Fundamentals of Surveying Adjustment 4 64 58 12 4 20010235 摄影测量基础 Fundamentals of Geodetic Surveying 3.5 54 54 5 20010340 大地测量学基础 Fundamentals of Geodesy 4 64 56 16 5 20011925 测量数据处理理论 Processing of Surveying Data 3.0 48 48 5 20010430 地理信息系统原理及应用 (双语) Principle & Application of Geographical Information System(Bilingual) 3 48 40 16 5 20022225 数字化测图原理与方法 Principles & Methods of Digital Mapping 2 32 28 8 6 20010630 空间定位技术及应用(GPS) Technique and Application of Global Positioning System 3 48 48 6 20010835 工程测量学 Engineering Surveying 4 64 64 7 20013525 变形观测分析及数据处理 Analysis of Deformation Measurement & Data Processing 2.5 40 40 7 20019125 遥感技术基础Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Technique 2.5 40 32 16 5 20012235 测绘工程专业英语 English for Geomatics Engineering 3.5 56 56 5 实践环节 Practices 测绘工程 Surveying Engineering 20012420 控制测量实习 Practice of Controllable Surveying 2 2周 2周 5 20012510 控制测量课程设计 Design Practice of Controllable Surveying 1 1周 1周 5 20013130 数字测图实习 Practice of Digital Surveying Mapping 3 3周 3周 6 20012620 GPS测量实习 Practice of GPS 2 2周 2周 6 20013010 工程测量课程设计 Design Practice of Engineering Surveying 1 1周 1周 7 20021812 毕业设计及答辩 Graduation Design & Pleading 10 14周14周8合计 Total of Credits 56 培养方案制订人:刘星 培养方案审核人:阴可
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