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      文档预览: Appearance Use clean white paper and envelope, and print them with type...on whether to accept the job, taking into consideration all circumstances ... 点击下载
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      Excel表格 90年视传系到书
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      文档预览: According to a myth, Lord Buddha invited all the...paper. This sign is usually seen hanging upside ...the New Year's Day. Tradition stipulated that all... 点击下载
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      PDF文档 第21卷第8期
      文档预览: paper presentsamethod for synthesizing the facial make—ups in Peking Opera....papercutting[c]//Proceedingsonthe 1 5th Pacific ConferenceGraph—Grammarsand... 点击下载
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      文档预览: After all this preparation, classes finally began! There were four classes ...Wang Xiaorong laoshi taught us paper cutting. Prof. Huang Ling, a famous ... 点击下载
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      PDF文档 dynasties--agriculture
      文档预览: generated electricity and metal-cutting machine tools increased by several ...Hou Yi returns home and tells his wife all that... Traditional paper-cuttings... 点击下载
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